I have had this on my for 2 days really heavy so I am going to try and share this morning. Yesterday I went to a retirement party for a friend here at work - 34 years in service! That is an accomplishment - for him and the place of work! With layoffs happening all around us - companies moving over seas - Phillip Morris just announced this week they are closing down the plant in Concord NC - man that is huge - they make up almost 13% of the tax base for the county. Things really hurt but mostly its the people that end up hurting and if they don't follow the company where their plans take them - they have to start over. Much like my friend here at work - today will be his last day. 34 years of coming here almost every morning. Monday will be greeted with sadness or happiness. A time to get and read the entire paper for a change or time to think - NOW WHAT!!!? Regardless - 34 years of making friends and being a part of the lives of many that work here. There were like 50 folks who attended the party yesterday and he kept saying - I will be back - I will be back soon or later, maybe lunch or visiting. It's hard to let go of something I guess that has been a part of your life for 34 years!
I think about my dad this morning and my father-N-law - Walt - they were both married for many years and now with their wives gone - Its that same Monday morning feeling of NOW WHAT!????
I have to say that over the last few years after my mom died that I want to make a difference - I want to invest my time in things that last - I want to leave something behind for people. If I can do something to help someone or better their situation - well then I just invested in significance- eternity - hope- in people. I don't want to get to the end of my life, however long that may be, and realize ~ I did not live enough. I did not give enough. I did not make a difference enough. I think many times older folks feel that way more so than the younger generations because we still think we have time left and years ahead of us. BUT - many of us don't and that's the truth. We never know how much time we have left here - so as I give back and I give to those around me - and I serve families around me and invest my time, energy and passions into people - into church and into things that last~ I can feel the blessings flowing through me from Heaven to those around me. I feel that BUZ that I often talk about and I just love being in that mode and feeling like this.
Imagine a Hollywood where they invested in real things and not the latest party or latest crazy stupid stunt or being arrested for drugs, pills, alcohol or marital issues - they are investing their time in things that don't last. I could care less about what Paris Hilton is doing with her life but if I ever get the chance - I am going to talk to her about God. A person with that much money and infuence - she could be making a world of difference. She didn't work for any of what she has - her family worked for it and God has given them what they have and look what she is doing with it - bringing shame to her family name and so many other things. Friends - live a life of signifigance - live a life that matters - Help folks around you and expect nothing in return - God blesses those who do!!!
As Carol and I continue to lead in our church and serve those around us - its not about the job but its about the joy in doing these things. Once we lose focus of the JOY - then it will come crashing down. Last night one of the girls we went to see at her swim meet championship told Carol that someone asked her who she was - you know, the one with that contagious smile. YES THAT IS MY WIFE!!!! Her smile affects everyone around her. She shows her joy and investment on her face - in her hard work at school and with the friends she has - she is making investments in things that last and her face shows it. Her heart beats with it and Kyle is learning through these teachable moments.
The formula written on my wall here at work:
It's time to invest in something that lasts.... something that pays long term and in things that lead us to living lives of signifigance! Its through Jesus we can only do this...
What are you living for?
Love you all,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Awoke this morning with 2 things ~

For some reason this morning, I awoke from my deep sleep with 2 things racing through my mind. One is the families that the Lord has been blessing with us the last few weeks as Carol, Kyle and I have enjoyed spending time with at the swim meets. Tomorrow is the championship swim meet and we will sure be pool side cheering them on. But its more than that. Its time invested into relationships - friendships - and families coming together. The Lord is definitely moving people into our lives...but my guard of the old days is not up and the forces to protect myself and my family are not up. We are taking a risk - to let people in and let them in close because that is the only way to grow. Grow in so many areas and not just in our friendships. Today if you have 3 close people who you can talk too and really share you heart with - You are blessed. I want to say Lucky - but luck has nothing to do with it. BLESSED comes from the Lord and blessed is the person who has 3 great friendships in their life. I am investing my time and energies into people. Jesus invested everything He had into people. Sure He paid the price when people turned on Him and we risk that as well. But "IF" we never venture out of our comfort zone and reach our hands out - we will be alone one day and how sad that would be. The greatest blessings I am experiencing in my "Walk" with Jesus has taken place in the last few years~ and those blessings have come in PEOPLE. Its one reason why I serve my church with the passion and the energy - not because I will get noticed but because I am serving God. Its not about the paycheck but because I am investing my time and money into changing lives - all I am doing is serving to set the stage - so that - that someone who walks through the doors at church, who may be on their last hair in life, their last dollar or at the end of the marriage ropes - can experience Jesus. It takes many things and many folks to make that happen but I am going to do my part. The folks that are coming to church now - many are folks Carol, Kyle and I have invested time with and time praying for. There is nothing more awesome than seeing them each week coming on their own now. KNOWING- they get it and maybe just one day they will experience God like I have the last few years. I know many of them are right now.... and I am blessed to be able to see the comfort in their faces and in their hearts. There is a real difference in folks - when we experience Jesus and He has control.
The second thing on my mind this morning was my mom. How I wish I could be sharing this time with her. Imagine with me sitting at the old house near the pond Sharon - sitting there passing the time, laughing and talking - watching the family fish and laugh. There were some of those memories but not enough of them. Sitting at the beach on the rocking chairs on that front porch listening to the waves and enjoying the sun warm our faces - even in November! So much to share but seems I have either forgotten or we never took the time to make enough of them happen. Time spent together - serving each other and sharing. Maybe that is one reason I spent so much time this past year in the classroom with my son. That invested time is paying dividends beyond anything I could ever imagine.
My schedule seems so full the last few weeks - but I know I am serving in the right places - investing in the right relationships and reaching folks for Jesus.
Everyone in life has a path to chose and follow.... I have finally found mine and I tell ya - Life is good. Life has meaning. Life has purpose. Life has joy. Life has direction. Life is with Jesus.
The second thing on my mind this morning was my mom. How I wish I could be sharing this time with her. Imagine with me sitting at the old house near the pond Sharon - sitting there passing the time, laughing and talking - watching the family fish and laugh. There were some of those memories but not enough of them. Sitting at the beach on the rocking chairs on that front porch listening to the waves and enjoying the sun warm our faces - even in November! So much to share but seems I have either forgotten or we never took the time to make enough of them happen. Time spent together - serving each other and sharing. Maybe that is one reason I spent so much time this past year in the classroom with my son. That invested time is paying dividends beyond anything I could ever imagine.
My schedule seems so full the last few weeks - but I know I am serving in the right places - investing in the right relationships and reaching folks for Jesus.
Everyone in life has a path to chose and follow.... I have finally found mine and I tell ya - Life is good. Life has meaning. Life has purpose. Life has joy. Life has direction. Life is with Jesus.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Salvation Army...
Well I am just delighted to share with everyone that God answers prayers. He answers big prayers and dont think for a second that YOUR prayers go unnoticed or unanswered. My dear friend Shelley - has an amazing testimony over the last few months. Her walk with Jesus today is stronger than ever because she never waivered from the truth and Gods word. Keep your eyes on Jesus and whatever trials and stuggles you are facing today - they too will soon pass and God will show you things you never thought were possible.
Shelley is moving on to the Salvation Army - in the largest chapter this great organization has in the south. The Charlotte branch - here is the web site. http://www.uss.salvationarmy.org/uss/www_uss.nsf
I am just excited for Shelley and her family. They have been through so much together the last few months. But things are turning around and Shelley is providing others and her family with teachable moments for God. She is shining for God and His blessings are flowing.
Proud of you Shell!!!! I will miss you at work soon with your last day coming - I value your friendship and your prayers. I look forward to serving with you in some capacity at the Salvation army when your ready and you got the mission field there ready for service.
Our season here is coming to a close but God is opening new doors - for new opportunities and yet another chance to grow our faith and trust in Him.
You did well, a good and faithful servant! Enjoy the blessings Shelley.... we all can learn from this awesome example in how God works - in His time and in HIs way if we are faithful and fully trust what God is doing and in His promises.
Proverbs 3
1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,
2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.
3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. [a]
Gods best always,
Shelley is moving on to the Salvation Army - in the largest chapter this great organization has in the south. The Charlotte branch - here is the web site. http://www.uss.salvationarmy.org/uss/www_uss.nsf
I am just excited for Shelley and her family. They have been through so much together the last few months. But things are turning around and Shelley is providing others and her family with teachable moments for God. She is shining for God and His blessings are flowing.
Proud of you Shell!!!! I will miss you at work soon with your last day coming - I value your friendship and your prayers. I look forward to serving with you in some capacity at the Salvation army when your ready and you got the mission field there ready for service.
Our season here is coming to a close but God is opening new doors - for new opportunities and yet another chance to grow our faith and trust in Him.
You did well, a good and faithful servant! Enjoy the blessings Shelley.... we all can learn from this awesome example in how God works - in His time and in HIs way if we are faithful and fully trust what God is doing and in His promises.
Proverbs 3
1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,
2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.
3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. [a]
Gods best always,
Word of Honor....
Another busy day! That is good and I am thankful for that. The last few days has me really thinking about work. Evaluating what I am doing and the people I am in contact with. So many folks who are just out for themselves - their point of view and beliefs no matter what will be heard. The other day, while working in an office - there hanging on the wall is a poster with Jesus written on it. The person I am working with that day says - that should not be allowed in a public university - I thought how strange is that? This is the same person who has an office next to a person who has nothing but ANTI BUSH stuff on the outside of the office door. Its ok to slam the President and our administration to a great and FREE country but not ok to hang a poster with the word Jesus written on it. I just dont understand some people and how the vision of Jesus has been distorted over time - read my blog a few posts ago. Irrational and unjust but why?
Today there was a conversation about a good dear friend of mine going for her second interview. She has been through so much but the Lord is doing her right in so many ways the last month or so. She has walked in through these doors one person a few weeks back and is now not that same person because God has given her a chance to let everyone know - it was not right what has happened to her and she is MUCH better than the way she was treated and the lies that were told to others about her. She is a very caring and loving woman - who deserves respect - laughter and honesty. She loves the Lord and her word is her honor because Jesus is in her heart. This interview today - she will have to wait a little longer to see if she has the job or not. BUT- God has placed her here for now and she wont leave this post until her COMMITTED time has come to an end. Its her word and for that - I ask the Lord to continue to bless her. Its the right thing to do and today so many people walk away from their word - flip and flap back and forth and don't take a stand for what is right. Someone told her to forget that and take care of herself. Leave the post and take care on #1. I just cant seem to get that out of my head and how #1 should not be ourselves....but Jesus! Jesus is our #1 and where He leads my dear friend is where she will go. Fully trusting in His decision and in His plan. That is pretty awesome and even though she may not have all these type details thought out like the way I am feeling down deep about it - I know she is doing what Jesus would want her to do and she will go where He opens the doors. A teachable moment for so many folks around her and she will be happy where she goes because God has given her that particular opportunity. Our mission work together - sharing Gods message to those around us will either happen here or it will happen a little further apart. I am confident that will happen.
Proverbs 15
25 The LORD tears down the proud man's house but he keeps the widow's boundaries intact.
26 The LORD detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those of the pure are pleasing to him.
27 A greedy man brings trouble to his family, but he who hates bribes will live.
28 The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.
29 The LORD is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous.
30 A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Love you all,
Today there was a conversation about a good dear friend of mine going for her second interview. She has been through so much but the Lord is doing her right in so many ways the last month or so. She has walked in through these doors one person a few weeks back and is now not that same person because God has given her a chance to let everyone know - it was not right what has happened to her and she is MUCH better than the way she was treated and the lies that were told to others about her. She is a very caring and loving woman - who deserves respect - laughter and honesty. She loves the Lord and her word is her honor because Jesus is in her heart. This interview today - she will have to wait a little longer to see if she has the job or not. BUT- God has placed her here for now and she wont leave this post until her COMMITTED time has come to an end. Its her word and for that - I ask the Lord to continue to bless her. Its the right thing to do and today so many people walk away from their word - flip and flap back and forth and don't take a stand for what is right. Someone told her to forget that and take care of herself. Leave the post and take care on #1. I just cant seem to get that out of my head and how #1 should not be ourselves....but Jesus! Jesus is our #1 and where He leads my dear friend is where she will go. Fully trusting in His decision and in His plan. That is pretty awesome and even though she may not have all these type details thought out like the way I am feeling down deep about it - I know she is doing what Jesus would want her to do and she will go where He opens the doors. A teachable moment for so many folks around her and she will be happy where she goes because God has given her that particular opportunity. Our mission work together - sharing Gods message to those around us will either happen here or it will happen a little further apart. I am confident that will happen.
Proverbs 15
25 The LORD tears down the proud man's house but he keeps the widow's boundaries intact.
26 The LORD detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those of the pure are pleasing to him.
27 A greedy man brings trouble to his family, but he who hates bribes will live.
28 The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.
29 The LORD is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous.
30 A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Love you all,
Monday, June 25, 2007
I came into work this morning and just couldn't wait to send out an email. Yes I know, I am a techno nerd in many ways, but I just had to tell our Youth Pastor that he had such incredible kids with him yesterday. They are from a small town in VA and are here this week serving with our kids from church in the community. I have to say that those kids have the serving heart. I did not so much as walk past any of them without them asking me what they could do. I love that! We need more folks like this - young adults as well as older adults serving in our churches. Sharing the message of Jesus to others and by making a difference in the world.
