Nope I am not the commercial and won't be finishing that line. Kyle has been attending a bible study with his friends for almost a year. It has been pretty awesome as he shares his time and friendship with his peeps -cause for the most part - he has some good peeps. I have been attending those meetings once a month and have made some good contacts with the teachers and church leaders there as well as getting to know some of the kids - new ones and some long time kids... so all in all it has been a great thing and one I look forward to each week. Last week I have noticed a few extra boys being there. I am all about kids inviting friends - I want that for our own youth/student body in our church but it was said that the boys are just coming for the girls. I think that is in part true - but very shallow. I want to think that no matter how these kids get into church and for whatever reason we have to sieze the opportunity at hand to touch the hearts of these kids - especially the boys all in the name of Jesus. It is our passion and hearts as leaders in the Gods church to reach out to these kids and teach them about who Jesus is, how much He loves them and the be a good example of how Jesus can lead our lives ....even as adults.
I think about the time when I became a man. When did that happen? Has it already happen? I know you're probably smiling now saying ... na - I am not grown up yet and in some ways that is true because we have to be somewhat a kid at heart and honestly - it is how I relate to the kids I guess.... otherwise I don't think I could. Anyways - but really thinking about it ... when does a boy become a man?
13 when his body and mind take on new changes? Graduation from high school, college - or when he gets married?
Last night we had a great VBS (Vacation Bible School) meeting with some of our church leaders and we got a great start on this summers VBS. It is going to be great and we are all very excited about it. With that meeting though - I missed out on our Mens Bible study that meets every other week. What makes this group special is that we come as we are. No face stuff - no pretent ...we bring struggles and hangups and questions to the table. Its a place where there is no competition, no pleasing the women in our lives or our children - but its a place to accept the fact that we struggle, we have questions, we are being led in society as non leaders today and that is something that is SO lost today is our leadership!
Why is it that most of the volunteers in church, in hospitals and in our communities are women?Where are the men .... I think mostly it is about purpose. If the mission has purpose and if the man is on board with it and has the vision ... he will volunteer his time, his money, his leadership and his passion to the cause. We need environments where we can do this and actually spawn young boys and young men into these roles. We need a place to authentic and real ..... so we can learn from one another ... struggle with one another but also keep us accountable for one another. We can't always have our A game .... some days guys, we barely feel like we have a "D" game right? Kids are struggling in school, boss at work is sticking us and we might not like our jobs and this bleeds over into the relationship with our wives and in our homes. Sometimes life is hard and is just one struggle after the next. We have to creat environments where we can go - not at the bars and drink until the problems are solved but in a place where we can find real answers and real solutions.
Men gathered together - reading and studying and challenging each other in their search for God, His wisdom and His leadership ... is where its at. We are not longer a threat to each other but a team serving and working and living for a purpose and with passion.
So I am asking you today - pray about it ... seek out a friend who goes to one of these groups... get out of your comfort zome and go ~ You may find yourself in a different place ... it may keep you from going to a place you know is wrong and wondering "how did I let this happen."
I have to wait 2 weeks now until the next meeting..... can't wait guys because its like a punch in the arm and to drop this stereo-type of todays culture - and really follow Jesus as men.
Praying for our men today and our leaders and fathers who take the time to lead their families. Especially their sons and daughters...... they need you more now than EVER before in this world and society.
It may be true now that the boys are coming for the girls..... lets get them while we have the chance and really invest and pour into them with all the love that Jesus has.
The REAL MEN OF ______________.
Happy Friday everyone,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Its all in the image.....
Reflection - defines it as: an image; representation; counterpart. A fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. We have to be careful what we reflect - our actions and the things we say ... people might take them and turn them around or take them wrongly. Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Last night Carol, Kyle and I took some dear folks to a local place to get supper and hang out a bit. It was fun and a good change of routine for us old folks :) - but it is a local hangout for the 20 somethings here near the university. So, I am thinking that our neice was looking for a packed, action filled evening with lots of people and music. Something she is short on in small town USA. It is more my speed and Carol and I have always been found of the little quiet places with good atmoshpere over the jumping loud crowd. Last night we noticed something taking shape in one of the alcoves ... people were starting to gather. They were putting name tags on, they were coming in by themselves and greeting one another. After a good 25 or so people showed up - they pulled the curtain for privacy. I did not notice any food or beer being served but it was early on and the waitress was taking care of the party. My neice just had to know what was going on. Speed dating, single hookups, book club, hockey game coming on soon, - we wanted to know. SO, I did the adult thing and called our waiter over and asked. Seems, this is a theology club that meets once in awhile and as the waiter told us - they meet, they get drunk and talk about Jesus and stuff. I was thinking .... wow... that is really messed up. YES, keep that curtain closed! I couldn't help but to think about the folks in that bar that don't know Jesus and who need Jesus and wonder what they might think about it. Its the wrong reflection.... people get the wrong interpretation. Yes I am not against having an adult beverage from time to time ... the Bible is clear on such things but I am concerned with what they reflect in public and doing more harm than good. Yes, churches can meet in bars, strip clubs, conference rooms and where people are in life - church is not about buildings but about people. Now maybe there was no alcohol at that meeting and our waiter was looking for a better tip by being funny ... I don't know but it does have me thinking.
What are we reflecting to others as we follow Christ? So many people think that once they accept Jesus that things are going to be just peachy and that things will always work out. That is just not true and couldn't be further from the truth. We do experience tough things, we do go through trials and we do struggle with things - we continue to struggle with things - we are sinful like everyone else and accepting Jesus doesn't change that. What should reflect as followers of Jesus is not the struggle itself but how we go through it. Are we really trusting God through those tough places in our lives? People are watching and they are judging .... they are grading you! No matter what is going on in our lives we have to reflect the love that God has for us. We are HIS loved ones.... that alone is bigger than anything we are going through. He is there with us in those trials and seasons. Our difference in those struggles is not when they will be over but how long we stay down! That is what we should be reflecting. We are different and the things of this world should not keep our focus and attention. God knows our next steps ... our next 30 steps and 55 steps before we even make them.
The last 2 days I have been really struggling with my back. I have no idea what I did - I had a problem 2 years ago and it has been good since. I have heard of this fire pain shooting down one leg and yes ... I can say now ... I know what that feels like. I am making it though and even as I smashed my head this morning in the parking deck getting my lunch and bag out of the truck because I can't bend ... I have to smile. I have to suck it up and continue to reflect the love that God has given me even when I don't feel like it. I went to the schools today to have lunch with some of "MyKids". Knowing this might be my last lunch with them for the year and have fully enjoyed investing in the kids... I told one of the teachers that today would probably be my last day since I am booked solid next week and school is only like 10 days away ...she said nope - won't work... she is emailing me what I need to go to as well as an invite to come back next year. She knows my motive for being there - she sees the students respond and she has seen my reflection. God gets the glory for me being there... He has called me to this and to invest in these students. He has made the way for me to be there.... and I believe that it is making a difference.
What are you reflecting today? As a parent are you reflecting what a dad or mom should be to your children? They will reflect when they get older what you are reflecting today........
Are you treating people with love and kindness? Is that cross on your neck just for jewelry or does it really mean something to you?
Proverbs 27:
11 Become wise, dear child, and make me happy; then nothing the world throws my way will upset me. Your Face Mirrors Your Heart 17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.
In Gods grace,
Last night Carol, Kyle and I took some dear folks to a local place to get supper and hang out a bit. It was fun and a good change of routine for us old folks :) - but it is a local hangout for the 20 somethings here near the university. So, I am thinking that our neice was looking for a packed, action filled evening with lots of people and music. Something she is short on in small town USA. It is more my speed and Carol and I have always been found of the little quiet places with good atmoshpere over the jumping loud crowd. Last night we noticed something taking shape in one of the alcoves ... people were starting to gather. They were putting name tags on, they were coming in by themselves and greeting one another. After a good 25 or so people showed up - they pulled the curtain for privacy. I did not notice any food or beer being served but it was early on and the waitress was taking care of the party. My neice just had to know what was going on. Speed dating, single hookups, book club, hockey game coming on soon, - we wanted to know. SO, I did the adult thing and called our waiter over and asked. Seems, this is a theology club that meets once in awhile and as the waiter told us - they meet, they get drunk and talk about Jesus and stuff. I was thinking .... wow... that is really messed up. YES, keep that curtain closed! I couldn't help but to think about the folks in that bar that don't know Jesus and who need Jesus and wonder what they might think about it. Its the wrong reflection.... people get the wrong interpretation. Yes I am not against having an adult beverage from time to time ... the Bible is clear on such things but I am concerned with what they reflect in public and doing more harm than good. Yes, churches can meet in bars, strip clubs, conference rooms and where people are in life - church is not about buildings but about people. Now maybe there was no alcohol at that meeting and our waiter was looking for a better tip by being funny ... I don't know but it does have me thinking.
