One of the things on my heart this morning, well actually last night - which I did touch a little on with that post - is the cross. What does the cross mean to you? The other night while cutting the grass, my necklace came untied and I had to put my cross necklace in my pocket. The last 2 days I have not had it on and this morning I tied it back on and I am proud of this necklace because it shows people who I am and who I represent. As a follower of Jesus, I want folks to know and I am willing to share my faith with those who want to know this side of me. Millions of people all over the world today are being killed, tortured, put in jail, mocked and who knows what else.... today is no different than when Jesus walked this earth as a man. We see the cross today as a symbol of Jesus but in the times of Jesus - it meant death. It was a horrible thing to see a Cross because it meant someone was going to be killed -was going to be tortured to the point of almost death but just alive enough to suffer that much more while hanging on the cross. Today when we execute a death sentence - its quick and painless as possible - but in those days - those who suffered on the cross - really suffered. Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" did a great job of telling the truth as far as what we can comprehend what a Crucifixion was like and what the suffering was like. I am sure in person - it was much worse.
See Jesus was sinless and blameless in all he did. When the ruler at the time (Pilate) asked the crowd if he should let free the worst criminal in their time (Barabbus) or Jesus? The crowd had a thirst for blood. Pilate was clearly upset because he knew this man, Jesus, had done no wrong. He again asked them - flogged Jesus figuring that would be enough and it would please the crowd but it was not. He again asked them what he should do - The Jewish leaders and the people of that time wanted the blood of Jesus. Pilate then in public before everyone - washed his hands and said - that the blood of this man (Jesus) was on their hands because his hands were washed clean. Even Pilate's wife was clearly upset with this. The worst criminal of that time was handed over free to walk - and Jesus took his place. Its a line of folks that Jesus took the front of the line for generations to come. Me and YOU loved ones are in that line. We deserve death and separation from God because He is holy and we are not. We don't deserve His grace but GRACE is what we receive because Jesus took the place in the front of the line for me and you and all people. So why was Jesus on the cross? He was paying for our sin - a substitution just like for Barabbus..... except when its our turn - Jesus will be there as our replacement.
Pilate did the best he could to free Jesus while keeping the crowd under control. A riot was about to happen and he chose the worst murderer and thief he could think of, thinking that the crowd surely would not free Barabbus and choose Jesus to be set free. This irrational thinking still takes place today. When the liberal and people who don't know Jesus hear we are followers of Jesus - we are attacked. It happens even in our government today. Acceptance of any other, Jewish, religions of the East, Atheist, support of the liberal agenda of this country with pro-homosexual - abortion - nothing will get people more fired up than when they find out your a Jesus follower. It all goes back to the cross. You can be passionate about anything and people will commend you on your passion - let them find out your a Jesus follower and your heart is fully His - watch what happens. I have witnessed this myself, even with someone close to me.
God does not see color, education level, where we are from, what language we speak - he is about people. He is for us.... all of us. We belong to Him and with people who also belong to Jesus even if we are different in every other way. Jesus breaks those prejudice walls down. The things in Iraq that are happening now, things in our country and all over the world where people are different - they are suffering in so many ways. Jesus brings people together. When we experience God - we should hate prejudice. We should be extending our hand to those in need and giving our best for Jesus while showing others the practical love of our Savior.
Galations 2:20
20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Experience the Cross - and you will never look at it the same again.
Romans 8:9-11
9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.
When I think of my mom, which is very often, I see my mom alive because of what Jesus has done for her. I miss my mom more than I could ever even try to explain but I see my mom in everything. There is so much I would love to share with her today in what I am doing with Jesus - how He alone has changed my life and the blessings He is pouring over me. I wish my mom was here to share all this with me ~ but I know also because of her and through her - Jesus came to me because my heart was ready for Him and ready to be open to accept Him and He knew my life was ready to be turned over to Him. The cross means that I will get to see my mom again and when my time comes to face my heavenly Father - Jesus will be there for me as well. Grace given to me and you - because of the cross.
Love you all,
See Jesus was sinless and blameless in all he did. When the ruler at the time (Pilate) asked the crowd if he should let free the worst criminal in their time (Barabbus) or Jesus? The crowd had a thirst for blood. Pilate was clearly upset because he knew this man, Jesus, had done no wrong. He again asked them - flogged Jesus figuring that would be enough and it would please the crowd but it was not. He again asked them what he should do - The Jewish leaders and the people of that time wanted the blood of Jesus. Pilate then in public before everyone - washed his hands and said - that the blood of this man (Jesus) was on their hands because his hands were washed clean. Even Pilate's wife was clearly upset with this. The worst criminal of that time was handed over free to walk - and Jesus took his place. Its a line of folks that Jesus took the front of the line for generations to come. Me and YOU loved ones are in that line. We deserve death and separation from God because He is holy and we are not. We don't deserve His grace but GRACE is what we receive because Jesus took the place in the front of the line for me and you and all people. So why was Jesus on the cross? He was paying for our sin - a substitution just like for Barabbus..... except when its our turn - Jesus will be there as our replacement.
Pilate did the best he could to free Jesus while keeping the crowd under control. A riot was about to happen and he chose the worst murderer and thief he could think of, thinking that the crowd surely would not free Barabbus and choose Jesus to be set free. This irrational thinking still takes place today. When the liberal and people who don't know Jesus hear we are followers of Jesus - we are attacked. It happens even in our government today. Acceptance of any other, Jewish, religions of the East, Atheist, support of the liberal agenda of this country with pro-homosexual - abortion - nothing will get people more fired up than when they find out your a Jesus follower. It all goes back to the cross. You can be passionate about anything and people will commend you on your passion - let them find out your a Jesus follower and your heart is fully His - watch what happens. I have witnessed this myself, even with someone close to me.
God does not see color, education level, where we are from, what language we speak - he is about people. He is for us.... all of us. We belong to Him and with people who also belong to Jesus even if we are different in every other way. Jesus breaks those prejudice walls down. The things in Iraq that are happening now, things in our country and all over the world where people are different - they are suffering in so many ways. Jesus brings people together. When we experience God - we should hate prejudice. We should be extending our hand to those in need and giving our best for Jesus while showing others the practical love of our Savior.
Galations 2:20
20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Experience the Cross - and you will never look at it the same again.
Romans 8:9-11
9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.
When I think of my mom, which is very often, I see my mom alive because of what Jesus has done for her. I miss my mom more than I could ever even try to explain but I see my mom in everything. There is so much I would love to share with her today in what I am doing with Jesus - how He alone has changed my life and the blessings He is pouring over me. I wish my mom was here to share all this with me ~ but I know also because of her and through her - Jesus came to me because my heart was ready for Him and ready to be open to accept Him and He knew my life was ready to be turned over to Him. The cross means that I will get to see my mom again and when my time comes to face my heavenly Father - Jesus will be there for me as well. Grace given to me and you - because of the cross.
Love you all,
1 comment:
Because of the cross.......I will be there too.....I will be with my sister and best friend, your momma Randy, again, this time for eternity. This time we won't be crying about our childhood and the things we don't understand......the things that hurt us so bad..........and no more pain........we will finally have peace.
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