For so many of you - who know me - know my story. My testimony. My walk was planted not that long ago by by Uncle Buster and Aunt Sharon. A seed that over time grew and sprouted roots. Strong roots because as I look at faith - if I had to look at someone as an example in my family ... it would be my Uncle Buster and Aunt Sharon. For years they have prayed for me, Carol and Kyle and the rest of my family. They are where I get the prayers warrior status that some of you have labeled me with. We don't talk every day but our hearts are in tune with each other. My Aunt Sharon had a vibe so often times with my mom - they knew each others thoughts, feelings and could finish each other sentances. There have been many times over the last few years that I have felt Aunt Sharon or Uncle Buster in a special way ... and have called to find out whats up... she has done the same. Again ... Aunt Sharon shining for our Lord by reaching out and extending words of wisdom. Wisdom that runs deep in truth and wide as any mountain range. I do know I would not be in "mywalk" today if it were not for them.
I love you always Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster .... you are 2 very special people and that is not only in my eyes.... All of heaven is proud of you for your continued years of serving our Lord Jesus and your faithfulness.
Sharing tonight ... with tears in my eyes.
There is a song that Uncle Buster sings that I want to share with you at this moment. It is a "Rainy day blues" song, I think God means for it to be shared with you.It goes like this:
When my eyes behold the stars, This heart of mine can't help but wonder.My poor mind cannot grasp the array, But the hand that spilled them thereAll across the wide HeavensHad a plan when He placed them that way.
Known only to HIm, are the great hidden secretsI'll fear not the darknessThough my flame shall dimI know not what the future holdsBut I know who holds the futureIt's a secret known only to HIM.
In this world of fear and doubtOn my knees I ask this questionWhy a lonely heavy cross I must bearThen He tells me in my prayersIt's because I am trustworthyHe gives me strength for more than my share.
Known only to Him are the great hidden secretsI'll fear not the darknessThough my flame shall dimI know not what the future holdsBut I know who holds the futureIt's a secret known only to HIM.
It's a secret know only to HIM.
I love you, ALWAYS here for you,Aunt Sharon
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Rainy day blues....
As a follower Jesus - I should not be walking around like this today. I should be smiling and claiming victory in every area of my life - why - because Jesus has done that for me. So why the rainy day blues?
It was an emotional day yesterday at church. Feeling the weight building for the last few months, weeks, days and hours leading up to last week has been emotionally draining on me ...Carol included....Kyle included. Add the fact that school started and all the "new" that comes with that - 2 kids starting new schools... knowing very few people ... new routines with bus schedules and drop offs in the mornings... emotions of Kate being homesick and learning her new bounderies made for a hard week. Yesterday was such a powerful message at church and the music blew my heart away. Ending the service with people standing all around who need prayer - Pastor Jimmy praying for those in need and feeling those prayers really hit me hard. Emotions swelled and I am not much for holding them back these days. Thanks mom. So sometimes you just have to let it out........ and then evaluate, learn, grow and move on. God wants us moving forward and living life in the front of us.
After a great rock group meeting last night .... Carol and I finally had a chance to sit down and again emotions roll out with everything taking place and all that we have to do. Much is required these days .... and if I dwell on all that ... my head would just explode. God has us in a season of testing. What have we learned? What have I learned? Lord my trust is in you .... You will make a way for us. Myth~ that we have come to know as truth but is fully a lie, is the fact that God wont put on you more than you can handle. I used to believe that but I don't anymore. How is God to get your best out of you if He doesn't overload you? He wants to push you beyond our human limits so that we rely on Him. If we can do it on our own - who would need Him? .........
So as a parent - we want to fix things, we want to handle things and we want things to work out. Sometimes without the process to get there and sometimes we can't do those things and they really make our lives heavy. We begin to drag that around with us and if there are small failures along the way ... we make them HUGE when indeed they are not!! And there lie the lies that Satan has us believing in defeat and living with our heads down and in the "Rainy day blues".
Each day is new.... Each day has its own victories and success stories in them. Build from there......
I started a day early in my NT90X - reading the New Testament for the next 90 days.... Pretty excited about this new adventure but I do plan on keeping with my study quiet time in the mornings flipping pages and letting God lead me to where He wants me. Maybe that is not the way others go about their quiet time but it seems to work for me.
I am in Psalms 62 today: 1 My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
2 He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Shaken I am feeling today .... but rest assured ... I have to carry my cross, look whats up ahead and take comfort knowing that heaven is cheering me on. As I think about the people in my life... the people I am walking with.... if its their hurts or mine - you can tell when there is that genuine love. I am blessed to be doing life with many who are walking with me and my family. I take comfort in the hand that laid on my shoulder yesterday with my wifes hand wrapped around mine and on my chest as I wept during the prayer. I thank you for that! I am blessed to sit with one of "MyKids" yesterday at the 11:00 service who moved to come and sit with me, as mom was somewhere else ... she reached and we held hands as we prayed. I am proud of her for picking up her cross and making it personal. Its hers ... she owns it .... and its to be shared and experienced with others.
There is more to do ... there are more folks to reach.... and I will not rest... until my name is called.
Psalm 62: 8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
It was an emotional day yesterday at church. Feeling the weight building for the last few months, weeks, days and hours leading up to last week has been emotionally draining on me ...Carol included....Kyle included. Add the fact that school started and all the "new" that comes with that - 2 kids starting new schools... knowing very few people ... new routines with bus schedules and drop offs in the mornings... emotions of Kate being homesick and learning her new bounderies made for a hard week. Yesterday was such a powerful message at church and the music blew my heart away. Ending the service with people standing all around who need prayer - Pastor Jimmy praying for those in need and feeling those prayers really hit me hard. Emotions swelled and I am not much for holding them back these days. Thanks mom. So sometimes you just have to let it out........ and then evaluate, learn, grow and move on. God wants us moving forward and living life in the front of us.
After a great rock group meeting last night .... Carol and I finally had a chance to sit down and again emotions roll out with everything taking place and all that we have to do. Much is required these days .... and if I dwell on all that ... my head would just explode. God has us in a season of testing. What have we learned? What have I learned? Lord my trust is in you .... You will make a way for us. Myth~ that we have come to know as truth but is fully a lie, is the fact that God wont put on you more than you can handle. I used to believe that but I don't anymore. How is God to get your best out of you if He doesn't overload you? He wants to push you beyond our human limits so that we rely on Him. If we can do it on our own - who would need Him? .........
So as a parent - we want to fix things, we want to handle things and we want things to work out. Sometimes without the process to get there and sometimes we can't do those things and they really make our lives heavy. We begin to drag that around with us and if there are small failures along the way ... we make them HUGE when indeed they are not!! And there lie the lies that Satan has us believing in defeat and living with our heads down and in the "Rainy day blues".