What are we reflecting to others as we follow Christ? So many people think that once they accept Jesus that things are going to be just peachy and that things will always work out. That is just not true and couldn't be further from the truth. We do experience tough things, we do go through trials and we do struggle with things - we continue to struggle with things - we are sinful like everyone else and accepting Jesus doesn't change that. What should reflect as followers of Jesus is not the struggle itself but how we go through it. Are we really trusting God through those tough places in our lives? People are watching and they are judging .... they are grading you! No matter what is going on in our lives we have to reflect the love that God has for us. We are HIS loved ones.... that alone is bigger than anything we are going through. He is there with us in those trials and seasons. Our difference in those struggles is not when they will be over but how long we stay down! That is what we should be reflecting. We are different and the things of this world should not keep our focus and attention. God knows our next steps ... our next 30 steps and 55 steps before we even make them.
The last 2 days I have been really struggling with my back. I have no idea what I did - I had a problem 2 years ago and it has been good since. I have heard of this fire pain shooting down one leg and yes ... I can say now ... I know what that feels like. I am making it though and even as I smashed my head this morning in the parking deck getting my lunch and bag out of the truck because I can't bend ... I have to smile. I have to suck it up and continue to reflect the love that God has given me even when I don't feel like it. I went to the schools today to have lunch with some of "MyKids". Knowing this might be my last lunch with them for the year and have fully enjoyed investing in the kids... I told one of the teachers that today would probably be my last day since I am booked solid next week and school is only like 10 days away ...she said nope - won't work... she is emailing me what I need to go to as well as an invite to come back next year. She knows my motive for being there - she sees the students respond and she has seen my reflection. God gets the glory for me being there... He has called me to this and to invest in these students. He has made the way for me to be there.... and I believe that it is making a difference.
What are you reflecting today? As a parent are you reflecting what a dad or mom should be to your children? They will reflect when they get older what you are reflecting today........
Are you treating people with love and kindness? Is that cross on your neck just for jewelry or does it really mean something to you?
Proverbs 27:
11 Become wise, dear child, and make me happy; then nothing the world throws my way will upset me. Your Face Mirrors Your Heart 17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.
In Gods grace,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Planting for the future~
With all the rain the last few days, my garden has really taken off. It is time once again to pull my spring crops out and get my summer green planted like green beans and such... It also gives me a chance to make some room in my garden area and plant something new. Not sure that that is this year ... new kind of mater maybe or a new kind of pepper? We shall see.....
The last few days over the long weekend has me thinking about a few things. What exactly are we planting anyways? As parents are we training our kids for their futures? Are we investing in them and really giving them practical useful guidance or are we just doing things to please ourselves? I think about all the compliments that Carol and I get with Kyle. From him being such a well mannered young man to something about his care and love for people - we love receiving those praises as all parents do when our kids do something awesome or make a great choice. These things didn't just turn out this way by chance. Kyles future still can turn on a dime if Carol and I don't keep investing, teaching, striving for those teachable moments, guiding him, letting him make decisions all the while letting him feel them, and most importantly - keeping his eyes focused on Jesus.
I think about all the folks out there who have not received this attention, love, care and direction in life. You may one of them - you may be 14, 23, or in your 30's .... your life today reflects the investments of those folks around you. I guess that is why I hold my walk with Jesus so close and so personal - thats why I invest so much in the people around me - in our youth at church and those in the schools..... not everyone has the same access in these personal investments but we do all have access to Jesus - we do all have access to prayer - and we do have access to experience His grace and love for each of us all in a personal and private way.
No excuses ...... no more lies - life can take a turn in another direction if life today finds you in a place that you don't want to be or know how you got there.
What are you planting in today? Where is your time being spent? With whom ... it is at work, the bar or home with the family? Are you teaching and guiding your children and others? Its sometimes a slow process but nothing of worth comes overnight......
I look at people differently these days.... we all have a story to tell. What will be the story of those you are responsible for?
They say it takes a village to raise a family these days.... I am reminded that even as I serve the kids and families around me .... I can't do it alone. Its a partnership... a heavenly partnership!
I am reminded of Psalm 26:
A David Psalm
1 Clear my name, God; I've kept an honest shop. I've thrown in my lot with you, God, and I'm not budging. 2 Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I'm fit inside and out 3 So I never lose sight of your love, But keep in step with you, never missing a beat. 4-5 I don't hang out with tricksters, I don't pal around with thugs; I hate that pack of gangsters, I don't deal with double-dealers. 6-7 I scrub my hands with purest soap, then join hands with the others in the great circle, dancing around your altar, God, Singing God-songs at the top of my lungs, telling God-stories. 8-10 God, I love living with you; your house glows with your glory. When it's time for spring cleaning, don't sweep me out with the quacks and crooks, Men with bags of dirty tricks, women with purses stuffed with bribe-money. 11-12 You know I've been aboveboard with you; now be aboveboard with me. I'm on the level with you, God; I bless you every chance I get.
A little at a time and one step at a time ..... thats the little secret for planting for the future~
With love,
The last few days over the long weekend has me thinking about a few things. What exactly are we planting anyways? As parents are we training our kids for their futures? Are we investing in them and really giving them practical useful guidance or are we just doing things to please ourselves? I think about all the compliments that Carol and I get with Kyle. From him being such a well mannered young man to something about his care and love for people - we love receiving those praises as all parents do when our kids do something awesome or make a great choice. These things didn't just turn out this way by chance. Kyles future still can turn on a dime if Carol and I don't keep investing, teaching, striving for those teachable moments, guiding him, letting him make decisions all the while letting him feel them, and most importantly - keeping his eyes focused on Jesus.
I think about all the folks out there who have not received this attention, love, care and direction in life. You may one of them - you may be 14, 23, or in your 30's .... your life today reflects the investments of those folks around you. I guess that is why I hold my walk with Jesus so close and so personal - thats why I invest so much in the people around me - in our youth at church and those in the schools..... not everyone has the same access in these personal investments but we do all have access to Jesus - we do all have access to prayer - and we do have access to experience His grace and love for each of us all in a personal and private way.
No excuses ...... no more lies - life can take a turn in another direction if life today finds you in a place that you don't want to be or know how you got there.
What are you planting in today? Where is your time being spent? With whom ... it is at work, the bar or home with the family? Are you teaching and guiding your children and others? Its sometimes a slow process but nothing of worth comes overnight......
I look at people differently these days.... we all have a story to tell. What will be the story of those you are responsible for?
They say it takes a village to raise a family these days.... I am reminded that even as I serve the kids and families around me .... I can't do it alone. Its a partnership... a heavenly partnership!
I am reminded of Psalm 26:
A David Psalm
1 Clear my name, God; I've kept an honest shop. I've thrown in my lot with you, God, and I'm not budging. 2 Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I'm fit inside and out 3 So I never lose sight of your love, But keep in step with you, never missing a beat. 4-5 I don't hang out with tricksters, I don't pal around with thugs; I hate that pack of gangsters, I don't deal with double-dealers. 6-7 I scrub my hands with purest soap, then join hands with the others in the great circle, dancing around your altar, God, Singing God-songs at the top of my lungs, telling God-stories. 8-10 God, I love living with you; your house glows with your glory. When it's time for spring cleaning, don't sweep me out with the quacks and crooks, Men with bags of dirty tricks, women with purses stuffed with bribe-money. 11-12 You know I've been aboveboard with you; now be aboveboard with me. I'm on the level with you, God; I bless you every chance I get.
A little at a time and one step at a time ..... thats the little secret for planting for the future~
With love,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
43 and counting.....
Never thought I would be saying 43 but I am. Carol, Kyle, my nice Jennifer and I have been at the cabin since Thursday. The weather has not been all that great but we are making the most of it. The troops have headed to Ingles for some odds and ends and then into Chimney Rock Village to do a little shopping. So I have some quiet time - to think, pray, and to be thankful for all that I have in life. The last few years have been an amazing ride - God, YOU rock and so thankful for your son Jesus. I want to focus more on the things of God this coming year and reach further to those around me. I look at my nieces - Jenn and Katie - How do they know they are lost when they don't know they are lost?
Today's message from NewSpring church comes from Matthew 7:
Ask, Seek, Knock
7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
They say that giving is always better than receiving. I have really began to understand this in the last few years. Birthday's for most folks means - getting something. I am getting something - Another Day to serve our awesome God. Another day to reach out to others for His purpose and grace. Another day to touch a life of someone who needs to know and experience Jesus. Yesterday while in Chimney Rock - I got my stash of crosses and will be making some necklaces to give out to folks - mostly "MyKids". I can't wait to start handing them out and seeing the smiles.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes today - Thanks to the Davis girls for my voice mail of my girls singing happy birthday to me ... I am just so humbled by the folks that God has me doing life with. Years ago I was seeking ...seeking something bigger and better. Seeking purpose and direction. I got the chance to ask that question last night to my neice Jennifer. She gave the same answer I did years ago - before I knew Jesus. I pray that by the peace I have in my life, the example of my family and the focus we have in our daily walk with Jesus, that she will see something different.
Jesus is that something different.
As I type this - there is a hummingbird right outside the window and on the bird feeder off the deck is the prettiest blue bird I have ever seen. Dogs are sleeping on the deck and the sun is popping in and out from the clouds. Life here is grand and I am soaking in a little piece (peace) of heaven. No presents today ----- just His presence.
