I wanted to share this morning something that took place yesterday and I am still thinking about it. Time today can not go fast enough until I get back to the nursing home. Yes I know that sounds crazy but let me share this story.
Yesterday while visiting my son and some of "My Kids" at school for lunch, I was asked to visit someone who is at the same nursing home as my father-n-law ... so I accepted and told them I would stop in. Not really sure what to expect or what I was going into but with a growing heart for these folks there, it sure was an amazing experience.
This woman is the mother n law of one of the teachers at my sons school. She is probably in her late 70's I would say and as of last night, she was close to leaving this world for heaven. Her kidneys shutting down and some other bodily issues taking place - morphine for pain being administered - what seemed like a gloom and doom thing surely was not. I asked the nurse on staff about where this woman was and told her the situation. She gladly told me she would get me through the locked doors and take me to her room. Upon entering I could tell I was in a very different part of the nursing home - a part of which I did not even know was there or was even prepared for in any way. I was taken to her room and got to meet her and the womans daughter. I told her who I was and how I came to know about her mom. Immediatly I was comforted and knew I was doing a great thing but more importantly a needed thing. I knelt down and spoke with the daughter and asked about her moms life. Where she was from and what her life was like. We spoke probably for 20 minutes even though it went by so fast. It was clear that this daughter loved her family and loved her mom. It was clear that it was ok for mom to leave and that she would be going to a better place - a place to be with family, friends who have passed away over the years but more importantly to a place where her husband would be. As I knelt with this daughter it became clear to me that my mom made this possible. She made it possible for me to sit there in this situation and be ok with it all. To talk from my heart and really know what this daughter was feeling and going through because of what I experienced with my mom 2 years ago - it was such a blessing and last night I took such comfort in that - comfort in taking the time to stop and be with that awesome family. I shared some details with the daughter about my mom and gave her some closing advice about the decisions ahead of her with her mom. I told her to ask God to lead her in keeping her mom comfortable - that God will take her when either He was ready or when her mom was ready to let go and to trust in those decisions that they were the right ones - no regrets. I told her I would stop back tomorrow night (tonight) if her mom was still here. She thanked me and gave me a quick hug before I left. There were some small tears during this conversation but more than that - there were smiles.
I do want to share that I really wanted to pray with her and her mom - even though I did last night and again this morning for them. BUT I wanted to pray then - I did not know what to say or even where to begin - maybe it was a little fear I guess in the situation but I am thankful for the situation that God placed before more. If asked to do that again in the future - I would without hesitation! It's comforting knowing that folks are going to a better place for all eternity. I am sad for those who have chosen a different path in life without God. Eternity is a sad step for those not entering Heaven - especially for those family members left behind. I just pray Walt will open his heart in time to hear what God has in store for him. Carol's mom is there waiting on him and it would be sad for her to go through her life and then pass away - waiting on Walt to once again join her but to never see him again and to know his eternity is in Hell. All of us have someone who is heavy on our hearts if we walk with Christ who is chosing a path to Hell for their eternity. Pray today for that person or loved one - for acceptance and a softening of their heart.
One of the greatest blessings in walking with Christ is accepting whatever it is He places before us - What ever it is Lord, use me for your glory and honor. Yesterday, a scary place that today is a little less scary. Courage, trust in the Lord and a faith that is growing closer to Jesus with each passing day.
So many of the folks at the nursing home are close to their eternity - 30 days to live is a series I am leading my Rock Group family - It just could not be more perfect timing to experience what God is placing on my life today.
My quiet time from this morning~
1 Corinthians 1
Christ the Wisdom and Power of God 18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."[c]
Are you ready? You too could be in your 30 days to live window.....
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
One last Father's comment~
During one of my morning quiet times with the Lord while eating breakfast a few months back my son came out of his room after getting ready for school and walked up to the kitchen table and asked me what was wrong. I was sitting quietly with my head down and was praying. Maybe he thought I fell asleep or maybe I was having a moment that had brought me to tears - I am not sure but I told him that I was praying and lifting him along with his momma and our day ahead to God. See that was an important moment because praying in front of our children should not be limited to only when we eat. They need to see us trusting and placing our lives and struggles at the feet of Jesus. They need to know they are being prayed for and they need to see us humbly before God.
Fathers - Pray with your kids! The prayers of a father are powerful and effective. Children learn to humbly approach the throne of grace by watching how their fathers pray. Let them see God answer our prayers!
As we finished our Rock Group lesson last week, we all gathered around for closing prayer and our littlest one who is 2 1/2 came walking over as we were in a circle holding hands and he found his place in the circle - gathered the hands of the folks next to him and watched - looking up at everyone and seeing what was taking place. It is such an amazing moment but a moment that will shape this little child into an adult who will remember growing up with loved ones all around him. He will remember them in prayers and over time he will see God answer the many prayers being lifted from our Rock Group. That is exciting!
Fathers - God wants to be a part of your family and He has so much to say about families, things to teach and show you. Give Him a part of it, open His word and let His ways sink into those hard to reach places in your family. If you don't raise your children under the guidance of God, guess who will raise them .... society will and imagine where that road will lead them. It's time to take a stand for your family - its time to lead them.
I have enjoyed learning and writing about being a father - I hope these last blog posts have been beneficial for you as they have for me.
I love being a dad and all it means. Pray over your children - Psalm 91, Psalm 1, Isaiah 54 - that will get you started~
Fathers - Pray with your kids! The prayers of a father are powerful and effective. Children learn to humbly approach the throne of grace by watching how their fathers pray. Let them see God answer our prayers!
As we finished our Rock Group lesson last week, we all gathered around for closing prayer and our littlest one who is 2 1/2 came walking over as we were in a circle holding hands and he found his place in the circle - gathered the hands of the folks next to him and watched - looking up at everyone and seeing what was taking place. It is such an amazing moment but a moment that will shape this little child into an adult who will remember growing up with loved ones all around him. He will remember them in prayers and over time he will see God answer the many prayers being lifted from our Rock Group. That is exciting!
Fathers - God wants to be a part of your family and He has so much to say about families, things to teach and show you. Give Him a part of it, open His word and let His ways sink into those hard to reach places in your family. If you don't raise your children under the guidance of God, guess who will raise them .... society will and imagine where that road will lead them. It's time to take a stand for your family - its time to lead them.
I have enjoyed learning and writing about being a father - I hope these last blog posts have been beneficial for you as they have for me.
I love being a dad and all it means. Pray over your children - Psalm 91, Psalm 1, Isaiah 54 - that will get you started~
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
An awesome Design....
God has created each of us with a very unique design. Even exact twins will be different from each other as their is no one like you. God has also created our children with a very unique design and He has uniquely pre-wired each child for His purposes with specific gifts, talents and passions.
Ephesians 2:20
19-22That's plain enough, isn't it? You're no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You're no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He's using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he's using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home.
Parents need to discover heavens blueprint within each of their children and cultivate it. This spring, Carol and I are letting Kyle decide if he wants to play baseball or not. Either way is ok with me because he has to have passion in what he does and not just to do something to make someone else happy. I am happy with him regardless if he plays or not - maybe Soccer is his deeper passion as far as sports. I will accept his decision either way. I also accept that Kyle understands science - he struggles some with math - God has made him special and with his own style - his own likes and dislikes. We are the same way - many of us struggle in certain areas and situations and excel in others. So many of us also work so hard had trying to improve what we not so good at or bad at and drive ourselves nuts to be better at - when we should be working on the things we are already good at and make them better! Imagine how much further you would go improving on the very thing we are already good at!
We need to teach our children to seek the Lord and to commit their abilities to Him. Not everyone can run a company - not everyone can be CEO - not everyone can be a teacher or a nurse .... but God has created us all to do something that is what we are designed to do.
Continue to pray for God to reveal your gifts, passions and talents..... you may be surprised at what He shows you - what He shows you about your children........
Ephesians 2:20
19-22That's plain enough, isn't it? You're no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You're no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He's using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he's using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home.
Parents need to discover heavens blueprint within each of their children and cultivate it. This spring, Carol and I are letting Kyle decide if he wants to play baseball or not. Either way is ok with me because he has to have passion in what he does and not just to do something to make someone else happy. I am happy with him regardless if he plays or not - maybe Soccer is his deeper passion as far as sports. I will accept his decision either way. I also accept that Kyle understands science - he struggles some with math - God has made him special and with his own style - his own likes and dislikes. We are the same way - many of us struggle in certain areas and situations and excel in others. So many of us also work so hard had trying to improve what we not so good at or bad at and drive ourselves nuts to be better at - when we should be working on the things we are already good at and make them better! Imagine how much further you would go improving on the very thing we are already good at!
We need to teach our children to seek the Lord and to commit their abilities to Him. Not everyone can run a company - not everyone can be CEO - not everyone can be a teacher or a nurse .... but God has created us all to do something that is what we are designed to do.
Continue to pray for God to reveal your gifts, passions and talents..... you may be surprised at what He shows you - what He shows you about your children........
Monday, January 28, 2008
Matthew 3:17
17And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
Proverbs 17:6
6 Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents[a] are the pride of their children.
One of the greatest blessings in being a father is that I get to bless my children. Carol and I have only Kyle as our ~blood~ child but I am blessed to have an influence of many children in my life. In many ways, Kyle does have many brothers and sisters. I love that God has blessed me with each of them and I do feel deep down that they are"My Kids". Fathers need to bless their children. Children develop their identity and sence of security from their fathers. When Kyle is sick or any child is sick - who do they want? Their mothers..... I understand the important role there - just last week, Kyle was not feeling well. Carol made the decision to keep him home from school and they had some mommy son time together. He was not all that sick that he could not of went to school but she felt that he needed some "just mommy" time with her.
When our children are grown enough and head out into the world for themselves, so many are in need of their fathers blessing. They need to know that they have dad to back them up - to have dad praying for them as they enter the big world amongst the sharks, they need that confidence and its our role dads, to give them those blessings.
I am already praying for Kyle friends, his first real girlfriend and his wife one day. I am already praying over his life that God will use him and that he finds his God given gifts in life and lives in Gods blessing zone. I am praying that for all "My Kids" and for them to one day really know that I am praying for them and that I have committed my life to them.
Father's, we need to learn how to bless our children, to not expect perfection from them but to encourage them and praise them for trying. Doing their best is all that God expects from them and from us, so why expect perfection from them? Let them see you praying, holding hands with others while praying and loving them the way God has instructed us to do so.
If a generational curse has been passed down as in divorce, abuse or some other thing - You be the stop to that curse and begin to pass down godly blessings to them.
Our children need to see us "Preparing for the Rain!" of Gods blessings and moving forward in our faith. They need to understand by our faith and in our actions that God deserves to be worshiped and praised for who He is and not for what He does.
Lead on fathers~ It takes courage and guts - and God has given us men those gifts....
