Monday, May 4, 2009

I just got in my from walk at lunch. It is breezy out and I am really hoping to get our garden planted this evening. I have Kyle all pumped about it and I am looking forward to spending some time working and talking with him. I have a couple visits this week to the schools to visit some of "MyKids" who I have not visited in awhile. I am still not up to eating really right - just not feeling 100% just yet so I am taking a break and eating light and taking a few slower steps the past few days.
Church Sunday was a long day yesterday. Setup/Breakdown, Kidsrock @11, couple errands after church and then Rock Group last night. It was good to get to sleep last nite and I knew it did me some good when I was up early and feeling refreshed this morning! Pastor Jimmy spoke extensively on leadership in his LifeTalk message. I know he was challenging a lot of folks yesterday~ Me included. It was an honor to be asked to come down front and lay hands on Pastor Jimmy as we were lead in prayer for our church and for our leadership. It was not long ago, I was sitting in the chairs during a service like that, watching and looking on. I do occasionally have to just smile and say, "Lord, I just can't believe how you are using me. I never thought you would be using me like this." I do have to say that over the last few years that my love for people has increased trifold. My love for children has increased trifold. My love for Jesus and the things of Him have increased trifold. Love is such an overused word these days and the meaning has been washed down. Jesus uses the word love in all the context it was meant for and not just a feeling or an emotion. He meant it be in action, alive and living.
During my walk @lunch I heard something that just really rocked me. "If you have a secret, you are giving it power." No matter how big or small that secret may be - it is alive and it will cause harm if it is no confessed and dealt with. Forgiveness is what God has given us, it is not what we deserve but by His grace, He has extended it to us. Others should do that same thing. As I think about my leadership in the church and the folks I am entrusted with and the children I am entrusted with - I don't want any secrets. I want everything to be above table and honest. Intentions pure and with Gods purpose in mind, His heart and with His passion. I treat my wife and my family this way and I know in my heart, this is the way it should be.
Many folks have secrets today that have power and are holding them hostage. Their secrets are defining them. Their secrets keep them from engaging others and really trusting people. Even people who are trying to reach them, love them, care for them and want to walk with them. This is a hard place to be not only for the bearer of the secret but also for the one who is reaching out to them. A wife who is waiting up late for her husband to come home while out with another woman. A wife who is home with supper on the table and 2 children wanting their bedtime stories while dad is at the bar. A husband and father who struggles with who he is because his business is failing and his identity and manhood is wrapped into that business. The past that continues to haunt. A teenager who keeps you up at night and the family core is being tested.
You are not meant to do this alone. The church is supposed to be a safe haven for folks to come and unload - to find forgiveness, to heal the broken hearted, to be accepted and to find peace and purpose in life. I am grateful and humbled to be a small part of this leadership team at Rocky River Church. I was where many were at not long ago - part of the crowd and on the sidelines. I continue to learn, be challenged, tested in my faith and understanding but the love I have for people, "MyKids", my family, my church family, my Rock Group families and our Lord Jesus continues to grow. I'll make mistakes along the way.. no doubt.
Nothing stays the same in this life. A rut in life is like a coffin with the ends kicked out. So many are living this way today.
I am reminded in Proverbs 19: 9 The person who tells lies gets caught; the person who spreads rumors is ruined.

That person in the mirror each morning is watching. Is he/she on the same page with you and the direction you are wanting to go or is he/she taking you far from it? It just may be time to honesty, to come clean, admit the faults, accept the forgiveness and turn life around. There are people who are waiting on you, wanting you to, praying you to, wishing you to.... because their lives hang in your balance as well.

Peace today in your decision,

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