Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pack it in....... or not?

Where are you investing your energy and your time friends? I remember about a year ago, our pastor at church confessed something in front of the congregation. He told a story about a man who was ready to pack it in with his family. They had been through some hard times, they had been to counseling and all kinds of therapy sessions. Our pastor has spoke with this family and with this man for months. Some days you make head way and get some steam behind ya and then something happens and all the good progress made is lost. Back to square one. After all this talk, heart felt emotions, our pastor becoming involved in this family in more ways than one - emotionally- spiritually - praying for them every chance he could. Our pastor told us that morning - he felt like giving up. It was his hardest week of being a pastor in 10 years in the ministry. It was a baptism day - I do believe it was MY day to be washed clean with Christ. What turned out to be a hard week ended with a baptism of many people that day - a call to see if anyone else wanted to step forward - I had been waiting on this chance for months to do this. I stepped forward and began my walk with Christ. I had already accepted Jesus but I needed to take part in showing my faith outwardly. 3 more people after me stepped forward and GOD was in the house that day. I will never forget that day~ it has changed my life in more ways than 1!

Many of us are ready to pack it in. Ready to walk away from the things that are hard and look for something easier and greener. I remember our pastor telling us that if we walk away from our marriages - our families or friends or whatever - move on to another life - we not only get this new life but we take the baggage with us. I have a friend right now who is in the middle of an affair. The lies are rolling and the deceit that is taking place is consumer her. She comes from a good family - goes to a great church but somehow has been led astray. 2 lives now living in one body. The energy taking place there is such a waste when its going into things that just don't matter - that is just plain wrong and in the end - there will be no value left, nothing good can come from this and broken hearts all around her. Many of us are hiding things and we are doing our own thing. Life has struggles and life deals us many hardships. But God must come first in order to climb those mountains. The things that are dragging you down today - is this where your energy is going? Are you investing your time into these things? I am not judging you or your actions - or your thoughts. I am a sinner as well and no better than you are but I am walking with you - you are where you are for a reason friends. Focus outward and on others - there are bigger things in this world than our sinful and selfish selves. God had a better plan for you and a life that is in a new direction. Trust was always something as a child my parents made me earn. Its something that had to be proved and something that was always tested. God may be testing your trust in Him right now. Your problems and situations, hurts and hangup - they may be all tests that God has put in your life so that He may get your attention. Friends the greatest things in this life when we are hurting and down on our knees with pain, guilt and sorrow - this is the time that Gods works miracles in our lives. When we submit to Him and let His love flow through us - we shine for others to see. He blesses us and gives us new energy. Don't think you can take one more step - cant take that last breath - cant do one more day in your marriage - cant press forward in your relationships? God will give you the grace and mercy friends for you to carry on.
I remember when my mom was sick and there were days that we all just thought it was over. This is it- this minute right here might be the last that mom is with us. Conversations and prayers taking place all around her - wondering when this was all going to be over and mom's suffering was done - Jesus please call her and take her home. Just when we thought momma couldn't go on one more day, one more minute, one more moment - God provided and gave her a little more - a little more time, a little more love, a little more grace and a little more mercy. God loves you friends, He wont leave you high and dry - TRUST in Him and He will provide for your marriage, your friendships and relationships, your hurts and hangups.
2 Peter 3:
14-17But don't let it faze you. Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers—why, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother's milk! There's nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

The things holding you back now friends - invest your energy, time and love into lasting things. True and honest things - God is ready to forgive you. Just take the high road and ask Him. Times might be hard and they may get harder - but you will never be alone again. You will have the strength of God that has created all things on your side and fighting the battles for you. Persevere loved ones and never give up on hope. Jesus gives us that HOPE.

Love you,

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