17And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
Proverbs 17:6
6 Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents[a] are the pride of their children.
One of the greatest blessings in being a father is that I get to bless my children. Carol and I have only Kyle as our ~blood~ child but I am blessed to have an influence of many children in my life. In many ways, Kyle does have many brothers and sisters. I love that God has blessed me with each of them and I do feel deep down that they are"My Kids". Fathers need to bless their children. Children develop their identity and sence of security from their fathers. When Kyle is sick or any child is sick - who do they want? Their mothers..... I understand the important role there - just last week, Kyle was not feeling well. Carol made the decision to keep him home from school and they had some mommy son time together. He was not all that sick that he could not of went to school but she felt that he needed some "just mommy" time with her.
When our children are grown enough and head out into the world for themselves, so many are in need of their fathers blessing. They need to know that they have dad to back them up - to have dad praying for them as they enter the big world amongst the sharks, they need that confidence and its our role dads, to give them those blessings.
I am already praying for Kyle friends, his first real girlfriend and his wife one day. I am already praying over his life that God will use him and that he finds his God given gifts in life and lives in Gods blessing zone. I am praying that for all "My Kids" and for them to one day really know that I am praying for them and that I have committed my life to them.
Father's, we need to learn how to bless our children, to not expect perfection from them but to encourage them and praise them for trying. Doing their best is all that God expects from them and from us, so why expect perfection from them? Let them see you praying, holding hands with others while praying and loving them the way God has instructed us to do so.
If a generational curse has been passed down as in divorce, abuse or some other thing - You be the stop to that curse and begin to pass down godly blessings to them.
Our children need to see us "Preparing for the Rain!" of Gods blessings and moving forward in our faith. They need to understand by our faith and in our actions that God deserves to be worshiped and praised for who He is and not for what He does.
Lead on fathers~ It takes courage and guts - and God has given us men those gifts....
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Discipline ~ A tough thing
Yes Discipline is a tough topic when dealing with our children. So many factors come into play when we discipline our children. But God has given us some things to go by.
Ephesians 6:4
4Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.
- Fathers are commanded to train up their children with godly nurture and discipline. A few months ago I lead a Rock Group series on ParentHood. It was a great lesson and as I studied and learned about what God had to say about ParentHood - Discipline was a tough subject. One of the things I took away from that series was - discipline NOT in anger. I have found myself on a few occasions coming down on my son when I was mad, caught up in the moment, maybe taking my voice up too loud, my punishment too hard and then feeling bad afterwards.
I can remember my dads method of discipline - sometimes it was right in the moment and sometimes it was when he got home after my momma would say - "just wait till your dad gets home!" I can remember those infamous words "This is going to hurt me, more than it hurts you" - I always thought my dad was nuts for saying something like that but I now understand. It is hard to discipline our children. One thing that I make sure I do now is to make sure I am not angry - I tell myself to have a cool off period and think things through before the judgement comes down. I have always told Kyle that lessons are learned and sometimes cannot be taught. Carol and I are very lucky to have a great son and we have not had to discipline him all that much. But we also have to remind him where the line is and what is acceptable and what is not.
We have to let our children get caught sometimes and suffer the punishment with mom and dad not being their to rescue them. Lessons learned now when they are young make for smaller mistakes when they are grown.
Always remember to love your child even during discipline - to let them know that they messed up but its ok - mistakes are a part of life. Forgive them and say not another word. Too many parents continue to bring the subject up, continue to remind them over and over again only to bring resentment and hard feelings between everyone. We want to pull our children in just like our Heavenly Father does instead of pushing them away.
Discipline in love~
Ephesians 6:4
4Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.
- Fathers are commanded to train up their children with godly nurture and discipline. A few months ago I lead a Rock Group series on ParentHood. It was a great lesson and as I studied and learned about what God had to say about ParentHood - Discipline was a tough subject. One of the things I took away from that series was - discipline NOT in anger. I have found myself on a few occasions coming down on my son when I was mad, caught up in the moment, maybe taking my voice up too loud, my punishment too hard and then feeling bad afterwards.
I can remember my dads method of discipline - sometimes it was right in the moment and sometimes it was when he got home after my momma would say - "just wait till your dad gets home!" I can remember those infamous words "This is going to hurt me, more than it hurts you" - I always thought my dad was nuts for saying something like that but I now understand. It is hard to discipline our children. One thing that I make sure I do now is to make sure I am not angry - I tell myself to have a cool off period and think things through before the judgement comes down. I have always told Kyle that lessons are learned and sometimes cannot be taught. Carol and I are very lucky to have a great son and we have not had to discipline him all that much. But we also have to remind him where the line is and what is acceptable and what is not.
We have to let our children get caught sometimes and suffer the punishment with mom and dad not being their to rescue them. Lessons learned now when they are young make for smaller mistakes when they are grown.
Always remember to love your child even during discipline - to let them know that they messed up but its ok - mistakes are a part of life. Forgive them and say not another word. Too many parents continue to bring the subject up, continue to remind them over and over again only to bring resentment and hard feelings between everyone. We want to pull our children in just like our Heavenly Father does instead of pushing them away.
Discipline in love~
Friday, January 25, 2008
Being a dad/mentor on a Friday...
BY far there are more parents who go and have lunch with their kids on Fridays at school. During the week many parents are working or have other routines that keep them from having lunch but many times kids don't get visitors at all. I learned that about 2 of "My Kids" in the past few months - they are both in 5Th grade and both of them had never had a visitor have lunch with them. They are both on my weekly schedule to have lunch with - there are obstacles to cross over, teachers to build trust with and school rules to wiggle around but I continue to go and face the challenges because it is that important.
Today's lunch was great - Had lunch with 3 of "My Kids" today and on a day that I usually don't go to this particular school so it was a nice surprise when the kids come in and see me waiting on them when I am not usually there - but the awesome thing is - they are now looking for me each day at lunch time. That just touches my heart and makes me feel good that I am making that little difference in their lives. Today I had a chance to sit and pray a little extra for those 3 kids before going in because I was a few minutes early - its something I do every time before going into the school - to pray for God to have something for me to tell them, to have something for me to show them and for God to bless them and their families. I place all these relationships in God's hands because I know - It wont be like this for long. I accept that even though I really will miss this when they move on to middle school or don't want to have lunch with me anymore. But one of the things that really makes me smile is when I see the Lord come through these children. Even at school - where they ask me about the cross on my neck, they pray before they eat and we talk about Sunday school or our Rock Group. I always tell "My Kids" to make sure they tell their mom or dad that I was there and we had lunch together. Other parents have called or teachers call their parents to make sure it is ok - I am glad parents are looking out for each other and teachers are making sure its ok - but what an honor for one of "My Kids" to tell that parent or teacher that its ok for me to have lunch with their child. It is an awesome feeling and a trust there because I am investing in them and they know God is put first in those relationships.
In many ways I am being a mentor and I kind of look at that way because I am building more in these kids than just a friend and being one of dad's cool buddies. There is more to it than that.
Being a dad it is our responsibility to pour God's word and life lessons into our children.
Deutoronomy 6:7
7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
I don't want "My Kids" - Kyle included to remember me so much as a dad but as a coach. I want to coach "My Kids" in life - I want them to experience it and guide them but not keep them from it and protect them so much. Yes they will make mistakes - we as parents have made mistakes and continue to do so but I also want to live my life being an example of where God is in my life. That life goes to God before everything else and everything else will fall into place. I want "My Kids" to see me pray, to hear me pray, to hear me talk about God on the phone and the conversations I have. God is our heavenly father and is very much our coach in life, cheering us on and keeping us encouraged, proud of us when we do good and He pulls us close when we don't or when we are hurting.
Don't put off another minute without telling your kids, no matter how old they are, that you love them and accept them. Children need to hear that from their parents. That they have parents who are proud of them. Don't ever assume they know it.... that we know it - we are children to someone! God passes the blessing along to His children - You can do the same to yours children. God is leading by example......
Love you all,
Today's lunch was great - Had lunch with 3 of "My Kids" today and on a day that I usually don't go to this particular school so it was a nice surprise when the kids come in and see me waiting on them when I am not usually there - but the awesome thing is - they are now looking for me each day at lunch time. That just touches my heart and makes me feel good that I am making that little difference in their lives. Today I had a chance to sit and pray a little extra for those 3 kids before going in because I was a few minutes early - its something I do every time before going into the school - to pray for God to have something for me to tell them, to have something for me to show them and for God to bless them and their families. I place all these relationships in God's hands because I know - It wont be like this for long. I accept that even though I really will miss this when they move on to middle school or don't want to have lunch with me anymore. But one of the things that really makes me smile is when I see the Lord come through these children. Even at school - where they ask me about the cross on my neck, they pray before they eat and we talk about Sunday school or our Rock Group. I always tell "My Kids" to make sure they tell their mom or dad that I was there and we had lunch together. Other parents have called or teachers call their parents to make sure it is ok - I am glad parents are looking out for each other and teachers are making sure its ok - but what an honor for one of "My Kids" to tell that parent or teacher that its ok for me to have lunch with their child. It is an awesome feeling and a trust there because I am investing in them and they know God is put first in those relationships.
In many ways I am being a mentor and I kind of look at that way because I am building more in these kids than just a friend and being one of dad's cool buddies. There is more to it than that.
Being a dad it is our responsibility to pour God's word and life lessons into our children.
Deutoronomy 6:7
7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
I don't want "My Kids" - Kyle included to remember me so much as a dad but as a coach. I want to coach "My Kids" in life - I want them to experience it and guide them but not keep them from it and protect them so much. Yes they will make mistakes - we as parents have made mistakes and continue to do so but I also want to live my life being an example of where God is in my life. That life goes to God before everything else and everything else will fall into place. I want "My Kids" to see me pray, to hear me pray, to hear me talk about God on the phone and the conversations I have. God is our heavenly father and is very much our coach in life, cheering us on and keeping us encouraged, proud of us when we do good and He pulls us close when we don't or when we are hurting.
Don't put off another minute without telling your kids, no matter how old they are, that you love them and accept them. Children need to hear that from their parents. That they have parents who are proud of them. Don't ever assume they know it.... that we know it - we are children to someone! God passes the blessing along to His children - You can do the same to yours children. God is leading by example......
Love you all,
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Finishing Touches~
I am just finishing up my lesson for this coming Sunday for my Rock Group. I am leading a 4 part series "30 Days to Live" and we are on lesson 2. I was going to save this for the third week but I wanted to share this with you tonight because for those who read this, it will give you a heads up and a chance to really think about the sentences. Print them out if you want - and email them to me.... lrbatema@gmail.com
This is from a book I am reading now - Chazown - which is Hebrew for Vision. Gods vision for your life - how many of us really have it and know what God's vision is and are we really living it? I think of many folks who are in their sweet spot and in the most amazing place because they are where God wants them and man - are they hitting on all cylinders! Look at Kenny Chesney - his music is awesome. Look at Billy Graham, Perry Noble and Craig Groeschel - look at Payton Manning, Sam Mills and Reggie White! So many to list.... so many living in their sweet spot doing amazing things!
