I just have to share this. After running out to 4 different gas stations that had no gas this morning at 6:15AM, I came home and got my coffee and sat with my dejected self and opened my bible. This is what I read:
Ephesians 2
He Tore Down the Wall
1-6It wasn't so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. You let the world, which doesn't know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief, and then exhaled disobedience. We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, all of us in the same boat. It's a wonder God didn't lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us. He took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ. He did all this on his own, with no help from us! Then he picked us up and set us down in highest heaven in company with Jesus, our Messiah.
7-10Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
11-13But don't take any of this for granted. It was only yesterday that you outsiders to God's ways had no idea of any of this, didn't know the first thing about the way God works, hadn't the faintest idea of Christ. You knew nothing of that rich history of God's covenants and promises in Israel, hadn't a clue about what God was doing in the world at large. Now because of Christ—dying that death, shedding that blood—you who were once out of it altogether are in on everything.
14-15The Messiah has made things up between us so that we're now together on this, both non-Jewish outsiders and Jewish insiders. He tore down the wall we used to keep each other at a distance. He repealed the law code that had become so clogged with fine print and footnotes that it hindered more than it helped. Then he started over. Instead of continuing with two groups of people separated by centuries of animosity and suspicion, he created a new kind of human being, a fresh start for everybody.
16-18Christ brought us together through his death on the cross. The Cross got us to embrace, and that was the end of the hostility. Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals. Through him we both share the same Spirit and have equal access to the Father.
19-22That's plain enough, isn't it? You're no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You're no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He's using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he's using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home.
Paul really spoke in his letter to the Ephesians on how to know Jesus better. This still holds true today. Personally, the more I dig in and learn about Jesus, the longer I am following Him and seeking Him, the more I ask Him to point me in the right directions, the more I ask Him to show me what He wants me to do next, the more I admit I need Him and can't do this alone, the more I ask for forgiveness when I mess up, each day thanking Him for the relationships in my life and the blessings He is giving me..... the more I feel Him and understand the peace in my heart that can only come from Jesus.
I am blown away by the people in my life. I am blown away by how much my heart loves "MyKids", the families I am doing life with and my Rock Group! I am blown away by the many families that the Bateman clan touches each week. I am blown away by the 12 or more kids at my house Sunday after the pumpkin patch - then their parents coming to get them and STAYING! I am amazed that they think we are nuts for operating life like this. Friends, we are not operating life like this, we are thriving in it - we are loving it! If you haven't noticed, Carol and I place a high level on community and relationships. Without God in our lives - we would be alone and missing out on all that life is giving us now. Because of Jesus - we have changed a lot over the last couple of years. We have lost some friends... but we have gained SO many more. Paul's message really spoke to me this morning.....
Looking forward to the pumpkin patch tonight...... in the community, serving others and investing in some really great families and friends while being there.... what could be better than that? I belong where God has put me. Finally!!!!!
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Treasures in heaven...
Yesterday at church we had the opportunity during the bands last song to come up and sign peoples names in our lives that need to know Jesus. Carol and I both signed a good handful of names and even afterwards - I came up with a few more. The thing that is bothering me today is that these folks don't know God. They have no taste in their lives of Him or for Him. If they have never experienced him - how do they know they need him? I too was once in their shoes....needing God but not knowing it. That empty feeling in your heart - knowing there is something more. Something with more purpose and meaning - this just can't be IT.
But since accepting Jesus - to me- there is nothing more important than sharing my walk with Jesus to others. For those folks that Carol and I wrote down - I really, with all my heart, want to see them one day - know Jesus. Experience Him and have their lives forever changed.
Jesus explains to us that we should store up our treasure in heaven and not of this earth... I know exactly what He was meaning. I pray that there will be someone, when my time comes to leave this earth, that I meet in heaven and they come to me and say something to the fact that they are there because of me. Maybe it was the walk besides them, the continued invites to church, maybe a parent of one of "MyKids" - however their story goes. We may not be able to take it with us but I plan on sending it on ahead!
This is how to make your life count – Invest your time and money into helping others get into heaven. It’s an investment that will last for eternity. There is simply nothing more significant you can do with your life...nothing else you do in life will ever equal helping others in their search for God. I got to spend some quality time yesterday with many of "MyKids" - but one really stands out. She has many strikes in her life and probably will not get the same opportunities in life as many other kids but that doesn't hinder me for reaching out to her and her family. I can't make their decisions or even be part of them really but I can love them, I can show them the practical love of Jesus in all I do, I can pray for them, I can invest my time and money in them, I can invite them into my life and into the life of my family, I can continue to reach out to them even though I know dissappointment comes in all shapes, sizes and decisions. I can give them to God and ask God to show me what He wants me to do next. He can lead me in the direction to faithfully love on them. Maybe one day when she is a teenager - because of those investments and because Jesus is a part of her life - there will be some good news, good decisions and purpose in her life. Life is full of those decisions - the bad decisions are so easy to make but the good decisions are hard to make. That is why we need the Lord to help us in those crossroads of life. Many paths but so many lead to destruction.....
I want to make a difference and I am sending my treasures ahead of me...... for you to know Jesus is what matters most to me. My aunt Sharon and my Uncle Buster shared Jesus with me a few years ago ... I will share Jesus with someone else - it is what we are called to do when we accept Jesus into our lives. The duration of our life is not what matters most.... its the donation. The giving of self to others.... so that they too may experience the joy of the Lord.
For "MyKid" today .... for as long as you will have me ~ I am there for you. That is a promise!
Love you,
(Uncle) Lonnie~
But since accepting Jesus - to me- there is nothing more important than sharing my walk with Jesus to others. For those folks that Carol and I wrote down - I really, with all my heart, want to see them one day - know Jesus. Experience Him and have their lives forever changed.
Jesus explains to us that we should store up our treasure in heaven and not of this earth... I know exactly what He was meaning. I pray that there will be someone, when my time comes to leave this earth, that I meet in heaven and they come to me and say something to the fact that they are there because of me. Maybe it was the walk besides them, the continued invites to church, maybe a parent of one of "MyKids" - however their story goes. We may not be able to take it with us but I plan on sending it on ahead!
This is how to make your life count – Invest your time and money into helping others get into heaven. It’s an investment that will last for eternity. There is simply nothing more significant you can do with your life...nothing else you do in life will ever equal helping others in their search for God. I got to spend some quality time yesterday with many of "MyKids" - but one really stands out. She has many strikes in her life and probably will not get the same opportunities in life as many other kids but that doesn't hinder me for reaching out to her and her family. I can't make their decisions or even be part of them really but I can love them, I can show them the practical love of Jesus in all I do, I can pray for them, I can invest my time and money in them, I can invite them into my life and into the life of my family, I can continue to reach out to them even though I know dissappointment comes in all shapes, sizes and decisions. I can give them to God and ask God to show me what He wants me to do next. He can lead me in the direction to faithfully love on them. Maybe one day when she is a teenager - because of those investments and because Jesus is a part of her life - there will be some good news, good decisions and purpose in her life. Life is full of those decisions - the bad decisions are so easy to make but the good decisions are hard to make. That is why we need the Lord to help us in those crossroads of life. Many paths but so many lead to destruction.....
I want to make a difference and I am sending my treasures ahead of me...... for you to know Jesus is what matters most to me. My aunt Sharon and my Uncle Buster shared Jesus with me a few years ago ... I will share Jesus with someone else - it is what we are called to do when we accept Jesus into our lives. The duration of our life is not what matters most.... its the donation. The giving of self to others.... so that they too may experience the joy of the Lord.
For "MyKid" today .... for as long as you will have me ~ I am there for you. That is a promise!
Love you,
(Uncle) Lonnie~
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What a Sunday~
Today has been a whirlwind. I dont even know where to start. First off - coffee and the paper on Sunday morning. That was a nice treat! Off to church with everyone - Kyle having Brody with him and almost everyone was there at either the 9:30 service or the 11:00 service. Sunday school was fun and Robin and Carol lead like champs! Carol and I even broke out the 3-5 graders by boys and girls and had small group. I do think that the kids really enjoy that part.
We came back home and had some lunch - then Carol and I went and got "OURKIDS" and I am talking in force. It was awesome ....snacks, drinks, footballs flying and pumpkins. In all the years working the pumpkin patch - I have never seen our church come out in such force. It was amazing - what took 4 hours and back breaking work last year took 1 hour and 10 minutes this year. The church office folks worked this week to make a fence and get hay bails lines up and a storage building on the land. The place looks awesome and our rock group will be working on Tuesday evenings from 4-8pm.
We all then came back to the house and hung out - having fun, building smiles and memories together. The girls showing us their cheers and the kids playing the wii - football and watchin the Panthers and Chargers win. It was a great day ..... just got a shower and now going to sit and reflect with Carol todays events.
Dad - I am sorry I missed the party today - I hope everyone had a great time and I look forward to getting up there maybe this coming Saturday if we can do it.
Love you all and so proud to be doing Gods work through a great church he has put together and a church family that is awesome....MO is in da'house.
We came back home and had some lunch - then Carol and I went and got "OURKIDS" and I am talking in force. It was awesome ....snacks, drinks, footballs flying and pumpkins. In all the years working the pumpkin patch - I have never seen our church come out in such force. It was amazing - what took 4 hours and back breaking work last year took 1 hour and 10 minutes this year. The church office folks worked this week to make a fence and get hay bails lines up and a storage building on the land. The place looks awesome and our rock group will be working on Tuesday evenings from 4-8pm.
We all then came back to the house and hung out - having fun, building smiles and memories together. The girls showing us their cheers and the kids playing the wii - football and watchin the Panthers and Chargers win. It was a great day ..... just got a shower and now going to sit and reflect with Carol todays events.
Dad - I am sorry I missed the party today - I hope everyone had a great time and I look forward to getting up there maybe this coming Saturday if we can do it.
Love you all and so proud to be doing Gods work through a great church he has put together and a church family that is awesome....MO is in da'house.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Rainy Friday~
I was up this morning with the chickens. Got myself down to the local BP station and was 4th in line for gas. They only had 93 octane but I was not complaining. I know that I would not have made it home without getting gas this morning so I am thankful they had some. I wonder if water is treated like that in the middle-east? They sell gas for like .45 a gallon there but water is in short supply.
Anyways, survivor is back on tv. The Bateman clan is big survivor fans and Carol continues to talk like I could win it if I would just try to get on the show. I couldn't lie and cheat like they do... and even last night I am looking for signs for the Christian on the show who could put Jesus out in front of millions of tv watchers. Didn't see any last night..... bummer.
Yesterday was my dads birthday. I got some time yesterday morning to call and talk with him for a bit. It is always good to talk with my dad because we live 2 hours from each other and don't get to see each other often enough. I do know one thing is for sure... I would give anything to once again sit on my mom and dads car port and have a cup of my moms coffee. I would love the chance to sit and talk with them in their green chairs and feel the cool breeze blowing from that mountain. Mom made such good coffee - weak coffee- but weak enough that allowed someone to have 2 cups worth without running to the bathroom :) . I know things are different the last few years and celebrating a birthday is different now - but I am glad my dad is smiling once again. I keep telling him that at this point in life - its NOT time to take a knee and wait for the clock to run out. There is still time on the clock and he has the ball.... so put the ball in play. I am thankful for his new girl in his life. She is a great lady and has rescued my dad in many ways. She came at the right time, in the right way and represents her love for Jesus in many ways. My heart is thankful for that.