Love you all~
Today's message from NewSpring church comes from Matthew 7:
Ask, Seek, Knock
7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
They say that giving is always better than receiving. I have really began to understand this in the last few years. Birthday's for most folks means - getting something. I am getting something - Another Day to serve our awesome God. Another day to reach out to others for His purpose and grace. Another day to touch a life of someone who needs to know and experience Jesus. Yesterday while in Chimney Rock - I got my stash of crosses and will be making some necklaces to give out to folks - mostly "MyKids". I can't wait to start handing them out and seeing the smiles.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes today - Thanks to the Davis girls for my voice mail of my girls singing happy birthday to me ... I am just so humbled by the folks that God has me doing life with. Years ago I was seeking ...seeking something bigger and better. Seeking purpose and direction. I got the chance to ask that question last night to my neice Jennifer. She gave the same answer I did years ago - before I knew Jesus. I pray that by the peace I have in my life, the example of my family and the focus we have in our daily walk with Jesus, that she will see something different.
Jesus is that something different.
As I type this - there is a hummingbird right outside the window and on the bird feeder off the deck is the prettiest blue bird I have ever seen. Dogs are sleeping on the deck and the sun is popping in and out from the clouds. Life here is grand and I am soaking in a little piece (peace) of heaven. No presents today ----- just His presence.
Love you all~
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
More than just an appearance
To be honest, it has been a tough few days to focus. Lots going on this week. We have our niece coming in tomorrow to stay with us for the week. We are headed to the cabin after Kyle gets finished on Thursday with his EOG's and once we get there, unpack, settle in for a few - we are headed to see Kenny Chesney in Greenville, SC. Shame he is not coming to Charlotte NC this year - not sure why but we are going to him this year and we are all pretty excited about it. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday we will be at the cabin and enjoying some rest and downtime together. There is one major highlight on Sunday and that is getting up early, hitting bojangles and then hitting NewSpring Church in Anderson SC. Can't wait to hear Pastor Perry preach and experience such an awesome church. What makes this special is that we will have our niece with us and she does not know Jesus. Carol and I won't have to serve anywhere and Kyle will be undercover as he goes into the children's ministry to collect info on how they do things - he will be grilled on what he liked, what was fun and what is different than his normal Sunday church experience. We always come back fired up...... but even at such a huge church with lots of people around... its easy to get lost and blend into the crowd. Its easy to just make an appearance and then go home - unfazed and mostly unchanged.
Tomorrow, Rocky River Church will be holding its Sunday services at Frank Liske park - which is a local church here in the area. We are having pizza the hour before the band kicks it in and Pastor Jimmy shares what God has placed on his heart. It is always a great day spent in the park, hearing some awesome music led by a great worship pastor - Darren Libby- and hearing about Jesus. The best part of the experience will be the baptism that will take place. It is a public expression of our trust and faith in Jesus for our lives. We are publicly announcing that we are His and have put our lives in Gods hands. It is such an experience and I have been thinking and praying about this for over a week now. I do know a few close and special people that will be baptised and I have already told them - no promises on me not having a tear.
Church is more than just an appearance on Sundays. It is more than getting in your seating section and saying good morning to the normal folks and then going home or out to eat afterwards. When we really meet Jesus - when He fully comes into our lives and church becomes a place for change, for conviction and for growth in our lives - when it becomes uncomfortable at times and you enjoy a laugh and you struggle through a tear .... you know Gods Word is alive in your life. When you get to a place where other people salvation means a LOT to you and you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach them for Jesus. You care about reaching that teenager or 3rd grader who just lost a parent or who is struggling with some things.
Church is more than just an appearance .... when you meet Jesus - He changes everything.
I am praying for our niece .... a new direction in life that has Jesus in it. I am praying for those who will be publicly professing their lives to Jesus tomorrow. No more hiding, no more excuses, no more being fake, no more pretending..... its time to nail this thing down. Your appearance means nothing on Sunday mornings if Gods Word is not alive in your life, alive in your decisions, alive in how you're living and alive in your example.
If you continue to do what you have always done - you will continue to get what you have always gotten.
Appearance is what is on the outside..... God cares about what is on inside. I am pretty stoked for the next week ahead ....... a little God's glory at a time.
Tomorrow, Rocky River Church will be holding its Sunday services at Frank Liske park - which is a local church here in the area. We are having pizza the hour before the band kicks it in and Pastor Jimmy shares what God has placed on his heart. It is always a great day spent in the park, hearing some awesome music led by a great worship pastor - Darren Libby- and hearing about Jesus. The best part of the experience will be the baptism that will take place. It is a public expression of our trust and faith in Jesus for our lives. We are publicly announcing that we are His and have put our lives in Gods hands. It is such an experience and I have been thinking and praying about this for over a week now. I do know a few close and special people that will be baptised and I have already told them - no promises on me not having a tear.
Church is more than just an appearance on Sundays. It is more than getting in your seating section and saying good morning to the normal folks and then going home or out to eat afterwards. When we really meet Jesus - when He fully comes into our lives and church becomes a place for change, for conviction and for growth in our lives - when it becomes uncomfortable at times and you enjoy a laugh and you struggle through a tear .... you know Gods Word is alive in your life. When you get to a place where other people salvation means a LOT to you and you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach them for Jesus. You care about reaching that teenager or 3rd grader who just lost a parent or who is struggling with some things.
Church is more than just an appearance .... when you meet Jesus - He changes everything.
I am praying for our niece .... a new direction in life that has Jesus in it. I am praying for those who will be publicly professing their lives to Jesus tomorrow. No more hiding, no more excuses, no more being fake, no more pretending..... its time to nail this thing down. Your appearance means nothing on Sunday mornings if Gods Word is not alive in your life, alive in your decisions, alive in how you're living and alive in your example.
If you continue to do what you have always done - you will continue to get what you have always gotten.
Appearance is what is on the outside..... God cares about what is on inside. I am pretty stoked for the next week ahead ....... a little God's glory at a time.
Monday, May 18, 2009
What place is this?
As one chapter closes another chapter is opened. This past weekend Carol told me and then pointed me to her blog site. She has posted her last heartfelt thoughts on there. I totally understand the reasoning's behind it. Many times having nothing to share, maybe not feeling like those things that are going on in life are news worthy or sharing what you are learning or what God is teaching you, maybe focusing in on what others are saying about you as you pour your heart into your words when you are posting them.... there is a lot that goes into this for most folks who blog something. Not twittering - I mean I can see some value in that but for me ... I don't see a reason to give small captions of my day every hour on the hour. I don't think anyone cares that I tell everyone that I showed up to work, went to the bathroom or is at Walmart. I blog in this method because there is someone who needs some encouragement and they might need to read something that is centered around Jesus to get them through the day or to refocus themselves or just know there is someone else out there who is going through the same kind of things as they are.
So if this is not your landing spot ... move along, its ok. I do get some negative feedback from time to time on here and I don't post those comments because that is their thoughts ~ not mine. I am not aiming to people please but to share Jesus with others and to share what He is doing in my life. Carol your words and heart will be missed and I am sure there are some folks who love reading your posts even though they never comment about it or let you know. Facebook is your new avenue now so use it to share with others. So many don't feel the passion in your life about the things you hold dear. Family, church, our sunday school kids and the k-5 ministry, our rock group families and the people we are doing life with, Harrisburg Elementary school - the PTA and teachers there as well as the simple things of taking time to relax, tubing and being at the cabin .... and yes - even Adger and Payton.
This brings me to my thoughts this morning.
As one chapter closes another opens. I got to sit with the 5th graders yesterday at church. It was a small group as I was expecting many more since it was our last time together. Maybe I am more serious than they are about it because they are moving on to the student ministry ... but I have poured - we have poured so much into these kids over the years. They are our leaders in growth coming up for the student ministry, our church and in our country and by there example in serving. Many of them serve at church as hard as any of the serving adults! What a great bunch of kids. Deep inside of them - you can tell who has the character - that deep inside place - to make a difference. Outside influence won't overcome them or change them much in who they really are. They are who they are regardless of who is looking...... It has been such a blessing to be a part of their lives.
Friday, I received a new book that I got from Pastor James MacDonald. He is the pastor at Harvest church and hosts the radio show - Walk in the Word. I listen to him every single day and have learned so much from him. I opened the book and went right to the topic of interest for me and wanted to hear his heart on the subject of "Bless a child". If you know me at all - I am all about the kids. Carol thinks I am nuts at times but my heart is so big for them. Last night I took a van full to the bowling alley and had such a great time with them. I feel their struggles and the places they go in life. I want so much for each of them ..... and for each of them to really understand how much Jesus loves them. He is all they need .......
I want to share Pastor James's words here because it rocked my face off and hits home for me in where my heart is.
Bless a Child - James MacDonald
Deep within the heart of every person is a longing for parental approval. We search for it our whole lives. If we dont get it from our parents, we look for it elsewhere. Until we receive it, our hearts are restless. When we get it, however, we experience a level of fulfillment and security we cant get any other way. We all want to feel confident that our mother and father know us, love us, and value us, that they are proud of us and recognize our accomplishments. From the preschooler who calls our from the sandbox, "Dad, look what I made," to the kid who fidgets nervously as mom reads the report card, to the high school student who appears in the kitchen dressed for the prom and says, "How do I look?", to the grown adult who cant wait for mom and dad to see their new home, car or new baby - parental blessing is a universal longing.
