Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday blues....

Wow - how did it get to be Monday already? Today, instead of sharing some things that God is teaching me - I want to share some random thoughts, some struggles I am facing and some other random things... sound OK?
Here it goes:

~ I mentioned to some of our Rock Group families last night during the super bowl that I had probably spent more time in the gym in my life than everyone put together. I got some strange looks but to be honest - it might be true. I have always been in the gym, training for Judo most of my younger life and then heavy the last 13 years while living in NC. The last 1.5 years though I have not been at all. Last time I was lifting and working out in the gym I had an episode that put be down on the ground for 45 minutes and unable to get up, leave, too afraid to have paramedics come and get me. It keeps me from the gym today. Only since summer have I got back into playing R'ball but I still miss the pumped feeling and working out. I can feel my health as not as good as it should be or what I want it to be. I need to get past my fears and get back
~ I love the folks in my Rock Group. I especially love the family feeling when we are all together. We have a lot of fun and we all can just be ourselves and knowing that we have each others back regardless of what we are facing. I am especially honored and humbled to be leading them all in some capacity and being the best example to all our kids that I can be. God will hold me accountable for what I am doing - it is a big responsibility to me and through this leadership role God is opening doors, teaching me so many things and is giving me confidence and strength to trust in Him more for my faith journey. Ya'll just don't know how much I love you all and how much I pray for each of you. Your burdens are my burdens....
~ There is a family that Carol and I have been praying for for years. Honestly - our walk with this family has been growing closer the last few months. They are close to plugging into church and really doing life with us. I am excited about that! I am excited to have the Lord really work on all of us and lead us down the same paths of life together.
~ I am especially proud of Carol and her new attitude to take care of herself. Something she has not always done but is now making progress and she has surrounded herself with some very close friends that are her accountability partners. Together they are making a difference where as alone - they might have given up already. Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpens iron, So one man (woman) sharpens another.
~ We just finished up a 3 part series in our Rock Group called "Kaleo" - which means "to be called". We are each called to do some very specific things from God. A few months ago as I was searching and praying about the next lesson for our group - I got to study the lesson of being called to make "Disciples". It explained that special relationship between "Paul" and "Timothy". Paul had Timothy to pour into - to teach and guide and be an example for. Timothy learned and studied to understand, act, pray, and live life according to what Paul was teaching him. Much like a parent and a child. We all have Timothy's in our life. People we are doing life with that we can share, laugh, have fun and cry with but a Paul only comes around every so often. People do not come to ask if they can be your Paul.... mostly people come and ask to be someones Timothy. I have been praying hard for a few months now about my "Paul". I have asked one person that I look up to very much and feel confident that I can learn many things from. I am waiting on an answer even though I don't exactly know that it will look like or how it will work. I have one more person to ask to be my Paul - I have some Timothy's and I thank God for them. Some are "MyKids" and some are my best friends who I am doing life with. Honored to be a "Paul" for them.
~ I am excited about this Wednesday. I will be tagging along to a bible study that Kyle has been going to for some time now. He and a few of his friends go to a local church and have worship, food and a quick message. I was asked to come along by one of Kyles classmates - someone who I have been praying for since the beginning of school. She is a great kid and is living through some tough and hard things. I continue to ask God to bring our paths together and maybe this is the chance coming up to do just that. I would love the opportunity to encourage her, pray for her and just do what God has asked me to do for so many.
~ Sunday's are my busiest day of the week. Monday comes way too fast. After serving most Sundays for 8 hours and then coming home, relaxing for just a little bit, get some lunch, study and prepare final notes for Rock Group that evening and then pouring my heart into that. I am usually wiped in Monday morning. Church leaders are talking of adding a 3rd service. That is a good problem to have when you have more people than seats at a church experience. I just don't know how or even if I have enough energy to add 2 more hours into my Sunday. I know we need volunteers to make it happen and beat myself up at times for not having enough of them. Maybe its my leadership abilities or maybe I am not doing something right. I just don't know. I want to do this until our church building is built and then move into the K-5 ministry and into Project 252 ministry to some degree. I just love the kids but I just can't do it all. There is something special to have a parent come to the kids area and have a crying child they are bringing in - mom or dad hands me the child and the tears stop and the smiles start and the mom or dad just is amazed..... and can go back into the service knowing that their child is taken care of and in good hands. That is a HUGE honor to be trusted like that.
~ I have been praying about what the future holds as far as my lunch time ministry when I go have lunch in the schools with "MyKids". Next year I won't have a reason to be allowed in the school since Kyle won't be there. Does that mean I can't go or can I be part of a school/student mentor program? Do they have such a thing? I need to figure that out so that I can continue that special time for these kids when they have a visitor to eat lunch with them. Kids really dig it and especially for those who have no one to come and visit them.