Looking forward to Sunday - being at church and serving the community by unloading thousands of pumpkins Sunday afternoon. It is a great time in the Bateman clan as we have lots of kids we are doing this with - we all look forward to this time together. So far we have everyone we have asked coming... and that is totally awesome! Its how we roll ........ with lots of excitement and energy!
Have a great Friday everyone.....
Anyways, survivor is back on tv. The Bateman clan is big survivor fans and Carol continues to talk like I could win it if I would just try to get on the show. I couldn't lie and cheat like they do... and even last night I am looking for signs for the Christian on the show who could put Jesus out in front of millions of tv watchers. Didn't see any last night..... bummer.
Yesterday was my dads birthday. I got some time yesterday morning to call and talk with him for a bit. It is always good to talk with my dad because we live 2 hours from each other and don't get to see each other often enough. I do know one thing is for sure... I would give anything to once again sit on my mom and dads car port and have a cup of my moms coffee. I would love the chance to sit and talk with them in their green chairs and feel the cool breeze blowing from that mountain. Mom made such good coffee - weak coffee- but weak enough that allowed someone to have 2 cups worth without running to the bathroom :) . I know things are different the last few years and celebrating a birthday is different now - but I am glad my dad is smiling once again. I keep telling him that at this point in life - its NOT time to take a knee and wait for the clock to run out. There is still time on the clock and he has the ball.... so put the ball in play. I am thankful for his new girl in his life. She is a great lady and has rescued my dad in many ways. She came at the right time, in the right way and represents her love for Jesus in many ways. My heart is thankful for that.
Looking forward to Sunday - being at church and serving the community by unloading thousands of pumpkins Sunday afternoon. It is a great time in the Bateman clan as we have lots of kids we are doing this with - we all look forward to this time together. So far we have everyone we have asked coming... and that is totally awesome! Its how we roll ........ with lots of excitement and energy!
Have a great Friday everyone.....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A story from the front lines....
I want to thank my cousin Angie for her comment she left. It is too good to be buried on one of the posts comments sections so I am placing it here so all can read.
Angie your job is not only doing what a nurse does, we are thankful for that, but you also have the work of the Lord to do and doing that on your job and being with the families who are hurting is such an awesome way in serving the Lord and reminding them all - that Jesus loves them. PROUD OF YOU!!!!
Love you lots,
I work with a girl that was at the Medical Center in King when they brought Sonia in the day she passed. Due to her injuries, she said that she didn't suffer at all...for that we can be thankful. My co-worker said that all of her family and a pastor came to see her. I'm not sure if it was the pastor you are referring to or not but she said that he came over to them and asked if they were related to Sonia because they were all crying and they said, "No, we are just the nurses." As a nurse I have been with many families as they have lost a loved one and even though I don't know them, I grieve with them. It is good to know Jesus and be able to offer some comfort to them in these times. To just say, they are with Jesus now and are no longer suffering helps tremendously...he is our ultimate comfort when we need him!!!
Angie your job is not only doing what a nurse does, we are thankful for that, but you also have the work of the Lord to do and doing that on your job and being with the families who are hurting is such an awesome way in serving the Lord and reminding them all - that Jesus loves them. PROUD OF YOU!!!!
Love you lots,
I work with a girl that was at the Medical Center in King when they brought Sonia in the day she passed. Due to her injuries, she said that she didn't suffer at all...for that we can be thankful. My co-worker said that all of her family and a pastor came to see her. I'm not sure if it was the pastor you are referring to or not but she said that he came over to them and asked if they were related to Sonia because they were all crying and they said, "No, we are just the nurses." As a nurse I have been with many families as they have lost a loved one and even though I don't know them, I grieve with them. It is good to know Jesus and be able to offer some comfort to them in these times. To just say, they are with Jesus now and are no longer suffering helps tremendously...he is our ultimate comfort when we need him!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Short day today....
Its that time of year again. Its our Faculty/Staff bowling tournement. Its been about a year since I last went bowling. Its such a fun thing to do and even if I can't bowl like I used to - its still fun! I will be headed out early today so I am pretty excited about that. I got to pick up Madison B. last night on my way home from work. We took a short spin in the S2000 and enjoyed talking a little together as we cruised the back roads hugging the curves. We all went to Chik-Fil-A and then over our favorite ice cream place. She even lost a tooth last night - that will cost the toothfairy big time!
Carol and some of her peeps are heading out tonight to walk with a friend who is going through a hard time. I know these ladies will stick by this persons side and when I say "THROUGH" - I mean that. This group of ladies will walk with this friend no matter what. I am proud of them and also for not being afraid to step forward in showing the practical love of Jesus to someone hurting.
Love you all - have a great day today. Happiness and forgiveness is something we chose every day. May God place these things on your heart so that you may extend the grace and forgiveness to someone as He has given them to you.
Carol and some of her peeps are heading out tonight to walk with a friend who is going through a hard time. I know these ladies will stick by this persons side and when I say "THROUGH" - I mean that. This group of ladies will walk with this friend no matter what. I am proud of them and also for not being afraid to step forward in showing the practical love of Jesus to someone hurting.
Love you all - have a great day today. Happiness and forgiveness is something we chose every day. May God place these things on your heart so that you may extend the grace and forgiveness to someone as He has given them to you.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Something to share this morning~
I first off want to apologize for this post being long. BUT it should be worth reading - for someone that may need it this morning.
One of the things that I admire most about my pastor is his leadership during hard times. I have seen him handle the hardest of funerals over the years and that has to be one of the hardest jobs that a lead pastor of a church has to do. Yes they get to celebrate in baptisms and bringing people to Christ but they also have the lows in delivering a message of Jesus when someone passes. Hopefully during those services - the person and their family knows Jesus.
I remember when my mom was sick, my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster's Pastor from their church came to visit my mom and the family almost every single day. It was that country church with the country Pastor that got me through some tough times. Pastor Sparks is a gentle man and a man of God to the fullest. His life is full of examples of being a godly man. He spoke at my moms funeral service and he and I have spoken on several occassions about doing the Lords work. I am honored to know Pastor Sparks and in awe of his love for the Lord and sharing the message of Jesus Christ. A Pastors job has to be one of the toughest but yet the most rewarding at times.
Yesterday, I left the office and found a place here on campus to spend some quiet time in prayer. Its a spot that I have walked to on MANY occassions. I wanted to pray for a young 16 year old girl that my Aunt and Uncle knew that passed away in a car wreck just a few days before. She was on her way to school that morning and did not make it. Yesterday was her service and I felt it on my heart to pray for this family and for Sonia Renee Luster. I prayed that she knew Jesus and especially that her family knows Jesus during this hard time. I prayed for Pastor Sparks to have the composure to stand tall for Jesus and to deliver a soul saving message and to remind these young ones that life is short and can end at any time. During my prayer - there was noise behind me in the woods and in the bushes. It was about 15 feet from me and I turned and staring at me was a big buck. Middle of the day and in the middle of a University Campus. He was not sure what I was or if I was going to harm him - so he was stomping his foot and grunting. I did not move but thought how cool it was to see him right when I was praying. He then sprung to his left and he and 3 other deer moved from the woods, across the path where I was and into the next patch of woods. They stopped and he turned to look back at me, as if saying - I am ok now - scared at first but I have moved to this new place and all is well. This was during the same time frame that Pastor Sparks would be speaking to hundreds of teenagers, parents, teachers, family and friends of Sonia's. It was a gentle reminder that God is still in control - even during times that it appears that control is completely lost.
With permission from my Aunt Sharon - I wanted to share that email of the service yesterday - It is powerful and worth sharing. I have lots of young people I am around every day not only here at work but at church in our youth ministry, our k-5 ministry, in the schools and "MyKids" who I am doing life with. God does not see death as an end and even when taking a life - He uses it for His purposes. I pray that many yesterday put their faith and trust in Him yesterday - even as they are preparing to bury a friend, a school mate, a girlfriend, a daughter. Glory be to God even during our darkest hours.
Here is my Aunt Sharons emails yesterday:
Part 1: The funeral was unreal. There were kids lined up the walls of the church and the church full. They were all crying Pastor Sparks told of a soldier in a fox hole long ago that was dying and he asked another soldier if he knew anything from the Bible. The soldier said "no, but wait I remember a song from Bible school when I was a kid" he sang "Jesus loves me" to the one dying and the dying soldier said "you mean Jesus loves me I never knew that" and then the story goes the guy said "I love HIM too" and then he died. All those kids were crying (so were we) Pastor Sparks sang that song softly with no music, it was so touching. Pastor Sparks had everyone to bow and close their eyes and then went through the steps to being saved and asking Jesus into their hearts if they had not. It was unreal. I believe there were young people giving their hearts to Jesus they were ripe in their grief for the Lord this morning.
Part 2: It has been a long time since I have seen that many teens together. I think the whole school was there as well as the principal, asst principal, and some of the teachers. It was awesome, all shapes, all sizes, all colors, they were all bound together in one accord in our church, we (those of us from the church) sat back in the overflow section and just watched in awe. Maybe some of them their first time in church. Maybe some of them on drugs......maybe rebellous.....maybe pregnant......maybe ....it goes on and on but they all looked from one to the other with a wonder in their eyes....kind of like saying....this is real.....there is another world....this really does happen. I really feel led to say someone's heart or maybe a lot of hearts were changed today. Or at least they are thinking how quick it happens, why she was on her way to school, to class just like they were. The girls parents were seperated yet they were there together and clinging to each other. She was a "premie" two months early born to her mother at 30 years old after saying she couldn't have a child, a miracle, and yet, there was a reason she had to go so soon. Could it be for the almost two hundred teenagers packed in our church???? For the parents???? Like the deer, could it be she is now free, and three friends gave their life to God through her death????? Could it be like that soldier years ago in that trench dying hearing another scared soldier sing Jesus Loves Me and knowing at that moment that it was true?????? I think there were numerous scared teenagers needing to hear Pastor Sparks sing that song ever so softly this morning to them. It was as if it was God himself singing it. It was awesome. There is always a reason....we can't see it, but it is there.
One of the things that I admire most about my pastor is his leadership during hard times. I have seen him handle the hardest of funerals over the years and that has to be one of the hardest jobs that a lead pastor of a church has to do. Yes they get to celebrate in baptisms and bringing people to Christ but they also have the lows in delivering a message of Jesus when someone passes. Hopefully during those services - the person and their family knows Jesus.
I remember when my mom was sick, my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster's Pastor from their church came to visit my mom and the family almost every single day. It was that country church with the country Pastor that got me through some tough times. Pastor Sparks is a gentle man and a man of God to the fullest. His life is full of examples of being a godly man. He spoke at my moms funeral service and he and I have spoken on several occassions about doing the Lords work. I am honored to know Pastor Sparks and in awe of his love for the Lord and sharing the message of Jesus Christ. A Pastors job has to be one of the toughest but yet the most rewarding at times.
