Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This coming Sunday ~

Our church will be holding a baptism. It is always an exciting day to be part of the church family as those step forward to publicly say they are followers of Jesus. Many times, we already know the person has had sneakers on in their walk with Jesus, they do so many amazing things serving God and this is the last step in showing their faith. It is a glorious thing to do.
I remember July 10, 2005.

It was a day I had been waiting on for weeks. It had actually started long before that. I think I have always had a relationship with God - even growing up I would pray from time to time - attend the local church and still not feel like I was worthy of it all. Why would God love me - I mean really? I was in the world for me, life revolved around me, and there was nothing short I would not do to get what I wanted. Living in NJ, I often spoke to God about moving to NC. I knew that eventually my mom and dad would move home after they retired. They both were working TOO many hours and life was revolved around work. There was some happiness in all that. It provided for us kids and for our family but life was not really lived during that time. I think my dad knows that now and if he could go back - I often wonder what parts of it all he would change.
So in 1995, making deals with God that I would attend church and follow him if he helped me get to NC. Also moving my parents up to move south as well. It was all part of MY plan. Plans dont always work out like we want them to. My mom passed away after a short battle with cancer not long after them retiring and moving home. Carols mom passed away a few years before that - Kyle was still breast feeding at the time and I could not even go. God was getting my attention. In 1999, I had my own close call with a sickness. Too close for comfort and still - I had God at the end of a stick. Using him for the best parking spots, traffic lines and all the well knowing our "Deal". God was calling the shots and I needed to know that but more importantly I needed to know Him. Carol and I attended a small local church and I felt God moving us from there and into a place where we needed to be. Our first "church shopping" outing led us to our current church home. Rocky River Community Church. There we got to listen to a pastor who explained the bible, the people in those stories and a chance to know who God was. My relationship had finally started......
The man I met, is nothing like the man I always thought our heavenly father was. He is much more. He is more than I could have imagined. He has led me through some tough things that I know without question - that I am in a much better place today because He walked WITH me through those hard places. Early on when my mom was sick - I was there to witness her trust and put her faith in Jesus - she dedicated her life once again to Him. It was during her hard long nights lying awake that we spoke and she telling me she was proud of me and how happy she was that I found God in all this. I was finally on my way to leading my family. Leading not only my family but a spokes person for God in my entire family. My relationship with my aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster has blossomed and there is LOVE when we speak together. My relationship with my lost cousin Patty, who is like a sister to me spawned from the depths of this sickness. God did not heal my mom here on earth - but HE restored so much more in life. He fixed relationships, He taught me how to trust Him and love Him.
The man I met July 10th, 2005 is much more than anything I ever imagined. He is a lap to sit down on and talk about my struggles. He is a father who leads me by example by which I lead my family. He has taught me to lead a rock group of families and get involved by doing life with. He has given me "MyKids" who have touched my life like I never could EVER imagine. He has given me the ability to talk with people, to go to the hard places, to be a friend that I always wanted - to be a SON that I have always wanted to be.
God delivered - nothing short, nothing but promises, everything he said he was and more.
This coming Sunday is the chance for those being baptised to meet this man - publicly announce that Jesus is THAT important to them.
This coming Sunday some very special people in my life will be washing their sin away. I asked one of "MyKids" a few weeks back who is on the list to be baptised Sunday if she wouldn't mind if I was there with her when asked the important question from Pastor Jimmy. She told me that I better be there....and I asked her if I would embarass her if I cried - she said no - but why on earth would I be crying?! I told her it was one of the most important decisions in this life..... the next one would be her getting married and I pray I am there for that also.

God steps into peoples lives when invited in. What happens next is nothing but short of incredible. I am the example of what its like to know Him. I would have NEVER done any of this without him. I couldn't............ I know that now.
I am thankful and blessed to meet Him personally.......... deserving no - but by His love He accepted me as I was. Broken ...... Lost ...... and hurting.......

What is holding you back?

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