Friday, June 29, 2007

What are you living for?

I have had this on my for 2 days really heavy so I am going to try and share this morning. Yesterday I went to a retirement party for a friend here at work - 34 years in service! That is an accomplishment - for him and the place of work! With layoffs happening all around us - companies moving over seas - Phillip Morris just announced this week they are closing down the plant in Concord NC - man that is huge - they make up almost 13% of the tax base for the county. Things really hurt but mostly its the people that end up hurting and if they don't follow the company where their plans take them - they have to start over. Much like my friend here at work - today will be his last day. 34 years of coming here almost every morning. Monday will be greeted with sadness or happiness. A time to get and read the entire paper for a change or time to think - NOW WHAT!!!? Regardless - 34 years of making friends and being a part of the lives of many that work here. There were like 50 folks who attended the party yesterday and he kept saying - I will be back - I will be back soon or later, maybe lunch or visiting. It's hard to let go of something I guess that has been a part of your life for 34 years!
I think about my dad this morning and my father-N-law - Walt - they were both married for many years and now with their wives gone - Its that same Monday morning feeling of NOW WHAT!????
I have to say that over the last few years after my mom died that I want to make a difference - I want to invest my time in things that last - I want to leave something behind for people. If I can do something to help someone or better their situation - well then I just invested in significance- eternity - hope- in people. I don't want to get to the end of my life, however long that may be, and realize ~ I did not live enough. I did not give enough. I did not make a difference enough. I think many times older folks feel that way more so than the younger generations because we still think we have time left and years ahead of us. BUT - many of us don't and that's the truth. We never know how much time we have left here - so as I give back and I give to those around me - and I serve families around me and invest my time, energy and passions into people - into church and into things that last~ I can feel the blessings flowing through me from Heaven to those around me. I feel that BUZ that I often talk about and I just love being in that mode and feeling like this.
Imagine a Hollywood where they invested in real things and not the latest party or latest crazy stupid stunt or being arrested for drugs, pills, alcohol or marital issues - they are investing their time in things that don't last. I could care less about what Paris Hilton is doing with her life but if I ever get the chance - I am going to talk to her about God. A person with that much money and infuence - she could be making a world of difference. She didn't work for any of what she has - her family worked for it and God has given them what they have and look what she is doing with it - bringing shame to her family name and so many other things. Friends - live a life of signifigance - live a life that matters - Help folks around you and expect nothing in return - God blesses those who do!!!
As Carol and I continue to lead in our church and serve those around us - its not about the job but its about the joy in doing these things. Once we lose focus of the JOY - then it will come crashing down. Last night one of the girls we went to see at her swim meet championship told Carol that someone asked her who she was - you know, the one with that contagious smile. YES THAT IS MY WIFE!!!! Her smile affects everyone around her. She shows her joy and investment on her face - in her hard work at school and with the friends she has - she is making investments in things that last and her face shows it. Her heart beats with it and Kyle is learning through these teachable moments.
The formula written on my wall here at work:

It's time to invest in something that lasts.... something that pays long term and in things that lead us to living lives of signifigance! Its through Jesus we can only do this...
What are you living for?

Love you all,

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

I thought about your blog from yesterday practically all night last night. That is what your momma always said "I want my life to make a difference" funny how that popped out to me when I read what you wrote! And she did make a difference. It wasn't about money or material things, it was from her heart. I will never remember her for the things she owned or the clothes she wore or the jewlery or the money she spent. She wasn't about all of that, she was so much more than that. She would do without so others could have and never complain. She was what she was and it was from her heart, and there will never be anyone else in the world like her. She made a difference. Her heart was in the right place. She was just getting started to see how life with the Lord could be. Now she sees much more than I can.