Yesterday, I left the office and found a place here on campus to spend some quiet time in prayer. Its a spot that I have walked to on MANY occassions. I wanted to pray for a young 16 year old girl that my Aunt and Uncle knew that passed away in a car wreck just a few days before. She was on her way to school that morning and did not make it. Yesterday was her service and I felt it on my heart to pray for this family and for Sonia Renee Luster. I prayed that she knew Jesus and especially that her family knows Jesus during this hard time. I prayed for Pastor Sparks to have the composure to stand tall for Jesus and to deliver a soul saving message and to remind these young ones that life is short and can end at any time. During my prayer - there was noise behind me in the woods and in the bushes. It was about 15 feet from me and I turned and staring at me was a big buck. Middle of the day and in the middle of a University Campus. He was not sure what I was or if I was going to harm him - so he was stomping his foot and grunting. I did not move but thought how cool it was to see him right when I was praying. He then sprung to his left and he and 3 other deer moved from the woods, across the path where I was and into the next patch of woods. They stopped and he turned to look back at me, as if saying - I am ok now - scared at first but I have moved to this new place and all is well. This was during the same time frame that Pastor Sparks would be speaking to hundreds of teenagers, parents, teachers, family and friends of Sonia's. It was a gentle reminder that God is still in control - even during times that it appears that control is completely lost.
With permission from my Aunt Sharon - I wanted to share that email of the service yesterday - It is powerful and worth sharing. I have lots of young people I am around every day not only here at work but at church in our youth ministry, our k-5 ministry, in the schools and "MyKids" who I am doing life with. God does not see death as an end and even when taking a life - He uses it for His purposes. I pray that many yesterday put their faith and trust in Him yesterday - even as they are preparing to bury a friend, a school mate, a girlfriend, a daughter. Glory be to God even during our darkest hours.
Here is my Aunt Sharons emails yesterday:
Part 1: The funeral was unreal. There were kids lined up the walls of the church and the church full. They were all crying Pastor Sparks told of a soldier in a fox hole long ago that was dying and he asked another soldier if he knew anything from the Bible. The soldier said "no, but wait I remember a song from Bible school when I was a kid" he sang "Jesus loves me" to the one dying and the dying soldier said "you mean Jesus loves me I never knew that" and then the story goes the guy said "I love HIM too" and then he died. All those kids were crying (so were we) Pastor Sparks sang that song softly with no music, it was so touching. Pastor Sparks had everyone to bow and close their eyes and then went through the steps to being saved and asking Jesus into their hearts if they had not. It was unreal. I believe there were young people giving their hearts to Jesus they were ripe in their grief for the Lord this morning.
Part 2: It has been a long time since I have seen that many teens together. I think the whole school was there as well as the principal, asst principal, and some of the teachers. It was awesome, all shapes, all sizes, all colors, they were all bound together in one accord in our church, we (those of us from the church) sat back in the overflow section and just watched in awe. Maybe some of them their first time in church. Maybe some of them on drugs......maybe rebellous.....maybe pregnant......maybe ....it goes on and on but they all looked from one to the other with a wonder in their eyes....kind of like saying....this is real.....there is another world....this really does happen. I really feel led to say someone's heart or maybe a lot of hearts were changed today. Or at least they are thinking how quick it happens, why she was on her way to school, to class just like they were. The girls parents were seperated yet they were there together and clinging to each other. She was a "premie" two months early born to her mother at 30 years old after saying she couldn't have a child, a miracle, and yet, there was a reason she had to go so soon. Could it be for the almost two hundred teenagers packed in our church???? For the parents???? Like the deer, could it be she is now free, and three friends gave their life to God through her death????? Could it be like that soldier years ago in that trench dying hearing another scared soldier sing Jesus Loves Me and knowing at that moment that it was true?????? I think there were numerous scared teenagers needing to hear Pastor Sparks sing that song ever so softly this morning to them. It was as if it was God himself singing it. It was awesome. There is always a reason....we can't see it, but it is there.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Packed house.....
We had everyone at rock group last night and it was awesome! I led a lesson on ~worry~ and how we need to give our worries to God. I think the lesson went very well and we had some good conversations to go with it. We all have something to worry about don't we? But it is clear that God considers worry a sin. We have to learn to give God what we worry about and let Him do what He does best with it. We will do what God says, we will give God what we cannot do and we will trust God no matter what. I then asked the group to bless someone this week. Get the attention off ourselves and serve someone around them. When we focus on others, our problems seem smaller - little ME ~ big GOD.
Our kids study came from John 4. Here is that incredible conversation:
Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman
1The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John, 2although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. 3When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.
4Now he had to go through Samaria. 5So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
7When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?" 8(His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)
9The Samaritan woman said to him, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.[a])
10Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."
11"Sir," the woman said, "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?"
13Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
15The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water."
16He told her, "Go, call your husband and come back."
17"I have no husband," she replied.
Jesus said to her, "You are right when you say you have no husband. 18The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true."
19"Sir," the woman said, "I can see that you are a prophet. 20Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."
21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
25The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us."
26Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he."
THAT is such a great conversation that took place! I got asked lots of questions from the kids and it was fun explaining to the kids the scene that took place. I explained all I knew about wells and how folks would come to gather the water by lowering their pitcher down into the well by a rope and then carrying the pitcher on their heads back to their families and for their livestock - women did this work! Jews did not speak to Samaritans because of their lifestyles and this Samaritan woman came to the well mid day in the heat so that she did not have to be judged by the other women. When Jesus asked her for a drink of water she could not believe that a Jew was speaking to her. After a small conversation - she realized that He was "The Christ" that she had been reading and studying about. He told her everything about her past and she went and got everyone she knew and told them about Jesus.
I explained to the kids that God knows everything about them. He knows when we put things under our beds when mom or dad tells us to clean our rooms. We then inspected under Kyles bed and found a few things. I told them that He knows when we walk away from a friend who is being picked on at school, when we shed a tear or when we roll our eyes at mom when she asks for us to do something around the house or finish our homework. He knows when we are not giving our best. I explained to them the symbol for the rope this week was Jesus. I cut small sections of it and tied it around their wrists to remind them that we are tied to the other end of the living water that Jesus spoke about. He is with us always .... the kids were very excited to get this wrist band and some asked for a 2 or 3 of them.
It was a good lesson and there is nothing more exciting to me than to be investing in "MyKids". I have a friend here at work that has a friend whos son just left for Iraq. He is headed back and this will be his 5th turn. He has lots of friends there who would love to get a note or letter from home. I asked the kids to make them a card and to encourage them and thank them for serving and protecting our country. They made 18 cards for these soldiers and after looking at them - they did a great job! Hope they bring a smile to a soldier who needs one.
Have a great day everyone,
Our kids study came from John 4. Here is that incredible conversation:
Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman
1The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John, 2although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. 3When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.
4Now he had to go through Samaria. 5So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
7When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?" 8(His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)
9The Samaritan woman said to him, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.[a])
10Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."
11"Sir," the woman said, "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?"
13Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
15The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water."
16He told her, "Go, call your husband and come back."
17"I have no husband," she replied.
Jesus said to her, "You are right when you say you have no husband. 18The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true."
19"Sir," the woman said, "I can see that you are a prophet. 20Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."
21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
25The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us."
26Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he."
THAT is such a great conversation that took place! I got asked lots of questions from the kids and it was fun explaining to the kids the scene that took place. I explained all I knew about wells and how folks would come to gather the water by lowering their pitcher down into the well by a rope and then carrying the pitcher on their heads back to their families and for their livestock - women did this work! Jews did not speak to Samaritans because of their lifestyles and this Samaritan woman came to the well mid day in the heat so that she did not have to be judged by the other women. When Jesus asked her for a drink of water she could not believe that a Jew was speaking to her. After a small conversation - she realized that He was "The Christ" that she had been reading and studying about. He told her everything about her past and she went and got everyone she knew and told them about Jesus.
I explained to the kids that God knows everything about them. He knows when we put things under our beds when mom or dad tells us to clean our rooms. We then inspected under Kyles bed and found a few things. I told them that He knows when we walk away from a friend who is being picked on at school, when we shed a tear or when we roll our eyes at mom when she asks for us to do something around the house or finish our homework. He knows when we are not giving our best. I explained to them the symbol for the rope this week was Jesus. I cut small sections of it and tied it around their wrists to remind them that we are tied to the other end of the living water that Jesus spoke about. He is with us always .... the kids were very excited to get this wrist band and some asked for a 2 or 3 of them.
It was a good lesson and there is nothing more exciting to me than to be investing in "MyKids". I have a friend here at work that has a friend whos son just left for Iraq. He is headed back and this will be his 5th turn. He has lots of friends there who would love to get a note or letter from home. I asked the kids to make them a card and to encourage them and thank them for serving and protecting our country. They made 18 cards for these soldiers and after looking at them - they did a great job! Hope they bring a smile to a soldier who needs one.
Have a great day everyone,
Friday, September 19, 2008
Would you pray?
My niece Jenn is out on a date. Yes I said it - a dads nightmare. The first guy to come to the door and take someone I love out on a date. Her dad never got to do this - she is 22 and now for some reason God has given me the opportunity to either act like a redneck and shine up my shotgun or tell him my expectations.
She was so nervous tonight when I got home and to be honest - so was I. What do I say? She did not want anyone to go and meet him and that she didn't want to be embarrased. He was late, came to the door and took his shoes off. He came in and we shook hands, he talked to Carol and Kyle and I told him Adger was an attack dog and in one command I could have him bite him in the crotch. OK - so the funny part was done with - it was a moment I may never get because I don't have a daughter .... I just hope Kyle never gets bit in the crotch.
So off they went - I called her dad and left a message for him - Carol just got a text message and said he was awesome.
I am happy for Jenn. She needs something to look forward to. I pray God protects her tonight but also her heart. She is a good kid and needs to know who Jesus is. May this week, she has gotten to know who He is just a little bit. If only we had more time........... aint that the story of our lives? If only we had more time.......
I will let you know when she gets home...... pray for her~
up until then......
Uncle Lonnie~
She was so nervous tonight when I got home and to be honest - so was I. What do I say? She did not want anyone to go and meet him and that she didn't want to be embarrased. He was late, came to the door and took his shoes off. He came in and we shook hands, he talked to Carol and Kyle and I told him Adger was an attack dog and in one command I could have him bite him in the crotch. OK - so the funny part was done with - it was a moment I may never get because I don't have a daughter .... I just hope Kyle never gets bit in the crotch.
So off they went - I called her dad and left a message for him - Carol just got a text message and said he was awesome.
I am happy for Jenn. She needs something to look forward to. I pray God protects her tonight but also her heart. She is a good kid and needs to know who Jesus is. May this week, she has gotten to know who He is just a little bit. If only we had more time........... aint that the story of our lives? If only we had more time.......
I will let you know when she gets home...... pray for her~
up until then......
Uncle Lonnie~
My Random Friday
Do you have conflict in your life? I think everyone has some at some point - some more than others. I have a heavy heart for one of "MyKids" that I have not see but just a few times since the beginning of summer. I personally have had conflicts with neighbors, coworkers, family and friends at times. Sometimes those relationships improve after getting through the conflict and then there are others that have walked away. Sometimes that wedge is pretty big and too difficult to pass over to get the relationship back on track - sometimes hurt feelings or pride steps in and that is a tough place to be. I thought that I would pass along a post from Pastor Perry Noble this morning - He is the Pastor @NewSpring church in SC. For those folks who are dealing with conflict in a relationship this morning I hope this post speaks to you as you read his incredible insight. I could NOT have written this even though it is right on my heart. Even if people choose to walk away - we have to let them leave with Grace and an understanding that we love them regardless. Let this speak to your heart.....