Each day is new.... Each day has its own victories and success stories in them. Build from there......
I started a day early in my NT90X - reading the New Testament for the next 90 days.... Pretty excited about this new adventure but I do plan on keeping with my study quiet time in the mornings flipping pages and letting God lead me to where He wants me. Maybe that is not the way others go about their quiet time but it seems to work for me.
I am in Psalms 62 today: 1 My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
2 He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Shaken I am feeling today .... but rest assured ... I have to carry my cross, look whats up ahead and take comfort knowing that heaven is cheering me on. As I think about the people in my life... the people I am walking with.... if its their hurts or mine - you can tell when there is that genuine love. I am blessed to be doing life with many who are walking with me and my family. I take comfort in the hand that laid on my shoulder yesterday with my wifes hand wrapped around mine and on my chest as I wept during the prayer. I thank you for that! I am blessed to sit with one of "MyKids" yesterday at the 11:00 service who moved to come and sit with me, as mom was somewhere else ... she reached and we held hands as we prayed. I am proud of her for picking up her cross and making it personal. Its hers ... she owns it .... and its to be shared and experienced with others.
There is more to do ... there are more folks to reach.... and I will not rest... until my name is called.
Psalm 62: 8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
Friday, August 28, 2009
It has been some time that I have been this relieved, excited and pumped about a Friday. Carol, Kyle, Kate and I are headed for a first ever as a family over night stay to the cabin. We have one of "MyKids" going with us and hopefully another family that IS family going with us too. I am especially pumped for it as we spend time together, invest and enjoy some smiles. This has been a long week - On a few different occasions we have had to adjust the game plan. We have had to take out an additional set of rules, call in for help (prayer) and examine the weakness that was dragging the family in the wrong direction. Much like a Panther Football game - as the coaches examine each drive - they have to sometimes adjust the play calling in order to win the game. They have to move people in and off the field in order to compete in the game. Much like our lives-we sometimes are unsure how the blowout started but we look up and we are knee deep in the crap and we have to do something different in order to have a different outcome. We may have never even seen it coming ... splat - a turnover and life needs to be adjusted.
A few nights this week I lay in bed thinking over the past few months, what was right, what went wrong, what I could have done better or did differently....A good evaluation .... but life so many times is lived living in the rear view mirror and God has a lot to say about living life that way. I am excited for Rock Group this Sunday and be able to lead on a few things as well as tackle a new lesson topic that deals with some big issues. I am hoping it will be a great followup to our Pastors Tag Team lifetalk on RESET. I am excited about it ........
I want to share something funny this afternoon - as this story has been unfolding all week. Donnie is our Pastor of Connections at church and on his blog he has been having some hair troubles.... so he decided to change his "DO" - you can check that out here.... - Donnie - you are one funny dude and I have needed the laughs this week bro.
I had the chance last night to take some of "MyKids" to the rollerskating rink. Yes they still do that after all these years. It was fun getting the chance to catch up on SO many of last years kids that I have missed over the summer and who are now in middle school. It was fun catching up with them and excitement was full tilt! Morgan does not skate so she and I headed for some ice cream and just time to hang out together. The great thing about it is, doesn't really matter what we do - its just fun. I am blessed to have stepped up my game for her and her sister this summer. Love you both! Here we are in Dicks Sporting Goods and I had Morgan try on some football shoulder pads and I handed her a football. Morgan .... you got stardom no matter what you set your heart on! Proud of you - Mean it!~ With love and Gods peace everyone, Lonnie~

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Influence..... is tough
Influence as defined from = the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others.
Influence is pretty powerful stuff. It affects adults as well as our children. It can be positive but can also be negative. We really have to be careful in our lives to what influences us ... what speaks to our hearts, what speaks to our minds and moves us in our actions. The road ahead could have dangerous curves.
These magazines that the young girls are reading today- it just upsets me. Their message, I can see it in reaching into the minds and hearts of our kids - especially those close to me. I have had conversations about it. What the magazines and society say what they are supposed to look like, how thin, hair color, makeup, dating ... its all there as sound advice right? but is it?
As I step further and further into this role being a youth leader - I am taking this more and more serious and sometimes I just get panic stricken to what influences our kids are under.
So what can I, what can we do about it? Scream, get mad, blame others, complain or shall we take a stand and talk with our kids - model to them with our actions, preach to them what God says on the subject and what He thinks about them? - I don't think that is happening enough today. I recently made a comment to one of my peers in our youth program at church that I thought we were from the same mold. Almost all the time we are encouraging someone, posting a positive note on a facebook page or making ourselves available to listen or talk with. Listening is key - where do we learn this skill? Its not taught in school really or at home ... but its VITAL to communicating properly. If we are talking all the time - we are not listening and often times missing important instructions or details.
So what can we do? I fully believe we can still make a difference.
We need to 1. pray for each other. We need to pray to remove the distractions in our lives that keep us unfocused. Even if you are grown and excuses get in the way to not come to church on Sundays - I am praying those distractions will not get in the way. We need to pray for our children's distractions ... their influences like their friends, the music that is so important to them and their relationships with their parents. Parents we have to step up and get involved - otherwise society will take on that leadership role in their lives - even if that means blocking MTV or some other avenue from the home. 2. As I am trying to do all the times is reflect a practical principle in life or in that struggle that God has something to say about it. We need the God wow factor to play a part in the solutions. God does have a lot to say about our influences - He is the master influencer! 3. Get involved. If a friend knows we truly care and love them ... they will be more open to us and respond. As I look around at the kids in my life - they know how I feel about them - they know I want to pour into them. I have their interest and their hearts on my heart. It is what God called me to do! As parents - its what you are called to do for your children. 4. I know I can't do this alone and there are times I am sure mykids need someone else to talk to. I am thankful for the other leaders and other parents who are involved to be there for them. A friend needs a friend. Therapist folks have couches that are full just for this reason - someone to talk to, someone to unload on and someone to trust in.
As parents, as the church, and as leaders we need to partner together to make a lasting difference. Great influences...... for long term positive results.
In closing comes from Ephesians 6 today.
A Fight to the Finish
10-12 God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.
13-18Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.
Influence is pretty powerful stuff. It affects adults as well as our children. It can be positive but can also be negative. We really have to be careful in our lives to what influences us ... what speaks to our hearts, what speaks to our minds and moves us in our actions. The road ahead could have dangerous curves.
These magazines that the young girls are reading today- it just upsets me. Their message, I can see it in reaching into the minds and hearts of our kids - especially those close to me. I have had conversations about it. What the magazines and society say what they are supposed to look like, how thin, hair color, makeup, dating ... its all there as sound advice right? but is it?
As I step further and further into this role being a youth leader - I am taking this more and more serious and sometimes I just get panic stricken to what influences our kids are under.
