Monday, September 29, 2008

Treasures in heaven...

Yesterday at church we had the opportunity during the bands last song to come up and sign peoples names in our lives that need to know Jesus. Carol and I both signed a good handful of names and even afterwards - I came up with a few more. The thing that is bothering me today is that these folks don't know God. They have no taste in their lives of Him or for Him. If they have never experienced him - how do they know they need him? I too was once in their shoes....needing God but not knowing it. That empty feeling in your heart - knowing there is something more. Something with more purpose and meaning - this just can't be IT.

But since accepting Jesus - to me- there is nothing more important than sharing my walk with Jesus to others. For those folks that Carol and I wrote down - I really, with all my heart, want to see them one day - know Jesus. Experience Him and have their lives forever changed.
Jesus explains to us that we should store up our treasure in heaven and not of this earth... I know exactly what He was meaning. I pray that there will be someone, when my time comes to leave this earth, that I meet in heaven and they come to me and say something to the fact that they are there because of me. Maybe it was the walk besides them, the continued invites to church, maybe a parent of one of "MyKids" - however their story goes. We may not be able to take it with us but I plan on sending it on ahead!

This is how to make your life count – Invest your time and money into helping others get into heaven. It’s an investment that will last for eternity. There is simply nothing more significant you can do with your life...nothing else you do in life will ever equal helping others in their search for God. I got to spend some quality time yesterday with many of "MyKids" - but one really stands out. She has many strikes in her life and probably will not get the same opportunities in life as many other kids but that doesn't hinder me for reaching out to her and her family. I can't make their decisions or even be part of them really but I can love them, I can show them the practical love of Jesus in all I do, I can pray for them, I can invest my time and money in them, I can invite them into my life and into the life of my family, I can continue to reach out to them even though I know dissappointment comes in all shapes, sizes and decisions. I can give them to God and ask God to show me what He wants me to do next. He can lead me in the direction to faithfully love on them. Maybe one day when she is a teenager - because of those investments and because Jesus is a part of her life - there will be some good news, good decisions and purpose in her life. Life is full of those decisions - the bad decisions are so easy to make but the good decisions are hard to make. That is why we need the Lord to help us in those crossroads of life. Many paths but so many lead to destruction.....
I want to make a difference and I am sending my treasures ahead of me...... for you to know Jesus is what matters most to me. My aunt Sharon and my Uncle Buster shared Jesus with me a few years ago ... I will share Jesus with someone else - it is what we are called to do when we accept Jesus into our lives. The duration of our life is not what matters most.... its the donation. The giving of self to others.... so that they too may experience the joy of the Lord.
For "MyKid" today .... for as long as you will have me ~ I am there for you. That is a promise!
Love you,
(Uncle) Lonnie~

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