The book starts at the end - most people end their lives in bed. Looking over their life - regrets and bad decisions haunt them - they have time to think and its all in the past - there is nothing we can do to change any of it. Psalm 118 - Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I just love that because I read that to my mom everyday I was with her after she got sick and left to be with the Lord.
This is my Epitaph~
*The thing that was most important to me.... is my family, my church family and "My Kids" - being a good fatherly example and having FUN always with a smile :)
*People say I stood for ... something bigger than myself. I pray folks say that I took a stand for God and went the distance to love on others. To always be there for others and to always have an open heart to listen and walk with them no matter what or how or when.
*I made a difference in my world by ... by making lasting investments. Does this matter 100 years from now? Investing in others does ...
*God was glorified because I ... accepted Him during the time that my mom passed and He has walked with me since. Walking with God brings Him glory and a smile.
*People knew I loved them because.... I told them! I pray for those opportunities to share the love I have for them.
*The reason why I expect God to say "Well Done" is because ..... I have God close in my heart, I love Him and I did everything I know how to be for Jesus.
Email me your completed thoughts... would love to hear from you.
This is from a book I am reading now - Chazown - which is Hebrew for Vision. Gods vision for your life - how many of us really have it and know what God's vision is and are we really living it? I think of many folks who are in their sweet spot and in the most amazing place because they are where God wants them and man - are they hitting on all cylinders! Look at Kenny Chesney - his music is awesome. Look at Billy Graham, Perry Noble and Craig Groeschel - look at Payton Manning, Sam Mills and Reggie White! So many to list.... so many living in their sweet spot doing amazing things!
The book starts at the end - most people end their lives in bed. Looking over their life - regrets and bad decisions haunt them - they have time to think and its all in the past - there is nothing we can do to change any of it. Psalm 118 - Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I just love that because I read that to my mom everyday I was with her after she got sick and left to be with the Lord.
This is my Epitaph~
*The thing that was most important to me.... is my family, my church family and "My Kids" - being a good fatherly example and having FUN always with a smile :)
*People say I stood for ... something bigger than myself. I pray folks say that I took a stand for God and went the distance to love on others. To always be there for others and to always have an open heart to listen and walk with them no matter what or how or when.
*I made a difference in my world by ... by making lasting investments. Does this matter 100 years from now? Investing in others does ...
*God was glorified because I ... accepted Him during the time that my mom passed and He has walked with me since. Walking with God brings Him glory and a smile.
*People knew I loved them because.... I told them! I pray for those opportunities to share the love I have for them.
*The reason why I expect God to say "Well Done" is because ..... I have God close in my heart, I love Him and I did everything I know how to be for Jesus.
Email me your completed thoughts... would love to hear from you.
Love Faithfully~
Love faithfully is my lesson today in being a dad. Fathers are to love their wives as Christ loved the church.
Ephesians 5:
25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— 30for we are members of his body. 31"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."[c] 32This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
I want for my son to watch me and learn from me how I love my wife, how I defend her and apologize to her when I totally blow it! It brings amazing security when a child knows his parents are devoted to one another.
I have some awesome kids in my Rock Group who come from a broken home. I have many of "My Kids" that I invest my time and energy into that come from a broken home. It is not my thing as to why this has happened but to start from where we are today and move forward - for these kids to see and to KNOW that they are important and that I care and love them. I also know that kids need encouragement (sometimes daily!) and they need to know they are accepted by their parents or whomever has influence with them - they need to know they are doing good and be praised about it! Nothing satisfies a child more than when they are told by a loved one that they are doing well and that we are proud of them. (even if they are 38!) I may not be their father but I will be the best example I can be of what a dad should be like. Not a perfect dad by any means but someone who is there for them and no matter what they have going on in life - I will walk with them and will be there for them. The relationship I have with their mom or dad is special and God has placed that relationship together for a purpose.
They say it takes a village to raise a child - That couldn't be more true - so even though we live apart and not in the same house or neighborhood - we are to help each other as a family helps one another. Society has gotten away from Church Community - I think its time to put it back into play.
Husbands love your wife and family - faithfully - and let your children and those children you have influence on see it and feel it - to the point where there is NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.
Ephesians 5:
25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— 30for we are members of his body. 31"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."[c] 32This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
I want for my son to watch me and learn from me how I love my wife, how I defend her and apologize to her when I totally blow it! It brings amazing security when a child knows his parents are devoted to one another.
I have some awesome kids in my Rock Group who come from a broken home. I have many of "My Kids" that I invest my time and energy into that come from a broken home. It is not my thing as to why this has happened but to start from where we are today and move forward - for these kids to see and to KNOW that they are important and that I care and love them. I also know that kids need encouragement (sometimes daily!) and they need to know they are accepted by their parents or whomever has influence with them - they need to know they are doing good and be praised about it! Nothing satisfies a child more than when they are told by a loved one that they are doing well and that we are proud of them. (even if they are 38!) I may not be their father but I will be the best example I can be of what a dad should be like. Not a perfect dad by any means but someone who is there for them and no matter what they have going on in life - I will walk with them and will be there for them. The relationship I have with their mom or dad is special and God has placed that relationship together for a purpose.
They say it takes a village to raise a child - That couldn't be more true - so even though we live apart and not in the same house or neighborhood - we are to help each other as a family helps one another. Society has gotten away from Church Community - I think its time to put it back into play.
Husbands love your wife and family - faithfully - and let your children and those children you have influence on see it and feel it - to the point where there is NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Finding the groove ....
Something I don't seem to have today! No groove....... but my computer is back and running so the big stress the last few days is off now - and I am running a back up right now!
I wanted to continue my series of posts about being a dad.
Walk with Integrity
Proverbs 20:7
7 God-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children.
Psalm 112:2
2 Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed.
God promises to bless and strengthen the children of a man with integrity. One of the things that I try and do my best is - always being who I am regardless of who I am around. I want "My kids" and those around me to see me for who I am. I am the same dad/person in private that I am in public. I think many times one exposes the other if they do not match - look at politics today... so much comes out of our character in the public eye - look at Hollywood - I won't even get started there.
Be a Godly man in front of people as well as behind people. Wear one face and let God shine through that smile. Your children will be blessed......
I wanted to continue my series of posts about being a dad.
Walk with Integrity
Proverbs 20:7
7 God-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children.
Psalm 112:2
2 Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed.
God promises to bless and strengthen the children of a man with integrity. One of the things that I try and do my best is - always being who I am regardless of who I am around. I want "My kids" and those around me to see me for who I am. I am the same dad/person in private that I am in public. I think many times one exposes the other if they do not match - look at politics today... so much comes out of our character in the public eye - look at Hollywood - I won't even get started there.
Be a Godly man in front of people as well as behind people. Wear one face and let God shine through that smile. Your children will be blessed......
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Some lessons to learn ...
I have been thinking about "My Kids" for the last week or so- Especially after spending some quality time with a few of them the last few days. I take these relationships to heart and very seriously because it has lasting impressions for all of us.
Here are a few thoughts about being a dad I will post more over the next few days.
Love God Passionately~
Fathers are commanded to love God wholeheartedly and to teach their children to do so as well. This also applies to the kids we all have under our wing or have an influence on.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. [a] 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
A child will figure out whether God is first in their dads heart. Go beyond taking your kids to church and praying before meals. Serve at church faithfully, give sacrificially, and worship sincerely! It has to be a love relationship rather than a religious duty.
Last week I was having lunch with one of "My Kids" and I looked around the parent table and I had 7 kids sitting with me. A few of them asked "My Kid" if I was her dad and she leaned over and grabbed me by the arm and said "I wish" - nothing that I do in life means more than that - to make a difference in a child like that. It was such an honor to hear that and know my investment is paying off. Before we ate lunch, "My Kid" put her hands together and blessed the food right there in front of her friends and in the school lunch room. It was pretty amazing!!
Hope you are having a great Tuesday!
Here are a few thoughts about being a dad I will post more over the next few days.
Love God Passionately~
Fathers are commanded to love God wholeheartedly and to teach their children to do so as well. This also applies to the kids we all have under our wing or have an influence on.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. [a] 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
A child will figure out whether God is first in their dads heart. Go beyond taking your kids to church and praying before meals. Serve at church faithfully, give sacrificially, and worship sincerely! It has to be a love relationship rather than a religious duty.
Last week I was having lunch with one of "My Kids" and I looked around the parent table and I had 7 kids sitting with me. A few of them asked "My Kid" if I was her dad and she leaned over and grabbed me by the arm and said "I wish" - nothing that I do in life means more than that - to make a difference in a child like that. It was such an honor to hear that and know my investment is paying off. Before we ate lunch, "My Kid" put her hands together and blessed the food right there in front of her friends and in the school lunch room. It was pretty amazing!!
Hope you are having a great Tuesday!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Where is Waldo?
You may be wondering where I have been? Hope so - that means you care :)
I am not stuck in a snow bank somewhere because the much anticipated and over hyped SNOW fall in Charlotte did not happen this week. Everyone should have called me before hand but I bet it sells papers and people watching the news was way up! Anyways, we all waited and watched out of every window for the snow but it never came. Maybe one day this winter, here in Charlotte, the stars will line up right and the snow will come. Keep the faith kids......
My family and I have been with some awesome friends the past few days at the cabin. I loved every single minute of it! Even with the panic of no water today because it was 10 degrees here and nobody could use the potty or brush their teeth :) - Hey this is ruffin in right? I wouldn't want to be stuck ruffin' it with anyone else!
My computer has been on the Fritz with this Windows Vista - I wish this was a MAC - but I am running what they give me. So until tomorrow - Hope this works and I am able to post this. Hey I love you guys ....... Hope the Lord is tapping you on the shoulder and you are paying attention.
Looking forward to getting back in action tomorrow~ I have a few things to post about something important.
I am not stuck in a snow bank somewhere because the much anticipated and over hyped SNOW fall in Charlotte did not happen this week. Everyone should have called me before hand but I bet it sells papers and people watching the news was way up! Anyways, we all waited and watched out of every window for the snow but it never came. Maybe one day this winter, here in Charlotte, the stars will line up right and the snow will come. Keep the faith kids......
My family and I have been with some awesome friends the past few days at the cabin. I loved every single minute of it! Even with the panic of no water today because it was 10 degrees here and nobody could use the potty or brush their teeth :) - Hey this is ruffin in right? I wouldn't want to be stuck ruffin' it with anyone else!
My computer has been on the Fritz with this Windows Vista - I wish this was a MAC - but I am running what they give me. So until tomorrow - Hope this works and I am able to post this. Hey I love you guys ....... Hope the Lord is tapping you on the shoulder and you are paying attention.
