Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Kids by next week....

Well actually - its a book I am reading - "Have a new kid by Friday". Its written by Dr. Kevin Leman and I listened to him on a podcast last week from Focus on the Family and decided to order the book.
I have just started it and I am not reading this book because my son is a bad kid or we are having trouble with him. Its actually your kid... no just kidding. I just want to be a more prepared parent. I want to be someone who I can be a good example for others. I want to share what I have learned with the other parents in my Rock Group.
Last fall, I led a bible study series called "Parenthood" through and some materials from NewSpring church and it was a great series. Our Rock Group learned a lot and it IS something we all have in common. Parenting.... hard stuff at times isn't it?
Well as I read and learn from this book - I will post some thing that stick out. Maybe you can put some of this into action or make you think on it more - maybe even move you to get the book yourself.

Here are some of my notes......
New Kid by Friday

We all want something called character. Many times that’s what our kids are today – characters. The top 3 long term concerns of parents makes up the new ABC’s.

*When the rubber hits the road, these are the things that matter most. These are the things that will continue into adulthood and make your child someone worthy of trust … or not. Someone who acts with kindness and respect toward others…or not. Someone who is honest… or not.

*Who do you butt heads with the most in your family? Is the child most like you or the least like you? The answer, in all probability, is the child who is the MOST like you. Kids who sport attitudes have parents who sport attitudes.

*Attitudes are caught, not taught.

*Almost 100% of the time parents know the difference between respect and getting dissed, but they choose to ignore it.
*When you choose to do battle with your children, you’ll never win. You have much more to lose than they do.

*Think about it – What is your #1 challenge with your child right now? – In that situation, think of how you could use the following principles: Say it once – turn your back – walk away.

*Our children’s behavior is learned and children will model their behavior after the things they see you say and do.

*Character – it is what we are when no one is looking. Having character doesn’t mean you are perfect. It means you have an inner standard that cares about others more than yourself.

*Don’t rescue your child from the consequences of failed responsibilities. Meaning, don’t stay up till midnight doing his homework for him. In fact, don’t do anything about it at all. Let the teacher explain to him what he thinks about incomplete homework.

*Emotions get the better of us, and we speak or act without thinking first. We need to learn to respond rather than react. If the doctor says, “You responded to your medication,” that’s good. If the doctor says, “You reacted to your medication,” that’s bad.

*It comes down to this – seeing the changes you want implemented in your children is more about YOU than it is about them. Use consistent actions and not words. Let reality be the teacher.


Anonymous said...

Hurry up and finish the book because I want to borrow it! Sounds like a GREAT book.

Catherine said...

I'm excited to read this book! Maybe I'll get it for my birthday! :)