Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1st day.....

The day that officially ends the summer. It went fast and for some reason, summer seem to get shorter and shorter these days. Well the excitement was built up big time at our house. Having to change routines and get Kate out this morning and experience high school traffic in the mornings is pretty wild. Glad I had my coffee with me - but the funny thing was - my phone started at 6:00AM this morning with text messages and calls from lots of kids and even a few parents. I did make some rounds last night in calling some of our students from church as well as some text messages and emails. Man i love it when we all have a reason to come together - it just doesn't happen enough. I even had a couple students - well lets just say - needed the little pep talk. They needed to hear the bigger mission this year in going into school and they needed their confidence perked up a notch. I am grateful and very thankful for those opportunities.
As the reports start coming - my day seems to be days long. I am really excited to hear from from folks.... from lots of "MyKids" ... I really want to experience their joys, excitement and even their nervous times with them. This process has me thinking on a few things......... at lunch today I had some quiet time and headed out of the office and away from the jammed hallways and the thousands of students on campus to get some alone time. What would it looked like if we asked our students, our children and our kids that we have influence with - to really talk with us - someone - about their journey this year. We have really put some energy into pumping our students up with the name of Jesus and taking His name to their school, their peers, friends, teachers, bus drivers etc. Shine for Him - this is their time to take their faith personal and not make it a part of their parents or their uncles ... OWN IT. What if we made an avenue for them to share their daily walk .... through email, facebook, blog - something. I really feel this on my heart today and especially looking back and wanting to capture the energy from Thirst Camp - Regain that energy as well because our students at church are still flying on that experience!
Why am I so pumped? Because I get to share in that as well... this mission field - being on a campus of 28,000 students... this mission field is huge. What can I do? I can do a lot....and yes its time to get busy. Pastor Jimmy told me at Thirst Camp this summer that even though I work at this job - it is not WHO I AM!
I will never forget those words...... I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Who saved me, rescued me and loves me so much that He sent His only son to die on the cross and nail my sins to His hands and to die for me so that I may live and experience grace and forgiveness.
He would have done this for just me .... and just for you but he didn't - He did this for everyone.
Excited to hear from everyone tonight ..... and to help walk along side each and every one that will let me. This is my mission field........
May God shine His everlasting light and blind us with his saving grace so that we may see nothing - but Him.

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