So what can I, what can we do about it? Scream, get mad, blame others, complain or shall we take a stand and talk with our kids - model to them with our actions, preach to them what God says on the subject and what He thinks about them? - I don't think that is happening enough today. I recently made a comment to one of my peers in our youth program at church that I thought we were from the same mold. Almost all the time we are encouraging someone, posting a positive note on a facebook page or making ourselves available to listen or talk with. Listening is key - where do we learn this skill? Its not taught in school really or at home ... but its VITAL to communicating properly. If we are talking all the time - we are not listening and often times missing important instructions or details.
So what can we do? I fully believe we can still make a difference.
We need to 1. pray for each other. We need to pray to remove the distractions in our lives that keep us unfocused. Even if you are grown and excuses get in the way to not come to church on Sundays - I am praying those distractions will not get in the way. We need to pray for our children's distractions ... their influences like their friends, the music that is so important to them and their relationships with their parents. Parents we have to step up and get involved - otherwise society will take on that leadership role in their lives - even if that means blocking MTV or some other avenue from the home. 2. As I am trying to do all the times is reflect a practical principle in life or in that struggle that God has something to say about it. We need the God wow factor to play a part in the solutions. God does have a lot to say about our influences - He is the master influencer! 3. Get involved. If a friend knows we truly care and love them ... they will be more open to us and respond. As I look around at the kids in my life - they know how I feel about them - they know I want to pour into them. I have their interest and their hearts on my heart. It is what God called me to do! As parents - its what you are called to do for your children. 4. I know I can't do this alone and there are times I am sure mykids need someone else to talk to. I am thankful for the other leaders and other parents who are involved to be there for them. A friend needs a friend. Therapist folks have couches that are full just for this reason - someone to talk to, someone to unload on and someone to trust in.
As parents, as the church, and as leaders we need to partner together to make a lasting difference. Great influences...... for long term positive results.
In closing comes from Ephesians 6 today.
A Fight to the Finish
10-12 God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.
13-18Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I guess the day after the 1st day of school is not so exciting. Only 1 text this morning from one of my special kids .... loved hearing from her though early on and her saying well, the fun is over. Had to text back some encouragement this morning :)
I may be needing a little shot in the arm this afternoon as well. I was awake from 1-3 AM this morning. Tossing here and rolling there.... its time spent in deep thought and in prayer. This morning Ephesians was on my heart to in my quiet time this morning - I turned to it.
Ephesians 6 really stuck out to me spoke into me.
Children and Parents
1Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2"Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."[a] 4Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
I love what it says here - which is the first commandment with a promise - "that it may go well with you" - what that is saying is kids - young people - listen to your parents or those that have influence and guidance over you. (teachers, aunts, uncles, trusted friends, youth pastors) They love you and won't steer you down the wrong road. In many cases - as parents - we want more and better for our children than we had it at their age. Today that mostly means stuff.... because our generation did not have much stuff. I think in many regards our children are stuff rich and relationship poor. They talk behind the keyboard, they text their 118 friends instead of talking, they type on blogs, myspace and facebook things they would never say or do in person. They have this image of something they are not ....I often times wonder if they are better than when we had it?!?
My time is important and recently it seems to be in shorter and shorter supply. In order to do something - it usually means trading off or making priorities of what is more important. I am good with that since most times our lives are bogged down in the details and time wasters and leaves little time for the important things. My focus has really been hammering down on the eternal investments.... family, my marriage, people, relationships, church, serving, and MyKids.
I am looking forward to a few things coming down the road ... scared to death concerning a few others but in total confidence that God is in all of that and that is where it needs to be.
Got to press on .............
I may be needing a little shot in the arm this afternoon as well. I was awake from 1-3 AM this morning. Tossing here and rolling there.... its time spent in deep thought and in prayer. This morning Ephesians was on my heart to in my quiet time this morning - I turned to it.
Ephesians 6 really stuck out to me spoke into me.
Children and Parents
1Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2"Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."[a] 4Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
I love what it says here - which is the first commandment with a promise - "that it may go well with you" - what that is saying is kids - young people - listen to your parents or those that have influence and guidance over you. (teachers, aunts, uncles, trusted friends, youth pastors) They love you and won't steer you down the wrong road. In many cases - as parents - we want more and better for our children than we had it at their age. Today that mostly means stuff.... because our generation did not have much stuff. I think in many regards our children are stuff rich and relationship poor. They talk behind the keyboard, they text their 118 friends instead of talking, they type on blogs, myspace and facebook things they would never say or do in person. They have this image of something they are not ....I often times wonder if they are better than when we had it?!?
My time is important and recently it seems to be in shorter and shorter supply. In order to do something - it usually means trading off or making priorities of what is more important. I am good with that since most times our lives are bogged down in the details and time wasters and leaves little time for the important things. My focus has really been hammering down on the eternal investments.... family, my marriage, people, relationships, church, serving, and MyKids.
I am looking forward to a few things coming down the road ... scared to death concerning a few others but in total confidence that God is in all of that and that is where it needs to be.
Got to press on .............
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
1st day.....
The day that officially ends the summer. It went fast and for some reason, summer seem to get shorter and shorter these days. Well the excitement was built up big time at our house. Having to change routines and get Kate out this morning and experience high school traffic in the mornings is pretty wild. Glad I had my coffee with me - but the funny thing was - my phone started at 6:00AM this morning with text messages and calls from lots of kids and even a few parents. I did make some rounds last night in calling some of our students from church as well as some text messages and emails. Man i love it when we all have a reason to come together - it just doesn't happen enough. I even had a couple students - well lets just say - needed the little pep talk. They needed to hear the bigger mission this year in going into school and they needed their confidence perked up a notch. I am grateful and very thankful for those opportunities.
As the reports start coming - my day seems to be days long. I am really excited to hear from from folks.... from lots of "MyKids" ... I really want to experience their joys, excitement and even their nervous times with them. This process has me thinking on a few things......... at lunch today I had some quiet time and headed out of the office and away from the jammed hallways and the thousands of students on campus to get some alone time. What would it looked like if we asked our students, our children and our kids that we have influence with - to really talk with us - someone - about their journey this year. We have really put some energy into pumping our students up with the name of Jesus and taking His name to their school, their peers, friends, teachers, bus drivers etc. Shine for Him - this is their time to take their faith personal and not make it a part of their parents or their uncles ... OWN IT. What if we made an avenue for them to share their daily walk .... through email, facebook, blog - something. I really feel this on my heart today and especially looking back and wanting to capture the energy from Thirst Camp - Regain that energy as well because our students at church are still flying on that experience!
Why am I so pumped? Because I get to share in that as well... this mission field - being on a campus of 28,000 students... this mission field is huge. What can I do? I can do a lot....and yes its time to get busy. Pastor Jimmy told me at Thirst Camp this summer that even though I work at this job - it is not WHO I AM!
