Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I had a great day yesterday. Mostly due to the fact that I got hang with some of "MyKids" that I have not seen since Thirst Camp. It was time to catch up and hear whats going on in life. I got home from work and was excited that my wife Carol cut the lawn in the back yard. That meant I did not have to do it as soon as I walked in, rush to get something to eat and then shower before leaving to go pick up "MyKids". That was awesome and I am very blessed to have a wife that pitches in when there seems to be no time to get everything done in a day. I took Kyle to one of his friends house last night at 7 who has been inviting him to her Bible study Rock Group. These 2 have become friends since Thirst Camp and nothing makes me happier than 2 kids sharing time together @small group and learning about God and seeing their mom and dads learning about God. That is exciting! After we dropped Kyle off we came back home to get another one of "MyKids" and found the moms all hanging out at the house. Cool .... moms catching up on life and each other. Nice support system they have going on there! So me and the girls left for Sonic for some ice cream, some fellowship, stories and some smiles. We got some great ice cream and talked about some things that are taking place in life and some things were promised not to leave the truck and that is all I am saying about that but it is awesome knowing I have their trust. It means everything to me ... what "MyKids" think of me and to know I am there for them. There is anything I would not do for them ... and I tell them I love them every chance I get. If I believe in them ... imagine what they could do in life if they know that God also believes in them. There are my teachable moments. We then left and went to get Kyle a little early, thinking their small group would be winding down but to our nice surprise - they were winding up. Conversation and teaching was in full swing... I was invited in and even had some things to share. Conversation was dear to my heart because it dealt with dads not leading their families today. We are spiritual leaders in our homes and how fathers are just falling short these days. I could go on and on but if you have been following "TheWalk" for any amount of time -you know where I am at with this. So I won't drag you down that path.... but it was awesome seeing this small group family come together and share things. It exactly what Jesus set up the church to do as its explained in Acts 2: - powerful things happening there and thanks again for letting me step in for a little time last night. Tonight - we have some friends over for dinner. We are excited to be investing in this family and sharing life with this family. The oldest is headed to college in a few weeks and I am praying the short amount of time that we have got to know her has made a lasting impression on her. God has our families together for a reason .... and if given the chance tonight - I have a lesson planned just around that. So - Lord - I am ready if you open the opportunity.
I am at the steps of a crossroads the last few weeks. I will explain a little more about that over the next few days - but please keep me and my family in your prayers for that. God knows what your prayers will be for. I am trusting Him for guidance and peace......
Love you all - life is good because I have Jesus in it. I asked a coworker this morning on my walk into work -Why are you always smiling? - She said because I have Jesus in my life and she punched me in the arm .... "Silly, You know that!" yea I do .........
I was thinking this morning as I sat down in my office waiting for the computer to log me in..... What would my life be like if I didn’t love Christ? The answer is that in many ways it would be SO much easier. Because every decision I make, every word I speak, every move I make is shadowed by my faith. Revival is happening.........

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