Looking forward to getting back in action tomorrow~ I have a few things to post about something important.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
One day at a time...
We had snow here in NC! It was such a wonderful and beautiful sight to see. I remember my days at Princeton University and having to go into work early and stopping at WaWa at 4:00AM with it snowing and the snow just takes away all the noise - the snow falling and the cold wind clearing out your nose - man I love those memories. I don't fair as well these days with the cold but I do love it and love remembering those awesome memories of snow days and all the stories! Folks up north didn't stop for milk and bread we stopped at the liquor store for beer!! Who needed food then LOL - anyways - I very much enjoyed having the morning off even though the rest of the day was spent at the ER and getting Walt into the hospital. These days come and go and planning is something that just does not work right when things are so up in the air. Carol, Kyle and I were planning on taking some dear friends with us who are family to us to the cabin this weekend~ we may still get to do that but there will be worry and prayer involved and I mean more so than normal everyday stuff. Walt has so many strikes against him and in a way I am looking forward to spending some time with him tomorrow at the hospital because the Lord may open an opportunity to speak truth to him and I have been praying for that moment - I have been shedding tears over that moment because I don't want to lose Walt - he has been a great guy in my life for over 20 years now and has taught me a lot about life and about love and how to talk and treat people. He is a class act even if he does not know Jesus but I continue to lift him to God every day and so do a lot of other people - I am thankful for our prayer warriors!
I wanted to share with everyone the 2nd week of a Bible study I am teaching - 30 Days to live - and this is my closing song video I am showing everyone. Its a video from Jeramy Camp - "Walk by Faith" - if you don't know this song you can go to Itunes and download it - it is well worth the investment and has a powerful message. One that I want to share with my Rock Group in 2 weeks. His wife of 4 months developed cancer and passed away and he recorded this song because he did not understand what was happening and he thought God was the healer but did not heal his wife. Many times we don't understand and there is a greater purpose - a greater struggle in Walts case and there is something that God wants to teach us. I went through this cancer thing not long ago with my mom and I have no understanding of what God's bigger purpose is.... but I am at peace with it all and I just have to say - Lord, I don't understand this but I know You do and its with You I leave all that I don't understand. I am asking You today Lord to show me in simple terms what You want me and Carol to understand. Show all of us what You want us to know. I know you see death differently than we do and I am ok with that. I just ask that Your glory and Your praise come from all this and that Walt may come to -know You Lord - I have not given up hope nor will I until You say its done.
Let me share "Walk by Faith" with you now - Jeramy Camp~ Dude I love your music - rock on.....
Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day
(chorus)Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I doyeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, ya(chorus)
Well I'm broken, but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken, pouring Your words of grace(chorus x2)
Well hallelujah, hallelu(I will walk by faith)Well hallelujah, hallelu(I will walk by faith)
I will walk, I will walk, I will walk by faithI will, I will, I will walk by faith
Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Tomorrow is another day and I will praise You Lord no matter what. One day at a time~
I wanted to share with everyone the 2nd week of a Bible study I am teaching - 30 Days to live - and this is my closing song video I am showing everyone. Its a video from Jeramy Camp - "Walk by Faith" - if you don't know this song you can go to Itunes and download it - it is well worth the investment and has a powerful message. One that I want to share with my Rock Group in 2 weeks. His wife of 4 months developed cancer and passed away and he recorded this song because he did not understand what was happening and he thought God was the healer but did not heal his wife. Many times we don't understand and there is a greater purpose - a greater struggle in Walts case and there is something that God wants to teach us. I went through this cancer thing not long ago with my mom and I have no understanding of what God's bigger purpose is.... but I am at peace with it all and I just have to say - Lord, I don't understand this but I know You do and its with You I leave all that I don't understand. I am asking You today Lord to show me in simple terms what You want me and Carol to understand. Show all of us what You want us to know. I know you see death differently than we do and I am ok with that. I just ask that Your glory and Your praise come from all this and that Walt may come to -know You Lord - I have not given up hope nor will I until You say its done.
Let me share "Walk by Faith" with you now - Jeramy Camp~ Dude I love your music - rock on.....
Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day
(chorus)Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I doyeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, ya(chorus)
Well I'm broken, but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken, pouring Your words of grace(chorus x2)
Well hallelujah, hallelu(I will walk by faith)Well hallelujah, hallelu(I will walk by faith)
I will walk, I will walk, I will walk by faithI will, I will, I will walk by faith
Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Tomorrow is another day and I will praise You Lord no matter what. One day at a time~
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Giants......
No - not the NY Giants! I am not talking football even though I do believe they have very little chance in GreenBay this coming Sunday but that's besides the point.
I am talking about ~Your GIANTS. What is in your life today that is your giant? The thing that hangs over you, taunts you, screams and calls you names, that thing that holds you where you are and keeps you from moving forward and wont let go of its grip.... what is YOUR Giant? We all have one - some of us have a few of them. I will give you a moment to focus on your giant.
For me the big giant in my life right now is my father n law. Walter~ Many of you know him and I thank you for your continued prayers. Walt is a good fella - he has always thought of his family and has provided for them. He has worked hard in his life and has endured some painful years with the loss of his wife MaryLou - Carol's mom. His struggle with cancer seems to be coming to a close at some points, (especially this past weekend) but then he bounces back and has a little extra fight still left. God made the human body a fighter. When it comes to life we do have amazing things deep inside each of us that fights with every single ounce of "Stuff" so that we can continue to live. Walt does not know Jesus and if he only knew that life here is only temporary and that his next stop in his journey is not a place to fear but a place to be thankful for and something to look forward to. The buck does not stop here - the regrets have been forgiven and the hurts have been washed clean by Jesus. He has lived life to the fullest and has left nothing behind. So many of us life our lives like we are going to life forever! We are not as we know it here. It is time many of us pick up our mat and walk for the very first time. God has so much to offer us and so many continue to choose to reject him - to accept just a "little bit of Jesus" that they miss out on all that God has to offer - we fall way short of what and where God really wants us to be.
As Carol and I continue to struggle during this time - we do have a peace about us and know that God is in control. I have said in the past that "God will not place something on our shoulders that we cannot handle."
I am sorry to tell you that I have been wrong all this time. God does place things on our shoulders loved ones, that we cannot handle! Those big GIANT things that we struggle with today - they are there and they are there for a purpose but its at this time that I know that I cannot handle this alone. God is there to handle it with us - with me. Gods knows our limitations and capabilities and He wants nothing more than for us to come to Him when we are struggling and when our hearts are hurting and when our shoulders are feeling the weight and pressures of what this life places on us. So I admit, I have been wrong and God has seen me through some tough things, He has seem my family through some tough things and He will continue to walk with us in all that lies ahead.
This coming Sunday in Sunday School - we will be playing a movie clip for the kids from the movie - "Facing the Giants" - along with a party but the theme and what we want to teach our children is that no matter what we face and how hard we struggle - Never Give UP! Fight through the struggles and give God all the glory and praise - win or lose and regardless of how hard we are fighting and struggling. Hopefully Carol, Kyle and I will be out of town for a few days of down time but I do feel great about our leaders leading in Sunday School this week and I am sure it will be a great message.
Our deepest test of faith is when we feel God has abandoned us. Dig in loved ones and know that God is there no matter what - Its time to overcome our Giants.
Lord I will praise you, my family will praise you no matter what struggles we face today. Our Giants are small compared to You. Its in Your hands Lord, I place My GIANT today.
I am talking about ~Your GIANTS. What is in your life today that is your giant? The thing that hangs over you, taunts you, screams and calls you names, that thing that holds you where you are and keeps you from moving forward and wont let go of its grip.... what is YOUR Giant? We all have one - some of us have a few of them. I will give you a moment to focus on your giant.
For me the big giant in my life right now is my father n law. Walter~ Many of you know him and I thank you for your continued prayers. Walt is a good fella - he has always thought of his family and has provided for them. He has worked hard in his life and has endured some painful years with the loss of his wife MaryLou - Carol's mom. His struggle with cancer seems to be coming to a close at some points, (especially this past weekend) but then he bounces back and has a little extra fight still left. God made the human body a fighter. When it comes to life we do have amazing things deep inside each of us that fights with every single ounce of "Stuff" so that we can continue to live. Walt does not know Jesus and if he only knew that life here is only temporary and that his next stop in his journey is not a place to fear but a place to be thankful for and something to look forward to. The buck does not stop here - the regrets have been forgiven and the hurts have been washed clean by Jesus. He has lived life to the fullest and has left nothing behind. So many of us life our lives like we are going to life forever! We are not as we know it here. It is time many of us pick up our mat and walk for the very first time. God has so much to offer us and so many continue to choose to reject him - to accept just a "little bit of Jesus" that they miss out on all that God has to offer - we fall way short of what and where God really wants us to be.
As Carol and I continue to struggle during this time - we do have a peace about us and know that God is in control. I have said in the past that "God will not place something on our shoulders that we cannot handle."
I am sorry to tell you that I have been wrong all this time. God does place things on our shoulders loved ones, that we cannot handle! Those big GIANT things that we struggle with today - they are there and they are there for a purpose but its at this time that I know that I cannot handle this alone. God is there to handle it with us - with me. Gods knows our limitations and capabilities and He wants nothing more than for us to come to Him when we are struggling and when our hearts are hurting and when our shoulders are feeling the weight and pressures of what this life places on us. So I admit, I have been wrong and God has seen me through some tough things, He has seem my family through some tough things and He will continue to walk with us in all that lies ahead.
This coming Sunday in Sunday School - we will be playing a movie clip for the kids from the movie - "Facing the Giants" - along with a party but the theme and what we want to teach our children is that no matter what we face and how hard we struggle - Never Give UP! Fight through the struggles and give God all the glory and praise - win or lose and regardless of how hard we are fighting and struggling. Hopefully Carol, Kyle and I will be out of town for a few days of down time but I do feel great about our leaders leading in Sunday School this week and I am sure it will be a great message.
Our deepest test of faith is when we feel God has abandoned us. Dig in loved ones and know that God is there no matter what - Its time to overcome our Giants.
Lord I will praise you, my family will praise you no matter what struggles we face today. Our Giants are small compared to You. Its in Your hands Lord, I place My GIANT today.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tuesday ....
I can see the end of the week already and it is flying by. I didn't get a chance to get out of the office today since I am behind on some projects at work with me being out part of the day on Friday and all day yesterday. I am feeling guilty about not seeing "My Kids" today! But I will get back on track tomorrow~
I wrote down a message yesterday that has stuck with me and it puts things into perspective right now because we all need folks to walk with us and to support us no matter what we are facing in our lives. Our circumstances should not change our direction in life or our direction that God has given us. It should strengthen us and focus us even more on what God has us doing and even motivate us even more. Case and point was our Rock Group meeting Sunday night. Seems my Rock Groups families had been talking... and knew what Carol and I have been through over the weekend with Carol's dad. Seems a boycott was in order and they were not coming to the study Sunday night. Well, I almost fell for it but I pressed on because I knew that God had something to say - Carol and I needed our family around us - we needed to pray and get into Gods word together. It turned out to be an awesome evening!!!