I will never forget those words...... I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Who saved me, rescued me and loves me so much that He sent His only son to die on the cross and nail my sins to His hands and to die for me so that I may live and experience grace and forgiveness.
He would have done this for just me .... and just for you but he didn't - He did this for everyone.
Excited to hear from everyone tonight ..... and to help walk along side each and every one that will let me. This is my mission field........
May God shine His everlasting light and blind us with his saving grace so that we may see nothing - but Him.
As the reports start coming - my day seems to be days long. I am really excited to hear from from folks.... from lots of "MyKids" ... I really want to experience their joys, excitement and even their nervous times with them. This process has me thinking on a few things......... at lunch today I had some quiet time and headed out of the office and away from the jammed hallways and the thousands of students on campus to get some alone time. What would it looked like if we asked our students, our children and our kids that we have influence with - to really talk with us - someone - about their journey this year. We have really put some energy into pumping our students up with the name of Jesus and taking His name to their school, their peers, friends, teachers, bus drivers etc. Shine for Him - this is their time to take their faith personal and not make it a part of their parents or their uncles ... OWN IT. What if we made an avenue for them to share their daily walk .... through email, facebook, blog - something. I really feel this on my heart today and especially looking back and wanting to capture the energy from Thirst Camp - Regain that energy as well because our students at church are still flying on that experience!
Why am I so pumped? Because I get to share in that as well... this mission field - being on a campus of 28,000 students... this mission field is huge. What can I do? I can do a lot....and yes its time to get busy. Pastor Jimmy told me at Thirst Camp this summer that even though I work at this job - it is not WHO I AM!
I will never forget those words...... I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Who saved me, rescued me and loves me so much that He sent His only son to die on the cross and nail my sins to His hands and to die for me so that I may live and experience grace and forgiveness.
He would have done this for just me .... and just for you but he didn't - He did this for everyone.
Excited to hear from everyone tonight ..... and to help walk along side each and every one that will let me. This is my mission field........
May God shine His everlasting light and blind us with his saving grace so that we may see nothing - but Him.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The day before.....
I am going to take that title - "The Day Before" and head in both directions. Stick with me ....
The day before - looking back - was a great being at church. Pastors Jimmy and Travis spoke from the stage on "Reset" - God is all about 2nd chances and that message really hit home for me. There are some folks that I know who really need to hear that message as well. Just because your past or the place you find yourself today is not what you had planned doesn't mean that God can't put you in a better direction. With my neice living with us now, I can't explain this important point enough. It is oozing out of my heart these days. Yes loved ones, look forward with renewed excitement - God wants to lead you the way. How many times in ones life do we really get a 2nd chance? Marriages fail due to neglect and unfaithfulness... friendships take on new directions due to selfishness ... our children rebel because of a lack of understanding and communication ... businesses fail because of a lack of focus and changes that need to be made. God can wash away those past mistakes and give you a fresh place to start again. Last night as I was talking with "MyKids" from our rock group - I couldnt help but to carry on with that message. Evaluate while you look back, what was good about the past - what is bad about the pase - what worked - what didn't - and then ask God to move you forward. If you have had some bad influences with friends - drop them! If they are on your cell phone - delete them! How many folks do we have that is allowed to speak truth to us? No wonder our children and even US - are bouncing all over the place. Our lives are sometimes like the Ipod with so many good songs on it and we keep changing songs on the speakers when we haven't fully listened to a complete song yet.... just flip, flip, flip.......
The Day Before - looking forward - is the day before school starts. Wow that is exciting. I know for many, there are nerves and butterflys. I have them too ... 2 young people under my roof with middle school and high school... how did that happen so fast? I have been praying hard for you students ... for good friends who will surround you, for your teachers who are trying to train you, and for your parents who have to hold your lives all together. Just remember that you are not alone in your journey and this year may be that year that you blossum into who you really are shaping to be. Deep in your hearts is that place where God has spoken into. Its in that place where if you answer that call - He will shape you into what He wants in you...and not what you want, your parents want, your teachers, the magazines, your friends..... Its that place where God calls you and blinds you with His light ... life takes on a new meaning. I see it happening to some of you as I get to be more involved in our students at church and those in my life. For those who have let that special place out in your heart and God is leading your life now - Lead on loved ones! I am proud of you ..... your life is your mission field and all those around you are part of you building an awesome testimony for God. Folks are watching, they are learning as you lead .... your light is bright!
A few weeks from now - as I also step forward - I think about all those lights shining (you) Friday morning before school starts and Pastor Travis addresses you all, tells you all about Jesus, encourages you to make good choices and to be who God is calling you to be..... and then prays for you...... that is exciting! Today is that "Day Before"....
I want to share 2 Peter 1:3-4 this morning:
Don't Put It Off
3-4Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by sin.
The day before - looking back - was a great being at church. Pastors Jimmy and Travis spoke from the stage on "Reset" - God is all about 2nd chances and that message really hit home for me. There are some folks that I know who really need to hear that message as well. Just because your past or the place you find yourself today is not what you had planned doesn't mean that God can't put you in a better direction. With my neice living with us now, I can't explain this important point enough. It is oozing out of my heart these days. Yes loved ones, look forward with renewed excitement - God wants to lead you the way. How many times in ones life do we really get a 2nd chance? Marriages fail due to neglect and unfaithfulness... friendships take on new directions due to selfishness ... our children rebel because of a lack of understanding and communication ... businesses fail because of a lack of focus and changes that need to be made. God can wash away those past mistakes and give you a fresh place to start again. Last night as I was talking with "MyKids" from our rock group - I couldnt help but to carry on with that message. Evaluate while you look back, what was good about the past - what is bad about the pase - what worked - what didn't - and then ask God to move you forward. If you have had some bad influences with friends - drop them! If they are on your cell phone - delete them! How many folks do we have that is allowed to speak truth to us? No wonder our children and even US - are bouncing all over the place. Our lives are sometimes like the Ipod with so many good songs on it and we keep changing songs on the speakers when we haven't fully listened to a complete song yet.... just flip, flip, flip.......
The Day Before - looking forward - is the day before school starts. Wow that is exciting. I know for many, there are nerves and butterflys. I have them too ... 2 young people under my roof with middle school and high school... how did that happen so fast? I have been praying hard for you students ... for good friends who will surround you, for your teachers who are trying to train you, and for your parents who have to hold your lives all together. Just remember that you are not alone in your journey and this year may be that year that you blossum into who you really are shaping to be. Deep in your hearts is that place where God has spoken into. Its in that place where if you answer that call - He will shape you into what He wants in you...and not what you want, your parents want, your teachers, the magazines, your friends..... Its that place where God calls you and blinds you with His light ... life takes on a new meaning. I see it happening to some of you as I get to be more involved in our students at church and those in my life. For those who have let that special place out in your heart and God is leading your life now - Lead on loved ones! I am proud of you ..... your life is your mission field and all those around you are part of you building an awesome testimony for God. Folks are watching, they are learning as you lead .... your light is bright!