Yesterday, I got to hang out with my niece Jenn after working Kyle's lunch with Carol. Lunch was fun and getting to know the kids and get down on their level is awesome. They all want to talk and they all have something to say. I love listening and investing my time in them. Jenn then came to work with me for the afternoon. I think we walked 5 miles yesterday afternoon as I showed her campus. We ate at Chick-Fil-a and waited in the longest food line I have ever seen. It was a college experience for her. I wish she could have gotten that chance in life. We also got to talk a little about life and if she could/wanted - get her out of the town she lives in and let us help her and her son. The one thing this week that I have been praying for is to show her ... what God has done in our lives. How He has placed us in a church family, a support system of families with our Rock Group, how many kids we do have with "MyKids" and how awesome it is to be doing life with the freedom and blessings that God gives us.
Last night we got to hang out with some great friends. We got to share some food, feeding some ducks and taking a stroll around the lake at University City Place. It was such a great evening! I just love the people that God has placed in my life to do life with.
I am really looking forward to church Sunday. One of our dear families we have been doing life with for years now - will be at church Sunday! After years of asking, this is huge and we are VERY excited about this. No pressure for you Pastor Jimmy if you're reading this!
One of the things that does make me sad is the lack of commitment from folks who decide to stop coming to church. It may be a connection card or an email that was not returned or followed up on - this is the deal breaker for their decision to walk away. One reason it is that simple is because they are not connected. Not connected into the church, not serving on a ministry team, does not has an accountability partner in the church, not connected to a Rock Group and does not attend services each week. I want to plug everyone in to the support system and the foundations that God has built with His bride - the church. He gave everything for the church and folks walk away because of a connection card or a non returned email - very sad. Get in the game loved ones - get your families involved and be a part of something that will help you grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. Start ANYWHERE!!!! But start today......that first step is always the hardest.... God will guide you from there.
Rock Group Sunday night - well lets just say that God has been really working on me this week. I have had my face studying hard to what we will be talking about. Just pray for me as I try and lead the conversation .... the kids lesson should be good as well. Looking forward to Pumpkins on the 28th.........
One final thing I want to leave you with this morning - take an inventory of where you are today. Relationships wise, struggle wise, career wise~ whatever........ and apply this: Trusting God means looking beyond what we see and seeing what God sees.
~ If you are walking away from a relationship - is it for the right reasons? Would God be happy with that decision? How are you treating your spouse? Would your actions bring God praise?
Are you investing in your children and taking the time to really put the "relationship" ahead of everything else? God calls us to bring up our children honoring God. If your past is haunting you ... give it to God to handle - he can handle it for you! Are you reaching out to someone who is in need? God tells us to share and give to others......... do all things to bring Glory and Honor to God......
A friend of mine left my office this morning and said "Happy Saturday Eve" ..... so I will pass that on to you~
Peace out,
Yesterday, I got to hang out with my niece Jenn after working Kyle's lunch with Carol. Lunch was fun and getting to know the kids and get down on their level is awesome. They all want to talk and they all have something to say. I love listening and investing my time in them. Jenn then came to work with me for the afternoon. I think we walked 5 miles yesterday afternoon as I showed her campus. We ate at Chick-Fil-a and waited in the longest food line I have ever seen. It was a college experience for her. I wish she could have gotten that chance in life. We also got to talk a little about life and if she could/wanted - get her out of the town she lives in and let us help her and her son. The one thing this week that I have been praying for is to show her ... what God has done in our lives. How He has placed us in a church family, a support system of families with our Rock Group, how many kids we do have with "MyKids" and how awesome it is to be doing life with the freedom and blessings that God gives us.
Last night we got to hang out with some great friends. We got to share some food, feeding some ducks and taking a stroll around the lake at University City Place. It was such a great evening! I just love the people that God has placed in my life to do life with.
I am really looking forward to church Sunday. One of our dear families we have been doing life with for years now - will be at church Sunday! After years of asking, this is huge and we are VERY excited about this. No pressure for you Pastor Jimmy if you're reading this!
One of the things that does make me sad is the lack of commitment from folks who decide to stop coming to church. It may be a connection card or an email that was not returned or followed up on - this is the deal breaker for their decision to walk away. One reason it is that simple is because they are not connected. Not connected into the church, not serving on a ministry team, does not has an accountability partner in the church, not connected to a Rock Group and does not attend services each week. I want to plug everyone in to the support system and the foundations that God has built with His bride - the church. He gave everything for the church and folks walk away because of a connection card or a non returned email - very sad. Get in the game loved ones - get your families involved and be a part of something that will help you grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. Start ANYWHERE!!!! But start today......that first step is always the hardest.... God will guide you from there.
Rock Group Sunday night - well lets just say that God has been really working on me this week. I have had my face studying hard to what we will be talking about. Just pray for me as I try and lead the conversation .... the kids lesson should be good as well. Looking forward to Pumpkins on the 28th.........
One final thing I want to leave you with this morning - take an inventory of where you are today. Relationships wise, struggle wise, career wise~ whatever........ and apply this: Trusting God means looking beyond what we see and seeing what God sees.
~ If you are walking away from a relationship - is it for the right reasons? Would God be happy with that decision? How are you treating your spouse? Would your actions bring God praise?
Are you investing in your children and taking the time to really put the "relationship" ahead of everything else? God calls us to bring up our children honoring God. If your past is haunting you ... give it to God to handle - he can handle it for you! Are you reaching out to someone who is in need? God tells us to share and give to others......... do all things to bring Glory and Honor to God......
A friend of mine left my office this morning and said "Happy Saturday Eve" ..... so I will pass that on to you~
Peace out,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Its been a long day. I am feeling a little "Puny" but I hung in there at work and left just a little early. I did have to make my hike across campus since I came in a little late and when you come in late - there is no parking except for remote parking.
I am making a dent tonight in my book I am reading. Finding some time has been tough but since I am feeling bad - I am reading away.
I had to post this tonight because it really bothers me......... this is from "Have a new kid by Friday".
3 Facts every parent should know~
* 90% of children ages 11-17 will be accidentally esposed to porn on the internet
* Children ages 12 -17 are the single largest group of consumers of internet porn
* One Million predators/pedophiles are stalking our children and teens on the internet
Many of you know that I am NOT a fan of Myspace - atleast for our kids in this age group. Under 17...... What started as a good idea has turned sour..... since I have had to get a myspace account to talk with my neice - it was a big shock for me venturing into this world.
Parents - get those computers in a central place of the home. Have guidelines to protect your children - hours of use and what it is being used for. A 14 year old should not have a cell phone and be chatting 17 hours a day....... You should be the main focus of that 14 year old. If they are needing that outside influence in their lives - then you have to look and see where we are messing up.
www.protectkids.com is a good site to learn how to protect them while on-line. It takes your involvement to protect them. This is a mountain that needs to be climbed and one you can't afford to lose.
I am off here... praying to feel better tomorrow. Big day tomorrow - working Kyles lunch and getting a chance to know his classmates. Jenn, my neice and Carol are going with me - its a family thing!
Love you all,
I am making a dent tonight in my book I am reading. Finding some time has been tough but since I am feeling bad - I am reading away.
I had to post this tonight because it really bothers me......... this is from "Have a new kid by Friday".
3 Facts every parent should know~
* 90% of children ages 11-17 will be accidentally esposed to porn on the internet
* Children ages 12 -17 are the single largest group of consumers of internet porn
* One Million predators/pedophiles are stalking our children and teens on the internet
Many of you know that I am NOT a fan of Myspace - atleast for our kids in this age group. Under 17...... What started as a good idea has turned sour..... since I have had to get a myspace account to talk with my neice - it was a big shock for me venturing into this world.
Parents - get those computers in a central place of the home. Have guidelines to protect your children - hours of use and what it is being used for. A 14 year old should not have a cell phone and be chatting 17 hours a day....... You should be the main focus of that 14 year old. If they are needing that outside influence in their lives - then you have to look and see where we are messing up.
www.protectkids.com is a good site to learn how to protect them while on-line. It takes your involvement to protect them. This is a mountain that needs to be climbed and one you can't afford to lose.
I am off here... praying to feel better tomorrow. Big day tomorrow - working Kyles lunch and getting a chance to know his classmates. Jenn, my neice and Carol are going with me - its a family thing!
Love you all,
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday thoughts...
I am really worn out this morning. I think I could have slept another 3 hours and even told my boss this morning that I have been dragging the last month. But I have to say that I have been fired up on a few things. Especially after a great invested weekend. Time at the cabin with 2 great kids hanging with Kyle and being on the lake with them. Nothing better than hearing the laugh of kids having fun.
BUT - I am fired up about church - about Jesus. I mean that - more so than probably any other time in my life. God is teaching me some things and I am learning something! Yesterday our pastor gave us the outline of the next year for our church and the direction we are taking. I love it when we have a plan and I can see this plan taking shape. THAT is very exciting. I can see the puzzle pieces coming together and the great thing is - others can see it too!
Last night our Rock Group met and I led a message on being "Hot, Cold or Luke Warm" on our faith meter. I got to draw on the screen and nobody laughed - that was cool but my drawing was something like this. 

I know this looks funny but really its simple. Everyone starts somewhere and God knows that place. If we never accept Jesus our meter just goes and stays flat. When we become Christians most of us are on fire for God. We are fired up for Him and learning things and God is really teaching us. Our meter goes up but that cannot stay that way. God gives us the season to test us in what He has taught us. God can sometimes be quiet in our lives and in our prayer life during this season. Our meter slowly goes down. He may be testing you with a sickness, a loss of a loved one, a job change or relocation - it is a season of testing. But God tells us to hang on - to keep our eyes on Him during this time. When that season is over and God is ready to teach us something more - He moves us once again to our faith meter moving up. See, without that season of difficulty - He may never be able to bring us to that new level of understanding. I think about my mom and during that season of my life - that was a hard time but I kept my eyes and heart on Jesus. He taught me so much during that difficult season in my life. It was a season I am thankful for and years from now - I will be rejoicing with my mom in heaven because of that season. God could not have done what He has done in my life without that season.
Last nights Rock Group brought that season out in the open and I am thankful for the people in my life who are walking with me as we learn about each other and about staying focused on God during our tough seasons. It was one of the best meetings we have ever had. Honest......
Last night I also got to have my "teachable moment" with the kids. I just love sitting on the floor with them and getting down to their level. I love to give everyone a chance to be heard and give them time to talk. I love the fact that this great bunch of kids are doing life together and really becoming friends. Its awesome when you have a 10 year old who is looked up to by a 4 year old. It reminds us that we are all being watched no matter how big or small we are.
Last nights lesson came from 1 John 1 - Walking in the light.
5This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. 7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[b] sin.
I shared with them that we all bump into things when we are walking in the dark. When the lights are out in our homes and we cannot see - we run into things, we trip and fall, we walk into closed doors and being out of Gods light is the sin in our lives. When we walk in Gods light we can make good decisions and choices and our stumbles are less. We can avoid those things that we can see in life because we are in Gods light. I then asked each of them to write on a piece of paper a sin that they wanted to give to God. When we ask God for forgiveness we are washed clean. Our sin is totally forgiven and forgotten by God. We dont have to continue to fret over it, carry it around in our lives and we can be totally free from it. Each kid wrote and we kept it from anyone knowing, including me parents! - and we tied them to a rock. I put a rubber band around the rock and we got up - didnt tell anyone what we were doing and headed outside and down to the creek. We then put our hands on the rock which held our sin and prayed together. We then tossed the rock into the creek and with it entering the water - our sins were forgotten - washed clean by our heavenly father.