My quote that I read yesterday:
If you want to go somewhere fast - go alone
If you want to go somewhere far - go together
What does this mean to you? How can you apply this to your life?
Email me your thoughts lrbatema@gmail.com
Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and support during this time.
I wrote down a message yesterday that has stuck with me and it puts things into perspective right now because we all need folks to walk with us and to support us no matter what we are facing in our lives. Our circumstances should not change our direction in life or our direction that God has given us. It should strengthen us and focus us even more on what God has us doing and even motivate us even more. Case and point was our Rock Group meeting Sunday night. Seems my Rock Groups families had been talking... and knew what Carol and I have been through over the weekend with Carol's dad. Seems a boycott was in order and they were not coming to the study Sunday night. Well, I almost fell for it but I pressed on because I knew that God had something to say - Carol and I needed our family around us - we needed to pray and get into Gods word together. It turned out to be an awesome evening!!!
My quote that I read yesterday:
If you want to go somewhere fast - go alone
If you want to go somewhere far - go together
What does this mean to you? How can you apply this to your life?
Email me your thoughts lrbatema@gmail.com
Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and support during this time.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Its been a few days since my last post. So much is going on and the weight of things seems to be unmeasurable at times. Carols dad was taken to the ER last night and we have been here at the hospital since. Lucky football is on to keep my mind off things as well as an Internet connection!
I am thankful for a few things that have taken place in the last week. One of Carols good friends called and invited her out to eat - no agenda or anything - just time invested in each other. I am thankful that Carol has friends that she can do that with who just come along side of her and let her know she is surrounded with people who really care and love her.
Today our friends came at lunch time and brought in lunch - we shared about 2 hours I guess together just talking about things. I really appreciate that guys! It means the world to us and so do you!
Life is really hard right now and I am trying to stay focused on being thankful even during this season. I am trying hard to focus on the good in everything even when its hard at times to find it. Many emotions from my mom are on my shoulders the last week with the struggles that Walt is going through. But I know I must continue to look up and place these heavy things into Gods hands. I also must continue to lead my family to give the hard things to God. Carol puts things deep inside and I pray that God can continue to lift those burdens off of her and fill her heart with peace and comfort.
I think many times God uses the things in our lives to speak to us. So many times people pray and ask God to remove things but did it ever occur to you that sometimes those things need to be there in order for God to do His work in those people- in us? Our struggles and hardships are there for a reason and its during those times God can really speak to us. I too find myself asking God to remove the pain in people lives, their situations and struggles but many times those struggles and painful things have such a bigger purpose. I pray even during this time with Walt - that God uses this to teach us, to inspire us, to comfort us and to show us something when we come out on the other side of what ever it is to happen here - that we know its a God thing because there is NO OTHER conclusion. God will use all this for His glory no matter what.
Walt is not saved - continue to pray that God reveals himself to Walt soon.
I am thankful for a few things that have taken place in the last week. One of Carols good friends called and invited her out to eat - no agenda or anything - just time invested in each other. I am thankful that Carol has friends that she can do that with who just come along side of her and let her know she is surrounded with people who really care and love her.
Today our friends came at lunch time and brought in lunch - we shared about 2 hours I guess together just talking about things. I really appreciate that guys! It means the world to us and so do you!
Life is really hard right now and I am trying to stay focused on being thankful even during this season. I am trying hard to focus on the good in everything even when its hard at times to find it. Many emotions from my mom are on my shoulders the last week with the struggles that Walt is going through. But I know I must continue to look up and place these heavy things into Gods hands. I also must continue to lead my family to give the hard things to God. Carol puts things deep inside and I pray that God can continue to lift those burdens off of her and fill her heart with peace and comfort.
I think many times God uses the things in our lives to speak to us. So many times people pray and ask God to remove things but did it ever occur to you that sometimes those things need to be there in order for God to do His work in those people- in us? Our struggles and hardships are there for a reason and its during those times God can really speak to us. I too find myself asking God to remove the pain in people lives, their situations and struggles but many times those struggles and painful things have such a bigger purpose. I pray even during this time with Walt - that God uses this to teach us, to inspire us, to comfort us and to show us something when we come out on the other side of what ever it is to happen here - that we know its a God thing because there is NO OTHER conclusion. God will use all this for His glory no matter what.
Walt is not saved - continue to pray that God reveals himself to Walt soon.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Something on my heart~
I wanted to share something with ya'll the last several days but I have been waiting to get into the right frame of mind and to prepare just a little before I posted this. I came home last Friday from work just talking up a storm. I had something on me that I needed to explain and share because God had made something clear to me - from something I have been struggling with for a few weeks.
First off - I want to say I am excited about a new series I am leading my Rock Group in and I can't wait to dig in and get going - and to share that time as we all come together as family. I think and pray all the time for my Rock Group, each member, each family, each struggle, each thought and relationship. I mean the book I mentioned a few posts before - The Connecting Church - really has me in the Rock Group "Community" mode and even more of what a Rock Group does. Did you know that almost all Small Groups that come together and meet - in just a short 6 or so months - most of them turn into a social event and the only prayer comes when everyone is eating? That just blows me away but I can see it happening so easily. Staying focused and staying on course is sometimes hard work. There is a lot of preparation involved and lots of planning and you end up in places sometimes that your heart didn't know it could go. I have really enjoyed this journey!!
I have mentioned before that the first real "Small Group" was Jesus and His disciples. Jesus had people around Him that He was doing life with. They ate together, they prayed together, they traveled together - they did so much together in the 3 short years of Jesus's ministry. Small Groups today reflect on those same principles that Jesus and His disciples have taught us. Its an amazing experience if you have never been connected with folks in such an awesome way!
To further my understanding I came across the passage below last week in my read through Romans and it took me to a new place of understanding.
It became clear to me that even within our own families - we are a united Small Group. As the dad of my family - I am the spiritual leader and I am to set a good example for my children. I am to set a good example for those I come in contact with each and every day and even in every situation and circumstance! Even during times of struggle and difficult situations - we as parents (spiritual leaders) we are to set a good example. I can remember when my son was small and he would fall down and hit his head on something, he would look at me or Carol to see if we were in panic mode or not. If we were - well he would start crying. If we were not - well he went on his way tearing up what ever he was destroying :)
See in our families - we are a small group - our children are our disciples. We are teaching them and when we are out there floundering or making bad decisions, outside of Gods graces - We are teaching them where we are headed and we are taking them along with us. Suffering is most of the time determined by our decisions. Decisions make up the walk of our lives. This in one reason why God lets us choose Him or to reject Him. Our walk in life can be with Jesus or it can be our way. If we have decided to walk with Jesus and follow Him - we have to continue to pray and make decisions in life based on what God wants from our lives. We have to make good decisions - Decisions that keep us in God's blessing. He will not bless things that are not part of His plan and go against what He has taught us. Sin is sin - no matter how we look at it or ignore it - God still sees it. There is so much pain and suffering in the world today - if we just listen and lift our decisions to God each day and base what we are doing in life on what He is showing us, what He is telling us and what He is teaching us - our lives would be so much more.
Lets read the passage below:
Romans 7
17-20But I need something more! For if I know the law but still can't keep it, and if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don't have what it takes. I can will it, but I can't do it. I decide to do good, but I don't really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don't result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.
21-23It happens so regularly that it's predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God's commands, but it's pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.
24I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?
25The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.
Don't let sin into your heart - keep lifting and focused on God. He has brought you through some tough times and never lose sight of those times as He walked along side of you with comfort and direction - even during the hardest of time - times you never thought you would make it out alive. God loves you and He wants to bless you . Lead with responsibility - lean on those around you who will walk with you - love on the relationships in your life that are based on the love of Jesus and feel comfort in them. Our families today are under attack by so many things - lead the children and be a good example in everything you do. From the grocery store, to the bump on the heads, to money issues and relationship issues - take the path along Gods streams of flowing water......... its time for a new direction for our family Small Group~
First off - I want to say I am excited about a new series I am leading my Rock Group in and I can't wait to dig in and get going - and to share that time as we all come together as family. I think and pray all the time for my Rock Group, each member, each family, each struggle, each thought and relationship. I mean the book I mentioned a few posts before - The Connecting Church - really has me in the Rock Group "Community" mode and even more of what a Rock Group does. Did you know that almost all Small Groups that come together and meet - in just a short 6 or so months - most of them turn into a social event and the only prayer comes when everyone is eating? That just blows me away but I can see it happening so easily. Staying focused and staying on course is sometimes hard work. There is a lot of preparation involved and lots of planning and you end up in places sometimes that your heart didn't know it could go. I have really enjoyed this journey!!
I have mentioned before that the first real "Small Group" was Jesus and His disciples. Jesus had people around Him that He was doing life with. They ate together, they prayed together, they traveled together - they did so much together in the 3 short years of Jesus's ministry. Small Groups today reflect on those same principles that Jesus and His disciples have taught us. Its an amazing experience if you have never been connected with folks in such an awesome way!
To further my understanding I came across the passage below last week in my read through Romans and it took me to a new place of understanding.
It became clear to me that even within our own families - we are a united Small Group. As the dad of my family - I am the spiritual leader and I am to set a good example for my children. I am to set a good example for those I come in contact with each and every day and even in every situation and circumstance! Even during times of struggle and difficult situations - we as parents (spiritual leaders) we are to set a good example. I can remember when my son was small and he would fall down and hit his head on something, he would look at me or Carol to see if we were in panic mode or not. If we were - well he would start crying. If we were not - well he went on his way tearing up what ever he was destroying :)
See in our families - we are a small group - our children are our disciples. We are teaching them and when we are out there floundering or making bad decisions, outside of Gods graces - We are teaching them where we are headed and we are taking them along with us. Suffering is most of the time determined by our decisions. Decisions make up the walk of our lives. This in one reason why God lets us choose Him or to reject Him. Our walk in life can be with Jesus or it can be our way. If we have decided to walk with Jesus and follow Him - we have to continue to pray and make decisions in life based on what God wants from our lives. We have to make good decisions - Decisions that keep us in God's blessing. He will not bless things that are not part of His plan and go against what He has taught us. Sin is sin - no matter how we look at it or ignore it - God still sees it. There is so much pain and suffering in the world today - if we just listen and lift our decisions to God each day and base what we are doing in life on what He is showing us, what He is telling us and what He is teaching us - our lives would be so much more.
Lets read the passage below:
Romans 7
17-20But I need something more! For if I know the law but still can't keep it, and if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don't have what it takes. I can will it, but I can't do it. I decide to do good, but I don't really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don't result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.
21-23It happens so regularly that it's predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God's commands, but it's pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.
