Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Planting for the future~

With all the rain the last few days, my garden has really taken off. It is time once again to pull my spring crops out and get my summer green planted like green beans and such... It also gives me a chance to make some room in my garden area and plant something new. Not sure that that is this year ... new kind of mater maybe or a new kind of pepper? We shall see.....
The last few days over the long weekend has me thinking about a few things. What exactly are we planting anyways? As parents are we training our kids for their futures? Are we investing in them and really giving them practical useful guidance or are we just doing things to please ourselves? I think about all the compliments that Carol and I get with Kyle. From him being such a well mannered young man to something about his care and love for people - we love receiving those praises as all parents do when our kids do something awesome or make a great choice. These things didn't just turn out this way by chance. Kyles future still can turn on a dime if Carol and I don't keep investing, teaching, striving for those teachable moments, guiding him, letting him make decisions all the while letting him feel them, and most importantly - keeping his eyes focused on Jesus.
I think about all the folks out there who have not received this attention, love, care and direction in life. You may one of them - you may be 14, 23, or in your 30's .... your life today reflects the investments of those folks around you. I guess that is why I hold my walk with Jesus so close and so personal - thats why I invest so much in the people around me - in our youth at church and those in the schools..... not everyone has the same access in these personal investments but we do all have access to Jesus - we do all have access to prayer - and we do have access to experience His grace and love for each of us all in a personal and private way.
No excuses ...... no more lies - life can take a turn in another direction if life today finds you in a place that you don't want to be or know how you got there.
What are you planting in today? Where is your time being spent? With whom ... it is at work, the bar or home with the family? Are you teaching and guiding your children and others? Its sometimes a slow process but nothing of worth comes overnight......

I look at people differently these days.... we all have a story to tell. What will be the story of those you are responsible for?
They say it takes a village to raise a family these days.... I am reminded that even as I serve the kids and families around me .... I can't do it alone. Its a partnership... a heavenly partnership!
I am reminded of Psalm 26:
A David Psalm
1 Clear my name, God; I've kept an honest shop. I've thrown in my lot with you, God, and I'm not budging. 2 Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I'm fit inside and out 3 So I never lose sight of your love, But keep in step with you, never missing a beat. 4-5 I don't hang out with tricksters, I don't pal around with thugs; I hate that pack of gangsters, I don't deal with double-dealers. 6-7 I scrub my hands with purest soap, then join hands with the others in the great circle, dancing around your altar, God, Singing God-songs at the top of my lungs, telling God-stories. 8-10 God, I love living with you; your house glows with your glory. When it's time for spring cleaning, don't sweep me out with the quacks and crooks, Men with bags of dirty tricks, women with purses stuffed with bribe-money. 11-12 You know I've been aboveboard with you; now be aboveboard with me. I'm on the level with you, God; I bless you every chance I get.
A little at a time and one step at a time ..... thats the little secret for planting for the future~
With love,

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