You might be saying to yourself, "Well, I didnt get this blessing from my parents." Maybe that's true. But if life in Christ is about anything, it is about breaking the chains of the past. As you become an adult, you have to move beyond the what-did-I-get-from-my-parents mentality and recognize that your parents may have not received the blessing either. Perhaps you're the 1st generation Christian who can draw a line in the sand and declare, "The blessing begins right here." What an opportunity God has given you! You can be the 1st in a line of people who will do the things that God in His Word has commanded be done.
Perhaps you're a single adult or married with no children. How many children are in your life whose parents dont have the wisdom to make sure their children get this blessing? Surely every adult has some access to kids and could meet this God-given need that every person longs to have fulfilled. Praise God for you who will say, "I didn't get this blessing myself, but in God's strength I'm going to give it."
Mark 10:13-16
The Little Children and Jesus
13People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." 16And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
This so hits home for me ........
So if this is not your landing spot ... move along, its ok. I do get some negative feedback from time to time on here and I don't post those comments because that is their thoughts ~ not mine. I am not aiming to people please but to share Jesus with others and to share what He is doing in my life. Carol your words and heart will be missed and I am sure there are some folks who love reading your posts even though they never comment about it or let you know. Facebook is your new avenue now so use it to share with others. So many don't feel the passion in your life about the things you hold dear. Family, church, our sunday school kids and the k-5 ministry, our rock group families and the people we are doing life with, Harrisburg Elementary school - the PTA and teachers there as well as the simple things of taking time to relax, tubing and being at the cabin .... and yes - even Adger and Payton.
This brings me to my thoughts this morning.
As one chapter closes another opens. I got to sit with the 5th graders yesterday at church. It was a small group as I was expecting many more since it was our last time together. Maybe I am more serious than they are about it because they are moving on to the student ministry ... but I have poured - we have poured so much into these kids over the years. They are our leaders in growth coming up for the student ministry, our church and in our country and by there example in serving. Many of them serve at church as hard as any of the serving adults! What a great bunch of kids. Deep inside of them - you can tell who has the character - that deep inside place - to make a difference. Outside influence won't overcome them or change them much in who they really are. They are who they are regardless of who is looking...... It has been such a blessing to be a part of their lives.
Friday, I received a new book that I got from Pastor James MacDonald. He is the pastor at Harvest church and hosts the radio show - Walk in the Word. I listen to him every single day and have learned so much from him. I opened the book and went right to the topic of interest for me and wanted to hear his heart on the subject of "Bless a child". If you know me at all - I am all about the kids. Carol thinks I am nuts at times but my heart is so big for them. Last night I took a van full to the bowling alley and had such a great time with them. I feel their struggles and the places they go in life. I want so much for each of them ..... and for each of them to really understand how much Jesus loves them. He is all they need .......
I want to share Pastor James's words here because it rocked my face off and hits home for me in where my heart is.
Bless a Child - James MacDonald
Deep within the heart of every person is a longing for parental approval. We search for it our whole lives. If we dont get it from our parents, we look for it elsewhere. Until we receive it, our hearts are restless. When we get it, however, we experience a level of fulfillment and security we cant get any other way. We all want to feel confident that our mother and father know us, love us, and value us, that they are proud of us and recognize our accomplishments. From the preschooler who calls our from the sandbox, "Dad, look what I made," to the kid who fidgets nervously as mom reads the report card, to the high school student who appears in the kitchen dressed for the prom and says, "How do I look?", to the grown adult who cant wait for mom and dad to see their new home, car or new baby - parental blessing is a universal longing.
You might be saying to yourself, "Well, I didnt get this blessing from my parents." Maybe that's true. But if life in Christ is about anything, it is about breaking the chains of the past. As you become an adult, you have to move beyond the what-did-I-get-from-my-parents mentality and recognize that your parents may have not received the blessing either. Perhaps you're the 1st generation Christian who can draw a line in the sand and declare, "The blessing begins right here." What an opportunity God has given you! You can be the 1st in a line of people who will do the things that God in His Word has commanded be done.
Perhaps you're a single adult or married with no children. How many children are in your life whose parents dont have the wisdom to make sure their children get this blessing? Surely every adult has some access to kids and could meet this God-given need that every person longs to have fulfilled. Praise God for you who will say, "I didn't get this blessing myself, but in God's strength I'm going to give it."
Mark 10:13-16
The Little Children and Jesus
13People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." 16And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
This so hits home for me ........
Friday, May 15, 2009
May 15th ~
May 15th is one of those days that will be forever in my heart. See, its my moms birthday. She would have been 64 today. Only 64 ... robbed of the many years ahead into retirement and growing old with my dad, getting to see grandkids being raised, birthdays and teeth falling out - so much she missed out on. For many reasons mom fought hard not to leave. She put up a fight that I never knew she had in her. For a little frame woman - she was the strongest person I have ever known. With all that inner strength and the love she had for others - she had such a soft and tender side about her. Her very nature was about serving others, making sure every one was happy and putting others first. She endured a lot in her time here... a tough childhood and upbringing but that was never talked about as she raised my brother and I. She instilled in us both so many great qualities and some memories of so many great things and experiences. My love for Elvis is still with me... my love of laughter and joking around ... my love for people and really caring for them... I can communicate so much with just a smile. Thanks mom for passing down these great qualities.
Today, I find myself not sad at all. Yes it has been 3 years now since you having to leave but it is ok. I find myself joyful in the fact that heaven is your home now and that is a place that is in my destiny as is many of the people that I love dearly - family, friends, church peeps - I am more alive today because of your sacrifice and for your cancer than I ever have been. Jesus has to use your sickness to bring me to a place where He alone could touch and change my heart. I am serving HARD mom to reach others for Him. If He can use me like He is today - He can use so many others. I know you would be proud of what I am doing today and the things God has led me to do. I just can't seem to get enough of Him... I can't seem to get enough of the things that are important to His heart. The great thing about it is the people that He has put in my life to invest in. All "MyKids" at school and at Sunday School and their families - our Rock Group kids and their families.... They all touch my heart in such an awesome way. I just can't seem to get enough of them and I pray for those opportunities to pour into them. Today I had lunch at one of the schools and had lunch with a few kids from church. I will tell you the rush that is felt when they see me and the smile it produces is just priceless. It is making a difference in this ministry that I have been given and trusted with. Sure there have been some hard times with this but its all for Gods purposes and for His glory mom .... He keeps me going.
You know I miss you - I look forward to telling you again in person that I love you. Kyle and Carol miss you and love you. Kyle continues to talk about banana pudding ... :)
I know your birthday is special today in heaven. You are celebrating like we can't even imagine down here. Cake is probably fattening, Sun-Drop is not this diet crap we have to drink here and I am sure the coffee is just perfect. I have some more work to do mom - I have to get done the things that God has instructed me with. "My Promise" is still written on my heart and even though I may not get the chance all that much these days to preach Jesus to dad - I honestly believe he is getting it. Neila is a great God loving and God honoring woman. I am very thankful for her in so many ways. This afternoon we are headed to the cabin until tomorrow night. Carol, Kyle, Morgan, Taylor and I will be spending some time together. Mom you never met Morgan and Taylor ... I know why now that God only blessed Carol with 1 child - We have so many more to invest in now - so many daughters and sons that we love like our own. I am feeling more blessed than any other time in my life. I have to say that even cancer can bring glory and honor to God .... if the person knows Jesus. I am thankful that you did....... otherwise I think this page would have been blank and my eyes would be full of tears.
You are alive more than ever today mom - I miss you, love you and can't wait to see you when its that time. Until then ... I got it under control mom ... taking care of details as I promised you. It will be great when I can finally hand those word back to you. Job complete....... I pray I get to hear Jesus say - Job well done too~
I will close with Psalm 100 - which we read together for months and I take such great comfort in these words.
Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving thanks.
1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his [a] ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Always your son,
Today, I find myself not sad at all. Yes it has been 3 years now since you having to leave but it is ok. I find myself joyful in the fact that heaven is your home now and that is a place that is in my destiny as is many of the people that I love dearly - family, friends, church peeps - I am more alive today because of your sacrifice and for your cancer than I ever have been. Jesus has to use your sickness to bring me to a place where He alone could touch and change my heart. I am serving HARD mom to reach others for Him. If He can use me like He is today - He can use so many others. I know you would be proud of what I am doing today and the things God has led me to do. I just can't seem to get enough of Him... I can't seem to get enough of the things that are important to His heart. The great thing about it is the people that He has put in my life to invest in. All "MyKids" at school and at Sunday School and their families - our Rock Group kids and their families.... They all touch my heart in such an awesome way. I just can't seem to get enough of them and I pray for those opportunities to pour into them. Today I had lunch at one of the schools and had lunch with a few kids from church. I will tell you the rush that is felt when they see me and the smile it produces is just priceless. It is making a difference in this ministry that I have been given and trusted with. Sure there have been some hard times with this but its all for Gods purposes and for His glory mom .... He keeps me going.
