Wow how time skips on by us. Monday morning came quick this time around! With temps in the 70's Saturday and Sunday - my family and I did not sit around much and stay inside. The clan was busy. Saturday morning we got to hang out and watch one of Kyles friends in his basketball game. It was the first one we made this year and it was pretty exciting. They lost in OT but the kids had a great game and played very well together. Saturday afternoon we got to hang out at the barn with a close family of ours. They have a horse and Carol, Kyle and I enjoyed going around and getting to know all of them. We got to watch their daughter ride some - she is a jumper and looks really good up on that big horse! Here is a picture of me getting some inside information on the restrooms at the "Barn". Too funny - nice picture Carol!
Anyways - we had a great church day yesterday. We had enough folks in for setup that we were mostly done by 8:00AM and I headed home to get breakfast with my family. That is a rare treat on Sunday mornings and I fully enjoyed that 2nd cup of coffee. We had 2 healing services. I was asked to come down front and pray for folks who came down and wanted prayer. It was pretty amazing as SO many people came down front. It was pretty emotional at times as many, including myself, left with tears on our faces. I couldn't help but to think back when I was first coming to Rocky River Community Church and I was just starting my walk with Jesus. Pastor Jimmy called me down front at the end of the service and prayed over me for my mom. It was very powerful then and it was pretty powerful yesterday. For that prayer and asking God to "Heal" - but in many ways - moms sickness did bring healing. Healing for so many as we walked with mom during those hard and dark times. Healing spiritually for so many including myself. God uses everything in our lives for His purposes~even if it means the passing on. Death is not looked at by our Heavenly Father as we see it. For many - death is final but if you have put your faith and trust in Jesus - then it is just a stop along your journey. Eternity in heaven is your home and this 50-60-70 years that you live on earth is just a passing through. Loved ones, your healing may be in many different forms - it may be your heart being made right with a lost loved one you haven't spoken to in years, it may be that son who left home years ago after college and things just have not been right since then, it may we that dad who left you when you were little, it may be your faith shining for someone to know Jesus through your pain and struggles. God will use you in all circomstances, even in your darkest days.
God did "Heal" my mom and I am thankful that she is in her heavenly home waiting on us to be with her. Her faith and trust was in Jesus ... I was there when she accepted Him into her heart and life.
Hope yours is with Jesus as well today. We all are only 1 intersection and a red light away from that meeting. Are you ready right now? Life is short.... that is one thing I have learned....
Love you all,
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