A few weeks from now - as I also step forward - I think about all those lights shining (you) Friday morning before school starts and Pastor Travis addresses you all, tells you all about Jesus, encourages you to make good choices and to be who God is calling you to be..... and then prays for you...... that is exciting! Today is that "Day Before"....
I want to share 2 Peter 1:3-4 this morning:
Don't Put It Off
3-4Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by sin.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wow, I have been slack on blogging this week. Busy is a 4 letter words some days. But thankful regardless...... This week has been an emotional rollercoaster.... school orientations for Kate, Kyle, Morgan and Taylor. I am not sure I am ready for this middle school and high school adventure - where did time go? How did I get here already? I know the high school part was the fast track ..... but I will find my groove and the kids will find theirs. I am not worried ... just a little overwhelmed I guess.
Since being at the beach last weekend, I am ready and excited about church Sunday. I am excited for baptism, serving and hanging with all the students as well as hear Pastor Jimmy and Pastor Travis double team a lifetalk message. Should be pretty awesome ..... different and sometimes different makes it that much cooler!
Had lunch today at the new student union here at work. Its pretty awesome and it gives me another avenue to take friends and "MyKids" out to eat right here at work! Thats pretty exciting......
Kate is now officially with us. Dad left this morning to head back home and in some funny way I feel like I am flying a plane for the first time - solo. I know I am not and feel good about the start of things. I just hope the honeymoon is long lasting and things go smooth. Have to take one day at a time and let God work the things He does best. I know He is in the details. Grace is such an awesome thing.......... much more to learn about it.
Have a great Friday everyone .........
Since being at the beach last weekend, I am ready and excited about church Sunday. I am excited for baptism, serving and hanging with all the students as well as hear Pastor Jimmy and Pastor Travis double team a lifetalk message. Should be pretty awesome ..... different and sometimes different makes it that much cooler!
Had lunch today at the new student union here at work. Its pretty awesome and it gives me another avenue to take friends and "MyKids" out to eat right here at work! Thats pretty exciting......
Kate is now officially with us. Dad left this morning to head back home and in some funny way I feel like I am flying a plane for the first time - solo. I know I am not and feel good about the start of things. I just hope the honeymoon is long lasting and things go smooth. Have to take one day at a time and let God work the things He does best. I know He is in the details. Grace is such an awesome thing.......... much more to learn about it.
Have a great Friday everyone .........
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The beginning is today. Its a trek forward from a darker place that has taken years in shaping. It is big - it is who you are today. Your walk has been long and bumpy at times but things are about to change. God has placed you under my care - our care. I accepted the assignment that I have been preparing for - an assignment that I would have given to any of "MyKids" who needed it. It comes from a place deep in my heart - its in that place that love is kept. My hand is open and my heart is ready for the challenges ahead. I know God has placed me here for this reason - it is all part of His plan. Your mom passed for a reason and hopefully one day you will know what that reason is. Looking back I hope you will see it ... but looking forward is cloudy and not very well seen....almost like looking through a mist. Trust is in there somewhere.... I hope you find it. Your mom - Our moms, see we share the same loss. The loss of a mom and a friend. A person we looked up to and provided comfort and safety. Aunt Carol gets to be that figure now as she has always wanted a daughter in her life. She is blessed to have many daughters that she loves like her own but this is a little different. You are very much a part of her. She wants to guide you and teach you how to be the woman that God created. You have so much potential and you will need to find your purpose and direction in life. A few more years and you will be off to college, exploring who you have become and choices made now will follow your every move. As God has shown me the love that I have never thought I could feel - He has opened my heart to what Grace is all about. Its a second chance .... a new beginning. Accepting Him into my heart and into my life has changed me completely and given me direction, purpose and love that is without question -unconditional. I have been praying for you for years and now you will be under my roof and under my guidance. Walk with me ..... dear one ....walk with us. Let us show you the glory and honor in following the steps that Jesus has put down on our lives. I have little words to describe the real meaning of it all but we want you to come along and share in it. I look around at all the families and all the leaders who are asking about you and who are full of encouragement and offering to help in anyway possible just brings me to tears. I love "MyKids" - its a term I use for all the kids in my life that I have influence with, a relationship with as a leader, a friend and in many cases a fatherly figure and some kind of like a male life coach I guess. All the while I keep praying that Jesus shines through me so that they see Him more than they see me. His purposes and His intentions and a love with His heart. I am always serving, always trying to reach and it is who I have become. I pray that you will fit right in and join us in what we are doing.
Its up to you ...... I am there ready to serve if you are ready to be served for a little while. Then it will be your turn as we team together. Together - isn't that what its all about really? Not me doing my thing and you doing your thing... but doing our thing together? Family sticks together through thick and thin... I understand that now. God never meant for us to be independent .... but dependant on each other and on Him.
I had lunch today with one of "MyKids" - I love asking her questions that make her think and reveal what is on her heart. She melted my heart today after she told me she loved me ... that means the world to me. I love that time together and I know I will love our time together. I have been spending extra time the last few weeks in those few precious moments during the day that time seems to stand still. Right before dawn and right before the sun sets. This past weekend I got to share a little of that story with some of my closest kids ..... I hope to share that someday with you.
Come .... walk with me, I will help carry the burdens, dear one ... just as I do for all "MyKids". How they see me means more to me than they every will know. I am there for them and I am there for you. Let me lead awhile ..... and show you the way. Gods paths are always bigger and better and in the mean while, let your heart change and heal as He crafts something out of you that you didn't even know was in you. You took a big first step and I am proud of you for doing so - leaving everything you know behind for this new start, a new beginning and I hope you take my hand.
Some words from Thirst Camp this year that I had all the high school and middle school girls saying.. shouting for all to hear .... "You are powerful and beautiful" - you were created in Gods image and He for sure doesn't make junk. You are wonderfully made......
The beginning is today.
Its up to you ...... I am there ready to serve if you are ready to be served for a little while. Then it will be your turn as we team together. Together - isn't that what its all about really? Not me doing my thing and you doing your thing... but doing our thing together? Family sticks together through thick and thin... I understand that now. God never meant for us to be independent .... but dependant on each other and on Him.
I had lunch today with one of "MyKids" - I love asking her questions that make her think and reveal what is on her heart. She melted my heart today after she told me she loved me ... that means the world to me. I love that time together and I know I will love our time together. I have been spending extra time the last few weeks in those few precious moments during the day that time seems to stand still. Right before dawn and right before the sun sets. This past weekend I got to share a little of that story with some of my closest kids ..... I hope to share that someday with you.
