Friday, September 19, 2008

My Random Friday

Do you have conflict in your life? I think everyone has some at some point - some more than others. I have a heavy heart for one of "MyKids" that I have not see but just a few times since the beginning of summer. I personally have had conflicts with neighbors, coworkers, family and friends at times. Sometimes those relationships improve after getting through the conflict and then there are others that have walked away. Sometimes that wedge is pretty big and too difficult to pass over to get the relationship back on track - sometimes hurt feelings or pride steps in and that is a tough place to be. I thought that I would pass along a post from Pastor Perry Noble this morning - He is the Pastor @NewSpring church in SC. For those folks who are dealing with conflict in a relationship this morning I hope this post speaks to you as you read his incredible insight. I could NOT have written this even though it is right on my heart. Even if people choose to walk away - we have to let them leave with Grace and an understanding that we love them regardless. Let this speak to your heart.....

Yesterday, I got to hang out with my niece Jenn after working Kyle's lunch with Carol. Lunch was fun and getting to know the kids and get down on their level is awesome. They all want to talk and they all have something to say. I love listening and investing my time in them. Jenn then came to work with me for the afternoon. I think we walked 5 miles yesterday afternoon as I showed her campus. We ate at Chick-Fil-a and waited in the longest food line I have ever seen. It was a college experience for her. I wish she could have gotten that chance in life. We also got to talk a little about life and if she could/wanted - get her out of the town she lives in and let us help her and her son. The one thing this week that I have been praying for is to show her ... what God has done in our lives. How He has placed us in a church family, a support system of families with our Rock Group, how many kids we do have with "MyKids" and how awesome it is to be doing life with the freedom and blessings that God gives us.

Last night we got to hang out with some great friends. We got to share some food, feeding some ducks and taking a stroll around the lake at University City Place. It was such a great evening! I just love the people that God has placed in my life to do life with.

I am really looking forward to church Sunday. One of our dear families we have been doing life with for years now - will be at church Sunday! After years of asking, this is huge and we are VERY excited about this. No pressure for you Pastor Jimmy if you're reading this!
One of the things that does make me sad is the lack of commitment from folks who decide to stop coming to church. It may be a connection card or an email that was not returned or followed up on - this is the deal breaker for their decision to walk away. One reason it is that simple is because they are not connected. Not connected into the church, not serving on a ministry team, does not has an accountability partner in the church, not connected to a Rock Group and does not attend services each week. I want to plug everyone in to the support system and the foundations that God has built with His bride - the church. He gave everything for the church and folks walk away because of a connection card or a non returned email - very sad. Get in the game loved ones - get your families involved and be a part of something that will help you grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. Start ANYWHERE!!!! But start today......that first step is always the hardest.... God will guide you from there.

Rock Group Sunday night - well lets just say that God has been really working on me this week. I have had my face studying hard to what we will be talking about. Just pray for me as I try and lead the conversation .... the kids lesson should be good as well. Looking forward to Pumpkins on the 28th.........

One final thing I want to leave you with this morning - take an inventory of where you are today. Relationships wise, struggle wise, career wise~ whatever........ and apply this: Trusting God means looking beyond what we see and seeing what God sees.

~ If you are walking away from a relationship - is it for the right reasons? Would God be happy with that decision? How are you treating your spouse? Would your actions bring God praise?
Are you investing in your children and taking the time to really put the "relationship" ahead of everything else? God calls us to bring up our children honoring God. If your past is haunting you ... give it to God to handle - he can handle it for you! Are you reaching out to someone who is in need? God tells us to share and give to others......... do all things to bring Glory and Honor to God......

A friend of mine left my office this morning and said "Happy Saturday Eve" ..... so I will pass that on to you~
Peace out,

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