Monday, August 24, 2009

The day before.....

I am going to take that title - "The Day Before" and head in both directions. Stick with me ....

The day before - looking back - was a great being at church. Pastors Jimmy and Travis spoke from the stage on "Reset" - God is all about 2nd chances and that message really hit home for me. There are some folks that I know who really need to hear that message as well. Just because your past or the place you find yourself today is not what you had planned doesn't mean that God can't put you in a better direction. With my neice living with us now, I can't explain this important point enough. It is oozing out of my heart these days. Yes loved ones, look forward with renewed excitement - God wants to lead you the way. How many times in ones life do we really get a 2nd chance? Marriages fail due to neglect and unfaithfulness... friendships take on new directions due to selfishness ... our children rebel because of a lack of understanding and communication ... businesses fail because of a lack of focus and changes that need to be made. God can wash away those past mistakes and give you a fresh place to start again. Last night as I was talking with "MyKids" from our rock group - I couldnt help but to carry on with that message. Evaluate while you look back, what was good about the past - what is bad about the pase - what worked - what didn't - and then ask God to move you forward. If you have had some bad influences with friends - drop them! If they are on your cell phone - delete them! How many folks do we have that is allowed to speak truth to us? No wonder our children and even US - are bouncing all over the place. Our lives are sometimes like the Ipod with so many good songs on it and we keep changing songs on the speakers when we haven't fully listened to a complete song yet.... just flip, flip, flip.......
The Day Before - looking forward - is the day before school starts. Wow that is exciting. I know for many, there are nerves and butterflys. I have them too ... 2 young people under my roof with middle school and high school... how did that happen so fast? I have been praying hard for you students ... for good friends who will surround you, for your teachers who are trying to train you, and for your parents who have to hold your lives all together. Just remember that you are not alone in your journey and this year may be that year that you blossum into who you really are shaping to be. Deep in your hearts is that place where God has spoken into. Its in that place where if you answer that call - He will shape you into what He wants in you...and not what you want, your parents want, your teachers, the magazines, your friends..... Its that place where God calls you and blinds you with His light ... life takes on a new meaning. I see it happening to some of you as I get to be more involved in our students at church and those in my life. For those who have let that special place out in your heart and God is leading your life now - Lead on loved ones! I am proud of you ..... your life is your mission field and all those around you are part of you building an awesome testimony for God. Folks are watching, they are learning as you lead .... your light is bright!
A few weeks from now - as I also step forward - I think about all those lights shining (you) Friday morning before school starts and Pastor Travis addresses you all, tells you all about Jesus, encourages you to make good choices and to be who God is calling you to be..... and then prays for you...... that is exciting! Today is that "Day Before"....
I want to share 2 Peter 1:3-4 this morning:
Don't Put It Off
3-4Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by sin.

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