Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some things the Lord is teaching me...

Last night the Bateman clan headed to the County Fair for some fun. The county fair only comes for 1 week a year and it seems it is always hard to get a free night that week for some reason to go. BUT - this year we made time and had a great time in the process. Carol actually cut the cord with Kyle and let him ride anything he wanted... she was looking pretty scared on a few of them but Kyle loved every one of them! I even got on one that took us upside down, back and forth and all around. It was great until the fun technician was going to lock me in for another spin! I am getting old and can't take that much fun anymore! Here is a picture of the kids we went with.
This morning at the office - we were having breakfast and a birthday party for one of our co-workers here. Everyone was asking about the fair and I was telling everyone who we went with and our experience last night. Thats when someone said, "You never just go do something - you do it things with a crowd ... you bring it to whatever you are doing". At first I had to think about that but then it hit me. We do bring the crowd to whatever it is we are doing. I mean, we have our quiet family time together but our home almost always has kids there. We are taking families to the cabin to share in that blessing that God has given us. We take kids to church with us hoping that their families will follow. We bring kids to the fair with us, bowling, swimming, BBQ's - God does not want us doing this life alone...and my family and I really understand that and try to live that principle. I thank God for placing all these families, the kids and opportunities to do things together in our lives. It has to be a God thing because we were really not that outgoing before Jesus!
I also was reminded of a lesson from this past Sunday from our Pastor at church. Pastor Jimmy was preaching on difficult people. We all have them in our lives and even in some cases - WE are that difficult person. I remember Pastor Jimmy telling us that we need to look past the situation and problem and to pray for that difficult person. To pray them through the issue at hand that makes them difficult - we don't know what is beyond what we see. That person in Lowes foods who is mad and grumpy while ringing up the milk and bread - she may have some big things going on in life - we just don't know. So instead of looking at her being mad and mean - look at her and pray for whatever it is that is making her this way. This morning in that office where the party was -there is tension between some of the folks there. I have been asked on serveral occasions to come up and talk with so and so - to check in and see if there was something I could do and I have been asked to pray for certain people. Many of the other folks look at the situation and say there is nothing anything can do - I beg to differ. My teachable moment came this morning when someone said afterwards that it was ok this morning - tension was not that high and had my opening. I shared that we must look for opportunities where we can bring those folks together and help calm the waters. Look past the problems and look at the folks involved. It is something to build on! I know and I can feel God is in the middle of this.
As a follower of Christ we must always be on the lookout for teachable moments - with our kids, our coworkers and even those close to us. God is looking to teach us something every day if we take the time to open our eyes and hearts to what it is He wants us to know.
Love you all and hope you are looking for your teachable moments...

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