You know I miss you - I look forward to telling you again in person that I love you. Kyle and Carol miss you and love you. Kyle continues to talk about banana pudding ... :)
I know your birthday is special today in heaven. You are celebrating like we can't even imagine down here. Cake is probably fattening, Sun-Drop is not this diet crap we have to drink here and I am sure the coffee is just perfect. I have some more work to do mom - I have to get done the things that God has instructed me with. "My Promise" is still written on my heart and even though I may not get the chance all that much these days to preach Jesus to dad - I honestly believe he is getting it. Neila is a great God loving and God honoring woman. I am very thankful for her in so many ways. This afternoon we are headed to the cabin until tomorrow night. Carol, Kyle, Morgan, Taylor and I will be spending some time together. Mom you never met Morgan and Taylor ... I know why now that God only blessed Carol with 1 child - We have so many more to invest in now - so many daughters and sons that we love like our own. I am feeling more blessed than any other time in my life. I have to say that even cancer can bring glory and honor to God .... if the person knows Jesus. I am thankful that you did....... otherwise I think this page would have been blank and my eyes would be full of tears.
You are alive more than ever today mom - I miss you, love you and can't wait to see you when its that time. Until then ... I got it under control mom ... taking care of details as I promised you. It will be great when I can finally hand those word back to you. Job complete....... I pray I get to hear Jesus say - Job well done too~
I will close with Psalm 100 - which we read together for months and I take such great comfort in these words.
Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving thanks.
1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his [a] ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Always your son,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A new day ....
If you have been reading this blog for any time now - you would know that I have been hanging on to a few things and letting you know that I would fill you in on some things.
Today is that day.
I am pretty excited about it and also unsure of it... meaning I don't know how it will turn out, what I will be learning, will I be any good at it, what if I fail, why did God call me to do this, so many questions. But I do know God is the answer to all of them so it is with Him I will leave it all. Scared, not really - excited yes. But I am willing to get out of the boat ......
Last night in our leadership meeting, it was made public that I was stepping down as Ministry Team Leader for our Setup and Breakdown ministry. It has been 2 1/2 years leading this ministry and I have learned so much from it. I have also given up so much with the loss of part of my weekend, sleep, family time, serving when not feeling good, coming back from the cabin or rearranging vacations - but its a sacrifice that I am and will continue to make. God has my heart that much and it is an honor to be serving Him, serving His local church, His people and the people I love dearly. I love being in the game and part of the team. I am so much a team player ..... and love doing life with the people God has called me to reach out to.
My next steps are already in the works and in many ways I am already doing this new ministry role. I will be serving more of my time in our K-5 (KidZrock) ministry as well as serving in a pastoral care role to the kids and families there. I will be under a great spiritual leader in our church and I am so looking forward to learning and absorbing what he has to teach me. Many months ago I wrote about the relationship of Paul and Timothy. In many ways, he is my Paul and I am his Timothy. I was to study what he has to teach me. I want to be successful in the next role that God has called me to in serving the kids and families at church. Paul downloaded his life into Timothy. He taught him everything about life, ministry, leading people, difficult situations .... in preparation to one day be a Paul to someone else that he can pour into and invest in to. We all have a Paul in our lives and we for sure all have Timothy's in our lives.
I look at the big picture and it scares me. I see people struggling with many difficult things and I want to have some real answers for them and I have to focus on Jesus - He is the real answers to our problems. I have a love for people, some compassion for them and a great deal of passion for the kids. I want them to see Jesus in every aspect of their lives.
I have been reading a lot of book on relationships, daughters and sons, I have been on a great children's ministry website - - and find it invaluable for ideas and such from other children's pastors and children's ministry volunteers. There is just SO much we can do to reach kids for Jesus. This is not in anyway shape or form a babysitting service while mom and dad sits and listens to the message from the lead pastor. We are not there to just pass the time but to teach the practical love of Jesus to them. Teach them and show them who Jesus is and where He fits into their young lives. We are potentially changing the paths of these children's futures by introducing them to Jesus!! We have to be fired up about this .... We have to pull out all the good stuff to make this happen and the reality of it boils down to this:
They don't have to be there. If the child (children) are not having fun at church - then chances are good mom and dad won't be coming back. The kids make or break the deal when a family visits a church. The music might be great, greeting and the feeling of being welcome and comfortable is top notch, the message might speak right to the parents hearts but if the kids are not happy, if they are not having fun, then they probably won't be back.
We need to engage our kids, we have to compete with the Disney Channel, MTV, sporting events, weekends at the beach - we have to have the tools and the "FUN" to pull these kids in and make them want to come back. High energy - laser focus on Jesus - up and moving - things they don't get to do in a school classroom setting be effective. Kids are made to sit in their seats all week at school - they get in trouble for talking - they get in trouble for laughing when they are not supposed to- they get in trouble for being loud in the halls and walking in non-conforming straight lines .... this is the way it is in a school setting as it fully should be ... but not for children's ministry.
We can't stifle the creativity tools in reaching these kids. We can't take them to the playground and tell them they can't play, don't touch or stop having fun. If you do - you are taking the ministry to new low levels.
When kids can be comfortable, have fun, learn some new things, have their friends around them, act silly and have a chance to be heard because they all want to talk and be heard .... they will keep coming back and the best part is ... they will bring their parents with them. Kids have a voice in the home today. They can work those deals - you know parents ...the sleep overs and other such things just so they can do things together with their friends. Parents listen .... and church is part of that! The best part of all this while these great things are happening .... is they are being taught about Jesus on a level they can understand.
What does the road look like ahead...? I don't know but I am sure fire - ready to dirty what God has to teach me through it.
Looking forward to Sunday already - teaching the 5th graders about "Ethics - Code of Conduct" which is basically - their Character ....... "Who are they when no one is looking."
Looking forward to the next chapter in "My Walk".......
In Christ,
Today is that day.
I am pretty excited about it and also unsure of it... meaning I don't know how it will turn out, what I will be learning, will I be any good at it, what if I fail, why did God call me to do this, so many questions. But I do know God is the answer to all of them so it is with Him I will leave it all. Scared, not really - excited yes. But I am willing to get out of the boat ......
Last night in our leadership meeting, it was made public that I was stepping down as Ministry Team Leader for our Setup and Breakdown ministry. It has been 2 1/2 years leading this ministry and I have learned so much from it. I have also given up so much with the loss of part of my weekend, sleep, family time, serving when not feeling good, coming back from the cabin or rearranging vacations - but its a sacrifice that I am and will continue to make. God has my heart that much and it is an honor to be serving Him, serving His local church, His people and the people I love dearly. I love being in the game and part of the team. I am so much a team player ..... and love doing life with the people God has called me to reach out to.
My next steps are already in the works and in many ways I am already doing this new ministry role. I will be serving more of my time in our K-5 (KidZrock) ministry as well as serving in a pastoral care role to the kids and families there. I will be under a great spiritual leader in our church and I am so looking forward to learning and absorbing what he has to teach me. Many months ago I wrote about the relationship of Paul and Timothy. In many ways, he is my Paul and I am his Timothy. I was to study what he has to teach me. I want to be successful in the next role that God has called me to in serving the kids and families at church. Paul downloaded his life into Timothy. He taught him everything about life, ministry, leading people, difficult situations .... in preparation to one day be a Paul to someone else that he can pour into and invest in to. We all have a Paul in our lives and we for sure all have Timothy's in our lives.
I look at the big picture and it scares me. I see people struggling with many difficult things and I want to have some real answers for them and I have to focus on Jesus - He is the real answers to our problems. I have a love for people, some compassion for them and a great deal of passion for the kids. I want them to see Jesus in every aspect of their lives.
I have been reading a lot of book on relationships, daughters and sons, I have been on a great children's ministry website - - and find it invaluable for ideas and such from other children's pastors and children's ministry volunteers. There is just SO much we can do to reach kids for Jesus. This is not in anyway shape or form a babysitting service while mom and dad sits and listens to the message from the lead pastor. We are not there to just pass the time but to teach the practical love of Jesus to them. Teach them and show them who Jesus is and where He fits into their young lives. We are potentially changing the paths of these children's futures by introducing them to Jesus!! We have to be fired up about this .... We have to pull out all the good stuff to make this happen and the reality of it boils down to this:
They don't have to be there. If the child (children) are not having fun at church - then chances are good mom and dad won't be coming back. The kids make or break the deal when a family visits a church. The music might be great, greeting and the feeling of being welcome and comfortable is top notch, the message might speak right to the parents hearts but if the kids are not happy, if they are not having fun, then they probably won't be back.
We need to engage our kids, we have to compete with the Disney Channel, MTV, sporting events, weekends at the beach - we have to have the tools and the "FUN" to pull these kids in and make them want to come back. High energy - laser focus on Jesus - up and moving - things they don't get to do in a school classroom setting be effective. Kids are made to sit in their seats all week at school - they get in trouble for talking - they get in trouble for laughing when they are not supposed to- they get in trouble for being loud in the halls and walking in non-conforming straight lines .... this is the way it is in a school setting as it fully should be ... but not for children's ministry.
