Thursday, February 22, 2007

Psalm 118:

Psalm 118:
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

What can I say after such a powerful sentence like that? His love will endure forever! Today was the last full day mom got to spend with us last year. It was a humbling day because as moms family came to see her, her friends came to see her - we all knew in some way that this was moms last day with us. Moms body was shutting down, we had taken her off all the medications she was on - many stayed a little longer and some stayed a little shorter this day. I look back and I can see now that people deal with things so differently. Since mom claimed victory over this life and went to heaven - many of us still struggle with mom being gone - refuse to talk about her or shy away when anything about mom comes up - some think constantly about her, what she meant to us and those last days. What we would have done differently and what if I had done this and wish we would have done that. I think loved ones, we made many hard decisions, many tough calls and all the while dealing with the emotions and stress that was just UNBEARABLE at times.

5 In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free.

I remember back when mom was up and still able to sit in the chair in her room - it was after Christmas - many times we sang and praised God - prayed together and shared things on our hearts. I do have regrets of not praying enough in this life with mom. How my young Christian walk just began as mom was first sick. How God really got me by the hand and led me and gave me the strength to endure what I had to do for mom and my family. That alone is a miracle! One evening, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Buster, Patty and I were sitting around singing songs with her. FFH - It's a good day - how my mom loved that song - We were all singing and praising God - mom singing with us and smiling just enjoying the moment. How I wish I could have stamped that time - How God uses those times in our lives for the one who has to leave - I think we take those awesome memories with us to carry us into heaven - something to hold us while we wait on our friends and family - praying they accept Jesus so we can again see them. Mom was so happy - smiling and singing. Uncle Buster asked me to lead us all in prayer - we gather hands....

6 The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

I thanked the Lord for this time - for His love and mercy - for accepting my mom and for Him to call her when He was ready. I asked the Lord to shine for those around mom to see Him - for my dad to come to Him so that the Promise I made to mom would be fulfilled. Lord we need You - we need to feel You and thank You for love - I began to break down - Buster and Sharon kept right on praying - Patty wiping the tears from my face - I couldn't finish the prayer - but the song started playing again - we gathered ourselves together and picked up right where we began. Praising and singing - giving God the glory - mom just looked at me - like saying job well done and that she was so proud of me for leading us in prayer. I regret not praying more with mom - she was such an awesome lady- loved the Lord all her life even though she had to rededicate her life to Jesus months ago - she had to make sure she was headed to heaven.

28 You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you.

Praise God for the miracles that took place to let that happen. It was in Gods play book all along but when we are going through life- we dont know what God has in store for us - what His play book looks like. Many of us continue using our own play book. Calling the shots - calling the plays. Another life that could have been so much more - a lost season - a lost family - a lost soul. God has other plans - He wants to use you and work through you in this life. My mom shined so bright her last few months - I am so proud of her - her courage, her dedication, her determination - her love for others and her family. Today loved ones, EVEN TODAY - Let us give thanks to our Lord and sing loudly - just like on that day with mom - today is a good day!!!

29 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

FFH - Its a good day:
However long our feet have walked on this world
We've all lived long enough to know
That sometimes life will go our way And other times it won't
But still I've got this joy inside of me
With each new dawn I do believe to
Say hey, it's a good day
Even if things aren't going my way
Jesus is Lord and I am saved
So, say hey, it's a good day

Circumstance and situations change
You know life can turn on a dime
But there's a constant hope and peace
That I have come to find
And it's all because of who God is
And that He is alive and I am His

All in Gods timing, Gods plans and in Gods love,
Smile today loved ones, Mom is looking down on us - lets work together - love together and help each other - lets make her proud...... She is right behind Jesus waiting on you - waiting on us all. Do your part - its time to step up and take responsibility.

I love you all,

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

How well I remember that day singing that song with Sis. As the days went on we sang it more and more. Lots of times just me and her, some days she couldn't sing but I would sing "Say Hey" and she would whisper "It's a good day". I will never forget her lying there in that bed and me praying over her with her weak arms raised up as high as she could get them saying "Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus" and later as she grew weaker whispering those very words. I knew then that she was in God's presence. I believed so strongly that she would receive healing, yet the closer it came to time for her to go home the more I knew she would receive the "ultimate" healing, the highest healing from God. She would be living a new life with a new body in a place with no heartache and tears, a place so unbelieable that no one can even imagine. A place that she would see before we did and a place that she would long for us to be when our time comes. Praise God for the day we are reunited.

"Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again"

love you so much
Aunt Sharon