Yes yesterday was a long day and a full load of serving but the part I enjoyed the most was being in Sunday school with the kids. I look forward to tonight going to see Kyles friends at their swimming meet. I very much look forward to see them and sharing with them during there swim meet. Investing in people - in children and in relationships and families.
Luke 4:8
"We must worship God, and him alone”.
I look back over the last few years - how far God has taken me - I look forward with excitement in where God is taking me. Taking my family. Only God can be putting these things together - bringing people into my life like they have been coming in- especially the last few months. No time to slow down and lose momentum. I serve my church with passion and I serve my friends, my family and my church family with passion. Yes life is busy right now - but there is no other place I would want to be than where God has me right now. No money can buy this - no deed can earn me this. Just my trust and faithfulness in Jesus - His blessings from heaven pouring down. Friends this is the excitement I want to share with you. Being a Christian does not mean everything is rosy and everything will work out perfectly. It means God has our backs - He is looking out for us and everything that comes our way is a teachable moment from Him. What is it right now in your life - that God is trying to teach you? To show You or to move you to become closer to Him?
Tonight is an investment in friendship - yesterday telling a mom at church that I have been praying for her since I have not seen them in church in awhile - that an investment - sending a prayer via email to a friend who needs prayer - that is an investment. A investment in the kingdom of God - paying dividends for generations. Thats a stock tip worth investing in! Where are you investing your time, your energy and your passions in life?
God is waiting on your answer. Only God can be doing the things right now in my life. I know my final answer....
Yes yesterday was a long day and a full load of serving but the part I enjoyed the most was being in Sunday school with the kids. I look forward to tonight going to see Kyles friends at their swimming meet. I very much look forward to see them and sharing with them during there swim meet. Investing in people - in children and in relationships and families.
Luke 4:8
"We must worship God, and him alone”.
I look back over the last few years - how far God has taken me - I look forward with excitement in where God is taking me. Taking my family. Only God can be putting these things together - bringing people into my life like they have been coming in- especially the last few months. No time to slow down and lose momentum. I serve my church with passion and I serve my friends, my family and my church family with passion. Yes life is busy right now - but there is no other place I would want to be than where God has me right now. No money can buy this - no deed can earn me this. Just my trust and faithfulness in Jesus - His blessings from heaven pouring down. Friends this is the excitement I want to share with you. Being a Christian does not mean everything is rosy and everything will work out perfectly. It means God has our backs - He is looking out for us and everything that comes our way is a teachable moment from Him. What is it right now in your life - that God is trying to teach you? To show You or to move you to become closer to Him?
Tonight is an investment in friendship - yesterday telling a mom at church that I have been praying for her since I have not seen them in church in awhile - that an investment - sending a prayer via email to a friend who needs prayer - that is an investment. A investment in the kingdom of God - paying dividends for generations. Thats a stock tip worth investing in! Where are you investing your time, your energy and your passions in life?
God is waiting on your answer. Only God can be doing the things right now in my life. I know my final answer....
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday reflections..........
Wow the last 2 days have been really great. Our friend Dawn and Heather (pictured) went to a wedding yesterday and had a wonderful time. Its awesome having the chance to dress up and look nice - especially with going out with your mom! Way to go Heather! I would give anything to be able to do that again. Carol, Kyle and I had little David last night. It was fun having an 18 month old in the house again. A walk, bath, help giving the dogs a bath, poopy diapers- hey its all good. Nothing beats Mr. David falling asleep on my chest while sitting in my chair rocking him and watching tv. Nothing is as special as that. Its been a long time since Kyle was that little.
Anyways - we had a good church service today. God to see everyone after missing last week. Connected some new faces with some names this afternoon and I am grateful for that. One special thing that was cool was teaching Sunday school with my wife Carol. She did an awesome job teaching and leading prayer and leading the crafts. I did my thing with going around and checking on all the kids - handshakes - smiles - asking how their summer was going - all personal stuff. There is a mom who has been coming with her daughter the last 6 months or so and they have been missing. I have been praying for them and hoping all was ok since I have not seen them in about 6 weeks or so. I just had this feeling that today they would come in. Right when the music started - they came in. It was great sitting with the 3 grade girl in Sunday School - a little extra attention goes a long way! I got to talk with the mom and tell her what a great kid she has and that I have been praying for them for the past 6 weeks. She told me her car broke down and didnt have a way there. I told her to call me - I would come and get them. She said "Really?" How can I not do something like that? Anyways - I look forward to seeing them next week. God is really moving folks - and bringing folks to Him.
Have a a few families that are close to us - Dan and his family and Dawn and her family - Donna and her family - they are all traveling on vacation this week. Please pray for safe travels for them and just a little fun and R&R. Our Lord is good.....and his Love endures forever.
Psalm 29: 4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.
Honor Him with everything you do. Picking up a family for church.... thats easy and God takes notice.
Love you all,
Friday, June 22, 2007
Neighborhood Swim Meet ...
Last night Carol, Kyle and I went to a neighborhood near us where 2 of Kyles friends from school live. Both Madisons were swimming in their neighborhood swim meet. I have never seen a swim meet before and it was kind of cool. Especially a neighborhood swim meet - what an awesome way to get the neighbors together during the summer. With a grill cooking hotdogs and hamburgers - kids of all ages - grandparents there and other family members - it was a grand old time! We did see lots of folks we know from the community - school - ballfields - PTA etc..... it was really neat. Both Madisons where just so excited to see us. We cheered our faces off for them and there were nothing but smiles all around. They have 2 more meets and then the championship coming up. I do plan on attending all those races because its an investment in friendships and an investment in these kids. I got to meet both Madisons families which was a real treat because they have all heard about Mr. B and Mrs. Bateman.
I really enjoyed this time last night - these are my kids here folks - I love them and would do anything for them. Kyle bud - you have some great friends - even if they are girls - they just adore you bud. Teach them to catch frogs and bugs and ya'll will be friends for life. :)
One thing that I did notice last night, which I do not see often enough on the baseball fields is there were no losers last night - every child there competing - were WINNERS and congrats was given when they got out of the pool - a mom or dad with there highfives and hugs - people saying how proud they were of them and how good they did. What can a child NOT do in life with that kind of encouragement? We all can learn something from like this who are connected to their families and their neighbors in this way. It was pretty cool to see.
Thank You Lord for blessing us and surrounding us with such awesome people. I so much look forward to more time spent with these awesome kids and awesome families.
Congrats Madison and Madison - very proud of each of you!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Being a dad....... and finding God
For some reason today my mind is running over and on FIRE. Maybe its because I missed church last Sunday - maybe its because God is showing Himself to me in so many ways. Our assignement this summer at church,my Rock Group has taken on this assignment, is to find God this summer in everything we do. Newspaper - The Weather Channel - the movies and even your IPOD. Find God in everything you do and everywhere you go. Sound hard? Try it and comment back to me or email me. I would love to hear what you have to say and where you are finding God this summer.
Carol told me yesterday that her friend is pregnant. They have not told anyone as of yet and Carol was the first that they shared this awesome news with. See, this news is a surprise for them and am assuming they are startled - excited - scared - HOLY COW feeling. They have twin boys and they tried for 4 years to have children. After determining that there were very few swimmers - they had a procedure done to have children. TWINS. So now after some time has passed and they are being blessed by TWINS in the house - can you imagine? - they have another on the way. Something near impossible but it has happened. God has blessed this family with a third child. God has plans for this child - just as he does for the twins and all of us. BUT He has provided this miracle that in reality terms was impossible. 4 years of trying here folks!
Being a daddy is the most awesome thing a man could ever do but yet we see so many men walk away from their children or treat them wrongly - I don't want to hear anymore about thats how I was treated as a child and pass along that parenting curse to your children by your examples. Get a grip here parents - DADS - Our biggest job as being a dad is leading our families to Christ. Don't push your agenda's on your children - don't live YOUR life through your children. Let them be what God intended them to become. I see it on the ball fields where the dads yell at their sons because they want them to play ball or make an error. I see it with our daughters who have to be that beauty queen because mom would HATE her if she told her she didn't want to do it. You are taking away from our children just possibly what God wanted them to become - with Natural gifts, talents and passions. They are only our children for a short time - they are Gods even before they are ours. We are to teach them and provide for them - to love them regardless of how bad they screw up - we screw up dont we?
Show them the practical love of Jesus and teach them about Jesus. Just maybe - somewhere along the way - they will fall in love with Jesus and be on the right paths in life.
Kyle is playing baseball this summer - he has been invited to practice with the All-Star team - I am investing my time with him doing this not because I want him to play good and be good at it but because HE WANTS TO PLAY! Kyle - you make me proud on that field buddy. CHeer Cheer from the stands for ya! Enrouragement and love win or lose. :)
I think about my Rock Group - the children in my group that I am just blessed to be a part of their lives - I want them to see me as a daddy and also as a friend they can come to. Someone to look up to and someone to share their personal lives with. My kids at school - I want more than anything to be a part of their lives and to provide that same example to them. Being a dad is not only for our own children, even though its a great place to start - its also setting a great example for others. Especially those children we have contact with and have the awesome blessing to love them and treat them as our own.
It's hard sometimes when we want to share Jesus with children of other families unless of course that family is following Jesus also - there is such a fine line to draw and I can't express my love of Jesus to a family who has other beliefs - I respect that fully - it goes both ways with my family - but I also want them to see I am different than most folks - most dads. Because of Jesus..... ~It is the dads job to lead his family and I will do my best - My Promises - to bring my family to Jesus. My biggest worry is if I get to heaven and I can't find you - I will then know I did not succeed. I know my wife and son - my small group families are covered. I look forward to each time we are together and the chance to love on those children and teenagers. I take great pride in their accomplishements and blessed to be in a position to share myself with them.
God has blessed me with an awesome family - an awesome Rock Group family - an awesome church family - a family in Kyle's teacher - her family - my kids at school and their families.
My excitement today is: Carol, Kyle and I are going tonight to 2 of Kyles really good (girl) friends neighborhood swim meet. I am so excited to see my girls this evening - to see them compete and swim. Their mom has told them and everyone is so excited to see us. I love these moments - its the buzz I have spoke about on many other blogs. I have prayed all year for these children - Its finding God this summer..... tonight I will be near tears with joy knowing God is putting things together and blessing HIS CHILDREN.
I'll Post tomorrow about how it goes.... I can't wait.
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Nobody is by accident....... a perfect plan in motion.
Carol told me yesterday that her friend is pregnant. They have not told anyone as of yet and Carol was the first that they shared this awesome news with. See, this news is a surprise for them and am assuming they are startled - excited - scared - HOLY COW feeling. They have twin boys and they tried for 4 years to have children. After determining that there were very few swimmers - they had a procedure done to have children. TWINS. So now after some time has passed and they are being blessed by TWINS in the house - can you imagine? - they have another on the way. Something near impossible but it has happened. God has blessed this family with a third child. God has plans for this child - just as he does for the twins and all of us. BUT He has provided this miracle that in reality terms was impossible. 4 years of trying here folks!
Being a daddy is the most awesome thing a man could ever do but yet we see so many men walk away from their children or treat them wrongly - I don't want to hear anymore about thats how I was treated as a child and pass along that parenting curse to your children by your examples. Get a grip here parents - DADS - Our biggest job as being a dad is leading our families to Christ. Don't push your agenda's on your children - don't live YOUR life through your children. Let them be what God intended them to become. I see it on the ball fields where the dads yell at their sons because they want them to play ball or make an error. I see it with our daughters who have to be that beauty queen because mom would HATE her if she told her she didn't want to do it. You are taking away from our children just possibly what God wanted them to become - with Natural gifts, talents and passions. They are only our children for a short time - they are Gods even before they are ours. We are to teach them and provide for them - to love them regardless of how bad they screw up - we screw up dont we?
Show them the practical love of Jesus and teach them about Jesus. Just maybe - somewhere along the way - they will fall in love with Jesus and be on the right paths in life.
Kyle is playing baseball this summer - he has been invited to practice with the All-Star team - I am investing my time with him doing this not because I want him to play good and be good at it but because HE WANTS TO PLAY! Kyle - you make me proud on that field buddy. CHeer Cheer from the stands for ya! Enrouragement and love win or lose. :)
I think about my Rock Group - the children in my group that I am just blessed to be a part of their lives - I want them to see me as a daddy and also as a friend they can come to. Someone to look up to and someone to share their personal lives with. My kids at school - I want more than anything to be a part of their lives and to provide that same example to them. Being a dad is not only for our own children, even though its a great place to start - its also setting a great example for others. Especially those children we have contact with and have the awesome blessing to love them and treat them as our own.
