Thursday, August 6, 2009

It has been a busy few days and I am totally digging the invested time lately with some of "MyKids". God for sure is blessing this time together! Tonight I get to do something that is very dear to my heart. I am having a few of "MyKids" over for movie night tonight. Movie choices are usually random and within appropriate ratings for them and it could be funny but also could be a horror movie... so it shows the mood that everyone is in even though everyone is very excited to be hanging out. The momma's are headed out to eat and some good fellowship together- something that is much needed for them. As I really home in on those thoughts - I can't help but to be thankful for the people in my life and in the lives of my family. We are doing life together and when we are hurting we are all hurting. When we struggle or when we have great news - it is shared by all. When it comes to the kids, it is the same way and I am very blessed to have a lot of kids in my life who are very much in every way possible like my own kids. Kyle may be my only real son but he has MANY brothers and sisters! SO really I have many sons and daughters! It does take extra special people in our families lives today to help raise our children. I can honestly say that I don't have all the answers even though I really wish I had them! Families are just hurting today with all the stresses, all the distractions, the laziness as well as the conditions of the homes with divorce and even a passing of a parent. Man, life is hard for our young people and as a dad, I am really tough on myself for being the best example I can be for them. To be there to listen being probably the most important of things. Sometimes just having the chance to talk makes things better, even if I don't have the answers. I do know that trusting in the Lord with these tough conversations is a big first step because our heavenly father wants to hear from His children.
I want to share that not long ago, only 4 years in my walk with the Lord, I was a baby follower of Jesus. I had to learn and take the steps to understand what it meant to follow Jesus. I am still learning as I climb one mountain and climb another in this life. There is much to learn as He chisels out the parts that are not like Him. Each decisions, each experience, each child and family that I pour into .... they are lessons to be learned. So like when did this happen, focusing not on my walk specifically but for those around me and their faith journey being so important to me? I am not exactly sure but I do know one thing for sure, the moment I stepped into serving in the K-5 youth ministry at church it clicked. God opened a part of my heart that I continue to be thankful for. My walk is so much bigger now than I ever dreamed it would be. It is so much deeper and loving than I ever dreamed it would be. It is proof to me that God can use anyone and in any situation for His purposes.
I had this on my heart this morning as I have spent some great quality time this week with "MyKids" and really excited about tonight .... when I came across this post from Pastor Craig, In many ways I feel like I know him personally because I read everything he does, love his leadership and try my best to learn as much as I can from him. Let me share his post here: Thanks Craig for always shedding light in new perspectives and being such a God loving man and father. God continue to chisel fear from my life and shape me into the person You have vision in me to be. Thank You for "MyKids" Lord which are really Your kids first and foremost. Thank You Lord for the families that I am doing life with today. May You continue to keep us all close and our eyes on You. Its in Jesus name that I pray, Amen.
Love you all,

Are You Ready to Be a Dad?
by Craig Groeschel
When I started Life Church, I was 28 years old. For years, I felt like I was a kid. Even in my late 30s, I still felt like a pastoral rookie.
A few years back, my wife Amy and I were mentoring some college students. We saw ourselves like big brothers and sisters. One day they wrote us a note and told us we were the parents they never had.
That’s when we shifted our mindsets. We were no longer the young ministers hanging out with those slightly younger. We were seasoned ministers disciplining the next generation. We could now be spiritual parents.
Are you ready to be a spiritual father (or mother)? There are tons of young believers who need you as an example. Don’t let your insecurities keep you from investing in the next generation. Don’t let your (perceived) lack of ministry success hold you back. Don’t let your spiritual enemy lull you into a complacent stage in your life.
How about it, Dad?

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