We can't stifle the creativity tools in reaching these kids. We can't take them to the playground and tell them they can't play, don't touch or stop having fun. If you do - you are taking the ministry to new low levels.
When kids can be comfortable, have fun, learn some new things, have their friends around them, act silly and have a chance to be heard because they all want to talk and be heard .... they will keep coming back and the best part is ... they will bring their parents with them. Kids have a voice in the home today. They can work those deals - you know parents ...the sleep overs and other such things just so they can do things together with their friends. Parents listen .... and church is part of that! The best part of all this while these great things are happening .... is they are being taught about Jesus on a level they can understand.
What does the road look like ahead...? I don't know but I am sure fire - ready to dirty what God has to teach me through it.
Looking forward to Sunday already - teaching the 5th graders about "Ethics - Code of Conduct" which is basically - their Character ....... "Who are they when no one is looking."
Looking forward to the next chapter in "My Walk".......
In Christ,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
You are you ~ Really.......
I am about half way through my current read - Raising a Modern - Day Knight by Robert Lewis and it is challenging me in a few ways. One of the things I read yesterday was dealing with the code of conduct. Yes dealing with "Ethics". Ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult. So my question today is - "Who are you when no one is looking?"
This really has me thinking about character. Some of the experiences with people I am reflecting on, all of which is including the kids I come in contact with at the schools, church and in life - parents and friends. Who am I when no one is looking? What messages am I sending to my wife, my son, and others in the things I do, the things I say each and act every day? What is my character like if I didn't say a word? Do the things I value in life and the God I represent shine above the little things that make up who I am or do the character things shine over who God says I am?
I do get to meet a lot of kids in the schools each week that I really have no idea who they are, where they have been, what they are going through or what life is like at home. I basically know very little - other than if I come in contact with them they are probably friends with one of "MyKids" that I visit in the schools. These are the kids that I invest my time, passion and care into because I know them, I know their parents and they see the value of me visiting with them. Mainly because encouragement, value and friendship, male role model are all qualities that they feel are important for their children to experience. It is part of my ministry and I value this greatly because I want others to see Jesus above seeing me in the things I say - the things I do and in my actions. It is part of my character, it is part of who I am, it is part of my shape and is a part of my heart.
They say you never get another chance to make a first impression. It is so true but I try to not put all my eggs in one basket so to say. People deserve a second chance. We don't know what is going on in their lives. We don't know what their last phone call was about or what they are struggling with. So many times, people are who they are for a reason. Our children suffer often times by the choices their parents make and how much value we put on them, our relationship with them, our leadership with them, our choices and example we are showing them. Many times after just meeting someone - you can tell who has the attitude, who thinks they deserve something for nothing, you know what I am saying. Life is probably going to be hard if things don't change ... I can be speaking of 5th graders, high school kids, young adults, or even folks in their 40's. Who are you when no one is looking? Are you constantly picking fights, looking to cause friction between people, causing trouble and strife, being passive in your leadership at home and over your family? Do you still make teenage decisions and act like you are in your 20's when you are in your 40's?
Jesus provided so many examples for us in how He lived his life. He came to serve others and so should we. His needs were put behind the needs of others. Imagine how life would change if you put the needs of your wife or husband before your own. How the lives of your children would change by you putting their needs ahead of yours. Your leadership, your example, your building up of their character instead of tearing them down. You putting others ahead of yourself and letting God change you - change the inner side of you in shaping your character. Who are you when no one is looking? Would your music change, the friends you hang with, the places you visit, the movies you watch - would the beer joint still be on the list of places you go? Would your grades be important to you? Would pleasing your teacher be important? Would you be willing to remove some of your friends because they are a bad influence and they are leading you down a hard road?
Our heavenly father know who we are when no one is looking. By choosing what is right you are choosing to be forever strengthened. God has a lot to say about your character. Will you let Him speak to you through His word, through others, and through your circumstances?
Proverbs have really been speaking to me the last week. Let me share some of Proverbs 10 this morning. I am including all of Proverbs 10 (The Message) because I know there will be 1 or 2 verses that really touch home for each of us. Its up to you to let the wise words sink in.
Proverbs 10 - The Wise Sayings of Solomon
An Honest Life Is Immortal
1 Wise son, glad father; stupid son, sad mother.
2 Ill-gotten gain gets you nowhere; an honest life is immortal.
3 God won't starve an honest soul, but he frustrates the appetites of the wicked.
4 Sloth makes you poor; diligence brings wealth.
5 Make hay while the sun shines—that's smart; go fishing during harvest—that's stupid.
6 Blessings accrue on a good and honest life, but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse.
7 A good and honest life is a blessed memorial; a wicked life leaves a rotten stench.
8 A wise heart takes orders; an empty head will come unglued.
9 Honesty lives confident and carefree, but Shifty is sure to be exposed.
10 An evasive eye is a sign of trouble ahead, but an open, face-to-face meeting results in peace. 11 The mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well, but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse.
12 Hatred starts fights, but love pulls a quilt over the bickering.
13 You'll find wisdom on the lips of a person of insight, but the shortsighted needs a slap in the face.
14 The wise accumulate knowledge—a true treasure; know-it-alls talk too much—a sheer waste.
The Road to Life Is a Disciplined Life
15 The wealth of the rich is their bastion; the poverty of the indigent is their ruin.
16 The wage of a good person is exuberant life; an evil person ends up with nothing but sin.
17 The road to life is a disciplined life; ignore correction and you're lost for good.
18 Liars secretly hoard hatred; fools openly spread slander.
19 The more talk, the less truth; the wise measure their words.
20 The speech of a good person is worth waiting for; the blabber of the wicked is worthless.
21 The talk of a good person is rich fare for many, but chatterboxes die of an empty heart.
Fear-of-God Expands Your Life
22 God's blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God.
23 An empty-head thinks mischief is fun, but a mindful person relishes wisdom.
24 The nightmares of the wicked come true; what the good people desire, they get.
25 When the storm is over, there's nothing left of the wicked; good people, firm on their rock foundation, aren't even fazed.
26 A lazy employee will give you nothing but trouble; it's vinegar in the mouth, smoke in the eyes.
27 The Fear-of-God expands your life; a wicked life is a puny life.
28 The aspirations of good people end in celebration; the ambitions of bad people crash.
29 God is solid backing to a well-lived life, but he calls into question a shabby performance.
30 Good people last—they can't be moved; the wicked are here today, gone tomorrow.
31 A good person's mouth is a clear fountain of wisdom; a foul mouth is a stagnant swamp.
32 The speech of a good person clears the air; the words of the wicked pollute it.
This really has me thinking about character. Some of the experiences with people I am reflecting on, all of which is including the kids I come in contact with at the schools, church and in life - parents and friends. Who am I when no one is looking? What messages am I sending to my wife, my son, and others in the things I do, the things I say each and act every day? What is my character like if I didn't say a word? Do the things I value in life and the God I represent shine above the little things that make up who I am or do the character things shine over who God says I am?
I do get to meet a lot of kids in the schools each week that I really have no idea who they are, where they have been, what they are going through or what life is like at home. I basically know very little - other than if I come in contact with them they are probably friends with one of "MyKids" that I visit in the schools. These are the kids that I invest my time, passion and care into because I know them, I know their parents and they see the value of me visiting with them. Mainly because encouragement, value and friendship, male role model are all qualities that they feel are important for their children to experience. It is part of my ministry and I value this greatly because I want others to see Jesus above seeing me in the things I say - the things I do and in my actions. It is part of my character, it is part of who I am, it is part of my shape and is a part of my heart.
They say you never get another chance to make a first impression. It is so true but I try to not put all my eggs in one basket so to say. People deserve a second chance. We don't know what is going on in their lives. We don't know what their last phone call was about or what they are struggling with. So many times, people are who they are for a reason. Our children suffer often times by the choices their parents make and how much value we put on them, our relationship with them, our leadership with them, our choices and example we are showing them. Many times after just meeting someone - you can tell who has the attitude, who thinks they deserve something for nothing, you know what I am saying. Life is probably going to be hard if things don't change ... I can be speaking of 5th graders, high school kids, young adults, or even folks in their 40's. Who are you when no one is looking? Are you constantly picking fights, looking to cause friction between people, causing trouble and strife, being passive in your leadership at home and over your family? Do you still make teenage decisions and act like you are in your 20's when you are in your 40's?
Jesus provided so many examples for us in how He lived his life. He came to serve others and so should we. His needs were put behind the needs of others. Imagine how life would change if you put the needs of your wife or husband before your own. How the lives of your children would change by you putting their needs ahead of yours. Your leadership, your example, your building up of their character instead of tearing them down. You putting others ahead of yourself and letting God change you - change the inner side of you in shaping your character. Who are you when no one is looking? Would your music change, the friends you hang with, the places you visit, the movies you watch - would the beer joint still be on the list of places you go? Would your grades be important to you? Would pleasing your teacher be important? Would you be willing to remove some of your friends because they are a bad influence and they are leading you down a hard road?
Our heavenly father know who we are when no one is looking. By choosing what is right you are choosing to be forever strengthened. God has a lot to say about your character. Will you let Him speak to you through His word, through others, and through your circumstances?
