Thursday, September 11, 2008

7 years ago....

Thank you to our troops. Thank you for our police and emergency workers - firemen and all those who volunteer at the Red Cross, Salvation Army, local churches and other places where we all have a chance to impact people - help them and keep us safe.

If you have friendships today or family relationships that have a wedge in between them - fix them. Do what it takes to make them right. Life is short and God knows where we all have started from and where we are today. He knows the travels we have taken and the places we have been..... Do what is right and accept Gods forgiveness and move on. People matter.... relationships matter, marriages matter, friendships matter.........

Ask God for real change in your life.... a path that leads to forgiveness. Would God be happy with you today? How you are treating people? Are you letting something silly get in the way of your true friends and family who care about you? Would God want that?

Honor Him in doing what is right. Life is about choices and the bible is full of examples of people choosing Good and bad......


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