It's hard sometimes when we want to share Jesus with children of other families unless of course that family is following Jesus also - there is such a fine line to draw and I can't express my love of Jesus to a family who has other beliefs - I respect that fully - it goes both ways with my family - but I also want them to see I am different than most folks - most dads. Because of Jesus..... ~It is the dads job to lead his family and I will do my best - My Promises - to bring my family to Jesus. My biggest worry is if I get to heaven and I can't find you - I will then know I did not succeed. I know my wife and son - my small group families are covered. I look forward to each time we are together and the chance to love on those children and teenagers. I take great pride in their accomplishements and blessed to be in a position to share myself with them.
God has blessed me with an awesome family - an awesome Rock Group family - an awesome church family - a family in Kyle's teacher - her family - my kids at school and their families.
My excitement today is: Carol, Kyle and I are going tonight to 2 of Kyles really good (girl) friends neighborhood swim meet. I am so excited to see my girls this evening - to see them compete and swim. Their mom has told them and everyone is so excited to see us. I love these moments - its the buzz I have spoke about on many other blogs. I have prayed all year for these children - Its finding God this summer..... tonight I will be near tears with joy knowing God is putting things together and blessing HIS CHILDREN.
I'll Post tomorrow about how it goes.... I can't wait.
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Nobody is by accident....... a perfect plan in motion.
The Cross...

One of the things on my heart this morning, well actually last night - which I did touch a little on with that post - is the cross. What does the cross mean to you? The other night while cutting the grass, my necklace came untied and I had to put my cross necklace in my pocket. The last 2 days I have not had it on and this morning I tied it back on and I am proud of this necklace because it shows people who I am and who I represent. As a follower of Jesus, I want folks to know and I am willing to share my faith with those who want to know this side of me. Millions of people all over the world today are being killed, tortured, put in jail, mocked and who knows what else.... today is no different than when Jesus walked this earth as a man. We see the cross today as a symbol of Jesus but in the times of Jesus - it meant death. It was a horrible thing to see a Cross because it meant someone was going to be killed -was going to be tortured to the point of almost death but just alive enough to suffer that much more while hanging on the cross. Today when we execute a death sentence - its quick and painless as possible - but in those days - those who suffered on the cross - really suffered. Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" did a great job of telling the truth as far as what we can comprehend what a Crucifixion was like and what the suffering was like. I am sure in person - it was much worse.
See Jesus was sinless and blameless in all he did. When the ruler at the time (Pilate) asked the crowd if he should let free the worst criminal in their time (Barabbus) or Jesus? The crowd had a thirst for blood. Pilate was clearly upset because he knew this man, Jesus, had done no wrong. He again asked them - flogged Jesus figuring that would be enough and it would please the crowd but it was not. He again asked them what he should do - The Jewish leaders and the people of that time wanted the blood of Jesus. Pilate then in public before everyone - washed his hands and said - that the blood of this man (Jesus) was on their hands because his hands were washed clean. Even Pilate's wife was clearly upset with this. The worst criminal of that time was handed over free to walk - and Jesus took his place. Its a line of folks that Jesus took the front of the line for generations to come. Me and YOU loved ones are in that line. We deserve death and separation from God because He is holy and we are not. We don't deserve His grace but GRACE is what we receive because Jesus took the place in the front of the line for me and you and all people. So why was Jesus on the cross? He was paying for our sin - a substitution just like for Barabbus..... except when its our turn - Jesus will be there as our replacement.
Pilate did the best he could to free Jesus while keeping the crowd under control. A riot was about to happen and he chose the worst murderer and thief he could think of, thinking that the crowd surely would not free Barabbus and choose Jesus to be set free. This irrational thinking still takes place today. When the liberal and people who don't know Jesus hear we are followers of Jesus - we are attacked. It happens even in our government today. Acceptance of any other, Jewish, religions of the East, Atheist, support of the liberal agenda of this country with pro-homosexual - abortion - nothing will get people more fired up than when they find out your a Jesus follower. It all goes back to the cross. You can be passionate about anything and people will commend you on your passion - let them find out your a Jesus follower and your heart is fully His - watch what happens. I have witnessed this myself, even with someone close to me.
God does not see color, education level, where we are from, what language we speak - he is about people. He is for us.... all of us. We belong to Him and with people who also belong to Jesus even if we are different in every other way. Jesus breaks those prejudice walls down. The things in Iraq that are happening now, things in our country and all over the world where people are different - they are suffering in so many ways. Jesus brings people together. When we experience God - we should hate prejudice. We should be extending our hand to those in need and giving our best for Jesus while showing others the practical love of our Savior.
Galations 2:20
20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Experience the Cross - and you will never look at it the same again.
Romans 8:9-11
9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.
When I think of my mom, which is very often, I see my mom alive because of what Jesus has done for her. I miss my mom more than I could ever even try to explain but I see my mom in everything. There is so much I would love to share with her today in what I am doing with Jesus - how He alone has changed my life and the blessings He is pouring over me. I wish my mom was here to share all this with me ~ but I know also because of her and through her - Jesus came to me because my heart was ready for Him and ready to be open to accept Him and He knew my life was ready to be turned over to Him. The cross means that I will get to see my mom again and when my time comes to face my heavenly Father - Jesus will be there for me as well. Grace given to me and you - because of the cross.
Love you all,
See Jesus was sinless and blameless in all he did. When the ruler at the time (Pilate) asked the crowd if he should let free the worst criminal in their time (Barabbus) or Jesus? The crowd had a thirst for blood. Pilate was clearly upset because he knew this man, Jesus, had done no wrong. He again asked them - flogged Jesus figuring that would be enough and it would please the crowd but it was not. He again asked them what he should do - The Jewish leaders and the people of that time wanted the blood of Jesus. Pilate then in public before everyone - washed his hands and said - that the blood of this man (Jesus) was on their hands because his hands were washed clean. Even Pilate's wife was clearly upset with this. The worst criminal of that time was handed over free to walk - and Jesus took his place. Its a line of folks that Jesus took the front of the line for generations to come. Me and YOU loved ones are in that line. We deserve death and separation from God because He is holy and we are not. We don't deserve His grace but GRACE is what we receive because Jesus took the place in the front of the line for me and you and all people. So why was Jesus on the cross? He was paying for our sin - a substitution just like for Barabbus..... except when its our turn - Jesus will be there as our replacement.
Pilate did the best he could to free Jesus while keeping the crowd under control. A riot was about to happen and he chose the worst murderer and thief he could think of, thinking that the crowd surely would not free Barabbus and choose Jesus to be set free. This irrational thinking still takes place today. When the liberal and people who don't know Jesus hear we are followers of Jesus - we are attacked. It happens even in our government today. Acceptance of any other, Jewish, religions of the East, Atheist, support of the liberal agenda of this country with pro-homosexual - abortion - nothing will get people more fired up than when they find out your a Jesus follower. It all goes back to the cross. You can be passionate about anything and people will commend you on your passion - let them find out your a Jesus follower and your heart is fully His - watch what happens. I have witnessed this myself, even with someone close to me.
God does not see color, education level, where we are from, what language we speak - he is about people. He is for us.... all of us. We belong to Him and with people who also belong to Jesus even if we are different in every other way. Jesus breaks those prejudice walls down. The things in Iraq that are happening now, things in our country and all over the world where people are different - they are suffering in so many ways. Jesus brings people together. When we experience God - we should hate prejudice. We should be extending our hand to those in need and giving our best for Jesus while showing others the practical love of our Savior.
Galations 2:20
20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Experience the Cross - and you will never look at it the same again.
Romans 8:9-11
9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.
When I think of my mom, which is very often, I see my mom alive because of what Jesus has done for her. I miss my mom more than I could ever even try to explain but I see my mom in everything. There is so much I would love to share with her today in what I am doing with Jesus - how He alone has changed my life and the blessings He is pouring over me. I wish my mom was here to share all this with me ~ but I know also because of her and through her - Jesus came to me because my heart was ready for Him and ready to be open to accept Him and He knew my life was ready to be turned over to Him. The cross means that I will get to see my mom again and when my time comes to face my heavenly Father - Jesus will be there for me as well. Grace given to me and you - because of the cross.
Love you all,
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Burger and Fries Vs. Peas and Brussel Sprouts
Why is it that good food tastes bad and is good for you? AND - that bad food tastes good and is bad for you?
Ever wonder that? Why can't like peas taste like my mom's banana pudding? Wouldnt that be great? Why can't that 5 guys burger and fries taste like Brussel Sprouts? My waste would love that....
Well I have been back to the gym the last 2 days and I can honestly say - I am out of shape and SORE in places I have not been sore in like a year. Last summer while at the gym lifting - I had a vertigo spell and it took me almost 40 minutes to get up and walk out. There I sat on the floor in the middle of the gym with the room spinning to the left. People asking me if I am ok - my face is probably just as white as a sheet and feeling really bad. I had not been back since that day- afraid of having another episode. I have not had one since that day ~ but with fear - I have been paralyzed. I see many folks around me in their walk with Christ - paralyzed because they were once on fire for God and now they are just ho hum or don't even attend church. Maybe they are scared - feel like they dont fit in - or this church was just like the last church - maybe they think people know their past and they are judging them before they even get in the door - maybe someone you know goes there and that keeps you from going..... so many excuses..... Choosing to go fishing over going to church? How are you leading your family? What example are you setting for you and your family? We are all going to stand in front of God when our time comes. We all have that in common - what are you going to say? Well Lord, I did it once and I figured oh heck with it... just keep it going..... I don't think that is going to work. We all have choices to make - just like those peas and brussel sprouts over the 5 guys burger. When the doctor says - you have problems with sugar in your family and you need to switch to diet pepsi instead of that regular sugar loaded high octane pepsi - what do you do? People keep right on smoking even though they know what it does to their body and even with lung cancer in their families. Some folks choose to walk the hard road. I make mistakes too and I do that everyday but there is forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Once forgiven - its DONE. IN the past and Jesus doesn't want us to live in the past. He wants us to live in the future and with Him.
Sometimes we just have to do what is right and drop those bad habits - those hangups and even in some cases~ people in our lives that keep us down. God has better plans for your life and He will prosper you and shower you with blessings. Through the CROSS - we can experience God because of His son Jesus. There is no other way - we all will face God one day... and that cross then will mean more than anything this earth can give us.
Ask God today to show you something about Him that is new and build on that fresh perspective that will lead you to Him - through the cross.
I am headed back to the gym - I am afraid in a way ... AND I know its the right thing to do. Fear will not paralyze me because God takes away that fear because my faith and trust is in Him.
love you all,
Ever wonder that? Why can't like peas taste like my mom's banana pudding? Wouldnt that be great? Why can't that 5 guys burger and fries taste like Brussel Sprouts? My waste would love that....
Well I have been back to the gym the last 2 days and I can honestly say - I am out of shape and SORE in places I have not been sore in like a year. Last summer while at the gym lifting - I had a vertigo spell and it took me almost 40 minutes to get up and walk out. There I sat on the floor in the middle of the gym with the room spinning to the left. People asking me if I am ok - my face is probably just as white as a sheet and feeling really bad. I had not been back since that day- afraid of having another episode. I have not had one since that day ~ but with fear - I have been paralyzed. I see many folks around me in their walk with Christ - paralyzed because they were once on fire for God and now they are just ho hum or don't even attend church. Maybe they are scared - feel like they dont fit in - or this church was just like the last church - maybe they think people know their past and they are judging them before they even get in the door - maybe someone you know goes there and that keeps you from going..... so many excuses..... Choosing to go fishing over going to church? How are you leading your family? What example are you setting for you and your family? We are all going to stand in front of God when our time comes. We all have that in common - what are you going to say? Well Lord, I did it once and I figured oh heck with it... just keep it going..... I don't think that is going to work. We all have choices to make - just like those peas and brussel sprouts over the 5 guys burger. When the doctor says - you have problems with sugar in your family and you need to switch to diet pepsi instead of that regular sugar loaded high octane pepsi - what do you do? People keep right on smoking even though they know what it does to their body and even with lung cancer in their families. Some folks choose to walk the hard road. I make mistakes too and I do that everyday but there is forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Once forgiven - its DONE. IN the past and Jesus doesn't want us to live in the past. He wants us to live in the future and with Him.
Sometimes we just have to do what is right and drop those bad habits - those hangups and even in some cases~ people in our lives that keep us down. God has better plans for your life and He will prosper you and shower you with blessings. Through the CROSS - we can experience God because of His son Jesus. There is no other way - we all will face God one day... and that cross then will mean more than anything this earth can give us.
Ask God today to show you something about Him that is new and build on that fresh perspective that will lead you to Him - through the cross.
I am headed back to the gym - I am afraid in a way ... AND I know its the right thing to do. Fear will not paralyze me because God takes away that fear because my faith and trust is in Him.
love you all,
June 10th 2006
I just wanted to share someone with you this morning that means a lot to me. This is Tiffany and David - a wedding photo that Carol took last year during their reception. It was a great day for them and a incredible wedding, even for me it was neat just being a part of such a celebration. It was also my first seeing the wedding couple showing up to the reception riding on the back of the local Fire Truck!