24I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?
25The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.
Don't let sin into your heart - keep lifting and focused on God. He has brought you through some tough times and never lose sight of those times as He walked along side of you with comfort and direction - even during the hardest of time - times you never thought you would make it out alive. God loves you and He wants to bless you . Lead with responsibility - lean on those around you who will walk with you - love on the relationships in your life that are based on the love of Jesus and feel comfort in them. Our families today are under attack by so many things - lead the children and be a good example in everything you do. From the grocery store, to the bump on the heads, to money issues and relationship issues - take the path along Gods streams of flowing water......... its time for a new direction for our family Small Group~
Monday, January 7, 2008
I heard something today that got me thinking :)
Our lives are filled with suffering except for a few moments of joy in between. How true that statement COULD be.
Suffering from Dictionary.com:
~To feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm, or punishment.
Too many of us think that God is a brutal God and a God that just wants to see us fall down, to hurt and maybe even for Him to punish us. That could not be any further from the truth because God loves us and He loves us more than than we give Him credit for. It is powerful knowing that the God of the universe loves us. He sent Jesus so that we may have a relationship with Him.
So many of us make decisions in life, me included at times, that is not part of what God would want from us. Like so many parents, our children bug us to no end for something and out of frustration we give in and just give them what they want because we can't take it anymore - even if they deserve what they are asking or not - or even if we know its not in their best interest to have what ever it is they are asking us for. You have seen those situations - at Walmart in the toy section and the child is laying on the floor screaming and kicking as the parent stands by wondering how to make the escape.
I think God looks at us at times and we are doing the same thing as that child - kicking and screaming, making decisions in life on how we feel, our desires and on our feelings.
How many times have you taken something to God for an answer to an important thing in your life and waiting on His answer - then He does answer and its the wrong answer? Or maybe you gave up and did whatever you wanted - or maybe God answered you and you ignored Him because you did not like the answer!
Suffering is a part of life and everyone will have a season(s) in their lives where suffering is a part of it. How else can God really test us and have us grow in our FAITH and Trust in Him? Its during the hard times that God shows us what He is all about and when our season of suffering is over - and it will end at some point- we are much stronger as a person, a friend as a husband or wife and as a disciple of Jesus. Many times our length of suffering depends entirely on us and our continued decisions.
Psalm 107:
4-9 Some of you wandered for years in the desert, looking but not finding a good place to live, Half-starved and parched with thirst, staggering and stumbling, on the brink of exhaustion. Then, in your desperate condition, you called out to God. He got you out in the nick of time; He put your feet on a wonderful road that took you straight to a good place to live. So thank God for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves. He poured great draughts of water down parched throats; the starved and hungry got plenty to eat.
17-22 Some of you were sick because you'd lived a bad life, your bodies feeling the effects of your sin; You couldn't stand the sight of food, so miserable you thought you'd be better off dead. Then you called out to God in your desperate condition; he got you out in the nick of time. He spoke the word that healed you, that pulled you back from the brink of death. So thank God for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves; Offer thanksgiving sacrifices, tell the world what he's done—sing it out!
42-43 Good people see this and are glad; bad people are speechless, stopped in their tracks. If you are really wise, you'll think this over— it's time you appreciated God's deep love.
What is in your life right now, friends, that needs the attention of God? What is it that is in your life that has a wall up between you and our heavenly father? Make that situation right and make the changes you need to make to be in Gods blessings. He sees all we are doing, there is no place to hide and no sin left unturned or forgotten unless you bring them to Him. He loves You and wants nothing more than for you to walk in His brilliant light. Its the beginning of 2008 and its a good time to make some changes - our time here is but a mist and then we are gone. Time is short - make things right and then let God bless and lead you past where you are stuck today.
Love you all,
Our lives are filled with suffering except for a few moments of joy in between. How true that statement COULD be.
Suffering from Dictionary.com:
~To feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm, or punishment.
Too many of us think that God is a brutal God and a God that just wants to see us fall down, to hurt and maybe even for Him to punish us. That could not be any further from the truth because God loves us and He loves us more than than we give Him credit for. It is powerful knowing that the God of the universe loves us. He sent Jesus so that we may have a relationship with Him.
So many of us make decisions in life, me included at times, that is not part of what God would want from us. Like so many parents, our children bug us to no end for something and out of frustration we give in and just give them what they want because we can't take it anymore - even if they deserve what they are asking or not - or even if we know its not in their best interest to have what ever it is they are asking us for. You have seen those situations - at Walmart in the toy section and the child is laying on the floor screaming and kicking as the parent stands by wondering how to make the escape.
I think God looks at us at times and we are doing the same thing as that child - kicking and screaming, making decisions in life on how we feel, our desires and on our feelings.
How many times have you taken something to God for an answer to an important thing in your life and waiting on His answer - then He does answer and its the wrong answer? Or maybe you gave up and did whatever you wanted - or maybe God answered you and you ignored Him because you did not like the answer!
Suffering is a part of life and everyone will have a season(s) in their lives where suffering is a part of it. How else can God really test us and have us grow in our FAITH and Trust in Him? Its during the hard times that God shows us what He is all about and when our season of suffering is over - and it will end at some point- we are much stronger as a person, a friend as a husband or wife and as a disciple of Jesus. Many times our length of suffering depends entirely on us and our continued decisions.
Psalm 107:
4-9 Some of you wandered for years in the desert, looking but not finding a good place to live, Half-starved and parched with thirst, staggering and stumbling, on the brink of exhaustion. Then, in your desperate condition, you called out to God. He got you out in the nick of time; He put your feet on a wonderful road that took you straight to a good place to live. So thank God for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves. He poured great draughts of water down parched throats; the starved and hungry got plenty to eat.
17-22 Some of you were sick because you'd lived a bad life, your bodies feeling the effects of your sin; You couldn't stand the sight of food, so miserable you thought you'd be better off dead. Then you called out to God in your desperate condition; he got you out in the nick of time. He spoke the word that healed you, that pulled you back from the brink of death. So thank God for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves; Offer thanksgiving sacrifices, tell the world what he's done—sing it out!
42-43 Good people see this and are glad; bad people are speechless, stopped in their tracks. If you are really wise, you'll think this over— it's time you appreciated God's deep love.
What is in your life right now, friends, that needs the attention of God? What is it that is in your life that has a wall up between you and our heavenly father? Make that situation right and make the changes you need to make to be in Gods blessings. He sees all we are doing, there is no place to hide and no sin left unturned or forgotten unless you bring them to Him. He loves You and wants nothing more than for you to walk in His brilliant light. Its the beginning of 2008 and its a good time to make some changes - our time here is but a mist and then we are gone. Time is short - make things right and then let God bless and lead you past where you are stuck today.
Love you all,
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Chazown 2008
Ok so whats up with the title of this blog entry? Chazown ----- well that is Hebrew for "Vision" - its a new book that I started reading last week from Craig Groeschel from LifeChurch.tv - This guy is a visionary and is leading the church to new places.
I am going to lead my Rock Group this evening on "Chazown" - Vision - for 2008. Planning out our year puts things down on paper and keeps up focused on what we are to do for the year. It provides accountability and unity for ourselves but also to those around us. For my Rock Group- I pray this homework assignment will spring us closer together, help us focus on what we are doing for our church, for each other and for ourselves. I am not talking "Chazown" for material things like - in 2008 I will go back to school or get a better paying job or lose that spare tire around my waste but I am talking Spiritually.
So - this is where we begin and I will share MY Chazown for 2008:
Writing a goal is the first level of accountability. You would not believe the difference in outcomes between a written and an unwritten goal. The Harvard graduating class of 1953 was surveyed to find how many students had written goals. 3%. That’s right, only 3 out of 100 had put pen to paper. 30 years later, those same 3% had accumulated over 90% of the wealth of the entire graduating class. That’s the power of a written goal. Now turn that same power towards Gods Chazown – for your life. Just think what a few words in black and white can do.
(Chazown – Hebrew for VISION)
What are you going to do in 2008?
My goals for 2008:
- Continue to lead my Rock Group family in a way that brings us closer together, that continues to challenge and hold each of us accountable to the level that God wants his children, to have the courage in those relationships to step forward to go to the hard tough places when needed and continue to be the best example I can be for our children, all the while having a ton of fun doing so!
- Continue to lead the Setup/Breakdown Ministry to the best of my ability because God expects my best in everything I do.
- Continue to learn to lead more effectively so that I can reach more people for Gods kingdom and for others to see the joy in serving not only in our church but in each other – thus expanding the Setup/Breakdown Ministry at church.
- To turn over my Ministry leadership role as the Strategic Volunteer Ministry Leader to a person who is a proven leader in leading and connecting people together all while serving God.
- My goal for 2008 is for one day see my dad give his heart to Jesus (I lead him or someone else does –doesn’t matter) – so that my promise to my mom will be fulfilled that she will once again see him.
- My goal for 2008 is to be a good example for my brothers and their families so that during those conversations they will find the love of Jesus and return to church. I continue to pray for life change for them. It may be my actions that speak over what I have to say that leads them to a relationship with Jesus.
- My goal in 2008 would be to see Jesus take Walter Hagglund’s heart no matter how late in his life it may be. Praying for God to continue to use me and put those opportunities in front of me and for me to have the courage to talk those hard heart to heart conversations with him.
- My goal in 2008 is to better understand Gods word and to continue to grow as a faithful follower of Jesus. Also to trust Him more in my daily walk with him.
- My goal for 2008 is to continue to reach out and love on “My Kids” – to continue to be a good role model for them and to let them know in every opportunity I can that I love them – love them like they are my own – so that they “really” know that.
- My goal for 2008 is once again become close with my cousin Patty and to finally meet her long term boyfriend Vance.
- My goal for 2008 is take more vacation time to spend with my family and my friends.
- My goal for 2008 is to serve the Salvation Army in special projects they need help with during the year, visit the Heritage folks that I have become friends with there regardless if Walt is there or not, to help the crisis pregnancy center of Cabarrus county and continue to help those in need right in our community.
- My goal for 2008 is to continue to provide lunch for Hayley and become closer with her family because she was my Project ARK.
- My goal for January 2008 is take Taylor and Morgan on our date night in celebration of Morgan getting her cast off – Mexicasa!
- My goal for March 2008 is to take Morgan to the daddy daughter dance if she lets me and to finally break down and buy a nice sports jacket just for this big night and I am wearing my hat!
- My goal for 2008 is to step up my efforts to pray that Kyle is surrounded by God loving friends and that his girl friend’s and one day wife will also be a Christian (its never to early to pray about that!)
- My goal for 2008 is to continue to make important steps towards leaving a legacy to my family with the love I have for Jesus, my leadership in prayer and by living my life by example with how I love the people around me, that I am compassionate to others who are hurting and my passion to show others what it means to be a good example of what it means to be a “Christian”.
