Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday ....

It was about Wednesday this week when I realized it felt like Friday. This has been a long week! Not sure why - nothing major happening or any particular thing that I am struggling with except a few things. But it has just felt like a long week.
Carol, Kyle and I are headed to the cabin tonight until tomorrow night. I am blessed to be married to a woman who thinks Valentines day is a day created by Hallmark. So I guess I am off the hook in many ways. But when you are married to such a wonderful woman - almost every day is like Valentines day and I am very blessed to be doing life with my soul mate. Life would be hard with out my sweet Carol.
I am really looking forward to Sunday. Excited about what God is doing through our church the last few weeks. It has been pretty exciting and being part of something so much bigger than ourselves. I have been praying for a family all week this week and I am praying they come Sunday. After church, Carol, Kyle and I are hoping to get to watch some of our Rock Group kids for the afternoon. It would be a great time together as well as giving this family some rest as far as the parents. I hope to get over to the barn and check out the horses together. Kyle was invited to a birthday party there from his friends so we may tag along for an hour or 2. It is very peaceful out there with the horses, the pastures and the company. Horses are pretty cool.......and they each have a personality. Rock Group Sunday night - looking forward to leading that lesson because I have packed a lot into it over the last few months and this week especially.
I am really excited about my cup of coffee tomorrow sitting out on the porch at the cabin. There have been 5 spotting's of Bobcats in the I would love to hear or even see one. That would be awesome.......
Love to you all - Be encouraged today....

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