The thing I did not see coming was the fact that each kid wanted their own rock - Hayley was ready to go dig up rocks right then for each of them. Each kid wanted to throw their own rock into the creek themselves. Wesley and Chloe didnt want to get their feet dirty. Megan was scared of the wet grass and we laughed all the way back into the house.
My day this morning started before I got out of bed. Thanking the Lord for "MyKids" and the people I am doing life with. I asked God for opportunities today to serve Him, to bring honor and glory to His name and to point my feet in the direction they should go.
Life is good......
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday night...
The Bateman clan is at the cabin for the night. Going to get some tubing in and enjoy the last warm days of summer. Gas is out of control but its cheaper here than in Charlotte. Highest we saw on the way was $4.65 - is that nuts or what? It was just $3.60 last night.
Anyways, Kyle has 2 of his peeps with him - Brodie and Beverly. They are great kids and we are looking forward to some laughs and shared time together. The kids are watching Smack Down - too funny its been 35 years since watching this Pro Wrastlin - not much has changed....
Talk tomorrow...... going to turn the computer off now and catch up on some weather and the Mets.
Anyways, Kyle has 2 of his peeps with him - Brodie and Beverly. They are great kids and we are looking forward to some laughs and shared time together. The kids are watching Smack Down - too funny its been 35 years since watching this Pro Wrastlin - not much has changed....
Talk tomorrow...... going to turn the computer off now and catch up on some weather and the Mets.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
7 years ago....
Thank you to our troops. Thank you for our police and emergency workers - firemen and all those who volunteer at the Red Cross, Salvation Army, local churches and other places where we all have a chance to impact people - help them and keep us safe.
If you have friendships today or family relationships that have a wedge in between them - fix them. Do what it takes to make them right. Life is short and God knows where we all have started from and where we are today. He knows the travels we have taken and the places we have been..... Do what is right and accept Gods forgiveness and move on. People matter.... relationships matter, marriages matter, friendships matter.........
Ask God for real change in your life.... a path that leads to forgiveness. Would God be happy with you today? How you are treating people? Are you letting something silly get in the way of your true friends and family who care about you? Would God want that?
Honor Him in doing what is right. Life is about choices and the bible is full of examples of people choosing Good and bad......
If you have friendships today or family relationships that have a wedge in between them - fix them. Do what it takes to make them right. Life is short and God knows where we all have started from and where we are today. He knows the travels we have taken and the places we have been..... Do what is right and accept Gods forgiveness and move on. People matter.... relationships matter, marriages matter, friendships matter.........
Ask God for real change in your life.... a path that leads to forgiveness. Would God be happy with you today? How you are treating people? Are you letting something silly get in the way of your true friends and family who care about you? Would God want that?
Honor Him in doing what is right. Life is about choices and the bible is full of examples of people choosing Good and bad......
Part 3 - Have a New Kid by Friday
This chapter really puts it to us parents. I read this section and was blown away by some of the comments and situations. This book is full of examples that I just can't type them all. I am only going over the highlights. One thing for sure is - I need to give more responsibility to our son and challange "MyKids" - thus this gives them a better understanding of "WHY" they choose their decisions and to really think about them before making them. Lessons learned.....
Enjoy Part 3:
The Pillars of Self – Worth
There is a 2nd group of ABC’s –
· Acceptance
· Belonging
· Competence
Acceptance – Children long for our approval. Your unconditional acceptance of your child means everything in her development. Children fly sky-high for a long time on just one compliment. But note, that compliment has to be true- not made to make the child feel better. Otherwise every kid on the planet will see right through you.
If children don’t find unconditional acceptance in your home, they will talk less (or not at all) to you, listen to cd’s nonstop, use their iPods at the dinner table rather than communicating, swap stories via IM (instant message) with their friends about unfair house rules and stinkin’ parents. You see, kids accept kids for who they are. They don’t hassle them for their blue hair, pink hair or purple hair, (they think it’s kinda cool), their nose ring, (they’ve got them too), or their baggy pants. But the truth of the matter is, as important of an influence as peers are to your child, the peer group can’t do DIDDLY SQUAT for them.
There will be times when, frankly, you don’t much like your child at all. But you can always extend unconditional love and acceptance. If you do, he’ll be less likely to seek acceptance in his peer group.
Every child needs to belong somewhere. Will it be in your home or in their peer (friends) group? Look at gangs across the US – running wild!
Support each other in any activities you do. Instead of piling on a host of after-school activities, choose them wisely so you can set aside family time. Don’t lose your family dinners or your family vacation. Friends will change, but family stays. We are a family and we belong together.
Do your kids know who they belong to? If there is no sense of “belonging” in your home, there will be no relationship. Without a relationship, your rules, your words, and your actions mean nothing. The wedge between you and your children will drive them toward acceptance and belonging in a group OUTSIDE your home.
Want to empower your children? Give them responsibility. When your child takes the initiative to get the job done – feeding the dog, walking the dog, helping with dinner – tell them “Good Job”. Your child will do more because he owns it and will feel proud of the accomplishment.
When you allow your children to be competent, they will be competent. And if they fail? They learn how to do things differently the next time. As their responsibilities increase, confidence in their own competence increases. This is how they get ready to move out into the world.
Your children are longing for Acceptance from you! They ache for Belonging in a family. They want to have Competence. If they don’t get these qualities from you, they will seek them from their peers.
Instead , encourage your child. Encouragement emphasizes the act and not the person. Don’t praise your child by saying they are the greatest kid who ever walked the earth. What happens when she isn’t? Besides, she can already look around and see she is not the greatest, so she knows you are lying to make her feel good. That sets up the disconnect in the relationship.
Enjoy Part 3:
The Pillars of Self – Worth
There is a 2nd group of ABC’s –
· Acceptance
· Belonging
· Competence
Acceptance – Children long for our approval. Your unconditional acceptance of your child means everything in her development. Children fly sky-high for a long time on just one compliment. But note, that compliment has to be true- not made to make the child feel better. Otherwise every kid on the planet will see right through you.
If children don’t find unconditional acceptance in your home, they will talk less (or not at all) to you, listen to cd’s nonstop, use their iPods at the dinner table rather than communicating, swap stories via IM (instant message) with their friends about unfair house rules and stinkin’ parents. You see, kids accept kids for who they are. They don’t hassle them for their blue hair, pink hair or purple hair, (they think it’s kinda cool), their nose ring, (they’ve got them too), or their baggy pants. But the truth of the matter is, as important of an influence as peers are to your child, the peer group can’t do DIDDLY SQUAT for them.
There will be times when, frankly, you don’t much like your child at all. But you can always extend unconditional love and acceptance. If you do, he’ll be less likely to seek acceptance in his peer group.
Every child needs to belong somewhere. Will it be in your home or in their peer (friends) group? Look at gangs across the US – running wild!
Support each other in any activities you do. Instead of piling on a host of after-school activities, choose them wisely so you can set aside family time. Don’t lose your family dinners or your family vacation. Friends will change, but family stays. We are a family and we belong together.
Do your kids know who they belong to? If there is no sense of “belonging” in your home, there will be no relationship. Without a relationship, your rules, your words, and your actions mean nothing. The wedge between you and your children will drive them toward acceptance and belonging in a group OUTSIDE your home.
Want to empower your children? Give them responsibility. When your child takes the initiative to get the job done – feeding the dog, walking the dog, helping with dinner – tell them “Good Job”. Your child will do more because he owns it and will feel proud of the accomplishment.
When you allow your children to be competent, they will be competent. And if they fail? They learn how to do things differently the next time. As their responsibilities increase, confidence in their own competence increases. This is how they get ready to move out into the world.
Your children are longing for Acceptance from you! They ache for Belonging in a family. They want to have Competence. If they don’t get these qualities from you, they will seek them from their peers.
Instead , encourage your child. Encouragement emphasizes the act and not the person. Don’t praise your child by saying they are the greatest kid who ever walked the earth. What happens when she isn’t? Besides, she can already look around and see she is not the greatest, so she knows you are lying to make her feel good. That sets up the disconnect in the relationship.
Last night Carol, Kyle and I met the Brewer family (AWESOME FAMILY) at Sticky Fingers Concord Mills. I am not crazy about ribs and the bbq was just alright in my opinion but the company sure made up for it and the reason why we were there was worth it. We had big time rains here and when leaving work - I was soaked... showered and warmed up when I got home and then headed right back out. I hope both Sticky Fingers locations did well fund raising for "Little Adam". He and his family need that encouragement and to feel the love and care from others around them. They are truely in Gods hands right now. Keep fighting like a gator Adam!
I had my first lunch this week with "MyKids". It was good and I had the table FULL of kids. Some schools are little more relaxed than others. I am thankful for that. I am headed to my sons school in a little bit to have lunch with him and I am nervous for some reason. Maybe its the excitement or maybe its the reason why I am going. "The Kids". I do take them deep in my heart and want to make a good role model for them. I just wish the world was a little different and looked at my actions instead of a man coming in to have lunch with all 1000 kids. There are not many men at lunch and that is only a portion of the problem. I continue to pray about all this... because it does mean a lot to me and God has placed me there and to trust Him.
For those looking for Part 3 of "Have a New Kids by Friday". Stay tuned..... its coming!
I want to share Psalm 100 with you this morning. Always remember that God loves you and has made you. No matter what you are struggling with today - God deserves the praise for those struggles. He is teaching you something in the good and the bad seasons.
Love you all,
Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving thanks.
1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his [a] ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
I had my first lunch this week with "MyKids". It was good and I had the table FULL of kids. Some schools are little more relaxed than others. I am thankful for that. I am headed to my sons school in a little bit to have lunch with him and I am nervous for some reason. Maybe its the excitement or maybe its the reason why I am going. "The Kids". I do take them deep in my heart and want to make a good role model for them. I just wish the world was a little different and looked at my actions instead of a man coming in to have lunch with all 1000 kids. There are not many men at lunch and that is only a portion of the problem. I continue to pray about all this... because it does mean a lot to me and God has placed me there and to trust Him.
For those looking for Part 3 of "Have a New Kids by Friday". Stay tuned..... its coming!
I want to share Psalm 100 with you this morning. Always remember that God loves you and has made you. No matter what you are struggling with today - God deserves the praise for those struggles. He is teaching you something in the good and the bad seasons.
Love you all,
Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving thanks.
1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his [a] ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Some things the Lord is teaching me...
Last night the Bateman clan headed to the County Fair for some fun. The county fair only comes for 1 week a year and it seems it is always hard to get a free night that week for some reason to go. BUT - this year we made time and had a great time in the process. Carol actually cut the cord with Kyle and let him ride anything he wanted... she was looking pretty scared on a few of them but Kyle loved every one of them! I even got on one that took us upside down, back and forth and all around. It was great until the fun technician was going to lock me in for another spin! I am getting old and can't take that much fun anymore! Here is a picture of the kids we went with.