Come .... walk with me, I will help carry the burdens, dear one ... just as I do for all "MyKids". How they see me means more to me than they every will know. I am there for them and I am there for you. Let me lead awhile ..... and show you the way. Gods paths are always bigger and better and in the mean while, let your heart change and heal as He crafts something out of you that you didn't even know was in you. You took a big first step and I am proud of you for doing so - leaving everything you know behind for this new start, a new beginning and I hope you take my hand.
Some words from Thirst Camp this year that I had all the high school and middle school girls saying.. shouting for all to hear .... "You are powerful and beautiful" - you were created in Gods image and He for sure doesn't make junk. You are wonderfully made......
The beginning is today.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Teen Language....
Is often spoken without words and is often spoken in actions. They are hard to interpret sometimes but the language is clear but often times overlooked.
I am very blessed to have so many kids on my heart. Yes it is work, time consuming and sometimes difficult - but the long term rewards will hopefully be worth it.
My thoughts come today from "MyKids". This goes to all of those kids I am investing in, walking with and listening with. We (I) need to be authentically available to our young people. If they sense that you're truly available to them, care about them and truly a friend to them, then I think they can get through ANYTHING. It's when they are isolated and alone that they run the greatest risk of getting and being hurt.
With that said, I have to say that I am very blessed to have permission from many parents to have the trust in them with their children. That is a high honor in my opinion and there is no greater responsibility to honor than their trust. I love these students and want to pour as much as I can into them and by doing so - I am pouring into their families as well. Our kids need a avenue to be heard because they have a LOT to say. Often times as parents we become too busy and involved in life to not take the time to listen to our kids.
I serve hard because it is that important to me. I serve with all my heart because God has placed these students on my heart and in many cases - it breaks my heart. When something breaks your heart that much, we have nothing else to do but to get involved. Its sometimes a slow process to get close and have the trust level get to the point where true meaningful conversation develops. This is the zone where progress is made and change begins to happen. Focusing on God during these times and pointing struggles to our heavenly father is most important. We work so hard in life to be independent of each other and do our own thing but God has not made us that way. So by doing so, we are wandering in the wilderness. God wants us to be dependant. Dependant on each other and on Him. Alone, afraid and no one to talk to is where the most damage is done.
"MyKids" - they make up so much of who I am today. I will keep giving my time, my ears and my heart for as long as they need me. Our kids today face so much at every turn they make.... who is pointing them the way? Who is walking with them? Who is pointing them to their heavenly father who wants nothing more than to hear from them and be a part of their lives.....
I will~
Matthew 25:40"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
A small side story worth sharing: Last night a few of "MyKids" and I went to the senior home and visited some of our seniors in the nursing home. A few stuffed animals were given out and one resident - Mary - was just about in tears with excitement. She made me promise to come back again and visit. I think that is in order...... what a blessing it is when we get out of our comfort zones and be the practical love of Jesus.
I am very blessed to have so many kids on my heart. Yes it is work, time consuming and sometimes difficult - but the long term rewards will hopefully be worth it.
My thoughts come today from "MyKids". This goes to all of those kids I am investing in, walking with and listening with. We (I) need to be authentically available to our young people. If they sense that you're truly available to them, care about them and truly a friend to them, then I think they can get through ANYTHING. It's when they are isolated and alone that they run the greatest risk of getting and being hurt.
With that said, I have to say that I am very blessed to have permission from many parents to have the trust in them with their children. That is a high honor in my opinion and there is no greater responsibility to honor than their trust. I love these students and want to pour as much as I can into them and by doing so - I am pouring into their families as well. Our kids need a avenue to be heard because they have a LOT to say. Often times as parents we become too busy and involved in life to not take the time to listen to our kids.
I serve hard because it is that important to me. I serve with all my heart because God has placed these students on my heart and in many cases - it breaks my heart. When something breaks your heart that much, we have nothing else to do but to get involved. Its sometimes a slow process to get close and have the trust level get to the point where true meaningful conversation develops. This is the zone where progress is made and change begins to happen. Focusing on God during these times and pointing struggles to our heavenly father is most important. We work so hard in life to be independent of each other and do our own thing but God has not made us that way. So by doing so, we are wandering in the wilderness. God wants us to be dependant. Dependant on each other and on Him. Alone, afraid and no one to talk to is where the most damage is done.
"MyKids" - they make up so much of who I am today. I will keep giving my time, my ears and my heart for as long as they need me. Our kids today face so much at every turn they make.... who is pointing them the way? Who is walking with them? Who is pointing them to their heavenly father who wants nothing more than to hear from them and be a part of their lives.....
I will~
Matthew 25:40"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
A small side story worth sharing: Last night a few of "MyKids" and I went to the senior home and visited some of our seniors in the nursing home. A few stuffed animals were given out and one resident - Mary - was just about in tears with excitement. She made me promise to come back again and visit. I think that is in order...... what a blessing it is when we get out of our comfort zones and be the practical love of Jesus.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It has been tough the last few nights with sleeping. Not sure why so much is running through my mind - yea right! Anyways - I guess when I get tired enough my body will tell me and it will rest. In the meantime - here is what is on my heart this morning and this evening when I have "MyKids" as Carol leads the Women's Bible study this evening.. this will be part of my lesson to share with them.
Remember when your kids wanted to be just like you? It's not enough to tell them they should stay on the right path. They're going to follow you. Where are you leading them?
I know it is tough being a dad these days. Many are not committed to their families and their families are suffering for it. That is just the truth - but there are many who are doing what it noble and what is right. Those are the dads that I am learning from and wanting to be so I press on reaching out, loving out of my heart and seeking Gods will over my own.
My message today comes from Matthew 25:34-40
34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
This evening I will be taking some a small crew with me to the nursing home here in town to visit some of the seniors. It was a great idea from one of "MyKids" as God placed this on her heart. It should be a well invested and eye opening experience. Excited to see what God has in store during this time. Who in your life right now loved ones, is fitting the example of "the least of these?" I bet you could come up with maybe more than one .... my question today is - What are you doing about that? Is it big enough to break your heart? Big enough to get you off the couch and doing something about it?
There is a long road ahead ... where will be your investments in this life be spent?
Scared and excited but at peace today,
Remember when your kids wanted to be just like you? It's not enough to tell them they should stay on the right path. They're going to follow you. Where are you leading them?
I know it is tough being a dad these days. Many are not committed to their families and their families are suffering for it. That is just the truth - but there are many who are doing what it noble and what is right. Those are the dads that I am learning from and wanting to be so I press on reaching out, loving out of my heart and seeking Gods will over my own.
