Friday, February 6, 2009


It has been a busy week and I am thankful that Friday is here. Carol, Kyle and I got to hang out and have an awesome meal together with some good friends of ours last night. The conversations and the fun was so good that it was 10:00 in the matter of minutes. We didn't even notice the time flying by. This is a newly married couple and life is so bright for them and their future is stamped on the foundations of Jesus. I am so proud of them as they have done so many "Right" things that they are such a great example for young folks - especially young girls and boys. I am just so proud to be serving the Lord with them. It really is an honor and we are blessed because of their friendship.
This morning I had an early doctors appointment. So that means no eating or coffee before leaving the house. I am usually ok with that because I often times fast for a day here and there when I am looking and digging deep into my heart and Gods heart for direction or an answer on something I am struggling with. After the doctors I stopped and took some time at McDonald's. Normally I would drive through and head on into work but this time, I just felt like I needed to pause for a bit. To go in, get a coffee, bacon egg and cheese bagel and an OJ. So I order and the lady behind the counter was smiling and very pleasant. Place it about 40% full and I found me a seat over in the corner. Got my IPod out, my pen and paper and got into a message that I have been studying for a few weeks now so that I prepare my notes on our upcoming Rock Group lesson next Sunday. It should be a great series and I really want it to make an impact into our Rock Group families - even the kids. I pour a lot into these them and my reward is knowing that God is changing folks and growing their faith as we learn together about Jesus. That is what keeps me leading...... anyways - I enjoyed my coffee, OJ and my Bacon Egg and Cheese Bagel. I was taking some notes and getting ready to finish things up. Not knowing who or what was really going on around me ... I just was not paying attention. I bowed my head and prayed a little to thank the Lord for this pause and for the time to study His word. I felt the Lord telling me to pick up the breakfast tab for the lady over a few tables over for me. The hair on my arm stood up - my heart starting beating faster and I can tell my face was getting red. I said, Ok Lord, If this is what You want me to do. I don't even know if I have any cash on me - are You sure? Isn't funny how we do that sometimes - question God.... I have to smile at that.
Anyways, I got up and took my tray to the trash and then got my wallet out. Removed $5 which I didn't know I had and walked up to the table. There sat a little lady - big glasses, had more coats on than I think she needed but I don't know - maybe she is poor, came in to McDonald's this morning to warm up because she has no heat, lives in her car, I have no idea.... I said Mam, you are going to think this is weird but Jesus loves you and I felt Him this morning telling me to pay for your breakfast and I handed her the money. She looked up at me a little startled - she had a coffee and a hash brown. That was all and she said "Why". I said I don't know but God wants you to know that He loves you. She reached for the tissues and began to cry - she thanked me and reached for my hand. I didn't know what else to do so I just smiled and she smiled. I told her to have a blessed day today and made my exit out. I got in my E and began to pull out and I looked over at her through the window and she was standing at the window now, with the tissues wiping her eyes and was waving with her right hand really hard.... you know how like a kid is saying good bye and is really excited. She was waving like a little child would wave.
I returned the wave and again smiled. It was such an awesome experience.
But being the softy that I am - as I turned onto the main road I was trying hard to hold back the tears. So many times in life we ignore and turn away from our Heavenly Father. I have no idea what kind of situation that lady was in or what her life was like or what she is currently struggling with. $5 is not a big deal to me but its a meal for someone else. Its a handup and not a handout. Its a word from the Lord telling this lady that people do care. God often times speaks through others in our lives. We often think that we have to hear a big boom - a loud voice coming from our heavenly father but more times than not - its often a whisper. A movement in ones heart leading them to do something - even if its out of place or you don't understand. Its the step forward in faith and doing what God is asking us that really makes the blessing from above count with feelings behind them.
In life we often turn to God when we have emergencies. When life is hard and we cannot see a way out. We then cry out to God to do something - help us and rescue us. I bet the heavens party when this happens because it is in those hard places when we cannot figure things out, punch our way out, buy our way out and have to get right down to it with the Lord - Lord, I just don't even know what to say, what to ask for, what to do but I trust You and I need You. God shows up in incredible ways when we put Him first in our hearts, lives, and decisions. Far too often when we are down and hurting, we try to white knuckle it - endure it by ourselves and suffer through - Your ideas to resolve it are just your ideas ...... God has God ideas. Who's is going to make a difference? Who's is going to lead you from where you are?

As a follower of Jesus - I can make excuses to not get involved with things and with people. Relationships are hard and many times they lead to messy places. Its those messy places that God does His best work. We need to drop the excuses loved ones. Do what God is asking you to do. Get involved, reach out, extend your little world of thinking and see what God is trying to show you. Some people have time - Some people have money. Its not likely that we have both. So pick which one you have and get to using it.

This morning was just a breakfast but someone who needed that breakfast and to be reminded that God loves her - it may mean a world of difference.
I ask the Lord every morning to use me for His purpose and His glory..... I am nothing with out Him. As good as salt that has lost its saltiness.... only to be thrown aside and placed in the dirt.

Its exciting to be following Jesus - you just never know what He is going to ask of you or who He will put in your paths.
Carry on loved ones - keep your light shining- for this dark world needs Gods light,

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