Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday reflections..........

Wow the last 2 days have been really great. Our friend Dawn and Heather (pictured) went to a wedding yesterday and had a wonderful time. Its awesome having the chance to dress up and look nice - especially with going out with your mom! Way to go Heather! I would give anything to be able to do that again. Carol, Kyle and I had little David last night. It was fun having an 18 month old in the house again. A walk, bath, help giving the dogs a bath, poopy diapers- hey its all good. Nothing beats Mr. David falling asleep on my chest while sitting in my chair rocking him and watching tv. Nothing is as special as that. Its been a long time since Kyle was that little.

Anyways - we had a good church service today. God to see everyone after missing last week. Connected some new faces with some names this afternoon and I am grateful for that. One special thing that was cool was teaching Sunday school with my wife Carol. She did an awesome job teaching and leading prayer and leading the crafts. I did my thing with going around and checking on all the kids - handshakes - smiles - asking how their summer was going - all personal stuff. There is a mom who has been coming with her daughter the last 6 months or so and they have been missing. I have been praying for them and hoping all was ok since I have not seen them in about 6 weeks or so. I just had this feeling that today they would come in. Right when the music started - they came in. It was great sitting with the 3 grade girl in Sunday School - a little extra attention goes a long way! I got to talk with the mom and tell her what a great kid she has and that I have been praying for them for the past 6 weeks. She told me her car broke down and didnt have a way there. I told her to call me - I would come and get them. She said "Really?" How can I not do something like that? Anyways - I look forward to seeing them next week. God is really moving folks - and bringing folks to Him.

Have a a few families that are close to us - Dan and his family and Dawn and her family - Donna and her family - they are all traveling on vacation this week. Please pray for safe travels for them and just a little fun and R&R. Our Lord is good.....and his Love endures forever.

Psalm 29: 4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.

Honor Him with everything you do. Picking up a family for church.... thats easy and God takes notice.

Love you all,


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