Tiffany came in my life by way of UNCC. She worked up in the deans office and I did not really know her all that well. When I found out she was going to be out of work because her work schedule didn't fit with the deans office - I made room for her and I worked the OTHER students around her schedule. It was not long afterwards - I hired her fiance - David. This is a great couple by all means. They both love Jesus - they both serve in the community and serve on mission trips. They attend bible studies and Tiffany was there many morning on the occasions that I came to work during the time my mom was sick. We prayed together and shared the love of Jesus together. I have kept in touch with them over the past year via email and I just love the fact she is keeping me in the loop of their lives. God is surely blessing this awesome couple because Jesus is a big part of their marriage and their lives. I am very proud of them both - David working as a Fireman and Tiffany studying to be a Gym Teacher for K-5. Man how I would love to take her class.... she has a big time smile, is always happy and energetic and I am sure it will rub off on all those children that she will be blessed to have under her.
Tiff - David - if ya'll read this ~ I love you both!
June 10th - Happy Anniversary! May the Lord continue to shower you both, your marriage and your families.
God's Best Always,
Tiffany came in my life by way of UNCC. She worked up in the deans office and I did not really know her all that well. When I found out she was going to be out of work because her work schedule didn't fit with the deans office - I made room for her and I worked the OTHER students around her schedule. It was not long afterwards - I hired her fiance - David. This is a great couple by all means. They both love Jesus - they both serve in the community and serve on mission trips. They attend bible studies and Tiffany was there many morning on the occasions that I came to work during the time my mom was sick. We prayed together and shared the love of Jesus together. I have kept in touch with them over the past year via email and I just love the fact she is keeping me in the loop of their lives. God is surely blessing this awesome couple because Jesus is a big part of their marriage and their lives. I am very proud of them both - David working as a Fireman and Tiffany studying to be a Gym Teacher for K-5. Man how I would love to take her class.... she has a big time smile, is always happy and energetic and I am sure it will rub off on all those children that she will be blessed to have under her.
Tiff - David - if ya'll read this ~ I love you both!
June 10th - Happy Anniversary! May the Lord continue to shower you both, your marriage and your families.
God's Best Always,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Gates...
Ya know I have some folks around me that just know what they should be doing but refuse and thus - they stay where they are - same paths over and over again. Doing what pleases them first and foremost. I am very blessed that God got a hold of me when He did. See my life was on the path that mostly everyone else is on. Making money - working and doing what pleases me. Just going through life with nothing exciting really happening. Scrap everyone else because I did not let many folks that close to me or that inner circle - you know what I am talking about here. My barrier was up and that gave me protection from getting hurt or getting too close to someone. Sure makes making friends hard I tell ya! Anyways - back in 2000 the doctors didn't think I was going to live. With Viral Meningitis and encephalitis - things did not look good. Kyle was 1 and when I got home from the hospital, which was a miracle in itself - I did not even know Kyle and did not have anything to do with him for a few months. I knew that God gave me the grace and the 2nd chance to be a good daddy and to learn His ways above my own. A few months before my mom was diagnosed with cancer - I again was having some problems and doctors told me they found a spot on my brain but they determined after many scans and scary stuff - big time prayers going on - it was scar tissue - even though they couldn't help me with my Vertigo. During the time my mom was sick and the 4 months of seeing things I never thought I would see - God really took my hand and led me through all this painful and hard stuff. I took the road less traveled and it wasn't easy loved ones. There are a few times in ones life where things change you. Sometimes for the good and sometimes not but God had me in His hands and I am where I am today because of Him - and because of my wife Carol - and because of my church and the prayers of my church family there and the prayers of my family. I want to make a difference and I want to share my life with those around me because I neglected many folks for so long. Who knows WHO I may have met long ago that would be in my life today. I can't live in the past and we all have regrets in life- have messed up and done things wrong. We live on and give those things to God so that we can move forward and not sitting paralyzed by our fears and our hangups.
I chose to take the narrow road - Jesus has shown me this path and it is my duty and my promises to my momma that I would include as many on that path as I can - especially my dad. I will do my best to show you the practical love of Jesus - I will help you do whatever I can within reason - but we will do this together. I am not the bank, nor loan money to whomever - there has to be more. Jesus would want more - when you come into His church do you think He just wants you to just come and visit? Would Jesus want you to walk out thinking about cutting the grass or the Yankee game? NO WAY!
He wants you to experience Him and experience Him in such a way that it changes your life. Sometimes that experience can take you down some roads that you wished you had never been. I lost my mom to get on the road I am on today. It breaks my heart and I may never fully recover from that - especially knowing all the hurting people that are in my life with a chance to correct that mistake in their own lives. Years of not talking over a few bucks or saying I can't deal with my children so don't bother me or a dad who walks out of a marriage and leaves the kids behind. I am blessed to be where I am today - to honor my son and my wife with everything I have. To give to my church my passion and desires to lead others to Jesus. I am forever changed by the people in my small group and how excited I am to hang out with them and do this life together. Their children are my children! I am forever changed because of my son Kyles - 3rd grade class.... those are my kids and there is nothing I would not do for any of them. I am very excited about this coming Thursday - I will reveal that later on. But its going to be AWESOME!!!
Love ones, sometimes that road is hard but if you focus your eyes on Jesus - He will show you things along that road that you would never of known and He will see you through that time. You may feel you're the only one on that road sometimes, but thats when the light of Jesus will shine its brightest through you - so that others may see - not you but Jesus in you.
Matthew 17
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
love you all -
Quote of the Day
"In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest."– Henry Miller
I chose to take the narrow road - Jesus has shown me this path and it is my duty and my promises to my momma that I would include as many on that path as I can - especially my dad. I will do my best to show you the practical love of Jesus - I will help you do whatever I can within reason - but we will do this together. I am not the bank, nor loan money to whomever - there has to be more. Jesus would want more - when you come into His church do you think He just wants you to just come and visit? Would Jesus want you to walk out thinking about cutting the grass or the Yankee game? NO WAY!
He wants you to experience Him and experience Him in such a way that it changes your life. Sometimes that experience can take you down some roads that you wished you had never been. I lost my mom to get on the road I am on today. It breaks my heart and I may never fully recover from that - especially knowing all the hurting people that are in my life with a chance to correct that mistake in their own lives. Years of not talking over a few bucks or saying I can't deal with my children so don't bother me or a dad who walks out of a marriage and leaves the kids behind. I am blessed to be where I am today - to honor my son and my wife with everything I have. To give to my church my passion and desires to lead others to Jesus. I am forever changed by the people in my small group and how excited I am to hang out with them and do this life together. Their children are my children! I am forever changed because of my son Kyles - 3rd grade class.... those are my kids and there is nothing I would not do for any of them. I am very excited about this coming Thursday - I will reveal that later on. But its going to be AWESOME!!!
Love ones, sometimes that road is hard but if you focus your eyes on Jesus - He will show you things along that road that you would never of known and He will see you through that time. You may feel you're the only one on that road sometimes, but thats when the light of Jesus will shine its brightest through you - so that others may see - not you but Jesus in you.
Matthew 17
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
love you all -
Quote of the Day
"In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest."– Henry Miller
Monday, June 18, 2007
Monday thoughts,,, letting them go!
Busy day at work today - busy evening tonight with getting things done that have been slacking on especially since being away this weekend. Funny thing is - I really expected a call from someone at church in a panic. This was my first weekend not at church in months and since taking over the Strategic Volunteer Ministry and the Setup/breakdown ministry. If anyone knows me - you know I take these assignments seriously and when things don't get done or fall through the crack~ well lets just say I take it head on - all on myself. There have been many Sundays over the past few months where Carol and I both have served both services and have put in almost 7 hours on a Sunday! Only to turn around and have small group in a few hours. Sunday is no day off - even though with all my heart - I am where God wants me and where He wants me is where I will be. Yes summer is hard on churches - especially mobile churches. Attendance is off, giving is off and volunteers are off. I can honestly say that its hard work but its rewarding work especially when you see someone new come to the table and has found Jesus. They serve with a passion and serve with a smile and a great heart. Yes the old timers are tired and need a break! I totally understand - so with that I had to dig a little - pray this weekend that all went great without me. Yes there are some bumps but nothing we cannot get over. We are serving Jesus and we are making a place for those who are at the end of the rope, are feeling like they have no options, find themselves in a tough place and maybe no place to turn - We are making a place for them to find Jesus - to be taught Gods word - to experience Him - to know they can have a relationship with God and have it be the most intimate and personal experience they have ever experienced. Friends, Jesus can turn your life around and YES - you don't have to have your life right before this can happen.
This is why I serve the way I do - this is why I look for opportunities to show people the practical love of Jesus through my actions and my words. There is nothing in the world that can offer you what Jesus has given to us all - freely and with love. All we have to do is accept it....
So this past weekend - I didn't get a call nor did I get the panic email. Things survived and we will see next Sunday - Lord willing. I would love to have a ministry that grows bigger than I can handle and manage - we need to ride the wave the Rocky River is on and we need to continue to pray that this wave continues to grow. There is much work that needs to be done - many folks who need to hear about Jesus and so many of our friends we need to continue to ask to come to church with us.
Luke 18:1
1Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
We should never give up on our prayers. The heavens move when we pray and work together, serve together and share together. I am excited about this week - a busy week but also looking forward to Sunday - serving, worshipping and singing - doing something for a GREAT GOD!!!
Carol and I have many friends and family that will be traveling this summer - prayers for safe travels for you all. Enjoy the down time and refresh..... God uses His children when we are ready for action and well rested and with the right frame of mind.
This is why I serve the way I do - this is why I look for opportunities to show people the practical love of Jesus through my actions and my words. There is nothing in the world that can offer you what Jesus has given to us all - freely and with love. All we have to do is accept it....
So this past weekend - I didn't get a call nor did I get the panic email. Things survived and we will see next Sunday - Lord willing. I would love to have a ministry that grows bigger than I can handle and manage - we need to ride the wave the Rocky River is on and we need to continue to pray that this wave continues to grow. There is much work that needs to be done - many folks who need to hear about Jesus and so many of our friends we need to continue to ask to come to church with us.
Luke 18:1
1Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
We should never give up on our prayers. The heavens move when we pray and work together, serve together and share together. I am excited about this week - a busy week but also looking forward to Sunday - serving, worshipping and singing - doing something for a GREAT GOD!!!
Carol and I have many friends and family that will be traveling this summer - prayers for safe travels for you all. Enjoy the down time and refresh..... God uses His children when we are ready for action and well rested and with the right frame of mind.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Fathers day!!!
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy fathers day today. Carol, Kyle and his friend Tyler and I all spent the weekend at the cabin. Had a great time - weather was stormy yesterday but this morning we got to swim in the lake. Kyle did not want to leave - as we didn't want to either. We came home and we met some of our Rock Group members and went to see the Kannapolis Intimidators play. They won in the bottom of the 9th - 2 out with 2 strikes for a 3 run homer. Pretty cool..... we were all lined up to go on the field and play catch as a special day for Fathers. I got to play catch with Kyle, our friends daughter Heather and her 2 cousins. It was great - even though we didnt have a ball or gloves! We were tossing a Gatorade bottle until someone came over and gave us a baseball. We were really smiling there until Heathers cousin got hit in the mouth and she saw blood. Nothing like a dramatic ending ~ I carried her all the way to the bathrooms - got her a drink of water and then carried her to the car. I felt terrible but I know stuff happens and she is ok. I got a hug when I put her in the car and told her I was sorry. Anyways - it was really cool to share time today with everyone. I just value this time so much.
Busy week coming up~ so hitting the hay early. Mets are losing 5-0. Hate that.... Go Mets.
Love you all,
Busy week coming up~ so hitting the hay early. Mets are losing 5-0. Hate that.... Go Mets.
Love you all,
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Secret...
Ya want to know what the secret is?
It's my friend who called me yesterday asking for prayers because his son fell and knocked out his tooth and he is thankful that it was not worse and that he has an interview today for a job he really wants and he needs prayers to be answered. The secret is having my friend yesterday tell me that her daughter thinks of me like a dad and that her son is growing up in a family (our small group) that will support him and grow with him, nurture him and love him and be there for him no matter what. The secret is giving her some down time with watching her kids, enjoying the pool, giving them something to smile about and having a support family surround her and love her. The secret is our children all getting together and playing, having fun, swimming and catching frogs. The secret is serving together in church and holding each other accountable for what we are doing. The secret is helping our other really good friends pick up their daughter when she needs a ride home from school or to take their son for the afternoon - He and Kyle going fishing together. The secret is our Small group meeting every Sunday night and enjoying that time together - sharing together, praying together and praying for each other.The secret is us getting together and having some fun like this Sunday at the baseball game for Fathers Day and getting to run the bases with my kids. The secret is this year going into Kyles classroom and being with my kids. The secret is loving those kids and accepting them and wanting to just share some great moments with them and seeing them smile for that hour we have together~ no matter how hard life at home is for them. For that one hour - life is good and worth smiling about. The secret is praying for them and their families for the entire year and sharing that secret by letting them know on the last day of school. The secret is Piggy back rides and time sitting on my lap telling with such excitement about the plans that evening for a sleep over at their friends house and they are going to get even with the older brother.
