Monday, April 21, 2008

Still recovering....

There was a time in my life when I was actually afraid of kids. I had to get over that fear when Kyle came around but I just really never thought I could relate to them. All of that has changed and Friday night with a van full of kids - Going from the Harrisburg Fun night to the Fractured Prune for our church youth group fund raising event - man the kids where tilted. Sugar above and beyond and while driving home - Carol and I laughed so hard. I mean big time belly laughing with the kids. I told Carol - "Ya know - there was a time when I would not have done this and now I can't get enough of it!"...She agreed and smiled at me...... what a great weekend filled with church, our kids, our first anual Wii Bowling tournement. What a great time ... I even had a surprise Sunday morning when a classmate of one of "MyKids" came walking into Sunday School. I was just floored and she brought her mom with her. Her mom said I just had to come and meet this Uncle Lonnie I have been hearing so much about. I guess I have an addition to "MyKids" now - I look forward to seeing her at lunch this week and seeing how they liked their visit to church. I have been praying for weeks that she could talk her mom into bringing her and now I must let God just nurish that seed. I will be honest - I can't get enough of "MyKids".... each of them are special in their own way and my heart just goes out for them. Travis said it perfectly yesterday - He is our church youth pastor and he had the preaching duty yesterday - He said our youth are crying out and they are hurting .... as parents we have to be that person who listens and cares, who is there for them and live by examples... we have to be the "Salt and Light" to everyone but especially those kids in our lives.
Lord I ask that you touch each and every one of them today. May their home lives be ok today - may they have what they need and are healthy today. I pray that their parents are living by Your example Lord and that they are the "Salt and Light" in their families. I thank You Lord for putting these children into my heart and I ask that You continue to raise me up with being a good example for them, for loving them unconditionally and for just walking along side each one of them no matter what is going on in their lives. Their hurts and struggles are my hurts and struggles. I ask that you bless each step of the way in these relationships Lord and how great it is knowing that You are making a difference in their lives. I ask that You continue to use me for Your will with them Lord and may I honor You in everything I am doing. Thank You for "MyKids" and placing them also on Carols heart. They all mean so much to us.... and we love each one of them.
I pray in Your sons name in Jesus,

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