This morning at the office - we were having breakfast and a birthday party for one of our co-workers here. Everyone was asking about the fair and I was telling everyone who we went with and our experience last night. Thats when someone said, "You never just go do something - you do it things with a crowd ... you bring it to whatever you are doing". At first I had to think about that but then it hit me. We do bring the crowd to whatever it is we are doing. I mean, we have our quiet family time together but our home almost always has kids there. We are taking families to the cabin to share in that blessing that God has given us. We take kids to church with us hoping that their families will follow. We bring kids to the fair with us, bowling, swimming, BBQ's - God does not want us doing this life alone...and my family and I really understand that and try to live that principle. I thank God for placing all these families, the kids and opportunities to do things together in our lives. It has to be a God thing because we were really not that outgoing before Jesus!
I also was reminded of a lesson from this past Sunday from our Pastor at church. Pastor Jimmy was preaching on difficult people. We all have them in our lives and even in some cases - WE are that difficult person. I remember Pastor Jimmy telling us that we need to look past the situation and problem and to pray for that difficult person. To pray them through the issue at hand that makes them difficult - we don't know what is beyond what we see. That person in Lowes foods who is mad and grumpy while ringing up the milk and bread - she may have some big things going on in life - we just don't know. So instead of looking at her being mad and mean - look at her and pray for whatever it is that is making her this way. This morning in that office where the party was -there is tension between some of the folks there. I have been asked on serveral occasions to come up and talk with so and so - to check in and see if there was something I could do and I have been asked to pray for certain people. Many of the other folks look at the situation and say there is nothing anything can do - I beg to differ. My teachable moment came this morning when someone said afterwards that it was ok this morning - tension was not that high and had my opening. I shared that we must look for opportunities where we can bring those folks together and help calm the waters. Look past the problems and look at the folks involved. It is something to build on! I know and I can feel God is in the middle of this.
As a follower of Christ we must always be on the lookout for teachable moments - with our kids, our coworkers and even those close to us. God is looking to teach us something every day if we take the time to open our eyes and hearts to what it is He wants us to know.
Love you all and hope you are looking for your teachable moments...
Monday, September 8, 2008
How do you know God loves you?
I wanted to share with everyone today a small lesson that I taught to our Rock Group kids last night. Not even Carol knew what I was teaching and this being our first meeting last night - I changed things up from the way we had been doing things. Last night after our opening discussion, I played a video that was perfect for an opening to a Rock (small) group study. A vision of what God has planned for his children to come together and share/do life together.
During this video - I went out to the pool and had all the kids with me. I had them all sit and asked them to trust me. I asked them to shut their eyes and imagine with me being at Panther stadium. 73,000 fans all yelling and enjoying a football game. Panthers winning of course! The smell of hotdogs and pretzels in the air. I ask them if God loves all the people around them - all 73000. "Yes" - I asked how they knew that. I had various little answers which was very cool listening to. I asked them, "Well, what about that guy sitting 7 rows back who is screaming bad language?" - "YES" - "How about the lady who is sitting with her family and they have their hair painted blue?" "Yes" - "How about the guy in the section next to you who is just yelling his lungs out?" "YES" - "How about that Steelers fan sitting over there?" - Jackson yells - "NO!"
Everyone started laughing......
I told them that God does love those folks and yes even the steelers fan - but we know that because He has told us so.
I read -Isaiah 43 to each of the kids and touched their heads - their eyes still closed and head bowed.
Israel's Only Savior
1 But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, Taylor, Kyle, Morgan, Jackson, Marissa, Daniel, Wesley, Cloe, - he who formed you, Taylor, Kyle, Morgan, Jackson, Marissa, Daniel, Wesley, Cloe: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; 4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.
I told them that God is with them no matter where they go in life. They are His light for others to see. To be a friend to the new kid in the class that nobody is talking to, to help a friend who might be making a bad choice, to smile and walk into your classroom with your head high and shoulders back. God loves you and YOU ARE HIS.
I asked Kyle to pray as we stood out at the pool holding hands. Marissa gave me a high five and smiled. Chloe jumped back in the pool. Kyle hit Jackson with the noodle and Taylor and I just laughed.
When the kids came back in and getting ready to leave. Wesley was asked what he learned in the little lesson and he said he had no idea..... and Jackson wants to have Rock Group every night.
I was not going to share this - I had something else in mind but after reading Erica's blog and not having enough room to share this experience with her in her comment section. Please pass this along and remind her that God loves her.... God has left His word saying just that.
Love you all~
During this video - I went out to the pool and had all the kids with me. I had them all sit and asked them to trust me. I asked them to shut their eyes and imagine with me being at Panther stadium. 73,000 fans all yelling and enjoying a football game. Panthers winning of course! The smell of hotdogs and pretzels in the air. I ask them if God loves all the people around them - all 73000. "Yes" - I asked how they knew that. I had various little answers which was very cool listening to. I asked them, "Well, what about that guy sitting 7 rows back who is screaming bad language?" - "YES" - "How about the lady who is sitting with her family and they have their hair painted blue?" "Yes" - "How about the guy in the section next to you who is just yelling his lungs out?" "YES" - "How about that Steelers fan sitting over there?" - Jackson yells - "NO!"
Everyone started laughing......
I told them that God does love those folks and yes even the steelers fan - but we know that because He has told us so.
I read -Isaiah 43 to each of the kids and touched their heads - their eyes still closed and head bowed.
Israel's Only Savior
1 But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, Taylor, Kyle, Morgan, Jackson, Marissa, Daniel, Wesley, Cloe, - he who formed you, Taylor, Kyle, Morgan, Jackson, Marissa, Daniel, Wesley, Cloe: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; 4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.
I told them that God is with them no matter where they go in life. They are His light for others to see. To be a friend to the new kid in the class that nobody is talking to, to help a friend who might be making a bad choice, to smile and walk into your classroom with your head high and shoulders back. God loves you and YOU ARE HIS.
I asked Kyle to pray as we stood out at the pool holding hands. Marissa gave me a high five and smiled. Chloe jumped back in the pool. Kyle hit Jackson with the noodle and Taylor and I just laughed.
When the kids came back in and getting ready to leave. Wesley was asked what he learned in the little lesson and he said he had no idea..... and Jackson wants to have Rock Group every night.
I was not going to share this - I had something else in mind but after reading Erica's blog and not having enough room to share this experience with her in her comment section. Please pass this along and remind her that God loves her.... God has left His word saying just that.
Love you all~
A few more.....
I wanted to share a few more ... after church yesterday, Carol, Kyle, Patty, my dad, Neila and myself all went to cracker barrel for lunch. It was fun just sitting and talking and enjoying some time together. I am proud of you Carol - we don't get many pictures together since she is always the one BEHIND the camera. Kyle as always is being goofy ..... and NO he did not get the hat!
After the cracker barrel we all went for coffee. Awesome day shared together and with God being in the center of it.... I want more days like yesterday!
A few photos from yesterday~
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The day started at 4:06 this morning. It has been a tiring day but a GREAT DAY. My dad and his girlfriend came down as did my cousin Patty - I was really not expecting her and to look up in church and see her smiling at me was such a great surprise. Today was a day to remember - so many of "MyKids" being Baptised - Megan, Hayley, Nick and a few others from Camp - Sherry and Donnie from our rock group - Steve who serves on our breakdown teams and his family has really connected in a big way. Carol also taking the big step in baptism - I am so proud of her and knowing that over 400 people in church today with SO many people knowing her - it was great to share her faith with everyone today. I will post some pictures when I get them off the camera tomorrow. I will share a printed picture also with the others folks.
I also want to thank our setup and breakdown teams for serving HARD today. I am proud of you ......
Tonight we kicked off our offical start of our Rock Group semester. Almost everyone was here with only a few families missing. I am thankful and SO excited to be meeting again. I think it was a great lesson tonight..... and got some good feedback so I am happy about that.
I love you guys ... time to unwind from a 17 hour eventful day.
God is SO good.........
I also want to thank our setup and breakdown teams for serving HARD today. I am proud of you ......
Tonight we kicked off our offical start of our Rock Group semester. Almost everyone was here with only a few families missing. I am thankful and SO excited to be meeting again. I think it was a great lesson tonight..... and got some good feedback so I am happy about that.
I love you guys ... time to unwind from a 17 hour eventful day.
God is SO good.........
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Have a new kid by Friday - part 2
Is anyone interested in reading this? I am being blown away by what I am learning. Hope this is helpful to you and your parenting abilities..... this is part 2 - Part 3 - you are going to have to hang on for ....its a big one!
Think about yourself as you read this as well as who in your life this applies to ... friends, coworkers neighbors etc...
Part 2:
*What your children think about you at any one particular moment isn’t necessarily what they will think about you for life. If you are calm, you are consistent, and you always do what you say you’re going to, you will earn their respect and trust. BUT – it won’t happen with a snap of your fingers.
*If you want something, start with the end in mind. In other words, if you want your child to be kind, teach your child to be kind now. If you want your child to be a responsible adult, teach him responsibility now. If you want your child to enjoy spending time with you, start now in setting aside non-pressured time to spend with her instead of getting caught up in the rat race of constant activity.
*If you want your child to be a healthy, well-adjusted adult, you need to realize just how important you are in the picture. Your child needs not only your attention but also a relationship with you.
*What kind of parent are you? – So often people say, “I never wanted to be like my parents. I hated the way they parented. But then I open my mouth and sound just like them. And I act like it too.” This just goes to show that what parents model – STICKS – and sticks well.
A Permissive Parent:
· Is a slave to the child
· Places the priority on the child, not on his or her spouse
· Robs the child of self-respect and self-esteem by doing things for her that the child can do for herself
· Provides the child with the “Disneyland” experience; makes things as easy as possible – does homework for the child, answers for her etc…
· Invites rebellion with inconsistent parenting
An Authoritarian Parent:
· Makes all the decisions for the child
· Uses reward and punishment to control the child behavior
· Sees himself as better than the child
· Runs the home with an iron hand, grants little freedom
An Authoritative Parent:
· Gives the child choices and formulates guidelines with him
· Provides the child with decision – making opportunities
· Develops consistent, loving discipline
· Holds the child accountable
· Lets reality be the teacher
· Conveys respect, self-worth, and love to the child and therefore enhances the child’s self esteem
*The truth is, both extremes will cause children to rebel. With a permissive parent, there are no guidelines, and children flounder. With the authoritarian parent, everything is heavy-handed. *The wise parent finds the middle ground
*The authoritative parent is majoring on the relationship and minoring on everything else.
*You can’t run a family by rules if there is no connection between family members. Your children will know that no matter what they say, do, or look like, you’ll be playing judge and jury. If that’s the way your home is run, no wonder you get knee-jerk reactions every time you try to talk with your kids.
*Talking with your children about the little things means that they will be more likely to talk with you about the big things.
*Your children need to know that you are on their team – that no matter what they do, you love them.
*Children need to develop the ability to make good life decision – good age-appropriate choices.
Being happy all the time isn’t real life, and you’re not being fair to your child if you’re providing a continual Disneyland experience. If you are a permissive parent, you need to stand up and be a parent instead of trying to be your child’s friend and make them happy.
*The goal of every parent should be to raise independent thinkers who have healthy respect for themselves and others.
*Parents, how much do you care? How much do you want to be bothered? What kind of foundation are you building for your children? What kind of lies are you teaching through your parenting style? How are you preparing them for the future? Start with the end in mind, and keep the focus on your relationship, not on rules.
*Expect the best, Get the best - Every child lives up to the expectation you have for them.