The secret is the woman at church who I have prayed for for months for her and her family because during one of our lifetalks (Sermons) at church- she cried and wept like I have never seen a woman cry before in church and now she is serving at church and showing up each and every week and teaching Sunday school. She gave something to God that day and she is being blessed since that day. The secret is the families Carol and I have been inviting for months are coming to church on their own now! The secret is the guy who comes in for setup with out being asked because he wants to be part of something bigger than he is. The secret is planning an event like the R2C2 Easter egg hunt and have so many people from the community show up that it's unreal seeing this many folks - some who have drove from Alabama or who have changed visiting their families to come to this event. The secret is our church renting out the local park and having Sunday services on Wednesday evening and cooking like a maniac to feed everyone and being covered by the local paper. A church without walls, taking the Good News to the people where they are. The secret is having a place to come together as a family where everyone accepts you and wants you to belong and really feel it and mean it. The secret is Pastor Jimmy using his gifts to teach and explain things from the bible so that normal people like me and you can understand and have a chance to know- YES I CAN have a relationship and a meaningful relationship with Jesus. The secret is the passion that our Worship pastor has for music and being able to pull off such awesome tunes in front of 300 or so people each and every Sunday. The secret is the Youth Group in middle school and high school that now has a place to learn and make friends all in the comforts and guidelines that God has placed just for them because of the vision and heart of our youth minister leading them.
Friends - the Secret - starts with prayer - When we pray here on earth - the Heavens move to answer us. The Secret is my mom looking down on me and smiling because her son finally gets it and is doing something about it with this thing he has - faith. The secret is knowing when things in your life are so far down the wrong road and things are so bad they can't seem to get any worse - we have a place to go to in Jesus.
We are riding a wave here friends - a great wave that God has us on if you would just open up and join us. I have heard that ~ Jesus is the reason - but we are His vehicle. Its time to shake the dust off our feet and get busy. Be a part of the secret ... God is ready to rock your world if you would just meet Him half way. Take the step..... God will lead you where to go next.
I love you all and that is no secret.
It's my friend who called me yesterday asking for prayers because his son fell and knocked out his tooth and he is thankful that it was not worse and that he has an interview today for a job he really wants and he needs prayers to be answered. The secret is having my friend yesterday tell me that her daughter thinks of me like a dad and that her son is growing up in a family (our small group) that will support him and grow with him, nurture him and love him and be there for him no matter what. The secret is giving her some down time with watching her kids, enjoying the pool, giving them something to smile about and having a support family surround her and love her. The secret is our children all getting together and playing, having fun, swimming and catching frogs. The secret is serving together in church and holding each other accountable for what we are doing. The secret is helping our other really good friends pick up their daughter when she needs a ride home from school or to take their son for the afternoon - He and Kyle going fishing together. The secret is our Small group meeting every Sunday night and enjoying that time together - sharing together, praying together and praying for each other.The secret is us getting together and having some fun like this Sunday at the baseball game for Fathers Day and getting to run the bases with my kids. The secret is this year going into Kyles classroom and being with my kids. The secret is loving those kids and accepting them and wanting to just share some great moments with them and seeing them smile for that hour we have together~ no matter how hard life at home is for them. For that one hour - life is good and worth smiling about. The secret is praying for them and their families for the entire year and sharing that secret by letting them know on the last day of school. The secret is Piggy back rides and time sitting on my lap telling with such excitement about the plans that evening for a sleep over at their friends house and they are going to get even with the older brother.
The secret is the woman at church who I have prayed for for months for her and her family because during one of our lifetalks (Sermons) at church- she cried and wept like I have never seen a woman cry before in church and now she is serving at church and showing up each and every week and teaching Sunday school. She gave something to God that day and she is being blessed since that day. The secret is the families Carol and I have been inviting for months are coming to church on their own now! The secret is the guy who comes in for setup with out being asked because he wants to be part of something bigger than he is. The secret is planning an event like the R2C2 Easter egg hunt and have so many people from the community show up that it's unreal seeing this many folks - some who have drove from Alabama or who have changed visiting their families to come to this event. The secret is our church renting out the local park and having Sunday services on Wednesday evening and cooking like a maniac to feed everyone and being covered by the local paper. A church without walls, taking the Good News to the people where they are. The secret is having a place to come together as a family where everyone accepts you and wants you to belong and really feel it and mean it. The secret is Pastor Jimmy using his gifts to teach and explain things from the bible so that normal people like me and you can understand and have a chance to know- YES I CAN have a relationship and a meaningful relationship with Jesus. The secret is the passion that our Worship pastor has for music and being able to pull off such awesome tunes in front of 300 or so people each and every Sunday. The secret is the Youth Group in middle school and high school that now has a place to learn and make friends all in the comforts and guidelines that God has placed just for them because of the vision and heart of our youth minister leading them.
Friends - the Secret - starts with prayer - When we pray here on earth - the Heavens move to answer us. The Secret is my mom looking down on me and smiling because her son finally gets it and is doing something about it with this thing he has - faith. The secret is knowing when things in your life are so far down the wrong road and things are so bad they can't seem to get any worse - we have a place to go to in Jesus.
We are riding a wave here friends - a great wave that God has us on if you would just open up and join us. I have heard that ~ Jesus is the reason - but we are His vehicle. Its time to shake the dust off our feet and get busy. Be a part of the secret ... God is ready to rock your world if you would just meet Him half way. Take the step..... God will lead you where to go next.
I love you all and that is no secret.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
All over the place Thursday thoughts......
As many of you know I read many blogs throughout the day from different churches and Pastors. Some are really great and insightful, thus making me really look at myself, my church and what God has me doing. Many times though the blogs are really boring and have nothing much to say or don't get updated all that much. I hope this blog is not like that 2nd part -boring and not much to say. Even when I don't have much to say or the Lord is not leading me to share anything, I find that just "showing up" has an effect and gets those creative thoughts flowing. That is why I posted a few days ago - "Just showing up". Its when we are down and don't feel like going to church or don't have time or something better to do - it's during those times that God really puts us in the right place and speaks directly to us. So get up and get moving.... there are lost people in the world and its our duty to spread the "Good News". Sure you may feel like you don't know scripture enough - neither do I - but there is blessings you can do for folks. Help out that single parent down the street - take her kids to McDonald's and let them play in the fun house while she rests, naps, takes a bath or just unwinds for 2 hours. Stop at the local nursing home and just bring someone there flowers - just because Jesus loves them as well. While in the drive through at the local fast food place, pay for the food to the family behind you who look like they are having a tough time and their vehicle is not in the best of shape. Leave your churches business card at the gas pump - who know who will be pulling up next and who needs that number!
We never really know how and when God will show up for people.
God blesses those who do.
I have heard lots of small talk about our brother in Christ - Joel Osteen. Many say he does not preach the bible enough and he is just a motivational speaker. Hey it takes all kinds of preaching to speak to people and with God's word behind it. However big or small - we are out to reach the lost who need to know Jesus. However he preaches - he is reaching BIG for Jesus - look at the size of his church! He can't be doing too much wrong. Our churches should have those problems ... too many folks! Anyways - I love to hear him preach because he is a crafty motivator. Don't you think? Don't you feel that you can do what ever he is preaching on when he is done? Don't you feel moved and ready to get up and get going? Maybe I tend to be motivated easy because I am a motivator as well and love to get down and going - to get dirty and involved. God has blessed me in many area's of my life the last few years... I am ready to venture and serve hard where he has me today. Years ago - I would have never been in a classroom full of children - my life was very closed and you just were not getting in. Protection was built around me - from what? I don't know... maybe hurts, feelings, dissappointment, letdown, grief, friendships going bad, people not liking me, saying the wrong things!! How is that for a start... same struggles as anyone else I reckon. The Lord has changed most of that - all of it to some degree....... Maybe that is why I respect what Joel is doing.... and his smile is a blessing from the Lord because we should be smiling all the time. God has YOUR back friends.... He is watching over you. The heavens move when you have people here on earth praying for you.
Trust in that.... put your love and passion into Jesus. Fall in love with Jesus instead of in need with that boyfriend or girlfriend who you think will make you complete. Jesus will make you complete..... in and out.
One of the things I have learned over the fast few years in being with my kids and raising my son - teach by example and directly to the heart - not to the head. The kids may not understand everything we are trying to teach them but if we teach, lead and love them from the heart - they will understand that much more. My son Kyle may be an only blood child but my children are: my kids from school, church, Sunday School class, my Rock Group kids and all the other children my heart has been blessed to come into contact with and given the chance to love them.
So get up and get moving..... its time to "Show Up"
We never really know how and when God will show up for people.
God blesses those who do.
I have heard lots of small talk about our brother in Christ - Joel Osteen. Many say he does not preach the bible enough and he is just a motivational speaker. Hey it takes all kinds of preaching to speak to people and with God's word behind it. However big or small - we are out to reach the lost who need to know Jesus. However he preaches - he is reaching BIG for Jesus - look at the size of his church! He can't be doing too much wrong. Our churches should have those problems ... too many folks! Anyways - I love to hear him preach because he is a crafty motivator. Don't you think? Don't you feel that you can do what ever he is preaching on when he is done? Don't you feel moved and ready to get up and get going? Maybe I tend to be motivated easy because I am a motivator as well and love to get down and going - to get dirty and involved. God has blessed me in many area's of my life the last few years... I am ready to venture and serve hard where he has me today. Years ago - I would have never been in a classroom full of children - my life was very closed and you just were not getting in. Protection was built around me - from what? I don't know... maybe hurts, feelings, dissappointment, letdown, grief, friendships going bad, people not liking me, saying the wrong things!! How is that for a start... same struggles as anyone else I reckon. The Lord has changed most of that - all of it to some degree....... Maybe that is why I respect what Joel is doing.... and his smile is a blessing from the Lord because we should be smiling all the time. God has YOUR back friends.... He is watching over you. The heavens move when you have people here on earth praying for you.
Trust in that.... put your love and passion into Jesus. Fall in love with Jesus instead of in need with that boyfriend or girlfriend who you think will make you complete. Jesus will make you complete..... in and out.
One of the things I have learned over the fast few years in being with my kids and raising my son - teach by example and directly to the heart - not to the head. The kids may not understand everything we are trying to teach them but if we teach, lead and love them from the heart - they will understand that much more. My son Kyle may be an only blood child but my children are: my kids from school, church, Sunday School class, my Rock Group kids and all the other children my heart has been blessed to come into contact with and given the chance to love them.
So get up and get moving..... its time to "Show Up"
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
2 poles - 1 fish but its "Ours"
Carol took "my boys" fishing today at the local park after doing some errands and having lunch. This picture has so much behind it and real friendships are taking place~ Even behind them are the parents forming real friendships. 2 poles - 1 fish - but it was their fish! How cool is that?
Last night we went to the opening of the Summer Reading program through our library and they had an animal show - the animal show was really good and the place was packed. We got to meet up with our friend from church - she has 3 girls and the youngest is the same age as Grant and Kyle - she was right there with the boys touching the snakes and petting the ferrets and racoons - we even got to see first hand a GIANT - BearCat from China. That thing was pretty ugly and it loves bananas - go figure. The look on each childs face was priceless with their smiles and eyes WIDE open as they touched each animal that went by. These are "Real friendships" taking place.
Carol and I are planning to get in touch with "my kids" soon and share with them about our church's VBS program. I pray that many of my kids come that week - Honest, I would be happy with 1 or 2 of them! Or 3,4,5,6 however many!
We have baseball practice tonight - so I am packing up shortly.
Let me share this:
Psalm 68:3
3 But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.
Start today by having an attitude of gratitude. When you wake in the morning, thank the Lord for this day - ask Him to point your feet and to show you the way. We all have a choice to make in either being happy and full of joy or not. God is watching over you each and every moment. God's praise should always be on the edge of your lips. I am thankful for these friendships - these families coming together - all under God's blessings.
May you today, see just how AWESOME God really is.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Stepping forward...
What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot see. God gave his approval to people in days of old because of their faith.
Hebrews 11:1-2
Here in NC the last week or so there have been several bears killed because they roamed too close to homes and neighborhoods. I feel bad for those bears because in theory - we have moved into their homes. With lack of rain here in NC and a very late frost that has killed lots of the food supply that bears eat now - they have moved into our spaces. In North America the top predator other than us would probably be bears. In other parts of the world it may be some other animal but the king of all the animals has been labeled with the Lion. I think about Daniel and how his faith saved him from the claws and teeth of the lions den. Our lives may be in that place - the lions den - where there is no place to run and no place to hide - no place to get away from the pain. Our faith is what will deliver us from the perils of death or continued struggles or even torn apart from the King of the Wild. Daniel had faith in God to protect him and we should also have that kind of faith. See Daniel had an option - to either bow down and worship the kings gods or continue worshiping God (Our God) and be thrown into death. He chose God and thus he was thrown into the pit with no escape and no way out - except through Jesus.