- My goal in 2008 is to focus more on my wife Carol and to establish a date night once a month!
- My goal in 2008 is to hire a student worker at work that loves Jesus.
- My goal in 2008 is to read every book by Craig Groeschel and James McDonald.
- My goal in 2008 is to visit a church service at – NewSpring, Elevation, The Refuge, SouthBrook church and both campuses of Hickory Grove. One church service with Donna and “My Girls” and the other with the Beaver/Brewer families.
- My goal in 2008 is to continue to look up when things are looking down – to continue to pray instead of worry and to be the most positive person I can be.
- My goal in 2008 is to thank the Lord each and everyday no matter what I may be facing in my life.
So what is your Chazown for 2008?
Email me at lrbatema@gmail.com
Love you all and together we can make a difference in this world - just the way Jesus wants us to.
I am going to lead my Rock Group this evening on "Chazown" - Vision - for 2008. Planning out our year puts things down on paper and keeps up focused on what we are to do for the year. It provides accountability and unity for ourselves but also to those around us. For my Rock Group- I pray this homework assignment will spring us closer together, help us focus on what we are doing for our church, for each other and for ourselves. I am not talking "Chazown" for material things like - in 2008 I will go back to school or get a better paying job or lose that spare tire around my waste but I am talking Spiritually.
So - this is where we begin and I will share MY Chazown for 2008:
Writing a goal is the first level of accountability. You would not believe the difference in outcomes between a written and an unwritten goal. The Harvard graduating class of 1953 was surveyed to find how many students had written goals. 3%. That’s right, only 3 out of 100 had put pen to paper. 30 years later, those same 3% had accumulated over 90% of the wealth of the entire graduating class. That’s the power of a written goal. Now turn that same power towards Gods Chazown – for your life. Just think what a few words in black and white can do.
(Chazown – Hebrew for VISION)
What are you going to do in 2008?
My goals for 2008:
- Continue to lead my Rock Group family in a way that brings us closer together, that continues to challenge and hold each of us accountable to the level that God wants his children, to have the courage in those relationships to step forward to go to the hard tough places when needed and continue to be the best example I can be for our children, all the while having a ton of fun doing so!
- Continue to lead the Setup/Breakdown Ministry to the best of my ability because God expects my best in everything I do.
- Continue to learn to lead more effectively so that I can reach more people for Gods kingdom and for others to see the joy in serving not only in our church but in each other – thus expanding the Setup/Breakdown Ministry at church.
- To turn over my Ministry leadership role as the Strategic Volunteer Ministry Leader to a person who is a proven leader in leading and connecting people together all while serving God.
- My goal for 2008 is for one day see my dad give his heart to Jesus (I lead him or someone else does –doesn’t matter) – so that my promise to my mom will be fulfilled that she will once again see him.
- My goal for 2008 is to be a good example for my brothers and their families so that during those conversations they will find the love of Jesus and return to church. I continue to pray for life change for them. It may be my actions that speak over what I have to say that leads them to a relationship with Jesus.
- My goal in 2008 would be to see Jesus take Walter Hagglund’s heart no matter how late in his life it may be. Praying for God to continue to use me and put those opportunities in front of me and for me to have the courage to talk those hard heart to heart conversations with him.
- My goal in 2008 is to better understand Gods word and to continue to grow as a faithful follower of Jesus. Also to trust Him more in my daily walk with him.
- My goal for 2008 is to continue to reach out and love on “My Kids” – to continue to be a good role model for them and to let them know in every opportunity I can that I love them – love them like they are my own – so that they “really” know that.
- My goal for 2008 is once again become close with my cousin Patty and to finally meet her long term boyfriend Vance.
- My goal for 2008 is take more vacation time to spend with my family and my friends.
- My goal for 2008 is to serve the Salvation Army in special projects they need help with during the year, visit the Heritage folks that I have become friends with there regardless if Walt is there or not, to help the crisis pregnancy center of Cabarrus county and continue to help those in need right in our community.
- My goal for 2008 is to continue to provide lunch for Hayley and become closer with her family because she was my Project ARK.
- My goal for January 2008 is take Taylor and Morgan on our date night in celebration of Morgan getting her cast off – Mexicasa!
- My goal for March 2008 is to take Morgan to the daddy daughter dance if she lets me and to finally break down and buy a nice sports jacket just for this big night and I am wearing my hat!
- My goal for 2008 is to step up my efforts to pray that Kyle is surrounded by God loving friends and that his girl friend’s and one day wife will also be a Christian (its never to early to pray about that!)
- My goal for 2008 is to continue to make important steps towards leaving a legacy to my family with the love I have for Jesus, my leadership in prayer and by living my life by example with how I love the people around me, that I am compassionate to others who are hurting and my passion to show others what it means to be a good example of what it means to be a “Christian”.
- My goal in 2008 is to focus more on my wife Carol and to establish a date night once a month!
- My goal in 2008 is to hire a student worker at work that loves Jesus.
- My goal in 2008 is to read every book by Craig Groeschel and James McDonald.
- My goal in 2008 is to visit a church service at – NewSpring, Elevation, The Refuge, SouthBrook church and both campuses of Hickory Grove. One church service with Donna and “My Girls” and the other with the Beaver/Brewer families.
- My goal in 2008 is to continue to look up when things are looking down – to continue to pray instead of worry and to be the most positive person I can be.
- My goal in 2008 is to thank the Lord each and everyday no matter what I may be facing in my life.
So what is your Chazown for 2008?
Email me at lrbatema@gmail.com
Love you all and together we can make a difference in this world - just the way Jesus wants us to.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Pitt Crew Chiefs....
What is a Pitt Crew Chief? If you know anything about Nascar- you would know they are the ones in charge of the car and what is taking place during the race. This is Nascar country and we have Pitt Crew Chiefs at church! Yes - we have folks who are in charge of production and making a place for Jesus to come and change people through our church.
I wanted take a moment being that its the beginning of a new year and thank some important people who help me make a place for others @Rocky River Community Church. See these guys are in the trenches with me and take a leadership role in leading at our church in setting everything up and breaking down everything in a mobile church. It is a lot of work if anyone would like to know - ask my dad :) - he served with me a few months back on setup!
Anyways - its great having these guys help our church make a place for others to come to know Jesus. They are in as much as I am and they take an important role in leading others in what we do each and every week.
Mike Monroe - Dan Wiktorek - Jeff McLester - Brian Walters - you guys rock - and I am not taking away from the many folks who serve each month - who serve Jesus almost every week - I love you guys and together~ we are making a great team who is reaching out to those in our communuty for Jesus. A place for those to come and find a home, a place of acceptance, a place for forgiveness and a place to find purpose and meaning in their lives. God changes people when he brings them through His doors and its an honor to serve God along side of you. Thank you for your leadership guys!!!
Serve on ....
I wanted take a moment being that its the beginning of a new year and thank some important people who help me make a place for others @Rocky River Community Church. See these guys are in the trenches with me and take a leadership role in leading at our church in setting everything up and breaking down everything in a mobile church. It is a lot of work if anyone would like to know - ask my dad :) - he served with me a few months back on setup!
Anyways - its great having these guys help our church make a place for others to come to know Jesus. They are in as much as I am and they take an important role in leading others in what we do each and every week.
Mike Monroe - Dan Wiktorek - Jeff McLester - Brian Walters - you guys rock - and I am not taking away from the many folks who serve each month - who serve Jesus almost every week - I love you guys and together~ we are making a great team who is reaching out to those in our communuty for Jesus. A place for those to come and find a home, a place of acceptance, a place for forgiveness and a place to find purpose and meaning in their lives. God changes people when he brings them through His doors and its an honor to serve God along side of you. Thank you for your leadership guys!!!
Serve on ....
Thursday, January 3, 2008
400 posts....
And I don't mean along a fence! That would be a long fence though :)
Wow - I never would have thought this blog would still be going. Its been a great walk with my first post posted on 1/10/07. I remember my first real blog entry - I was sitting in the Honda dealer waiting on my Element for service and I was looking around at the folks there wondering who were dead. I meant that post as who was spiritually dead or who was spiritually alive. We have come a long way since then. I have received hits from all over the world from far away as China and Japan - I have 100's of hits that read this blog every week - I am not exactly sure why ... I am really humbled that I continue to grow as a Christian and I blog my thoughts and my heart and even sometimes my tears here and people read this. It really is truly amazing. I look forward to 2008 with such excitement and look forward to continue to share "The Walk" with you. Thanks to those reading this blog and I pray it continues to be of some value in your life and in your walk with Jesus.
Speaking of 2008 - this coming Sunday is our kick off in our Rock Group of a new message series I am leading - "30 days to live" - What in your life would change if you found out you had just 30 days to live? There will be some hard conversations and some real gut checks with this message. It will also challenge us as far as where we stand with everyone around us - are we treating people right, have we given forgiveness to those in our lives who have hurt us, have we mistreated someone close to us and what can I be doing to make this life more alive and worth living - living with purpose and meaning - AM I telling the people in my life that I love them every chance I have?
Since we have not got together for the last 2 weeks with Christmas and family time - folks traveling and all - We might use this week as a get together week - to share some laughs and catch up on each other and enjoy a little bit of football together since it is the playoffs right? If we choose that option - I won't be letting everyone off the hook easy. I have something else up my sleeve.
Since its a new year - 2008 - I want to share a small story with everyone about writing their plans down for the year. I don't mean material plans, or plans to go back to school and make more money - I am talking spiritual plans. What are the plans this year to be closer to God? What can I do to further His kingdom and to those around me? What can I do to strengthen the relationships that I hold very dear to us?
That is the vision assignment for this week. I have mine already done and I will post them on Sunday. Its going to be a great year - 2008 - and I am so looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me, my Rock Group, my friends, my church family and my family.
Gods continued blessings,
Wow - I never would have thought this blog would still be going. Its been a great walk with my first post posted on 1/10/07. I remember my first real blog entry - I was sitting in the Honda dealer waiting on my Element for service and I was looking around at the folks there wondering who were dead. I meant that post as who was spiritually dead or who was spiritually alive. We have come a long way since then. I have received hits from all over the world from far away as China and Japan - I have 100's of hits that read this blog every week - I am not exactly sure why ... I am really humbled that I continue to grow as a Christian and I blog my thoughts and my heart and even sometimes my tears here and people read this. It really is truly amazing. I look forward to 2008 with such excitement and look forward to continue to share "The Walk" with you. Thanks to those reading this blog and I pray it continues to be of some value in your life and in your walk with Jesus.
Speaking of 2008 - this coming Sunday is our kick off in our Rock Group of a new message series I am leading - "30 days to live" - What in your life would change if you found out you had just 30 days to live? There will be some hard conversations and some real gut checks with this message. It will also challenge us as far as where we stand with everyone around us - are we treating people right, have we given forgiveness to those in our lives who have hurt us, have we mistreated someone close to us and what can I be doing to make this life more alive and worth living - living with purpose and meaning - AM I telling the people in my life that I love them every chance I have?
