Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The value of small groups....

As I continue my walk with Christ~ I have to say one of the biggest and most important parts of feeling connected, plugged in and feel God pouring blessings on my life - is my small group. These folks are my extended family. The are my rock and my place to do this life with. They are a handful of families that I share my life and the lives of my family with. They have changed my life - even though I signed up at church to lead them - having no idea what I was doing or what I was going to be asked to do - I am in no way a leader - just a facilitator to get them together; I just never imagined the blessings that could come from this like I am experiencing now. We have a mission and a reason to grow in Christ together and thus our relationships grow.
Years ago - there would be no way I would have thought twice about a small group. I felt way to disconnected - felt like I did not know enough - or it was too scary to open myself up with a bunch of strangers - Why did I need these people when I attend church every/almost every Sunday and I am basically a good person?
Boy, that vision sure did change when I let God enter my heart - took a risk in faith and asked God to show me the value of my small group families. My best friends are in this family - they pray for me and my family, I pray for theirs, we lean on each other and care for our children together. Their children are like my children and love each of them. We are all in this thing together - struggles, parenting, marriages and friendships! I can honestly say friends - I NEED these families.
When Jesus called his Disciples - they were not trained or even educated and they certainly did not have everything in order to serve Jesus. They didn't know all the rules and all the things that Jesus would ask of them. He came - called them and said "Follow Me." - They dropped what they were doing and followed Him. They were the first small group. Where else can we connect people into the lives of others so that they may experience God - and true connection? Small groups have changed my life and how I see people. I am honored to be asked to pray for my friends, their loved ones who are sick, their marriages and their hurts. Sharing mine along with them so that they can pray for my family and I.
Life is short and eternity is at stake here friends. There is a world of lost people out there and we are not going to win them all on Sunday mornings during the music or during the message being preached. Their true connection will come when they are plugged in and find value in the friendships centered around God. When we build these relationships, this is when real life change happens. This is where life takes on a new meaning and a full purpose. As these folks grow and are held accountable for their actions and words - so are mine and we grow together. Life change... This is where the love of Jesus becomes real.

This is where real people with real problems learn about real hope and find real solutions.
If any of you are reading this - Rock group,,, hey guys I love ya!!!

If you are on the fence of deciding about joining a small group~ Take the leap and don't look back. You will find real value in your decision that will pay dividends for years to come.
Rock On....

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