*There is a big difference between children “feeling good” about themselves (self-esteem) and true self-worth. Many parents today are so concerned about their childs self-esteem that they are raising feel-good children: they have to feel good about themselves and everything they do. You wouldn’t want any waves on her ocean of life, right? Making a child feel good is easy. Just give them everything they want, when they want it. But if you do, that little sucker takes over and turns into an adolescent BIG sucker. They will be giving you a run for your money that could last well into their 20’s and 30’s. Mom and dad get stuck in their roles when the child is an adult that should be stepping up to the plate.
*Feeling good is a temporary thing. It’s based on feelings, and those change from moment to moment. A child can feel good about getting a toy he wants, but self-worth is established when the child works hard for a toy, earns that toy, and truly can call it his own. By providing the types of experiences where children pull their weight and learn responsibility and accountability, you are establishing a healthy self-worth.
Think about yourself as you read this as well as who in your life this applies to ... friends, coworkers neighbors etc...
Part 2:
*What your children think about you at any one particular moment isn’t necessarily what they will think about you for life. If you are calm, you are consistent, and you always do what you say you’re going to, you will earn their respect and trust. BUT – it won’t happen with a snap of your fingers.
*If you want something, start with the end in mind. In other words, if you want your child to be kind, teach your child to be kind now. If you want your child to be a responsible adult, teach him responsibility now. If you want your child to enjoy spending time with you, start now in setting aside non-pressured time to spend with her instead of getting caught up in the rat race of constant activity.
*If you want your child to be a healthy, well-adjusted adult, you need to realize just how important you are in the picture. Your child needs not only your attention but also a relationship with you.
*What kind of parent are you? – So often people say, “I never wanted to be like my parents. I hated the way they parented. But then I open my mouth and sound just like them. And I act like it too.” This just goes to show that what parents model – STICKS – and sticks well.
A Permissive Parent:
· Is a slave to the child
· Places the priority on the child, not on his or her spouse
· Robs the child of self-respect and self-esteem by doing things for her that the child can do for herself
· Provides the child with the “Disneyland” experience; makes things as easy as possible – does homework for the child, answers for her etc…
· Invites rebellion with inconsistent parenting
An Authoritarian Parent:
· Makes all the decisions for the child
· Uses reward and punishment to control the child behavior
· Sees himself as better than the child
· Runs the home with an iron hand, grants little freedom
An Authoritative Parent:
· Gives the child choices and formulates guidelines with him
· Provides the child with decision – making opportunities
· Develops consistent, loving discipline
· Holds the child accountable
· Lets reality be the teacher
· Conveys respect, self-worth, and love to the child and therefore enhances the child’s self esteem
*The truth is, both extremes will cause children to rebel. With a permissive parent, there are no guidelines, and children flounder. With the authoritarian parent, everything is heavy-handed. *The wise parent finds the middle ground
*The authoritative parent is majoring on the relationship and minoring on everything else.
*You can’t run a family by rules if there is no connection between family members. Your children will know that no matter what they say, do, or look like, you’ll be playing judge and jury. If that’s the way your home is run, no wonder you get knee-jerk reactions every time you try to talk with your kids.
*Talking with your children about the little things means that they will be more likely to talk with you about the big things.
*Your children need to know that you are on their team – that no matter what they do, you love them.
*Children need to develop the ability to make good life decision – good age-appropriate choices.
Being happy all the time isn’t real life, and you’re not being fair to your child if you’re providing a continual Disneyland experience. If you are a permissive parent, you need to stand up and be a parent instead of trying to be your child’s friend and make them happy.
*The goal of every parent should be to raise independent thinkers who have healthy respect for themselves and others.
*Parents, how much do you care? How much do you want to be bothered? What kind of foundation are you building for your children? What kind of lies are you teaching through your parenting style? How are you preparing them for the future? Start with the end in mind, and keep the focus on your relationship, not on rules.
*Expect the best, Get the best - Every child lives up to the expectation you have for them.
*There is a big difference between children “feeling good” about themselves (self-esteem) and true self-worth. Many parents today are so concerned about their childs self-esteem that they are raising feel-good children: they have to feel good about themselves and everything they do. You wouldn’t want any waves on her ocean of life, right? Making a child feel good is easy. Just give them everything they want, when they want it. But if you do, that little sucker takes over and turns into an adolescent BIG sucker. They will be giving you a run for your money that could last well into their 20’s and 30’s. Mom and dad get stuck in their roles when the child is an adult that should be stepping up to the plate.
*Feeling good is a temporary thing. It’s based on feelings, and those change from moment to moment. A child can feel good about getting a toy he wants, but self-worth is established when the child works hard for a toy, earns that toy, and truly can call it his own. By providing the types of experiences where children pull their weight and learn responsibility and accountability, you are establishing a healthy self-worth.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
New Kids by next week....
Well actually - its a book I am reading - "Have a new kid by Friday". Its written by Dr. Kevin Leman and I listened to him on a podcast last week from Focus on the Family and decided to order the book.
I have just started it and I am not reading this book because my son is a bad kid or we are having trouble with him. Its actually your kid... no just kidding. I just want to be a more prepared parent. I want to be someone who I can be a good example for others. I want to share what I have learned with the other parents in my Rock Group.
Last fall, I led a bible study series called "Parenthood" through LifeChurch.tv and some materials from NewSpring church and it was a great series. Our Rock Group learned a lot and it IS something we all have in common. Parenting.... hard stuff at times isn't it?
Well as I read and learn from this book - I will post some thing that stick out. Maybe you can put some of this into action or make you think on it more - maybe even move you to get the book yourself.
Here are some of my notes......
New Kid by Friday
We all want something called character. Many times that’s what our kids are today – characters. The top 3 long term concerns of parents makes up the new ABC’s.
*When the rubber hits the road, these are the things that matter most. These are the things that will continue into adulthood and make your child someone worthy of trust … or not. Someone who acts with kindness and respect toward others…or not. Someone who is honest… or not.
*Who do you butt heads with the most in your family? Is the child most like you or the least like you? The answer, in all probability, is the child who is the MOST like you. Kids who sport attitudes have parents who sport attitudes.
*Attitudes are caught, not taught.
*Almost 100% of the time parents know the difference between respect and getting dissed, but they choose to ignore it.
*When you choose to do battle with your children, you’ll never win. You have much more to lose than they do.
*Think about it – What is your #1 challenge with your child right now? – In that situation, think of how you could use the following principles: Say it once – turn your back – walk away.
*Our children’s behavior is learned and children will model their behavior after the things they see you say and do.
*Character – it is what we are when no one is looking. Having character doesn’t mean you are perfect. It means you have an inner standard that cares about others more than yourself.
*Don’t rescue your child from the consequences of failed responsibilities. Meaning, don’t stay up till midnight doing his homework for him. In fact, don’t do anything about it at all. Let the teacher explain to him what he thinks about incomplete homework.
*Emotions get the better of us, and we speak or act without thinking first. We need to learn to respond rather than react. If the doctor says, “You responded to your medication,” that’s good. If the doctor says, “You reacted to your medication,” that’s bad.
*It comes down to this – seeing the changes you want implemented in your children is more about YOU than it is about them. Use consistent actions and not words. Let reality be the teacher.
I have just started it and I am not reading this book because my son is a bad kid or we are having trouble with him. Its actually your kid... no just kidding. I just want to be a more prepared parent. I want to be someone who I can be a good example for others. I want to share what I have learned with the other parents in my Rock Group.
Last fall, I led a bible study series called "Parenthood" through LifeChurch.tv and some materials from NewSpring church and it was a great series. Our Rock Group learned a lot and it IS something we all have in common. Parenting.... hard stuff at times isn't it?
Well as I read and learn from this book - I will post some thing that stick out. Maybe you can put some of this into action or make you think on it more - maybe even move you to get the book yourself.
Here are some of my notes......
New Kid by Friday
We all want something called character. Many times that’s what our kids are today – characters. The top 3 long term concerns of parents makes up the new ABC’s.
*When the rubber hits the road, these are the things that matter most. These are the things that will continue into adulthood and make your child someone worthy of trust … or not. Someone who acts with kindness and respect toward others…or not. Someone who is honest… or not.
*Who do you butt heads with the most in your family? Is the child most like you or the least like you? The answer, in all probability, is the child who is the MOST like you. Kids who sport attitudes have parents who sport attitudes.
*Attitudes are caught, not taught.
*Almost 100% of the time parents know the difference between respect and getting dissed, but they choose to ignore it.
*When you choose to do battle with your children, you’ll never win. You have much more to lose than they do.
*Think about it – What is your #1 challenge with your child right now? – In that situation, think of how you could use the following principles: Say it once – turn your back – walk away.
*Our children’s behavior is learned and children will model their behavior after the things they see you say and do.
*Character – it is what we are when no one is looking. Having character doesn’t mean you are perfect. It means you have an inner standard that cares about others more than yourself.
*Don’t rescue your child from the consequences of failed responsibilities. Meaning, don’t stay up till midnight doing his homework for him. In fact, don’t do anything about it at all. Let the teacher explain to him what he thinks about incomplete homework.
*Emotions get the better of us, and we speak or act without thinking first. We need to learn to respond rather than react. If the doctor says, “You responded to your medication,” that’s good. If the doctor says, “You reacted to your medication,” that’s bad.
*It comes down to this – seeing the changes you want implemented in your children is more about YOU than it is about them. Use consistent actions and not words. Let reality be the teacher.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
This coming Sunday ~
Our church will be holding a baptism. It is always an exciting day to be part of the church family as those step forward to publicly say they are followers of Jesus. Many times, we already know the person has had sneakers on in their walk with Jesus, they do so many amazing things serving God and this is the last step in showing their faith. It is a glorious thing to do.
I remember July 10, 2005.
It was a day I had been waiting on for weeks. It had actually started long before that. I think I have always had a relationship with God - even growing up I would pray from time to time - attend the local church and still not feel like I was worthy of it all. Why would God love me - I mean really? I was in the world for me, life revolved around me, and there was nothing short I would not do to get what I wanted. Living in NJ, I often spoke to God about moving to NC. I knew that eventually my mom and dad would move home after they retired. They both were working TOO many hours and life was revolved around work. There was some happiness in all that. It provided for us kids and for our family but life was not really lived during that time. I think my dad knows that now and if he could go back - I often wonder what parts of it all he would change.
So in 1995, making deals with God that I would attend church and follow him if he helped me get to NC. Also moving my parents up to move south as well. It was all part of MY plan. Plans dont always work out like we want them to. My mom passed away after a short battle with cancer not long after them retiring and moving home. Carols mom passed away a few years before that - Kyle was still breast feeding at the time and I could not even go. God was getting my attention. In 1999, I had my own close call with a sickness. Too close for comfort and still - I had God at the end of a stick. Using him for the best parking spots, traffic lines and all the well knowing our "Deal". God was calling the shots and I needed to know that but more importantly I needed to know Him. Carol and I attended a small local church and I felt God moving us from there and into a place where we needed to be. Our first "church shopping" outing led us to our current church home. Rocky River Community Church. There we got to listen to a pastor who explained the bible, the people in those stories and a chance to know who God was. My relationship had finally started......
