Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I was thinking....

We recently changed upper hands with the Presidential leadership in this country. To kick things off and do the ceremony and all that fancy stuff - Americans spent 150 Million on that parade/party/show/celebration but I just wonder ... What a church could do to a community for lost people, hurting people, families and all in the name of Jesus with 150 Million? I am not talking sinking the money into a building, campus development, send our leaders to meet the pope or new equipment - but into people.
Meeting in a mobile church the last 4 years that my family and I have been serving at has had its struggles (mostly all good). Not long ago, I don't think this was even tried by churches with opening and holding services in local schools, college campus conference rooms, or in movie theatres. It is pretty exciting to be part of a team of folks all serving God and His local church. We are not all seminary folks - we come from all different backgrounds and have different talents but together we make it work. We all do have one thing in common - we love Jesus and our experience in life because of the transformation in us that has taken place by Jesus - we want others to know and share. 150 Million would go a long way in changing lives, building families, and restoring so much that has been lost. Church has been a place for the community to come together and have a place to worship God, help each other during hard times and be a community to family. Too many of us today drive home from work, pull in the garage and shut the door behind us and never come out to meet or even get to know our neighbors. We live basically solitary lives.
Sunday mornings there are a lot of things to distract us. TV has 1000 channels, ball games, vacation at the lake, family obligations, sleep, recovering from the party the night before and folks are working more than ever now to make it - some 7 days a week.
That is why at church - we should all be striving for the best. Giving God our best and when we are serving - every detail is in our job description. Someone that day may be headed in the wrong direction, ready to walk out on a marriage, ready to take their own life - who knows the struggle - but it is our job as followers of Jesus to get them the "Good News".
Our children's areas and student areas should rock out MTV or the Disney channel. Our music should be better than American Idol...... Gods word should be preached from the heart and on fire with truth and in such a way that everyone can understand it and apply it - otherwise we won't get it.
On Sunday mornings, my son never asks "Are we going to church this morning?" - it is always "What time are we leaving?". Church is a fun place to be~
Community church - a place for everyone to come together... A place for our children to get married, a place to plant a rose bush for a passing loved one, a place for community BBQ's and teens to have a safe and encouraging place to hang out in. A place for neighbors to get to know each other - I have that vision - do you?
I am humbled today with how the Lord is using me and the things He is teaching me and my family.
I was just thinking ..........

Love you all,

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