Thursday, June 21, 2007

Being a dad....... and finding God

For some reason today my mind is running over and on FIRE. Maybe its because I missed church last Sunday - maybe its because God is showing Himself to me in so many ways. Our assignement this summer at church,my Rock Group has taken on this assignment, is to find God this summer in everything we do. Newspaper - The Weather Channel - the movies and even your IPOD. Find God in everything you do and everywhere you go. Sound hard? Try it and comment back to me or email me. I would love to hear what you have to say and where you are finding God this summer.
Carol told me yesterday that her friend is pregnant. They have not told anyone as of yet and Carol was the first that they shared this awesome news with. See, this news is a surprise for them and am assuming they are startled - excited - scared - HOLY COW feeling. They have twin boys and they tried for 4 years to have children. After determining that there were very few swimmers - they had a procedure done to have children. TWINS. So now after some time has passed and they are being blessed by TWINS in the house - can you imagine? - they have another on the way. Something near impossible but it has happened. God has blessed this family with a third child. God has plans for this child - just as he does for the twins and all of us. BUT He has provided this miracle that in reality terms was impossible. 4 years of trying here folks!
Being a daddy is the most awesome thing a man could ever do but yet we see so many men walk away from their children or treat them wrongly - I don't want to hear anymore about thats how I was treated as a child and pass along that parenting curse to your children by your examples. Get a grip here parents - DADS - Our biggest job as being a dad is leading our families to Christ. Don't push your agenda's on your children - don't live YOUR life through your children. Let them be what God intended them to become. I see it on the ball fields where the dads yell at their sons because they want them to play ball or make an error. I see it with our daughters who have to be that beauty queen because mom would HATE her if she told her she didn't want to do it. You are taking away from our children just possibly what God wanted them to become - with Natural gifts, talents and passions. They are only our children for a short time - they are Gods even before they are ours. We are to teach them and provide for them - to love them regardless of how bad they screw up - we screw up dont we?
Show them the practical love of Jesus and teach them about Jesus. Just maybe - somewhere along the way - they will fall in love with Jesus and be on the right paths in life.
Kyle is playing baseball this summer - he has been invited to practice with the All-Star team - I am investing my time with him doing this not because I want him to play good and be good at it but because HE WANTS TO PLAY! Kyle - you make me proud on that field buddy. CHeer Cheer from the stands for ya! Enrouragement and love win or lose. :)
I think about my Rock Group - the children in my group that I am just blessed to be a part of their lives - I want them to see me as a daddy and also as a friend they can come to. Someone to look up to and someone to share their personal lives with. My kids at school - I want more than anything to be a part of their lives and to provide that same example to them. Being a dad is not only for our own children, even though its a great place to start - its also setting a great example for others. Especially those children we have contact with and have the awesome blessing to love them and treat them as our own.
It's hard sometimes when we want to share Jesus with children of other families unless of course that family is following Jesus also - there is such a fine line to draw and I can't express my love of Jesus to a family who has other beliefs - I respect that fully - it goes both ways with my family - but I also want them to see I am different than most folks - most dads. Because of Jesus..... ~It is the dads job to lead his family and I will do my best - My Promises - to bring my family to Jesus. My biggest worry is if I get to heaven and I can't find you - I will then know I did not succeed. I know my wife and son - my small group families are covered. I look forward to each time we are together and the chance to love on those children and teenagers. I take great pride in their accomplishements and blessed to be in a position to share myself with them.
God has blessed me with an awesome family - an awesome Rock Group family - an awesome church family - a family in Kyle's teacher - her family - my kids at school and their families.

My excitement today is: Carol, Kyle and I are going tonight to 2 of Kyles really good (girl) friends neighborhood swim meet. I am so excited to see my girls this evening - to see them compete and swim. Their mom has told them and everyone is so excited to see us. I love these moments - its the buzz I have spoke about on many other blogs. I have prayed all year for these children - Its finding God this summer..... tonight I will be near tears with joy knowing God is putting things together and blessing HIS CHILDREN.
I'll Post tomorrow about how it goes.... I can't wait.
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Nobody is by accident....... a perfect plan in motion.

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