The man I met, is nothing like the man I always thought our heavenly father was. He is much more. He is more than I could have imagined. He has led me through some tough things that I know without question - that I am in a much better place today because He walked WITH me through those hard places. Early on when my mom was sick - I was there to witness her trust and put her faith in Jesus - she dedicated her life once again to Him. It was during her hard long nights lying awake that we spoke and she telling me she was proud of me and how happy she was that I found God in all this. I was finally on my way to leading my family. Leading not only my family but a spokes person for God in my entire family. My relationship with my aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster has blossomed and there is LOVE when we speak together. My relationship with my lost cousin Patty, who is like a sister to me spawned from the depths of this sickness. God did not heal my mom here on earth - but HE restored so much more in life. He fixed relationships, He taught me how to trust Him and love Him.
The man I met July 10th, 2005 is much more than anything I ever imagined. He is a lap to sit down on and talk about my struggles. He is a father who leads me by example by which I lead my family. He has taught me to lead a rock group of families and get involved by doing life with. He has given me "MyKids" who have touched my life like I never could EVER imagine. He has given me the ability to talk with people, to go to the hard places, to be a friend that I always wanted - to be a SON that I have always wanted to be.
God delivered - nothing short, nothing but promises, everything he said he was and more.
This coming Sunday is the chance for those being baptised to meet this man - publicly announce that Jesus is THAT important to them.
This coming Sunday some very special people in my life will be washing their sin away. I asked one of "MyKids" a few weeks back who is on the list to be baptised Sunday if she wouldn't mind if I was there with her when asked the important question from Pastor Jimmy. She told me that I better be there....and I asked her if I would embarass her if I cried - she said no - but why on earth would I be crying?! I told her it was one of the most important decisions in this life..... the next one would be her getting married and I pray I am there for that also.
God steps into peoples lives when invited in. What happens next is nothing but short of incredible. I am the example of what its like to know Him. I would have NEVER done any of this without him. I couldn't............ I know that now.
I am thankful and blessed to meet Him personally.......... deserving no - but by His love He accepted me as I was. Broken ...... Lost ...... and hurting.......
What is holding you back?
I remember July 10, 2005.
It was a day I had been waiting on for weeks. It had actually started long before that. I think I have always had a relationship with God - even growing up I would pray from time to time - attend the local church and still not feel like I was worthy of it all. Why would God love me - I mean really? I was in the world for me, life revolved around me, and there was nothing short I would not do to get what I wanted. Living in NJ, I often spoke to God about moving to NC. I knew that eventually my mom and dad would move home after they retired. They both were working TOO many hours and life was revolved around work. There was some happiness in all that. It provided for us kids and for our family but life was not really lived during that time. I think my dad knows that now and if he could go back - I often wonder what parts of it all he would change.
So in 1995, making deals with God that I would attend church and follow him if he helped me get to NC. Also moving my parents up to move south as well. It was all part of MY plan. Plans dont always work out like we want them to. My mom passed away after a short battle with cancer not long after them retiring and moving home. Carols mom passed away a few years before that - Kyle was still breast feeding at the time and I could not even go. God was getting my attention. In 1999, I had my own close call with a sickness. Too close for comfort and still - I had God at the end of a stick. Using him for the best parking spots, traffic lines and all the well knowing our "Deal". God was calling the shots and I needed to know that but more importantly I needed to know Him. Carol and I attended a small local church and I felt God moving us from there and into a place where we needed to be. Our first "church shopping" outing led us to our current church home. Rocky River Community Church. There we got to listen to a pastor who explained the bible, the people in those stories and a chance to know who God was. My relationship had finally started......
The man I met, is nothing like the man I always thought our heavenly father was. He is much more. He is more than I could have imagined. He has led me through some tough things that I know without question - that I am in a much better place today because He walked WITH me through those hard places. Early on when my mom was sick - I was there to witness her trust and put her faith in Jesus - she dedicated her life once again to Him. It was during her hard long nights lying awake that we spoke and she telling me she was proud of me and how happy she was that I found God in all this. I was finally on my way to leading my family. Leading not only my family but a spokes person for God in my entire family. My relationship with my aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster has blossomed and there is LOVE when we speak together. My relationship with my lost cousin Patty, who is like a sister to me spawned from the depths of this sickness. God did not heal my mom here on earth - but HE restored so much more in life. He fixed relationships, He taught me how to trust Him and love Him.
The man I met July 10th, 2005 is much more than anything I ever imagined. He is a lap to sit down on and talk about my struggles. He is a father who leads me by example by which I lead my family. He has taught me to lead a rock group of families and get involved by doing life with. He has given me "MyKids" who have touched my life like I never could EVER imagine. He has given me the ability to talk with people, to go to the hard places, to be a friend that I always wanted - to be a SON that I have always wanted to be.
God delivered - nothing short, nothing but promises, everything he said he was and more.
This coming Sunday is the chance for those being baptised to meet this man - publicly announce that Jesus is THAT important to them.
This coming Sunday some very special people in my life will be washing their sin away. I asked one of "MyKids" a few weeks back who is on the list to be baptised Sunday if she wouldn't mind if I was there with her when asked the important question from Pastor Jimmy. She told me that I better be there....and I asked her if I would embarass her if I cried - she said no - but why on earth would I be crying?! I told her it was one of the most important decisions in this life..... the next one would be her getting married and I pray I am there for that also.
God steps into peoples lives when invited in. What happens next is nothing but short of incredible. I am the example of what its like to know Him. I would have NEVER done any of this without him. I couldn't............ I know that now.
I am thankful and blessed to meet Him personally.......... deserving no - but by His love He accepted me as I was. Broken ...... Lost ...... and hurting.......
What is holding you back?
Prayer ~ Our last hope?
Last night Carol told me about a family member who called/text her and told her that her grandson was in the hospital. He is only 3 and having trouble breathing, he is stable now and we are thankful for that. I can't tell you how many times in a year someone calls, emails or stops me to ask me to pray for them - pray for them/someone because it is what we do. What does that really mean? It is what we do~
If someone asks you to pray for them or on their behalf - doesn't it also mean there is something in that person that believes? Why then would they ask me to pray for them? Is it because they don't have a relationship with Jesus and they want one? Or they don't know how to start one? Maybe they just don't know what to do 0r they are thinking they are not good enough. Maybe they are just waiting to get everything right in their lives so that one day they too will have a relationship with Jesus and that heaven will be a part of their lives. Too many times, we hear about someone getting killed in a car crash - a stroke- heart attack whatever....taking a life too early. Never having the chance to say goodbye..... its hard but it is also comforting to know the person had his heart right with Jesus.
Friends - our salvation does not come from our parents - being a good person - never committing the big 3 sins in murder/rape/stealing - we get our salvation from giving our hearts to Jesus. That is it! He is the only way .... heaven is not finding a mate to settle down with in life and living out your lives together - its nice but it won't get you to heaven. Heaven is not seeing a beautiful sunset or sunrise - God just created them!
Prayer always seems to be the last step in a persons struggles. God is put last when he should be put first. Our heavenly Father wants to hear from you. He wants to hear about your heart - your struggles - your hangups. He is never pushy and is always patient. He is your heavenly father!
You will never have everything right in your life. You will never get it all together. God accepts you right where you are and a new life can begin today if you would just ask Him. I don't mind at all praying for the lost - their struggles and situations or healing. It opens the door to talk about the things in life that really matter. God uses us just for that purpose. To come along side someone and lovingly share the practical love of Jesus with them.
I am praying for this family... and God knows they asked for prayers. Maybe one day soon - their prayers will come from them. That will be a day that God is smiling. A family awaits.....
Ephesians 1:5
The God of Glory 3-6How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.
If someone asks you to pray for them or on their behalf - doesn't it also mean there is something in that person that believes? Why then would they ask me to pray for them? Is it because they don't have a relationship with Jesus and they want one? Or they don't know how to start one? Maybe they just don't know what to do 0r they are thinking they are not good enough. Maybe they are just waiting to get everything right in their lives so that one day they too will have a relationship with Jesus and that heaven will be a part of their lives. Too many times, we hear about someone getting killed in a car crash - a stroke- heart attack whatever....taking a life too early. Never having the chance to say goodbye..... its hard but it is also comforting to know the person had his heart right with Jesus.
Friends - our salvation does not come from our parents - being a good person - never committing the big 3 sins in murder/rape/stealing - we get our salvation from giving our hearts to Jesus. That is it! He is the only way .... heaven is not finding a mate to settle down with in life and living out your lives together - its nice but it won't get you to heaven. Heaven is not seeing a beautiful sunset or sunrise - God just created them!
Prayer always seems to be the last step in a persons struggles. God is put last when he should be put first. Our heavenly Father wants to hear from you. He wants to hear about your heart - your struggles - your hangups. He is never pushy and is always patient. He is your heavenly father!
You will never have everything right in your life. You will never get it all together. God accepts you right where you are and a new life can begin today if you would just ask Him. I don't mind at all praying for the lost - their struggles and situations or healing. It opens the door to talk about the things in life that really matter. God uses us just for that purpose. To come along side someone and lovingly share the practical love of Jesus with them.
I am praying for this family... and God knows they asked for prayers. Maybe one day soon - their prayers will come from them. That will be a day that God is smiling. A family awaits.....
Ephesians 1:5
The God of Glory 3-6How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day -
Just letting everyone know - we are home after a few days at the cabin. Friday night, Kyle, Morgan and I were headed to the boat for our NIGHT swim by lantern when we came across a tree down across the road. Our kids went into action - we came back to the house and got the hitch and some rope - headed back out and tied the tree to the van and pulled it from across the road. We all had a big cheer when we got it out of harms way. Anyone driving up could have easily hit the tree due to the curve but we handled it with style. We then proceeded to the lake and got wet. Kyle, Morgan and I swam for a good hour looking up at the stars - never really noticing that we floated half way across the lake! We did get caught up in the moment and I am sure all of us will bring that back up - because it was awesome!
Carol and Donna turned Saturday night in a burping contest. I am not sure who won but it was fun listening to the ladies do their thing! There was nothing but sad faces leaving today - I will post some pictures tomorrow as I get them off the camera.
Sunday, Kyle, Morgan, Taylor and I headed to chimney rock state park - we hiked the park - got some good pictures and Kyle and Morgan ended up in the Broad River - man it was awesome watching them float around the boulders and smiling like kids should.
This morning we woke to rain - heavy rain and it was nice sitting on the deck drinking coffee with no place to go, no where to run to and nobody to answer to. Just listening to the rain as it fell on the porch and our kids laughing. What could be better?
Looking forward to getting some things done this week. Only 1 more week to wait before I get back into my school lunches with "MyKids".
Hope everyone has a good week -
Carol and Donna turned Saturday night in a burping contest. I am not sure who won but it was fun listening to the ladies do their thing! There was nothing but sad faces leaving today - I will post some pictures tomorrow as I get them off the camera.
Sunday, Kyle, Morgan, Taylor and I headed to chimney rock state park - we hiked the park - got some good pictures and Kyle and Morgan ended up in the Broad River - man it was awesome watching them float around the boulders and smiling like kids should.
This morning we woke to rain - heavy rain and it was nice sitting on the deck drinking coffee with no place to go, no where to run to and nobody to answer to. Just listening to the rain as it fell on the porch and our kids laughing. What could be better?
Looking forward to getting some things done this week. Only 1 more week to wait before I get back into my school lunches with "MyKids".
Hope everyone has a good week -
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