~ I have enjoyed the concept and filling in my daily activities on facebook the last few months. In one way though I have to say that I can't remember many of the folks from the old days. I get a friend request but can't remember them. Sorry - but I won't be friends with people who I don't know. For some this is not a big deal - they have 1000 friends but thats not how I roll. My niece has been accepting friends on her myspace account now for years. Big deal her account is set to private when there are 1500 folks she can still talk with. Creeps, 60 year old men, strange looking people you would not otherwise even say hello to can talk with her. Did I mention she is 15? I don't think I am ready for a teenager yet.... God will have to work me over hard by then.
~ I have been spending a lot of time lately with one of "MyKids". She has been through some tough things and has many struggles in life. I continue to struggle with how and when to help this family. How much is enough? I have told this family that I didn't know what I was doing but I was tired of not answering what God has asked me to do. So I continue to ask that God lead me, to be in each and every detail and to keep my intentions His intentions. We have made some break through lately .... I am excited about that.
~ I miss my family. It is hard to be plugged in and to know what is going on with everyone being 2 hours away. I don't make enough time for them. That makes me feel guilty. Family pain is the worst kind of pain. I would love to see my brothers come to know Jesus in my lifetime. I would love to see my dad know Jesus and thus keeping my promise to my mom. I miss my mom a lot. I say good morning to her every single day. I also miss Walt being in the house. We had many good conversations and he really cared about us and Kyle. I often feel bad for Kyle in such a way that he doesn't have Walt to pour into him anymore. It really was an incredible relationship they had. Kyle has seen more close people pass away in his short life as I have my entire life. God is going to use Kyle in many incredible ways and that makes me excited for him.
~ The Super bowl last night was pretty exciting. I am a Kurt Warner fan because of his leadership and example of following Jesus. It was a great game and the commercials - well only a few were good this year.
~ I am thinking after I finish up the next chapter in my study in the Bible - I am going to try my best to understand Job and again read Hebrews. I have not spent much time in the Old Testament and I think its time I venture into it.
~ Carol and I are going on our first marriage retreat. We are excited about that - learning and applying some new things and from Gods perspective. We are also excited about Charlston SC - we have never been there. Should be a great weekend~
~ I continue to pray for my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster. Uncle Buster has had some health issues lately and my Aunt Sharon has been right there by his side. Her son Scott has also been through some health issues and above all else for Scott - he doesn't know the Lord.
~ I miss my cousin Patty. During the time my mom was sick, she was my right hand and walked with me through some tough family pain. We would often stay up all night talking about things. She is like a sister to me and I love her dearly. I need to bring highway 77 a little shorter in length for us. She has a great guy now and I am thankful for him.
~ Our visits to the cabin are too far inbetween visits. I love bringing folks with us and sharing what God has given us. I love being able to loan it out for the weekends for trusted friends to go and unwind and experience a "Little piece of Heaven". God for sure has blessed us with that place.
~ I am humbled daily by what God has done in my life. He rescued me years ago from a sickness that could have easily killed me and leaving Carol a widow and Kyle with no father. I have many sons now and many daughters and a fire and love in my heart for others that only God gives to folks who live life as a second chance. I hate to tell many of my kids "NO" because they get to hear it in their lives far too often. I would do anything for family and "MyKids". God continues to lead me in life, to teach me and help me understand that God is the details. He is in those relationships and we are doing life together for a reason. I try to see the best in people, to have compassion in my heart for them and the things they are struggling with and to love them regardless. In life we some times have to remove the excuses and just get on with doing what God has called you to do. There is no place to hide and one day we all will be held accountable for our actions. No knowing Jesus is not based on our grandparents, our husbands or wives or aunt's or uncles.... its personal. Its a relationsip between you and our heavenly father. Why have someone hold you back from that?

~ I get to hang out with some of "MyKids" tonight as Carol has her support group with the ladies. I love investing everything I have into them. Nothing is sweeter in life than kids who think of you like a dad and you know you are making an impact in their lives.
God has truely blessed me in so many ways. May each day I give him praise and thanks for what He is doing and may I have the strength, energy, confidence in Him and the courage to always follow Him and stand for my God in everything I do.

~ Love leaves a lasting mark - So give it everything you got!

Love you all - thanks for walking with me on "The Walk"........

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

I thank YOU for allowing me to walk with you in "The Walk", I never miss a day reading your blog. There is never enough time to do all we want to do and all we have to do. So hard to get together here in this world. So much to do.....and so little time to do day we'll slow down....and be together in Heaven...there with your momma.... my best friend & sister...the circle will one day be complete once again and we'll have eternity to be together and praise the Lord for all the things HE allowed us to acomplish here. You know there is no standing still for the Lord, You are either going forward or going backward. I choose to go forward, that is the path that leads us home.

I miss you but you are always in my heart, every day, you will always be there, and I know I will always be in yours, that you will always be there for me too, that goes without saying. I can feel your momma's smiles in my heart as I write these words.

I Love you dear one,
Aunt Sharon