My message today comes from Matthew 25:34-40
34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
This evening I will be taking some a small crew with me to the nursing home here in town to visit some of the seniors. It was a great idea from one of "MyKids" as God placed this on her heart. It should be a well invested and eye opening experience. Excited to see what God has in store during this time. Who in your life right now loved ones, is fitting the example of "the least of these?" I bet you could come up with maybe more than one .... my question today is - What are you doing about that? Is it big enough to break your heart? Big enough to get you off the couch and doing something about it?
There is a long road ahead ... where will be your investments in this life be spent?
Scared and excited but at peace today,
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sorry for not posting in the last few days. I have a lot going on. Katie, my niece has been with us since Sunday and will be going home tomorrow for about a week before she returns for the school year here in NC. I am excited about that in many ways - first it was not our idea - it was totally hers and if you are 15, you know how important friends are. They are before family in many cases and she has decided to leave them in PA and come to NC to get a fresh start in life. How many people in this life would love that chance? A new start, a chance to reinvent yourself and hopefully make some better changes in life. The thing that strikes me again and I have said this before - if you continue to make the same choices over and over, how can we expect a different result?
Grace has been a word that has been heavy on my heart the last few weeks. It is something that is given freely and without asking. Its out of love that grace flows and is granted. A love so deep and so wide that God gave the word its true meaning.
My post is short today but I am not short on words and emotion that is in my heart. I love today because of the Gods grace and mercy that I accepted 4 years ago. I have the passion and the energy and the fuel of Gods grace to extend to others. I am here loved ones....... we are blessed with a spiritual need - for each other.
That is what is on my heart this morning. Blessings are often thought of as a good thing, a prize, a gift.... but in many cases a blessing can also be something that makes us get up and get involved, to be a participant and get in the game. That blessing breaks our hearts and we reach out of our comfort zones to make a difference. For some, that may mean walking with a friend, crying with a friend or even celebrating with a friend. I think about my family, my church family, my rock group families and "MyKids" - ya'll mean the world to me. I have a lot to pour into because some things are worth pouring into. You are worth that to me and I am blessed with that need. So often we live our young lives trying to be independent and on our own .... only to realize later on, hopefully in life, that we had it all wrong. We are dependant on each other and on God.
This morning on my way into work, a construction worker who probably should have been working and not blasting the radio in his car.... I don't know I was an hour early for work since I couldn't sleep this morning.... had a song playing - "Blessed be Your Name" - I stopped and waved at him and gave him the thumbs up ... and he smiled and turned it even louder... Yes Lord - Blessed be Your Name - My heart will choose to say .... Blessed be Your Name.
Things are just "Right" this morning.....
With love,
Grace has been a word that has been heavy on my heart the last few weeks. It is something that is given freely and without asking. Its out of love that grace flows and is granted. A love so deep and so wide that God gave the word its true meaning.
My post is short today but I am not short on words and emotion that is in my heart. I love today because of the Gods grace and mercy that I accepted 4 years ago. I have the passion and the energy and the fuel of Gods grace to extend to others. I am here loved ones....... we are blessed with a spiritual need - for each other.
That is what is on my heart this morning. Blessings are often thought of as a good thing, a prize, a gift.... but in many cases a blessing can also be something that makes us get up and get involved, to be a participant and get in the game. That blessing breaks our hearts and we reach out of our comfort zones to make a difference. For some, that may mean walking with a friend, crying with a friend or even celebrating with a friend. I think about my family, my church family, my rock group families and "MyKids" - ya'll mean the world to me. I have a lot to pour into because some things are worth pouring into. You are worth that to me and I am blessed with that need. So often we live our young lives trying to be independent and on our own .... only to realize later on, hopefully in life, that we had it all wrong. We are dependant on each other and on God.
This morning on my way into work, a construction worker who probably should have been working and not blasting the radio in his car.... I don't know I was an hour early for work since I couldn't sleep this morning.... had a song playing - "Blessed be Your Name" - I stopped and waved at him and gave him the thumbs up ... and he smiled and turned it even louder... Yes Lord - Blessed be Your Name - My heart will choose to say .... Blessed be Your Name.
Things are just "Right" this morning.....
With love,
Thursday, August 6, 2009
It has been a busy few days and I am totally digging the invested time lately with some of "MyKids". God for sure is blessing this time together! Tonight I get to do something that is very dear to my heart. I am having a few of "MyKids" over for movie night tonight. Movie choices are usually random and within appropriate ratings for them and it could be funny but also could be a horror movie... so it shows the mood that everyone is in even though everyone is very excited to be hanging out. The momma's are headed out to eat and some good fellowship together- something that is much needed for them. As I really home in on those thoughts - I can't help but to be thankful for the people in my life and in the lives of my family. We are doing life together and when we are hurting we are all hurting. When we struggle or when we have great news - it is shared by all. When it comes to the kids, it is the same way and I am very blessed to have a lot of kids in my life who are very much in every way possible like my own kids. Kyle may be my only real son but he has MANY brothers and sisters! SO really I have many sons and daughters! It does take extra special people in our families lives today to help raise our children. I can honestly say that I don't have all the answers even though I really wish I had them! Families are just hurting today with all the stresses, all the distractions, the laziness as well as the conditions of the homes with divorce and even a passing of a parent. Man, life is hard for our young people and as a dad, I am really tough on myself for being the best example I can be for them. To be there to listen being probably the most important of things. Sometimes just having the chance to talk makes things better, even if I don't have the answers. I do know that trusting in the Lord with these tough conversations is a big first step because our heavenly father wants to hear from His children.
I want to share that not long ago, only 4 years in my walk with the Lord, I was a baby follower of Jesus. I had to learn and take the steps to understand what it meant to follow Jesus. I am still learning as I climb one mountain and climb another in this life. There is much to learn as He chisels out the parts that are not like Him. Each decisions, each experience, each child and family that I pour into .... they are lessons to be learned. So like when did this happen, focusing not on my walk specifically but for those around me and their faith journey being so important to me? I am not exactly sure but I do know one thing for sure, the moment I stepped into serving in the K-5 youth ministry at church it clicked. God opened a part of my heart that I continue to be thankful for. My walk is so much bigger now than I ever dreamed it would be. It is so much deeper and loving than I ever dreamed it would be. It is proof to me that God can use anyone and in any situation for His purposes.
I had this on my heart this morning as I have spent some great quality time this week with "MyKids" and really excited about tonight .... when I came across this post from Pastor Craig, In many ways I feel like I know him personally because I read everything he does, love his leadership and try my best to learn as much as I can from him. Let me share his post here: Thanks Craig for always shedding light in new perspectives and being such a God loving man and father. God continue to chisel fear from my life and shape me into the person You have vision in me to be. Thank You for "MyKids" Lord which are really Your kids first and foremost. Thank You Lord for the families that I am doing life with today. May You continue to keep us all close and our eyes on You. Its in Jesus name that I pray, Amen.