Proverbs have really been speaking to me the last week. Let me share some of Proverbs 10 this morning. I am including all of Proverbs 10 (The Message) because I know there will be 1 or 2 verses that really touch home for each of us. Its up to you to let the wise words sink in.
Proverbs 10 - The Wise Sayings of Solomon
An Honest Life Is Immortal
1 Wise son, glad father; stupid son, sad mother.
2 Ill-gotten gain gets you nowhere; an honest life is immortal.
3 God won't starve an honest soul, but he frustrates the appetites of the wicked.
4 Sloth makes you poor; diligence brings wealth.
5 Make hay while the sun shines—that's smart; go fishing during harvest—that's stupid.
6 Blessings accrue on a good and honest life, but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse.
7 A good and honest life is a blessed memorial; a wicked life leaves a rotten stench.
8 A wise heart takes orders; an empty head will come unglued.
9 Honesty lives confident and carefree, but Shifty is sure to be exposed.
10 An evasive eye is a sign of trouble ahead, but an open, face-to-face meeting results in peace. 11 The mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well, but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse.
12 Hatred starts fights, but love pulls a quilt over the bickering.
13 You'll find wisdom on the lips of a person of insight, but the shortsighted needs a slap in the face.
14 The wise accumulate knowledge—a true treasure; know-it-alls talk too much—a sheer waste.
The Road to Life Is a Disciplined Life
15 The wealth of the rich is their bastion; the poverty of the indigent is their ruin.
16 The wage of a good person is exuberant life; an evil person ends up with nothing but sin.
17 The road to life is a disciplined life; ignore correction and you're lost for good.
18 Liars secretly hoard hatred; fools openly spread slander.
19 The more talk, the less truth; the wise measure their words.
20 The speech of a good person is worth waiting for; the blabber of the wicked is worthless.
21 The talk of a good person is rich fare for many, but chatterboxes die of an empty heart.
Fear-of-God Expands Your Life
22 God's blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God.
23 An empty-head thinks mischief is fun, but a mindful person relishes wisdom.
24 The nightmares of the wicked come true; what the good people desire, they get.
25 When the storm is over, there's nothing left of the wicked; good people, firm on their rock foundation, aren't even fazed.
26 A lazy employee will give you nothing but trouble; it's vinegar in the mouth, smoke in the eyes.
27 The Fear-of-God expands your life; a wicked life is a puny life.
28 The aspirations of good people end in celebration; the ambitions of bad people crash.
29 God is solid backing to a well-lived life, but he calls into question a shabby performance.
30 Good people last—they can't be moved; the wicked are here today, gone tomorrow.
31 A good person's mouth is a clear fountain of wisdom; a foul mouth is a stagnant swamp.
32 The speech of a good person clears the air; the words of the wicked pollute it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Laying low .....
Monday, raining, cool out and student are gone from work now.... calls for a quiet time. Laying low today ... did get to go in and help Kyles teacher with some outdoor fun activity. It was good seeing the kids - I will be there again on Thursday as I start making my last rounds for some of "MyKids". We didn't have Rock Group last night and Carol, Kyle and I have not had a Sunday away from Rock Group in a few months. It was kinda weird not hanging with our peeps and sharing life together. Hope everyone had a great mothers day. Carol got some new chairs for down at the pool area and we got a chance to sit by the pool for a few last night - very comfortable.....
Not much to share today that is inspirational - other than the fact that my new adventure at church will be starting soon and I am pretty pumped about it. I will give more details soon about that. Until then .....
Not much to share today that is inspirational - other than the fact that my new adventure at church will be starting soon and I am pretty pumped about it. I will give more details soon about that. Until then .....
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Guest Blogger~
When we lose someone close - it affects people in many ways. Some ways last a persons life and they are forever changed. If you have your mom tomorrow - reach out in a special way tomorrow. Before she had you she was just a woman and the second she had you she became a mother. You will only have 1 mother in this life. This is an entry from my Aunt Sharon. Today, after 3 years she continues to struggle with the loss of my mom. Following Jesus makes this so much easier because one day - we will be reunited with her. I am posting her thoughts because it may be words dear to someones struggling heart today. May the Lord reach your heart today with a peace you have never experienced. His loves endures forever and through all generations.
This is such a hard month for me Randy. Mother's Day, and your momma's birthday coming up too. It's strange that she and I never missed a Mother's Day sending each other a card. There was just a special bond between us that will never, ever go away. I still miss her as much as I did the day she left to go to Heaven. Everything I do, I ask myself would Sis approve of it, would she think it was the best I could do?? I do know she is watching us. I struggle so much more than anyone knows about, other than you.
I've let the highlights in my hair grow out, my hair has gotten so dark. I look at my reflection in the mirror and think Sis would like this. She will still know me even if I was always blond and now my hair is dark. I think maybe, just maybe, you can see a little more of her in me now. I don't know, maybe I just long to hear her say again "Sis, just accept yourself, you are what you are, the way God made you" She always knew what to say to make it all ok. Just to see her smile again one more time.......and those big brown eyes looking at me and us knowing right away what each other was thinking. It's so funny. We ALWAYS knew what each other were thinking.
I know you are hurting also, so I pray I've not added to your grief. Everyone thinks I should be over losing her......but I believe you understand. She was so much more to me than "just a sister", so much more....she was my best friend in the whole world, sometimes my only friend, the one I knew would always be there for me & understand me. She was a mother image at times, yet most of the time we were just silly crazy laughing happy to be having some girl time together. Sometimes, she was the only link I had with my childhood...she understood the uncertainy of all of it for me.I can't wait to see her again, I am so anxious to get there. The older I get the more I want to go. I do know that there will never be anyone in my life that will ever fill the place she had in my heart. I am not bitter or angry that she had to go, I just cannot accept that she is gone. I don't think my heart will ever heal, not until I take my heavenly flight or the Lord comes back for us.
I pray everyday for you, Carol, and Kyle. Little Kyle, he's seen so much in his young life, she really loved you all Randy. She didn't have to worry about you all. She knew you had it all together. That is why she had you to promise. She just knew. And yes, she is watching. And she still knows....
Goodnight Sis, we will see you soon. We love you & miss you so much. It's so hard without you, but we will make you proud of us. You would be so proud of Randy, Carol, & Kyle and the way they are allowing God to work in their lives. You did a good job, you were such a good mother to your boys. We rejoice knowing you are happier than you have ever been. We have learned so much since you much I would love to share with you Sis. So much I would love to tell you. But you know already, I am sure of it. And Sis, those things we never got to discuss just before you died, it's ok, I know, and it's still ok. Our life is but a vapour the Bible says, and that stuff was not that important. Some things we worried about seemed so important, they were not that important when it came time for you to go, the main thing was just knowing you were going to Heaven and that we all loved you just as you were & that one day we'd be together again.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day in Heaven Sis, I know you are smiling, no more tears Sis, no more worries, you made it and you are wonderfully at peace.
Thank you dear Lord for allowing me to dream of Sis three nights in a row this week. It was wonderful having her visiting me.
I will love you always Sis, with tears in my eyes too,
Your baby sister,
This is such a hard month for me Randy. Mother's Day, and your momma's birthday coming up too. It's strange that she and I never missed a Mother's Day sending each other a card. There was just a special bond between us that will never, ever go away. I still miss her as much as I did the day she left to go to Heaven. Everything I do, I ask myself would Sis approve of it, would she think it was the best I could do?? I do know she is watching us. I struggle so much more than anyone knows about, other than you.
I've let the highlights in my hair grow out, my hair has gotten so dark. I look at my reflection in the mirror and think Sis would like this. She will still know me even if I was always blond and now my hair is dark. I think maybe, just maybe, you can see a little more of her in me now. I don't know, maybe I just long to hear her say again "Sis, just accept yourself, you are what you are, the way God made you" She always knew what to say to make it all ok. Just to see her smile again one more time.......and those big brown eyes looking at me and us knowing right away what each other was thinking. It's so funny. We ALWAYS knew what each other were thinking.
I know you are hurting also, so I pray I've not added to your grief. Everyone thinks I should be over losing her......but I believe you understand. She was so much more to me than "just a sister", so much more....she was my best friend in the whole world, sometimes my only friend, the one I knew would always be there for me & understand me. She was a mother image at times, yet most of the time we were just silly crazy laughing happy to be having some girl time together. Sometimes, she was the only link I had with my childhood...she understood the uncertainy of all of it for me.I can't wait to see her again, I am so anxious to get there. The older I get the more I want to go. I do know that there will never be anyone in my life that will ever fill the place she had in my heart. I am not bitter or angry that she had to go, I just cannot accept that she is gone. I don't think my heart will ever heal, not until I take my heavenly flight or the Lord comes back for us.
I pray everyday for you, Carol, and Kyle. Little Kyle, he's seen so much in his young life, she really loved you all Randy. She didn't have to worry about you all. She knew you had it all together. That is why she had you to promise. She just knew. And yes, she is watching. And she still knows....
