Friday, May 29, 2009

The real men of .....

Nope I am not the commercial and won't be finishing that line. Kyle has been attending a bible study with his friends for almost a year. It has been pretty awesome as he shares his time and friendship with his peeps -cause for the most part - he has some good peeps. I have been attending those meetings once a month and have made some good contacts with the teachers and church leaders there as well as getting to know some of the kids - new ones and some long time kids... so all in all it has been a great thing and one I look forward to each week. Last week I have noticed a few extra boys being there. I am all about kids inviting friends - I want that for our own youth/student body in our church but it was said that the boys are just coming for the girls. I think that is in part true - but very shallow. I want to think that no matter how these kids get into church and for whatever reason we have to sieze the opportunity at hand to touch the hearts of these kids - especially the boys all in the name of Jesus. It is our passion and hearts as leaders in the Gods church to reach out to these kids and teach them about who Jesus is, how much He loves them and the be a good example of how Jesus can lead our lives ....even as adults.
I think about the time when I became a man. When did that happen? Has it already happen? I know you're probably smiling now saying ... na - I am not grown up yet and in some ways that is true because we have to be somewhat a kid at heart and honestly - it is how I relate to the kids I guess.... otherwise I don't think I could. Anyways - but really thinking about it ... when does a boy become a man?
13 when his body and mind take on new changes? Graduation from high school, college - or when he gets married?
Last night we had a great VBS (Vacation Bible School) meeting with some of our church leaders and we got a great start on this summers VBS. It is going to be great and we are all very excited about it. With that meeting though - I missed out on our Mens Bible study that meets every other week. What makes this group special is that we come as we are. No face stuff - no pretent ...we bring struggles and hangups and questions to the table. Its a place where there is no competition, no pleasing the women in our lives or our children - but its a place to accept the fact that we struggle, we have questions, we are being led in society as non leaders today and that is something that is SO lost today is our leadership!
Why is it that most of the volunteers in church, in hospitals and in our communities are women?Where are the men .... I think mostly it is about purpose. If the mission has purpose and if the man is on board with it and has the vision ... he will volunteer his time, his money, his leadership and his passion to the cause. We need environments where we can do this and actually spawn young boys and young men into these roles. We need a place to authentic and real ..... so we can learn from one another ... struggle with one another but also keep us accountable for one another. We can't always have our A game .... some days guys, we barely feel like we have a "D" game right? Kids are struggling in school, boss at work is sticking us and we might not like our jobs and this bleeds over into the relationship with our wives and in our homes. Sometimes life is hard and is just one struggle after the next. We have to creat environments where we can go - not at the bars and drink until the problems are solved but in a place where we can find real answers and real solutions.
Men gathered together - reading and studying and challenging each other in their search for God, His wisdom and His leadership ... is where its at. We are not longer a threat to each other but a team serving and working and living for a purpose and with passion.
So I am asking you today - pray about it ... seek out a friend who goes to one of these groups... get out of your comfort zome and go ~ You may find yourself in a different place ... it may keep you from going to a place you know is wrong and wondering "how did I let this happen."
I have to wait 2 weeks now until the next meeting..... can't wait guys because its like a punch in the arm and to drop this stereo-type of todays culture - and really follow Jesus as men.
Praying for our men today and our leaders and fathers who take the time to lead their families. Especially their sons and daughters...... they need you more now than EVER before in this world and society.
It may be true now that the boys are coming for the girls..... lets get them while we have the chance and really invest and pour into them with all the love that Jesus has.
The REAL MEN OF ______________.

Happy Friday everyone,

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