Friday, June 8, 2007

Last day of school? Already?

Its the last day of school today. I have been dreading this day for weeks. I know the kids are excited about getting out of school - I too remember that feeling! But as this chapter closes, another chapter will begin and with that - I will always remember this year. I pray for each of the children that has touched my life this year, they have opened my eyes and my heart. There is nothing I would not do for each of them. So as I get ready to leave work and get in the car and make my last drive over to school - sign in one last time and then enter the classroom for the last time this year - I will try and remember all the smiles, hugs and laughter that I can. Holding back the tears of a great year with such fond memories, awesome hugs and smiles, hearts working as one. I will remember this year always.
Thanks for an awesome year!

Heavenly Father, thank You for today - no matter how hard today is Lord -its a blessing to have come this far and to experience this year as I have done. Lord thank You for all the children - please keep them safe, keep them healthy and keep them focused on You Lord. May Your blessing flow on them from above like a refreshing rain in the spring time. May we all remember the smiles and the laughter of this past year and look forward to another season next year. I pray for all their families Lord - may they all be in Your family - I pray I get to see some of them over the summer and even in church Lord. I pray for those who move away or go to a different school next year - may their paths be on Your path Lord and may their faith grow and their understanding of You blossom into a faith that we all can experience. So many people believe in You - but many do not have their hearts in You - May we all experience You in a personal and in such a way Lord - that our FAITH in You is above all else. Thank You for loving us and Lord - Thank You for my kids - Thank You for Donna - thank You for the love she has for these children and being like a mom to them as well as a friend and teacher. Thank You for the the room parents and all the parents who came this year into the classroom - thank You for Carol for spending countless hours with these kids and helping in the classroom the past 2 years. Our children are worth all the sweat and tears.... today is a day of tears. Happy tears and prayers that we all have just made a small difference this year in the lives of our children.
Proverbs 4:26
26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.

I pray in Jesus name,

Quote of the Day"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever."


Anonymous said...

Wow - the year has flown by. I've loved these kids this year so much. They are a wonderful, loving group. Kudos to their exceptional teacher, Donna Lyman. We have have been blessed for 2 years now with Donna Lyman. She was Kyle's 2nd grade teacher and she moved to 3rd grade this year and Kyle got her again. I do believe it's God's work. Donna is an awesome Christian. I am so moved how she prays for these kids everyday. I'm sure that is why God has been blessing her. She has some other awesome teachers that she works with that I will miss, but not lose touch with. If you are talking about the best teachers in the planet, you have to be talking about Ms. Lyman, Ms. Mizera, Ms. Pierce, Ms. Williams, Ms. Autry, Ms. Deal and Ms. Haney. These ladies are absolutely incredible in my eyes. I've never seen a "group" of teachers work together for the pure love the our children. My prayer is for God to bless each and every child at HES, and ALL of the teachers, staff and administration.

Lonnie (Randy) and I have been so blessed to make to such a difference this year in a bunch of kid's live's. We are sad to see this year end, but look forward to our new experiences next year.

Love Y'all......


Anonymous said...

Just when I thought I was done with the "water works", I read this. Thank you! Kyle made it easy for me to do my job,,,,what a great kid!! I love him dearly! You are so right about the third grade team. What a support system. I have been blessed to work with them!!

Love you guys!