Since we have not got together for the last 2 weeks with Christmas and family time - folks traveling and all - We might use this week as a get together week - to share some laughs and catch up on each other and enjoy a little bit of football together since it is the playoffs right? If we choose that option - I won't be letting everyone off the hook easy. I have something else up my sleeve.
Since its a new year - 2008 - I want to share a small story with everyone about writing their plans down for the year. I don't mean material plans, or plans to go back to school and make more money - I am talking spiritual plans. What are the plans this year to be closer to God? What can I do to further His kingdom and to those around me? What can I do to strengthen the relationships that I hold very dear to us?
That is the vision assignment for this week. I have mine already done and I will post them on Sunday. Its going to be a great year - 2008 - and I am so looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me, my Rock Group, my friends, my church family and my family.
Gods continued blessings,
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I heard a story today ....
Well - finally back at work! I was starting to dig this not working bit but I am thankful to have a place of employment and it did not take long for others to find me seeking prayer and asking me to be involved. I was told a story this morning that happened over Christmas break. A good friend of mine here at work - her father n law passed away but how he passed away almost had me in tears. What a way to start the new year ~ In the arms of God touching those around us.
It was his birthday - 91 years old - had led a good long life and was in good health. Sunday morning he woke up early to attend the early morning church service. Sunday he was going to baptized - it was not like any other church Sunday. Later that morning as he was getting ready - He had chest pains and pressure in his chest. 911 was called and he was rushed to the emergency room. Not exactly sure what was going on - his Pastor and family were notified. His only problem with everything happening was he was missing his baptism. He was upset even during this time of not knowing what was wrong with his body. His pastor baptized him in the hospital with his family, friends and other church family - he later passed away not long afterwards.
Do you think God gives second chances? Do you think God knew this mans heart and gave him that last chance to be baptized that morning and held off of when he was to be called home?
My grandpa Joe accepted Jesus just a week before he passed. He was a smart man and needed proof on everything to believe in it. He was an engineer and things have to line up just right in their minds to work right. He struggled his entire life with accepting the "Truth" and taking a step in faith to believe. It is hard for some to believe in what cannot be seen (especially today) - but the air and wind cannot be seen. Nourishment cannot be seen .... but we know we need it.
Even in the time that Jesus walked the earth and performed miracle after miracle - taught all over the land - people still refused to believe.
My father n law is not doing well. He very well may be on his last stand, I don't know - one never knows. My mom was a fighter and many times I questioned God with her suffering and why was she hanging on fighting so long. I do believe with all my heart she had something to show us - God had something to teach us. Mom rewrote the books on survival I was told by many of the awesome Hospice folks. I am very proud of mom for the way she left this earth, with courage, standing strong, doing what was right, saying her last wishes and was at peace with everyone - even those she had struggled with for many years. Mom knew Heaven was her next stop. She was excited about it and whenever anyone spoke to her about it - her eyes would light up and she got another breath of energy. One of my big regrets in life, is not speaking to her about it more. It was during this time I leaned so heavy on the Lord - I would fill my cup to the brim in His word - praise songs - what ever I could find, read or sing - even if it meant going to a church and finding a door open to just sit and pray in the pews - in the hospital worship areas - with other folks in the hospitals needing prayer - we would hold hands and pray right in the middle of the hallways. God had so much to teach me during this time. It has made Carol, Kyle and myself stronger because of what we have been through. Does it make it any easier? - maybe but not much, it is still hard. I am unsure how much time Walt has left but even with the story above - this is not the time to give up on his salvation and its not over until God says ~Its over~
It may be that we are being given this time to teach Walt instead of him teaching us. God is teaching us something on both ends - He has something to show us if we take the time to study and listen.
Lord, what is it through all this struggle and pain that you want us to know? Help us understand ....
Continue to pray for those answers and seek His word with whatever you are struggling with today.
I have been in Romans the last week or so and I thought I would share my study time with you from this morning.... its the main reason for this post today.
Romans 5
Peace and Joy
1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a]have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we[c] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
6You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
9Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! 10For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
You may not know why you are where you are today but God does. You may not understand why things have taken place the way they have but God does. You may be mad for what events have taken place in your life but God does. See there is nothing that you are going through that God has not done, been done to, experienced, tempted or whatever - God knows exactly where you are today and where you have been. Gods forgiveness is bigger than anything you have - His peace is bigger than anything you have - his grace is bigger than anything you have - His love is bigger than any love you ever had ...
Rejoice even during the hard and difficult times ~ God will provide the strenth and courage.
That is something I have learned because I have experienced it firsthand. Thanks be to God!
It was his birthday - 91 years old - had led a good long life and was in good health. Sunday morning he woke up early to attend the early morning church service. Sunday he was going to baptized - it was not like any other church Sunday. Later that morning as he was getting ready - He had chest pains and pressure in his chest. 911 was called and he was rushed to the emergency room. Not exactly sure what was going on - his Pastor and family were notified. His only problem with everything happening was he was missing his baptism. He was upset even during this time of not knowing what was wrong with his body. His pastor baptized him in the hospital with his family, friends and other church family - he later passed away not long afterwards.
Do you think God gives second chances? Do you think God knew this mans heart and gave him that last chance to be baptized that morning and held off of when he was to be called home?
My grandpa Joe accepted Jesus just a week before he passed. He was a smart man and needed proof on everything to believe in it. He was an engineer and things have to line up just right in their minds to work right. He struggled his entire life with accepting the "Truth" and taking a step in faith to believe. It is hard for some to believe in what cannot be seen (especially today) - but the air and wind cannot be seen. Nourishment cannot be seen .... but we know we need it.
Even in the time that Jesus walked the earth and performed miracle after miracle - taught all over the land - people still refused to believe.
My father n law is not doing well. He very well may be on his last stand, I don't know - one never knows. My mom was a fighter and many times I questioned God with her suffering and why was she hanging on fighting so long. I do believe with all my heart she had something to show us - God had something to teach us. Mom rewrote the books on survival I was told by many of the awesome Hospice folks. I am very proud of mom for the way she left this earth, with courage, standing strong, doing what was right, saying her last wishes and was at peace with everyone - even those she had struggled with for many years. Mom knew Heaven was her next stop. She was excited about it and whenever anyone spoke to her about it - her eyes would light up and she got another breath of energy. One of my big regrets in life, is not speaking to her about it more. It was during this time I leaned so heavy on the Lord - I would fill my cup to the brim in His word - praise songs - what ever I could find, read or sing - even if it meant going to a church and finding a door open to just sit and pray in the pews - in the hospital worship areas - with other folks in the hospitals needing prayer - we would hold hands and pray right in the middle of the hallways. God had so much to teach me during this time. It has made Carol, Kyle and myself stronger because of what we have been through. Does it make it any easier? - maybe but not much, it is still hard. I am unsure how much time Walt has left but even with the story above - this is not the time to give up on his salvation and its not over until God says ~Its over~
It may be that we are being given this time to teach Walt instead of him teaching us. God is teaching us something on both ends - He has something to show us if we take the time to study and listen.
Lord, what is it through all this struggle and pain that you want us to know? Help us understand ....
Continue to pray for those answers and seek His word with whatever you are struggling with today.
I have been in Romans the last week or so and I thought I would share my study time with you from this morning.... its the main reason for this post today.
Romans 5
Peace and Joy
1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a]have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we[c] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
6You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
9Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! 10For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
You may not know why you are where you are today but God does. You may not understand why things have taken place the way they have but God does. You may be mad for what events have taken place in your life but God does. See there is nothing that you are going through that God has not done, been done to, experienced, tempted or whatever - God knows exactly where you are today and where you have been. Gods forgiveness is bigger than anything you have - His peace is bigger than anything you have - his grace is bigger than anything you have - His love is bigger than any love you ever had ...
Rejoice even during the hard and difficult times ~ God will provide the strenth and courage.
That is something I have learned because I have experienced it firsthand. Thanks be to God!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Starting 2008 off right....

I want to wish everyone a very happy new years - I pray that 2008 will be a great year. I have been giving this blog entry some good thought so I hope I can manage to get my thoughts out here the way I want to.
You are probably wondering what this is... does it look familiar? If you know anything about the stars - you would know this is our closest galaxy to our own. This is Andromeda galaxy - also known as Messier Object 31. This galaxy is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 million light years away from our Milky Way. That is traveling 186,000 miles per second for 2-3 million light years ... that is pretty far away!
This is our Milky Way. Can you see yourself over there on the left? No wait, on the right? See how small we are compared to everything around us? Things we can't explain or know so little about... we are the size of a pin head to everything else around us.
We live in a giant spiral galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, of 100,000 light years diameter and a mass of roughly a trillion solar masses and our Solar System together with at least 200 billion other stars (more recent estimates have given numbers around 400 billion) and their planets. Our sun and our planet earth along with our known 9 planets are just a spec in this awesome picture. Did you know that if Earth was formed say - 100 miles closer to the sun we would burn up? Did you know that if Earth was formed say 100 miles farther from the sun we would be all frozen solid? These things dont just form by chance. Most people don't want to face the reality of something that they can't understand so most ignore it and don't think about it.
Did you ever wonder why the 3 wise men traveled to see Jesus the night they were born? See they lived FAR away from where Jesus was born - it might have taken them a year or more in traveling to come and bring Him gifts, to honor and worship Him. They didn't have planes then or cars - just horses, camels, donkeys and by foot. So imagine with me walking from say - NY to San Diego... How long would that take you? God placed the message in the stars for those wise men to go - to meet a saviour of the people. They knew the importance behind it and they brought the best gifts that at that time, they had. Do you see the signifigance of how small we really are compared to what we know and understand? Jesus has told us to not rely on our own understanding - yes there are questions and becoming a Christian only opens the doors to many more questions but there are answers to some of them.
Do not rely on your own understanding or wait until you got it all figured out before coming to Jesus and asking Him into your heart. Your life changes, He gives you peace and understanding - I pray 2008 will be your year. I have many around me that need 2008 to be there year. Life is but a mist and then it is gone. Do you know that time is fleeting and our days are already numbered...... we can't get them back but we can look ahead at tomorrow as long as Jesus is in front.
I can just imagine what my mom is seeing today - there is hope in our next journey and this is just a stop to whats to come. Thank you Jesus for coming, stepping down from heaven, walking with us and giving us hope.
Want to start 2008 off right? Want to make this year different than all the years past? All it takes is an easy prayer and a heart transformed in believing. God gave His son to come and die for you - I don't think I could give my son to anyone for any reason, I would fight to the death if I had too ... thats how big that was. God sent His son ~All for you.....
That next evening looking up at the stars will never be the same ....
Praying for everyone around me for a great 2008.
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