What is holding you back from this faith? What fear do you have that you cannot get over that is keeping you where you are?
I personally have a fear of heights and a fear of public speaking. Just watch me sometime clean the gutters! Public speaking - I still get nervous at my bible study each Sunday because I am leading a group of great friends, who are like family to me, in God's word. God is bringing me through those fears little by little and leading is a big part of that. When I accepted the role of leading a small group and when I was asked to lead the other ministries I currently am leading at church - I was scared. Ask Carol - I just take on so much as my job - I will handle it all and over the last few months I have learned to trust people and let them grow and exercise their gifts and talents in serving. They are the next leaders and I know my time is only for a season. My faith - had to grow in order for me to get to this point. God had to put me in places and in situations and with folks - in order for me to grow. I had choices - just like Daniel - to accept them or turn from them. Daniel could of said- "Lord, I will bow to those gods in the morning to save my own skin, but I will continue to call You my Lord." - Do you think that would have worked?
Point being, come out of your comfort zone - step forward in the grace that God has for you. Every Sunday I step forward at church - at my small group - in sharing my heart on this blog - I step forward leaving myself and stepping forward with God.
God opened my eyes to my kids this year, He is helping me lead at church, He is helping me be a better daddy and husband - friend, son, brother and coworker - He is making me a better follower of His son Jesus.
Step forward and be like Daniel - God will take you by the hand.
Love you,
Hebrews 11:1-2
Here in NC the last week or so there have been several bears killed because they roamed too close to homes and neighborhoods. I feel bad for those bears because in theory - we have moved into their homes. With lack of rain here in NC and a very late frost that has killed lots of the food supply that bears eat now - they have moved into our spaces. In North America the top predator other than us would probably be bears. In other parts of the world it may be some other animal but the king of all the animals has been labeled with the Lion. I think about Daniel and how his faith saved him from the claws and teeth of the lions den. Our lives may be in that place - the lions den - where there is no place to run and no place to hide - no place to get away from the pain. Our faith is what will deliver us from the perils of death or continued struggles or even torn apart from the King of the Wild. Daniel had faith in God to protect him and we should also have that kind of faith. See Daniel had an option - to either bow down and worship the kings gods or continue worshiping God (Our God) and be thrown into death. He chose God and thus he was thrown into the pit with no escape and no way out - except through Jesus.
What is holding you back from this faith? What fear do you have that you cannot get over that is keeping you where you are?
I personally have a fear of heights and a fear of public speaking. Just watch me sometime clean the gutters! Public speaking - I still get nervous at my bible study each Sunday because I am leading a group of great friends, who are like family to me, in God's word. God is bringing me through those fears little by little and leading is a big part of that. When I accepted the role of leading a small group and when I was asked to lead the other ministries I currently am leading at church - I was scared. Ask Carol - I just take on so much as my job - I will handle it all and over the last few months I have learned to trust people and let them grow and exercise their gifts and talents in serving. They are the next leaders and I know my time is only for a season. My faith - had to grow in order for me to get to this point. God had to put me in places and in situations and with folks - in order for me to grow. I had choices - just like Daniel - to accept them or turn from them. Daniel could of said- "Lord, I will bow to those gods in the morning to save my own skin, but I will continue to call You my Lord." - Do you think that would have worked?
Point being, come out of your comfort zone - step forward in the grace that God has for you. Every Sunday I step forward at church - at my small group - in sharing my heart on this blog - I step forward leaving myself and stepping forward with God.
God opened my eyes to my kids this year, He is helping me lead at church, He is helping me be a better daddy and husband - friend, son, brother and coworker - He is making me a better follower of His son Jesus.
Step forward and be like Daniel - God will take you by the hand.
Love you,
Monday, June 11, 2007
Just Show up......
There was something said yesterday at church that has been on my heart for months now - Pastor Jimmy was talking about bringing glory to God before we bring glory to ourselves. I see this with Major league baseball players - after a big hit they look to the heavens and give God either thanks - or the glory. Looking for small signals and small signs in everything I do for Jesus is our assignment this summer. So I am really trying hard to pay attention to find God in everything I do. Bring God the glory in my actions, my words and the things I do for folks around me. What else is there once you experience this first hand? I get such a buz thinking about my kids at school, dropping off flowers at the retirement home or cutting the grass of a good friend of mine who can use a helping hand - tipping our favorite waitress a little extra because she just may need it to make ends meet this month or just saying something nice to someone I don't even know. Its about sharing and passing on smiles to everyone around us. Once you experience this "BUZ" - its pretty hard not to want to do more and experience more of it.
I am going through a growth period in my walk with Jesus. He has given me the chance to do something for Him in leading a church ministry - one which I felt no way qualified for but did it out of faith, knowing that what I lack in one area - God will bless me in an another and grow me in the areas I need. I have full faith in His work on my heart and this submission has given me such awesome blessings the last few years - He has opened my heart to my kids at school, friends in my life who are like family, serving in church and really having my heart behind the relationships that walk through the doors there and how I see my wife and my son. I think many times folks are in that rut - where nothing is happening or God's not doing something big in there lives. I think many times, just getting through the doors at church are the big steps of the day but they are also the most important.
Yesterday a good friend explained to me that he experiences a RUSH of peace that came over him at church yesterday. He is out of work and is seeking employment - he has a good head on his shoulders and I know God will lead him to his next place. I fully trust that and I will continue to pray about it until he gets to this place. But would he have experienced this feeling if he was not in church? Focused on God and really pouring his heart into prayer and worship?
For me, I would say not - God has moved me many times at church - has placed things on my heart that probably I would not have been placed there if I was say - at Carowinds or out watching a movie with my family. See God comes to us when WE SHOW UP. Even if we don't feel like it... when we put forth the effort - God will meet us half way. I know at times my Aunt Sharon will email me and tell me she has had a hard day at work or working on the farm keeping up with my Uncle Buster and church is that evening. She has to sometimes make herself go or get her second wind to make it. It's those times that God moves her in BIG ways. She emails me the next day or has even called me to share with me what God did that evening or how powerful the message was and she is experiencing that "BUZZ". She put forth the effort to show up and GOD showed up in even a bigger way than she expected.
Friends, if you are at that place where everything is luke warm - your mind is running with many thoughts or you are struggling with something that you just can't seem to grasp - Just show up and meet God half way. You don't have to have your life in order or everything just right to experience God and to have a relationship with Him. He accepts us the way we are - faults, doubts, sinful past, shame and hurts - He accepts us the way we are so that He can make us what we should be. His hands at the molding and not ours.
Don't get discouraged - continue to invite folks to church- starting with making sure you are there and then continue to ask God - What can you do to bring Him the glory in your life and in the things you do?
I didn't have much to say here until I started typing - maybe it turned out to be my point in just "showing up" and God gave this to me so I can share this with you. See how this works?
Just show up and let God handle it from there....
Ok~ got to go get me my "BUZZ" fix for the afternoon - see if I can't find a smile somewhere here at work. :)
I am going through a growth period in my walk with Jesus. He has given me the chance to do something for Him in leading a church ministry - one which I felt no way qualified for but did it out of faith, knowing that what I lack in one area - God will bless me in an another and grow me in the areas I need. I have full faith in His work on my heart and this submission has given me such awesome blessings the last few years - He has opened my heart to my kids at school, friends in my life who are like family, serving in church and really having my heart behind the relationships that walk through the doors there and how I see my wife and my son. I think many times folks are in that rut - where nothing is happening or God's not doing something big in there lives. I think many times, just getting through the doors at church are the big steps of the day but they are also the most important.
Yesterday a good friend explained to me that he experiences a RUSH of peace that came over him at church yesterday. He is out of work and is seeking employment - he has a good head on his shoulders and I know God will lead him to his next place. I fully trust that and I will continue to pray about it until he gets to this place. But would he have experienced this feeling if he was not in church? Focused on God and really pouring his heart into prayer and worship?
For me, I would say not - God has moved me many times at church - has placed things on my heart that probably I would not have been placed there if I was say - at Carowinds or out watching a movie with my family. See God comes to us when WE SHOW UP. Even if we don't feel like it... when we put forth the effort - God will meet us half way. I know at times my Aunt Sharon will email me and tell me she has had a hard day at work or working on the farm keeping up with my Uncle Buster and church is that evening. She has to sometimes make herself go or get her second wind to make it. It's those times that God moves her in BIG ways. She emails me the next day or has even called me to share with me what God did that evening or how powerful the message was and she is experiencing that "BUZZ". She put forth the effort to show up and GOD showed up in even a bigger way than she expected.
Friends, if you are at that place where everything is luke warm - your mind is running with many thoughts or you are struggling with something that you just can't seem to grasp - Just show up and meet God half way. You don't have to have your life in order or everything just right to experience God and to have a relationship with Him. He accepts us the way we are - faults, doubts, sinful past, shame and hurts - He accepts us the way we are so that He can make us what we should be. His hands at the molding and not ours.
Don't get discouraged - continue to invite folks to church- starting with making sure you are there and then continue to ask God - What can you do to bring Him the glory in your life and in the things you do?
I didn't have much to say here until I started typing - maybe it turned out to be my point in just "showing up" and God gave this to me so I can share this with you. See how this works?
Just show up and let God handle it from there....
Ok~ got to go get me my "BUZZ" fix for the afternoon - see if I can't find a smile somewhere here at work. :)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Snapshot of the last day of school....
I just want to take a short minute and share with everyone a few pictures from the last day of school. These are moments to remember... great moments and moments I will never forget. I look forward to a great and fun summer and even a better next school year. It just makes me smile seeing the smiling faces, the funny stories, the friendships these kids have made ~even with all the drama~ they are lasting friendships. The teachers still have another week of school left - cleaning up their rooms or if they are moving classrooms, they get to do that at some point over the summer. These teachers are hard working and they should be thanked more often for what they do, for the love they have for our children, and for doing so much more - than just teaching math or science or reading, they are instilling important qualities into our children. I am blessed to have been able to share in some of this - something I never would have dreamed.
I watched the teachers cry, kids cry - screaming with excitement as the buses pulled away and hand waving - parents picking up their kids - what a great way to end a great year, a great day - the last day of school. I will admit here... as thankful as I am for these kids and for the teachers whom I have become close with this year - I will say I cried myself, all the way home. I sat in the garage before shutting down the garage door and prayed for "Our Kids".
If any of my kids are reading this or any of the parents - I can't wait for next year - these children (Yours and mine) - have changed my life. Thank You Lord for these children and loving them as much as You do. Hope to see each of you at some point over the summer! At your swim meets, ball games, food shopping or eating out~whatever~ - can't wait to see ya'll next year.
Gods Best,
With smiles and hugs,
Mr. B
I watched the teachers cry, kids cry - screaming with excitement as the buses pulled away and hand waving - parents picking up their kids - what a great way to end a great year, a great day - the last day of school. I will admit here... as thankful as I am for these kids and for the teachers whom I have become close with this year - I will say I cried myself, all the way home. I sat in the garage before shutting down the garage door and prayed for "Our Kids".
If any of my kids are reading this or any of the parents - I can't wait for next year - these children (Yours and mine) - have changed my life. Thank You Lord for these children and loving them as much as You do. Hope to see each of you at some point over the summer! At your swim meets, ball games, food shopping or eating out~whatever~ - can't wait to see ya'll next year.
Gods Best,
With smiles and hugs,
Mr. B
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Congrats Ben, Grant and Jake ~ Well done!
Well baseball is officially over now. Congrats to Ben, Grant and Jake Siwaski for winning the championship today 8-6. It was a close game - also John Riley won their game too so congrats. Nothing like hanging out at the ball field with almost our entire church there! I got to see Kyles teacher and her 2 kids - one of our kids from school because her brother was playing. It was hot but a great day! Kyle has been invited by his friend Austin - his dad is coaching the All Star team this summer and has offered to let Kyle practice this summer with the team to sharpen his skills. Do great things happen or what??? Especially after this season where not much went right for him and his team. God making something good happen from nothing??? I think so...
Today we spent most of the day at the pool trying not to fry like a french fry. :)
Looking forward to 2 services tomorrow and serving setup and breakdown. Yesterday was such a great day with "OUR" kids. I will post tomorrow - my thoughts on the last day. I will also include a few pics to go with it.
Going to hit the showers now - and take it east for the evening.
Love you all,
May the Lord move in your heart tomorrow - in a new and exciting way.
Life is good.......
Today we spent most of the day at the pool trying not to fry like a french fry. :)
Looking forward to 2 services tomorrow and serving setup and breakdown. Yesterday was such a great day with "OUR" kids. I will post tomorrow - my thoughts on the last day. I will also include a few pics to go with it.
Going to hit the showers now - and take it east for the evening.
Love you all,
May the Lord move in your heart tomorrow - in a new and exciting way.
