Yesterday was such a hard day for me and for so many who knew my mom. In 3 years though the pain is still there but is much less thankfully. This day on the calendar will always be a reminder of the events of that glorious day that my mom left to be with the Lord. Looking back over my mom's life - one thing comes to the front. She always put others before herself. Serving others before HER needs was so very much a part of who my mom was. I can count on one hand how many folks close to me has passed on. I think in many ways, the hurt and experience of losing my mom hits home and hits harder. I look at this and it reminds me that mom was always last but she went first. She led the way and when the folks in my family have their moment with God - mom will be right behind Him - hands out and with her big smile - welcoming us home. It will be something!!!!
Over the many years, my mom had to forgive many things and many folks. As many of us do ... forgiveness is a hard thing to do and a hard place to go when we have been wronged. Often times we feel that it should be the other person coming to us and asking for forgiveness. I have learned over time that offering forgiveness releases me from those feelings and hurting things and it does not keep me trapped in that bitter and angry area. God has forgiven me for my sins and wrong doings so I should pass those things onto others.... regardless if I am right or wrong.
My thoughts today come from our Rock Group lesson from last Sunday on Prayer.
Mark 11:24-25
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."
Your relationships matter to God. How you treat people really speaks volumes of who you really are in your heart. Are you holding any bitterness towards others? My mom used to tell me to treat others the way I want to be treated...... I think that is great advise but how many of us really follow those words in our everyday life? I stopped driving the main road to work in the morning because people and driving are just crazy! I got tired of being cut off - shot the bird and my blood pressure being sky high and this is only after my big 7 mile commute. I talk the back roads across the farm lands now ..... I often times stop and pray on my way in or use this time to put my Ipod in and learn something from Gods word.
Friends, Gods will for your life may be far different than the will you have for your life. Putting God in the top spot will change everything about you. God listens to the person who is putting His will first in their life.
John 9:31 - We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will.
Breakthrough loved ones in your prayer life. Have the kind of faith in your prayers that God can do all things. I love the stories of common people in the Bible who come to Jesus asking for healing. Jesus never wanted anything from them - He just asked for them to believe and if they did - Their Faith In Jesus Healed Them.
If you are struggling with something today -put that struggle in Gods hands. Ask Him to give you His will on that struggle and then follow through with what He says. Forgive those around you who are in need of forgiveness .... even if they don't deserve it from you or are even asking it from you. It will free you from that bondage that is holding you back and keeping you from moving forward. Remember - to follow Jesus and be more Christ like -we have to follow His example and to forgive, have faith that God can do and will do all things for His purposes, line your will up with His and live a life worthy of respect and honor. Keep your relationships as a priority and offer everyone as much grace as you can offer.....
Gods grace is renewed each and every morning...... Have that honest conversation with God today.
Luke 22:42-43
41-44 He (Jesus) pulled away from them about a stone's throw, knelt down, and prayed, "Father, remove this cup from me. But please, not what I want. What do you want?" At once an angel from heaven was at his side, strengthening him. He prayed on all the harder. Sweat, wrung from him like drops of blood, poured off his face.
I had to do something very hard for me this morning. It is a place that is really hard for me because of the level of love in all this. After picking myself up off the floor - I praised God for allowing me to serve Him and this family for this season of time. I have given Him all the glory for what I have served with, with full honesty, integrity, and out of my heart. I then gave forgiveness even though at the time, none was even asked. It has moved me from a place of being angry and bitter and onto a greener place. I am not looking back - just forward because living is for forward. Gods will is up ahead....... keep reaching for it and pointing towards it.
Blessed and very thankful today~
Over the many years, my mom had to forgive many things and many folks. As many of us do ... forgiveness is a hard thing to do and a hard place to go when we have been wronged. Often times we feel that it should be the other person coming to us and asking for forgiveness. I have learned over time that offering forgiveness releases me from those feelings and hurting things and it does not keep me trapped in that bitter and angry area. God has forgiven me for my sins and wrong doings so I should pass those things onto others.... regardless if I am right or wrong.
My thoughts today come from our Rock Group lesson from last Sunday on Prayer.
Mark 11:24-25
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."
Your relationships matter to God. How you treat people really speaks volumes of who you really are in your heart. Are you holding any bitterness towards others? My mom used to tell me to treat others the way I want to be treated...... I think that is great advise but how many of us really follow those words in our everyday life? I stopped driving the main road to work in the morning because people and driving are just crazy! I got tired of being cut off - shot the bird and my blood pressure being sky high and this is only after my big 7 mile commute. I talk the back roads across the farm lands now ..... I often times stop and pray on my way in or use this time to put my Ipod in and learn something from Gods word.
Friends, Gods will for your life may be far different than the will you have for your life. Putting God in the top spot will change everything about you. God listens to the person who is putting His will first in their life.
John 9:31 - We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will.
Breakthrough loved ones in your prayer life. Have the kind of faith in your prayers that God can do all things. I love the stories of common people in the Bible who come to Jesus asking for healing. Jesus never wanted anything from them - He just asked for them to believe and if they did - Their Faith In Jesus Healed Them.
If you are struggling with something today -put that struggle in Gods hands. Ask Him to give you His will on that struggle and then follow through with what He says. Forgive those around you who are in need of forgiveness .... even if they don't deserve it from you or are even asking it from you. It will free you from that bondage that is holding you back and keeping you from moving forward. Remember - to follow Jesus and be more Christ like -we have to follow His example and to forgive, have faith that God can do and will do all things for His purposes, line your will up with His and live a life worthy of respect and honor. Keep your relationships as a priority and offer everyone as much grace as you can offer.....
Gods grace is renewed each and every morning...... Have that honest conversation with God today.
Luke 22:42-43
41-44 He (Jesus) pulled away from them about a stone's throw, knelt down, and prayed, "Father, remove this cup from me. But please, not what I want. What do you want?" At once an angel from heaven was at his side, strengthening him. He prayed on all the harder. Sweat, wrung from him like drops of blood, poured off his face.
I had to do something very hard for me this morning. It is a place that is really hard for me because of the level of love in all this. After picking myself up off the floor - I praised God for allowing me to serve Him and this family for this season of time. I have given Him all the glory for what I have served with, with full honesty, integrity, and out of my heart. I then gave forgiveness even though at the time, none was even asked. It has moved me from a place of being angry and bitter and onto a greener place. I am not looking back - just forward because living is for forward. Gods will is up ahead....... keep reaching for it and pointing towards it.
Blessed and very thankful today~
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