Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So much going on right now. Didn't sleep all that well and thus I am not feeling all that "Fresh" this morning. I have been in the book of Hebrews and reading through Job in my morning quiet time.
Hebrews 3:13 sticks out to me this morning.
13But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.

Teenage years are hard. I think they are much harder today than say, when I was 15 or so. I guess the decisions being made today have a bigger impact on our lives than we were kids. Years ago 15 was a kid, kid decisions, kid thinking, kid actions, - still a kid. Today, kids are growing up faster and the 15 year old today might be a 17 or 18 year old back then. I take my gift of "Encouragement" seriously - it is something that I do and enjoy walking along side people and placing it out there for them. The only problem with that is when people don't accept it, use it, or want it. Not much I can do but life goes on and keep at it.

I wanted to share this morning something that was in my inbox long ago. I keep it and read it every so often when I am struggling with relationships that I hold close to me and the people that are dear to me.
It is from Jon Walker
Warning Each Other
We need people in our lives who will love us enough to warn us when necessary. Just as “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV), we’re to push each other toward Christ-like behavior and protect one another from failing in our faith.God calls us to “tell each other the truth, because we all belong to each other in the same body” (Ephesians 4:25). The basis for warning each other in loving truth is that “we all belong to each other.”Our warnings are not to be mere rebukes; they should be positive and redemptive – calling us to a higher place and reminding each other of our godly purpose. They are exhortations for restoration, and are given as loving corrections with a humble heart and compassionate words. The apostle Paul said, “So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.” (Acts 20:31) Can you hear the passion and compassion in his voice? When our warnings are motivated by love and based on committed relationships, they rarely come across as harsh or mean. In fact, when we warn others, we tell them how much we love them. And as part of a Christian community, we also should be ready and willing to receive warnings from others. The fact is, we all have blind spots. Just like a driver sometimes needs help to see what’s in a car’s blind spot, we need friends to help us see things in us or near us that we don’t see ourselves. And in the same way we would warn a driver, the point is not to tear down the other person, but to keep him safely on the road. Paul also says the warning should be immediate – “as long as it is called ‘today.’” We should seize the moment because waiting to warn only leads to disaster. So what?·
Take a loving risk – You show your love for others by lovingly letting them know of blind spots. It takes a risk to show love in this way, but what will it cost if you don’t warn your friend? Who in your life needs to hear a word of warning?·
Loving restoration – When you point out a blind spot, it should not be done in anger. Your motive should be to restore your friend to a strong Christian walk and witness. Ask, “How can I make this warning tender?”·
Listen, don’t defend – Are you willing and prepared to receive a similar warning? When someone points out a blind spot in your life, listen – and don’t defend yourself. Take it to God and ask if it is true. If it is, ask him what you should do about it.

Having lunch today with one of "MyKids" - A little anxious about that and I will be praying extra this morning that everything is ok with her and at home. No matter what, my promise has been to be there - regardless how many pieces I have to pick up. It is sometimes a messy place to be but a place I know I am supposed to be.
I am thankful this morning that a good buddy of mine is going to be ok. Emergency surgery yesterday for his appendix. God was all over that yesterday! Praying for a quick recovery...

Have a great day loved ones, you will find God in amazing places if you look for Him.

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