Life is good.......
Friday, June 8, 2007
Last day of school? Already?
Its the last day of school today. I have been dreading this day for weeks. I know the kids are excited about getting out of school - I too remember that feeling! But as this chapter closes, another chapter will begin and with that - I will always remember this year. I pray for each of the children that has touched my life this year, they have opened my eyes and my heart. There is nothing I would not do for each of them. So as I get ready to leave work and get in the car and make my last drive over to school - sign in one last time and then enter the classroom for the last time this year - I will try and remember all the smiles, hugs and laughter that I can. Holding back the tears of a great year with such fond memories, awesome hugs and smiles, hearts working as one. I will remember this year always.
Thanks for an awesome year!
Heavenly Father, thank You for today - no matter how hard today is Lord -its a blessing to have come this far and to experience this year as I have done. Lord thank You for all the children - please keep them safe, keep them healthy and keep them focused on You Lord. May Your blessing flow on them from above like a refreshing rain in the spring time. May we all remember the smiles and the laughter of this past year and look forward to another season next year. I pray for all their families Lord - may they all be in Your family - I pray I get to see some of them over the summer and even in church Lord. I pray for those who move away or go to a different school next year - may their paths be on Your path Lord and may their faith grow and their understanding of You blossom into a faith that we all can experience. So many people believe in You - but many do not have their hearts in You - May we all experience You in a personal and in such a way Lord - that our FAITH in You is above all else. Thank You for loving us and Lord - Thank You for my kids - Thank You for Donna - thank You for the love she has for these children and being like a mom to them as well as a friend and teacher. Thank You for the the room parents and all the parents who came this year into the classroom - thank You for Carol for spending countless hours with these kids and helping in the classroom the past 2 years. Our children are worth all the sweat and tears.... today is a day of tears. Happy tears and prayers that we all have just made a small difference this year in the lives of our children.
Proverbs 4:26
26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.
I pray in Jesus name,
Quote of the Day"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever."
Thanks for an awesome year!
Heavenly Father, thank You for today - no matter how hard today is Lord -its a blessing to have come this far and to experience this year as I have done. Lord thank You for all the children - please keep them safe, keep them healthy and keep them focused on You Lord. May Your blessing flow on them from above like a refreshing rain in the spring time. May we all remember the smiles and the laughter of this past year and look forward to another season next year. I pray for all their families Lord - may they all be in Your family - I pray I get to see some of them over the summer and even in church Lord. I pray for those who move away or go to a different school next year - may their paths be on Your path Lord and may their faith grow and their understanding of You blossom into a faith that we all can experience. So many people believe in You - but many do not have their hearts in You - May we all experience You in a personal and in such a way Lord - that our FAITH in You is above all else. Thank You for loving us and Lord - Thank You for my kids - Thank You for Donna - thank You for the love she has for these children and being like a mom to them as well as a friend and teacher. Thank You for the the room parents and all the parents who came this year into the classroom - thank You for Carol for spending countless hours with these kids and helping in the classroom the past 2 years. Our children are worth all the sweat and tears.... today is a day of tears. Happy tears and prayers that we all have just made a small difference this year in the lives of our children.
Proverbs 4:26
26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.
I pray in Jesus name,
Quote of the Day"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever."
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
What a day at school........
Hey what can I say about today? Spending the day with my kids on the last days of school? Priceless.... Man today was so much fun~ I know being a teacher is hard work - I am so tired tonight... and I am not teaching the kids anything other than being cool dad!
I thought that my next day to see them would be Friday - their last day of school for the year but I am thinking I may go in tomorrow for lunch in case I might miss someone. I think I carried each child today on my back - got just as wet during the water ball toss - yea ok - no water ball toss here... just wet the person you're throwing too and ge them as wet as possible LOL - there were some of us REALLY wet! I think at one point.... HAHAHAH... all the kids tossed a ball at me to get me wet at once... but then the hose came out and I got even with a few of ya!!!. Funny thing was - I didn't care - it was too much fun, too many smiles happening and laughter all over the place. Ok - we were out of control and if the Principal was there... I would have been banned! LOLOL
Lord - I didn't know what this was all about. I am glad You brought me to this level and gave me the courage to share myself in such a way with these children that it would be this much fun, this life changing and what an awesome experience Lord You had in store for us - for me. I hope to see everyone this summer at some point......... Lord thank You for the children... children you so MUCH loved and cared for - and loved to be around.
Thank you Donna and Carol for such a great day. Even though ya'll were working - I had the kids.... nothing to worry about with me in charge.... HAHAHAHHAHAHA
cya tomorrow Donna! You are not done with me yet.
Quote of the Day"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."– Beverly Sills
I thought that my next day to see them would be Friday - their last day of school for the year but I am thinking I may go in tomorrow for lunch in case I might miss someone. I think I carried each child today on my back - got just as wet during the water ball toss - yea ok - no water ball toss here... just wet the person you're throwing too and ge them as wet as possible LOL - there were some of us REALLY wet! I think at one point.... HAHAHAH... all the kids tossed a ball at me to get me wet at once... but then the hose came out and I got even with a few of ya!!!. Funny thing was - I didn't care - it was too much fun, too many smiles happening and laughter all over the place. Ok - we were out of control and if the Principal was there... I would have been banned! LOLOL
Lord - I didn't know what this was all about. I am glad You brought me to this level and gave me the courage to share myself in such a way with these children that it would be this much fun, this life changing and what an awesome experience Lord You had in store for us - for me. I hope to see everyone this summer at some point......... Lord thank You for the children... children you so MUCH loved and cared for - and loved to be around.
Thank you Donna and Carol for such a great day. Even though ya'll were working - I had the kids.... nothing to worry about with me in charge.... HAHAHAHHAHAHA
cya tomorrow Donna! You are not done with me yet.
Quote of the Day"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."– Beverly Sills
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
The value of small groups....
As I continue my walk with Christ~ I have to say one of the biggest and most important parts of feeling connected, plugged in and feel God pouring blessings on my life - is my small group. These folks are my extended family. The are my rock and my place to do this life with. They are a handful of families that I share my life and the lives of my family with. They have changed my life - even though I signed up at church to lead them - having no idea what I was doing or what I was going to be asked to do - I am in no way a leader - just a facilitator to get them together; I just never imagined the blessings that could come from this like I am experiencing now. We have a mission and a reason to grow in Christ together and thus our relationships grow.
Years ago - there would be no way I would have thought twice about a small group. I felt way to disconnected - felt like I did not know enough - or it was too scary to open myself up with a bunch of strangers - Why did I need these people when I attend church every/almost every Sunday and I am basically a good person?
Boy, that vision sure did change when I let God enter my heart - took a risk in faith and asked God to show me the value of my small group families. My best friends are in this family - they pray for me and my family, I pray for theirs, we lean on each other and care for our children together. Their children are like my children and love each of them. We are all in this thing together - struggles, parenting, marriages and friendships! I can honestly say friends - I NEED these families.
When Jesus called his Disciples - they were not trained or even educated and they certainly did not have everything in order to serve Jesus. They didn't know all the rules and all the things that Jesus would ask of them. He came - called them and said "Follow Me." - They dropped what they were doing and followed Him. They were the first small group. Where else can we connect people into the lives of others so that they may experience God - and true connection? Small groups have changed my life and how I see people. I am honored to be asked to pray for my friends, their loved ones who are sick, their marriages and their hurts. Sharing mine along with them so that they can pray for my family and I.
Life is short and eternity is at stake here friends. There is a world of lost people out there and we are not going to win them all on Sunday mornings during the music or during the message being preached. Their true connection will come when they are plugged in and find value in the friendships centered around God. When we build these relationships, this is when real life change happens. This is where life takes on a new meaning and a full purpose. As these folks grow and are held accountable for their actions and words - so are mine and we grow together. Life change... This is where the love of Jesus becomes real.
This is where real people with real problems learn about real hope and find real solutions.
If any of you are reading this - Rock group,,, hey guys I love ya!!!
If you are on the fence of deciding about joining a small group~ Take the leap and don't look back. You will find real value in your decision that will pay dividends for years to come.
Rock On....
Years ago - there would be no way I would have thought twice about a small group. I felt way to disconnected - felt like I did not know enough - or it was too scary to open myself up with a bunch of strangers - Why did I need these people when I attend church every/almost every Sunday and I am basically a good person?
Boy, that vision sure did change when I let God enter my heart - took a risk in faith and asked God to show me the value of my small group families. My best friends are in this family - they pray for me and my family, I pray for theirs, we lean on each other and care for our children together. Their children are like my children and love each of them. We are all in this thing together - struggles, parenting, marriages and friendships! I can honestly say friends - I NEED these families.
When Jesus called his Disciples - they were not trained or even educated and they certainly did not have everything in order to serve Jesus. They didn't know all the rules and all the things that Jesus would ask of them. He came - called them and said "Follow Me." - They dropped what they were doing and followed Him. They were the first small group. Where else can we connect people into the lives of others so that they may experience God - and true connection? Small groups have changed my life and how I see people. I am honored to be asked to pray for my friends, their loved ones who are sick, their marriages and their hurts. Sharing mine along with them so that they can pray for my family and I.
Life is short and eternity is at stake here friends. There is a world of lost people out there and we are not going to win them all on Sunday mornings during the music or during the message being preached. Their true connection will come when they are plugged in and find value in the friendships centered around God. When we build these relationships, this is when real life change happens. This is where life takes on a new meaning and a full purpose. As these folks grow and are held accountable for their actions and words - so are mine and we grow together. Life change... This is where the love of Jesus becomes real.
This is where real people with real problems learn about real hope and find real solutions.
If any of you are reading this - Rock group,,, hey guys I love ya!!!
If you are on the fence of deciding about joining a small group~ Take the leap and don't look back. You will find real value in your decision that will pay dividends for years to come.
Rock On....
Monday, June 4, 2007
Practice real love...
As I look back on the last year, my reflections take me to one word - "Encouragement". This past Saturday was the ending of my sons baseball season. Play off game tomorrow which we probably don't have much chance in winning but I don't give up hope for a win. There was an incident on the field last Saturday that left a child in tears and the parents walking away in the middle of the game ending his season. Wednesday I am taking his trophy into school to give to him and I have made a certificate for him, in hopes he will continue to like baseball. I would understand at this point if he never plays again but sometimes bad things happen and we cannot give in and give up. There is always next year and a new team and a new coach - a coach that encourages, teaches and leads by example. That coach next year might just be me.
Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
This is the last week of school this week - the last week to see my kids. I am looking forward to Wednesday and Friday this week. I hope to see all of them at some point over the summer. They are like my own children and I want to encourage them and let them know I care. One of the gifts that God has given me is in being an encourager - if you are around me at all - that is what you are going to get - encouragement. I want to be a blessing to others. It keeps me focused on others and not on myself. There are many people around me that need encouragement - a kind word or a smile. My office door is always open for anyone wanting to just talk or to pray with. When we are needing a miracle in life - we may just be that miracle to someone else. God pours down the favors when we focus on others and are a blessing to others. Our miracles will happen if we take a step like Jesus and be a blessing to someone else. Even a blessing when payback is not an option. It may be a widow who needs a friend, the mailman having a tough day, the person new running the register at the local grocery store - $20 extra for the pizza delivery boy - flowers sent to someone you don't know at your local hospital - buying shoes for a needy family - there are millions of ways to be a blessing to others. This generation we are more into time than we are money. Invest in some time for someone around you - When we pour Gods love into the lives of those around us~ He will pour heavens blessings into ours.
1 John 3:18
My dear children, let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love.”
Be a blessing today ...... and reach out and experience God the way Jesus showed us. We are His arms, his tongue and His actions. Miracles do happen and the old saying of that is better to give than to receive still stands true.
Quote of the Day"Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses."
Love you all,
Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
This is the last week of school this week - the last week to see my kids. I am looking forward to Wednesday and Friday this week. I hope to see all of them at some point over the summer. They are like my own children and I want to encourage them and let them know I care. One of the gifts that God has given me is in being an encourager - if you are around me at all - that is what you are going to get - encouragement. I want to be a blessing to others. It keeps me focused on others and not on myself. There are many people around me that need encouragement - a kind word or a smile. My office door is always open for anyone wanting to just talk or to pray with. When we are needing a miracle in life - we may just be that miracle to someone else. God pours down the favors when we focus on others and are a blessing to others. Our miracles will happen if we take a step like Jesus and be a blessing to someone else. Even a blessing when payback is not an option. It may be a widow who needs a friend, the mailman having a tough day, the person new running the register at the local grocery store - $20 extra for the pizza delivery boy - flowers sent to someone you don't know at your local hospital - buying shoes for a needy family - there are millions of ways to be a blessing to others. This generation we are more into time than we are money. Invest in some time for someone around you - When we pour Gods love into the lives of those around us~ He will pour heavens blessings into ours.
1 John 3:18
My dear children, let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love.”
Be a blessing today ...... and reach out and experience God the way Jesus showed us. We are His arms, his tongue and His actions. Miracles do happen and the old saying of that is better to give than to receive still stands true.