Love you all,
Are You Ready to Be a Dad?
by Craig Groeschel
When I started Life Church, I was 28 years old. For years, I felt like I was a kid. Even in my late 30s, I still felt like a pastoral rookie.
A few years back, my wife Amy and I were mentoring some college students. We saw ourselves like big brothers and sisters. One day they wrote us a note and told us we were the parents they never had.
That’s when we shifted our mindsets. We were no longer the young ministers hanging out with those slightly younger. We were seasoned ministers disciplining the next generation. We could now be spiritual parents.
Are you ready to be a spiritual father (or mother)? There are tons of young believers who need you as an example. Don’t let your insecurities keep you from investing in the next generation. Don’t let your (perceived) lack of ministry success hold you back. Don’t let your spiritual enemy lull you into a complacent stage in your life.
How about it, Dad?
I want to share that not long ago, only 4 years in my walk with the Lord, I was a baby follower of Jesus. I had to learn and take the steps to understand what it meant to follow Jesus. I am still learning as I climb one mountain and climb another in this life. There is much to learn as He chisels out the parts that are not like Him. Each decisions, each experience, each child and family that I pour into .... they are lessons to be learned. So like when did this happen, focusing not on my walk specifically but for those around me and their faith journey being so important to me? I am not exactly sure but I do know one thing for sure, the moment I stepped into serving in the K-5 youth ministry at church it clicked. God opened a part of my heart that I continue to be thankful for. My walk is so much bigger now than I ever dreamed it would be. It is so much deeper and loving than I ever dreamed it would be. It is proof to me that God can use anyone and in any situation for His purposes.
I had this on my heart this morning as I have spent some great quality time this week with "MyKids" and really excited about tonight .... when I came across this post from Pastor Craig, In many ways I feel like I know him personally because I read everything he does, love his leadership and try my best to learn as much as I can from him. Let me share his post here: Thanks Craig for always shedding light in new perspectives and being such a God loving man and father. God continue to chisel fear from my life and shape me into the person You have vision in me to be. Thank You for "MyKids" Lord which are really Your kids first and foremost. Thank You Lord for the families that I am doing life with today. May You continue to keep us all close and our eyes on You. Its in Jesus name that I pray, Amen.
Love you all,
Are You Ready to Be a Dad?
by Craig Groeschel
When I started Life Church, I was 28 years old. For years, I felt like I was a kid. Even in my late 30s, I still felt like a pastoral rookie.
A few years back, my wife Amy and I were mentoring some college students. We saw ourselves like big brothers and sisters. One day they wrote us a note and told us we were the parents they never had.
That’s when we shifted our mindsets. We were no longer the young ministers hanging out with those slightly younger. We were seasoned ministers disciplining the next generation. We could now be spiritual parents.
Are you ready to be a spiritual father (or mother)? There are tons of young believers who need you as an example. Don’t let your insecurities keep you from investing in the next generation. Don’t let your (perceived) lack of ministry success hold you back. Don’t let your spiritual enemy lull you into a complacent stage in your life.
How about it, Dad?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I had a great day yesterday. Mostly due to the fact that I got hang with some of "MyKids" that I have not seen since Thirst Camp. It was time to catch up and hear whats going on in life. I got home from work and was excited that my wife Carol cut the lawn in the back yard. That meant I did not have to do it as soon as I walked in, rush to get something to eat and then shower before leaving to go pick up "MyKids". That was awesome and I am very blessed to have a wife that pitches in when there seems to be no time to get everything done in a day. I took Kyle to one of his friends house last night at 7 who has been inviting him to her Bible study Rock Group. These 2 have become friends since Thirst Camp and nothing makes me happier than 2 kids sharing time together @small group and learning about God and seeing their mom and dads learning about God. That is exciting! After we dropped Kyle off we came back home to get another one of "MyKids" and found the moms all hanging out at the house. Cool .... moms catching up on life and each other. Nice support system they have going on there! So me and the girls left for Sonic for some ice cream, some fellowship, stories and some smiles. We got some great ice cream and talked about some things that are taking place in life and some things were promised not to leave the truck and that is all I am saying about that but it is awesome knowing I have their trust. It means everything to me ... what "MyKids" think of me and to know I am there for them. There is anything I would not do for them ... and I tell them I love them every chance I get. If I believe in them ... imagine what they could do in life if they know that God also believes in them. There are my teachable moments. We then left and went to get Kyle a little early, thinking their small group would be winding down but to our nice surprise - they were winding up. Conversation and teaching was in full swing... I was invited in and even had some things to share. Conversation was dear to my heart because it dealt with dads not leading their families today. We are spiritual leaders in our homes and how fathers are just falling short these days. I could go on and on but if you have been following "TheWalk" for any amount of time -you know where I am at with this. So I won't drag you down that path.... but it was awesome seeing this small group family come together and share things. It exactly what Jesus set up the church to do as its explained in Acts 2: - powerful things happening there and thanks again for letting me step in for a little time last night. Tonight - we have some friends over for dinner. We are excited to be investing in this family and sharing life with this family. The oldest is headed to college in a few weeks and I am praying the short amount of time that we have got to know her has made a lasting impression on her. God has our families together for a reason .... and if given the chance tonight - I have a lesson planned just around that. So - Lord - I am ready if you open the opportunity.
I am at the steps of a crossroads the last few weeks. I will explain a little more about that over the next few days - but please keep me and my family in your prayers for that. God knows what your prayers will be for. I am trusting Him for guidance and peace......
Love you all - life is good because I have Jesus in it. I asked a coworker this morning on my walk into work -Why are you always smiling? - She said because I have Jesus in my life and she punched me in the arm .... "Silly, You know that!" yea I do .........
I was thinking this morning as I sat down in my office waiting for the computer to log me in..... What would my life be like if I didn’t love Christ? The answer is that in many ways it would be SO much easier. Because every decision I make, every word I speak, every move I make is shadowed by my faith. Revival is happening.........
I am at the steps of a crossroads the last few weeks. I will explain a little more about that over the next few days - but please keep me and my family in your prayers for that. God knows what your prayers will be for. I am trusting Him for guidance and peace......
Love you all - life is good because I have Jesus in it. I asked a coworker this morning on my walk into work -Why are you always smiling? - She said because I have Jesus in my life and she punched me in the arm .... "Silly, You know that!" yea I do .........
I was thinking this morning as I sat down in my office waiting for the computer to log me in..... What would my life be like if I didn’t love Christ? The answer is that in many ways it would be SO much easier. Because every decision I make, every word I speak, every move I make is shadowed by my faith. Revival is happening.........
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