Quote of the Day"Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses."
Love you all,
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Sunday recap...
Wow - I could barely sleep last night with anticipation for today - 2 services - setup and breakdown. Some bit time serving going on! It is a lot of work but I know God is pleased with that and the effort that I am putting forth~the effort Carol is putting forth and the effort Kyle puts forth with sitting in 2 Sunday schools! I would have NEVER done that as a child. I would have been kicking and screaming - Craig and I did actually for a short time there. Sorry mom! You are pretty awesome Kyle!
Anyways - I want to share some of my notes with you because Jimmy had a great message this morning.
Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans that I have for you, ‘declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”
Ask God to reveal himself to you – while we search for God – God is also searching for us. Today most people are open to anything ~ except God. We have given up on finding God – when we seek God, He reveals himself in everything.
Look for biblical references..... in everything we do. Movies, music, newspaper and in the news.
Romans 12:2 (The Message)
Place Your Life Before God
1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
The bible is written stories. God is not done with the story. He is still writing your story.
God wants to show us truth. We hang on by a thread because so many of us live our lives to things not solid and anchored in anything that lasts. See the world through God’s eyes.
Quote of the Day"Map out your future, but do it in pencil."– Jon Bon Jovi
It was a great day in church today. We had a few folks missing from our rock group tonight and hope to catch up with everyone next week. God is taking us places.... bringing some awesome people into our lives. Loving the plan that God is unfolding....
Love you all,
ps: last week of school this week. Pray for our children.....
Anyways - I want to share some of my notes with you because Jimmy had a great message this morning.
Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans that I have for you, ‘declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”
Ask God to reveal himself to you – while we search for God – God is also searching for us. Today most people are open to anything ~ except God. We have given up on finding God – when we seek God, He reveals himself in everything.
Look for biblical references..... in everything we do. Movies, music, newspaper and in the news.
Romans 12:2 (The Message)
Place Your Life Before God
1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
The bible is written stories. God is not done with the story. He is still writing your story.
God wants to show us truth. We hang on by a thread because so many of us live our lives to things not solid and anchored in anything that lasts. See the world through God’s eyes.
Quote of the Day"Map out your future, but do it in pencil."– Jon Bon Jovi
It was a great day in church today. We had a few folks missing from our rock group tonight and hope to catch up with everyone next week. God is taking us places.... bringing some awesome people into our lives. Loving the plan that God is unfolding....
Love you all,
ps: last week of school this week. Pray for our children.....
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Saturday night ain't what it used to be....
Baseball is finally over! We have a playoff game this Tuesday and I will be glad it done with. We have had a tough year with coaching and the other teams "Stacked" - I think some of those kids drove themselves to the fields!
Anyways - Carol and Kyle are putting together the gift packs for our kids at school this week. We are looking forward to spending time at church tomorrow - setup and breakdown since we are short handed. Carol is serving extra duty as well and Kyle will be helping me on breakdown - and we have small group tomorrow. I am SO looking forward to that time!
Tuesday night we have our party for baseball after our playoff game. It will be good to have it over with. We have made some friends - I hope to keep in touch with them.... maybe even have a chance to spend some time in church with them in the future. I had 2 folks stop me today at the ball field to read my birthday shirt.
"If there is no God - THEN NOTHING MATTER - But if there is a God - NOTHING ELSE MATTERS".
Praying for some rain here in Harrisburg NC.... its been like a month since it rained last. I hope we get some rain here...... its so dry.
We wished our neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Skully a good trip and a bright future with their move today. They are headed to a retirement community in Florida. Mr. Skully has been a great UNC-Charlotte basketball fan and a great neighbor! We will miss ya'll! He is almost fully recovered from falling off the roof while cleaning the gutters - breaking his hip and his knee... he is in his 80's! Hope that hole and one comes true Mr. Skully! Peace to both of you.
Its the last week of school coming up this week. Man I miss my kids already! What can I do to keep in touch with them this summer.....? Idea's?
Well- big serving day tomorrow.... hitting the hay soon. Looking forward to a great day tomorrow at church. May the Lord show up in your life tomorrow like never before.
Movie night now...... :)
Love ya'll,
Anyways - Carol and Kyle are putting together the gift packs for our kids at school this week. We are looking forward to spending time at church tomorrow - setup and breakdown since we are short handed. Carol is serving extra duty as well and Kyle will be helping me on breakdown - and we have small group tomorrow. I am SO looking forward to that time!
Tuesday night we have our party for baseball after our playoff game. It will be good to have it over with. We have made some friends - I hope to keep in touch with them.... maybe even have a chance to spend some time in church with them in the future. I had 2 folks stop me today at the ball field to read my birthday shirt.
"If there is no God - THEN NOTHING MATTER - But if there is a God - NOTHING ELSE MATTERS".
Praying for some rain here in Harrisburg NC.... its been like a month since it rained last. I hope we get some rain here...... its so dry.
We wished our neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Skully a good trip and a bright future with their move today. They are headed to a retirement community in Florida. Mr. Skully has been a great UNC-Charlotte basketball fan and a great neighbor! We will miss ya'll! He is almost fully recovered from falling off the roof while cleaning the gutters - breaking his hip and his knee... he is in his 80's! Hope that hole and one comes true Mr. Skully! Peace to both of you.
Its the last week of school coming up this week. Man I miss my kids already! What can I do to keep in touch with them this summer.....? Idea's?
Well- big serving day tomorrow.... hitting the hay soon. Looking forward to a great day tomorrow at church. May the Lord show up in your life tomorrow like never before.
Movie night now...... :)
Love ya'll,
Friday, June 1, 2007
A life changing moment....
Mrs. Lyman - I hope you read this. Today was an awesome day. The kids had their field day outside - talk about HOT - I was playing just as hard as the other kids and with Kids on my back!!! It was loads of fun..... after the field day time we all went back to the classroom - where Chick-fil-A had nuggets and juice ready for the kids. There were parents there all hanging out with their kids - a birthday party happening for one of the girls... so much activity.
As I have said before there has been a girl in this class that I have prayed for every day this year. She was kind of sad and did not participate in much of the activities; I did my best to pay a little extra attention to her and try to pull her out of her mood but I only made it so far with her. She came to me during lunch because she had gotten 2 lunches. Her grandfather was supposed to come and have lunch with her- he paid for the lunches. She was sad because she KNEW he would not come even though he had promised. This was apparent to me why she was sad and not participating in the activities because she was already preparing herself for a letdown. She came over and asked me if I wanted his lunch - I sat her on my knee and said "dear, you can eat the lunch - there is not much there anyways - I know you can eat all those nuggets". So she sat next to me and ate and we talked a little - even with all the other kids talking to me and wanting me to sit with them and tell me their stories. But what a great and kind thing to ask me - if I could eat her grandfathers lunch so that she would have someone to eat with - man that is awesome. So trying to change the subject - I asked her what the best part of the field day was for her - the games, the snow cones - being outside and running around - what was her best part?
She looked at me and said -"Mr. B" - "You are my favorite part".
Dude - talk about heart wrenching stuff..... talk about rip my heart out and give it to this young child who has had a tough life already and needs to feel loved in an appropriate ways, wanted and cared for in every aspect a young girl needs. If she is not loved and paid attention to at this age by someone who respects her and loves her - cares for her and watches out for her then...
~she will find it in other ways in just a few short years. Kids grow up even faster these days than we did when we were this age!
Another lost person that got left behind and forgotten - sucked into society with little hope of overcoming much.
I tell you now - if I could adopt this child - I would. God has opened the door of my eyes and heart - to these children. I don't want any of them to go without lunch or not have money on their lunch card so they can have lunch when I am not there. I want them to have ice cream with all the other kids even though mom or dad or grandpa forgot to give them money or don't have the money to give them. NONE of my kids will do without..... it just burns deep into my soul.
My wife asked me today - Why are you going over there to have lunch again with the kids? You were there yesterday! Because I want to - I need to - they need to.... even if they don't know it. I have even broken into the shy girls - there are no shy boys! But even the girls who I never would have thought would open up to me - speak to me without me speaking first - who ask for piggy back rides now and want me to sit with them at lunch - never did I think that barrier would fall. Its amazing what God is doing.... That's why this summer will be hard - next Friday - the last day of school - it will be the tough.
As I left today - I told each of them I would see them next Wednesday - their end of year party is that day. I need to do something special for them. Maybe a movie or a picture slide show or something. Ideas?
All I know is the girl who tries so hard to hide all the hurt and pain she is living through today - was smiling and happy - excited to have someone to sit and have lunch with her. That makes all the difference in the world. I pray one day she will look back on these days and know someone really - truly- cares and loves her.
Loves her in the way Jesus loved the children - with no agenda - no holding back and with arms wide open - giving His all kind of love. Today was a life changing moment...
With tears in my eyes ... I love you all.
1 Chronicles 22:11
11 “Now, my son, may the Lord be with you and give you success as you follow his directions in building the Temple of the Lord your God.
Our children are ours for only a short time. They too belong to God and we should be doing everything in our power to raise them and prepare them for life - to teach them, care for them and love them - to take them to church and for them to learn that God loves them and they have value and purpose for their lives. They are never a failure and God loves them regardless of where life takes them. We as a society need to do a better job of parenting for our children. They are the next generation and they learn everything from us. Our parenting techniques will be passed down to the next generation ~ What are you passing down? Think long and hard about what your examples in life are providing your children...... Scary isn't it?
We need to lead - strong leadership for our families. Our children are worth it......
As I have said before there has been a girl in this class that I have prayed for every day this year. She was kind of sad and did not participate in much of the activities; I did my best to pay a little extra attention to her and try to pull her out of her mood but I only made it so far with her. She came to me during lunch because she had gotten 2 lunches. Her grandfather was supposed to come and have lunch with her- he paid for the lunches. She was sad because she KNEW he would not come even though he had promised. This was apparent to me why she was sad and not participating in the activities because she was already preparing herself for a letdown. She came over and asked me if I wanted his lunch - I sat her on my knee and said "dear, you can eat the lunch - there is not much there anyways - I know you can eat all those nuggets". So she sat next to me and ate and we talked a little - even with all the other kids talking to me and wanting me to sit with them and tell me their stories. But what a great and kind thing to ask me - if I could eat her grandfathers lunch so that she would have someone to eat with - man that is awesome. So trying to change the subject - I asked her what the best part of the field day was for her - the games, the snow cones - being outside and running around - what was her best part?
She looked at me and said -"Mr. B" - "You are my favorite part".
Dude - talk about heart wrenching stuff..... talk about rip my heart out and give it to this young child who has had a tough life already and needs to feel loved in an appropriate ways, wanted and cared for in every aspect a young girl needs. If she is not loved and paid attention to at this age by someone who respects her and loves her - cares for her and watches out for her then...
~she will find it in other ways in just a few short years. Kids grow up even faster these days than we did when we were this age!
Another lost person that got left behind and forgotten - sucked into society with little hope of overcoming much.
I tell you now - if I could adopt this child - I would. God has opened the door of my eyes and heart - to these children. I don't want any of them to go without lunch or not have money on their lunch card so they can have lunch when I am not there. I want them to have ice cream with all the other kids even though mom or dad or grandpa forgot to give them money or don't have the money to give them. NONE of my kids will do without..... it just burns deep into my soul.
My wife asked me today - Why are you going over there to have lunch again with the kids? You were there yesterday! Because I want to - I need to - they need to.... even if they don't know it. I have even broken into the shy girls - there are no shy boys! But even the girls who I never would have thought would open up to me - speak to me without me speaking first - who ask for piggy back rides now and want me to sit with them at lunch - never did I think that barrier would fall. Its amazing what God is doing.... That's why this summer will be hard - next Friday - the last day of school - it will be the tough.
As I left today - I told each of them I would see them next Wednesday - their end of year party is that day. I need to do something special for them. Maybe a movie or a picture slide show or something. Ideas?
All I know is the girl who tries so hard to hide all the hurt and pain she is living through today - was smiling and happy - excited to have someone to sit and have lunch with her. That makes all the difference in the world. I pray one day she will look back on these days and know someone really - truly- cares and loves her.
Loves her in the way Jesus loved the children - with no agenda - no holding back and with arms wide open - giving His all kind of love. Today was a life changing moment...
With tears in my eyes ... I love you all.
1 Chronicles 22:11
11 “Now, my son, may the Lord be with you and give you success as you follow his directions in building the Temple of the Lord your God.
Our children are ours for only a short time. They too belong to God and we should be doing everything in our power to raise them and prepare them for life - to teach them, care for them and love them - to take them to church and for them to learn that God loves them and they have value and purpose for their lives. They are never a failure and God loves them regardless of where life takes them. We as a society need to do a better job of parenting for our children. They are the next generation and they learn everything from us. Our parenting techniques will be passed down to the next generation ~ What are you passing down? Think long and hard about what your examples in life are providing your children...... Scary isn't it?
We need to lead - strong leadership for our families. Our children are worth it......
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