Goodnight Sis, we will see you soon. We love you & miss you so much. It's so hard without you, but we will make you proud of us. You would be so proud of Randy, Carol, & Kyle and the way they are allowing God to work in their lives. You did a good job, you were such a good mother to your boys. We rejoice knowing you are happier than you have ever been. We have learned so much since you much I would love to share with you Sis. So much I would love to tell you. But you know already, I am sure of it. And Sis, those things we never got to discuss just before you died, it's ok, I know, and it's still ok. Our life is but a vapour the Bible says, and that stuff was not that important. Some things we worried about seemed so important, they were not that important when it came time for you to go, the main thing was just knowing you were going to Heaven and that we all loved you just as you were & that one day we'd be together again.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day in Heaven Sis, I know you are smiling, no more tears Sis, no more worries, you made it and you are wonderfully at peace.
Thank you dear Lord for allowing me to dream of Sis three nights in a row this week. It was wonderful having her visiting me.
I will love you always Sis, with tears in my eyes too,
Your baby sister,
Friday, May 8, 2009
Mothers day ~09

I know this post is a few days early since Mothers day is a few days away. I wanted to take a moment and honor my mom here because it has been 3 years sharing my heart this way. 3 years... has it been that long already or does it seem like yesterday? Sometimes its just hard to tell. I know there are plenty of folks who have lost their moms a lot longer than I - I guess I am somewhere in the middle of this journey but honestly - I am thinking of a few today that have only been walking without their moms for a short amount of time. For many, this will be their first Mothers day without their mom. I have to tell you, it does get easier... less painful in many ways but the hurt never goes away. I will tell you that I know exactly how you feel and in many ways - you are not alone in those feelings. I will tell you that to use your mom as an excuse to slack off and not live up to your potential is sad ... Your mom would want you aiming for the stars. She would want you making good decisions, trying hard, being the best you can be and having a determination that you once had and possessed. Honor her .... serve her .... glorify your love for her by what you do, what you say and how you act. She is watching......
Sunday will be one of those days mom that it feels like you have been gone for a 100 years. Sometimes I feel you close and other times - it just does not seem real that you are not here. I know that you are happy where you are today and wouldn't trade places. I wouldn't either and I am excited that you are in a place that I will be one day as well. I look forward to that "Hello" as you look at me with your big brown eyes once again. I look forward to hearing your voice and saying my name. I may ask you to say it a hundred times so don't get upset with me if you have to repeat yourself ... I know you are used to that - you were a mom and a great mom at that. I know one of the biggest heart breaks mom is that relationship that was so special that left a giant hole in the heart of Kyle. No kid should have to understand the depth and feel the loss of a grandparent at his age. I know by him having to go through these seasons in life that God will be using him in many special ways. He is such a joy to be his dad. I am excited for his future and I often times find myself in deep prayer for God to watch over him, protect him and guide him. I continue to pray that God remains a focus point in his life and to surround him with awesome friends. He is amazing in so many ways and I know you would be proud of him. He often times speaks of your banana pudding, cornbread and biscuits. I too miss those things and would love to once again have some biscuits and gravy at your kitchen table as we sat and talked with a hot cup of coffee. Those early mornings are a part of me today.
I never thought life would be this busy nor did I ever think life would be this fulfilling. I am going to be 43 this month... how did this happen? I have been thinking the past week about this midlife crisis thing. I have some buddies that seem to be going through this - I am just too busy for that. I find myself pouring myself so much into others that honestly mom, who has time for that. Midlife crisis is all about "ME" and I am not at all about that. Maybe I have learned that lesson in life already that so many men struggle with. I know you would have something great to share about this. I wouldn't trade anything to where God has me today. I am just blown away with what He has me doing, the people He has me doing life with, "MyKids" that have my heart ... I just sometimes think about the road from where I was to where I am now. You were a big part of that mom and "I Promise" is still written on my heart. I am working and serving hard these days. I look forward to the next step I am taking with Jesus. He continues to mold me and shape who I am. Your model of serving others was taken from Jesus and it becomes clearer and clearer as time goes on. Our character and who we really are is something that He is most interested in. He was doing that all the way up until you had to leave. It is said in Proverbs 27: 19 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man. You were a great reflection mom in so many ways and into the lives of so many people. I miss you so much but I know the day draws closer to us meeting again. I used to think about that day that we all will have. It used to scare me and make me afraid. It is not that way anymore... Jesus is on the other side and I can't wait to experience His heavenly glory and I look forward to seeing your smile again. I still have work that needs to be done here mom. Many who are not in Gods family yet. Many who have yet to experience the love and grace that God has for them. Life change in such a way that it transforms everything about you and for once in a persons life - they experience what it is to really live, to really be alive, and to really love. These are the things you did for me by you leaving. Your reflection continues today in the lives that I get to reflect on. I am thankful for that mom. I know Mothers day is a special day in Heaven. Enjoy it and know our hearts are the same even if they are many miles of space between them.... for now.
Your reflection mom, just like in the picture above reminds us that you are still with us.With love always mom with tears in my eyes,
your son,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday thoughts....
I have had some extra energy this week to pour into the lives of some people around me and some of the kids around me. I am thankful and very blessed to be able to do such. I am not sure why I have this little extra kick, especially since it has rained here for like a week and that alone affects poeple's mood and energy levels. I guess maybe because I can see and feel that my time, energy and passion for people is making small differences.
The last few years I have poured many many hours into the "behind the scenes" at church. Maybe this was my role and Gods way of building me as a leader or opening my eyes to clear the fog of this world so that I can see with His eyes and see what is in His heart. I have put in these hours each week, have given up family time, personal time, sleep, just to name a few things because I have experienced the grace of God and deep in my heart I know how much that He loves me. I can only comprehend a small amount of that love but in my limited capacity - I understand. It was a big step to move from the chairs on Sunday mornings and step into being involved. It was a move at a time in life where I was searching and looking for purpose and meaning in life. I know some people who are at that stage right now - searching, wondering, seeking, exploring - is this it? What is my purpose? I know I am supposed to be leading my family but how? 1 more beer.... relationships crumbling, job crumbling ... identity crumbling - life is in the toilet and is circling like the buzzards. - Dude - I was there. Life just didn't seem to have meaning or any purpose. At times, I felt 23, acted 19 ... full knowing I needed to grow up - needed to quit using people. I needed to lead, I needed to raise my family, I needed to _____ - you fill in the blank.
Sunday mornings are my time to give back. I understand by Gods saving grace. I am serving to make a place for you. A place where, like me, experienced Jesus. His love for me, His direction for me, His purposes for me. There was so much to learn once I moved out of my seat and took that first step. If God would have given me the 2 year plan for my life - I would have fainted. I would have been scared silly. I wouldn't have taken the next step. Life had to change and I was ready, emotionally, spiritually and physically ready for what God had next. He gives those next steps one at a time. Take the next step and God reveals the next one.
If He told me in 2 years, I would be a ministry team leader, being the spiritual leader of my family, leading a Rock Group, leading in Sunday School for k-5 kids, serving our church k-5 kids by having lunch with them in the schools and being a so called "Life Coach" for them to keep them focused and encouraged, and really loving people like I have never loved before --- I wouldn't be where I am today. If you are looking at me like a holy roller and someone who has it all together and that this is as close as we can get as friends - think again. I too am learning, waiting on God for His next step for me .... just like you. I am not closer to God than you are right now. I am just in a different place ... but still no closer.
Sunday we will have a place for you to come and have a chance to experience Jesus. It will take some time away from your Sunday, it will take some courage to come through the doors, it may make you feel like a failure and that there is NO WAY I can get everything straight in my life with all that is messed up right now, you may be coming because your son or daughter keeps bugging you or your wife our husband has finally said it enough times to come to church that you are SICK of hearing about it .... deep down you know they are right. Take that step!!!!!
I have seen God getting hold of some people the last few weeks especially with people crying during the music and during the message - I can see the smiles and difference in your children because they feel it the most. They see you stepping out in faith, trusting and taking a small step forward. It is those Sunday's that are especially sweet for me.
Stay plugged in now. Your old self must pass away and you have to do a few additional things now. You are part of Gods family and with that comes a higher standard. People will look at you and compare you - judge you and surely they will be watching you. You are different now - society tells us and our children to be this and that - to act this way..... Surround yourself with people who will keep you motivated, encouraged and are willing to help, roll up their sleeves and dig into life with you. This is the small group concept... here to do life with you no matter what life throws at you. Read Gods word and stay connected in what He is telling you and instructing you. Come to church on Sundays - there is a LOT to soak in when you are on the Sunday to Sunday plan - God is there all week how come you are not? - Make it Sunday mornings - this might mean sacrifices.
PRAY - prayer does work. Heartfelt, honest, gut wretching, pour it all there and tell God your struggles, worries and the place you are at today. Our heavenly father wants to know. He wants to hear from you. He wants more than anything for you to take that next step. A solid next step.
Hope to see you Sunday~
Proverbs 24:
13-14 Eat honey, dear child—it's good for you— and delicacies that melt in your mouth.Likewise knowledge, and wisdom for your soul—Get that and your future's secured, your hope is on solid rock. 15-16 Don't interfere with good people's lives; don't try to get the best of them.No matter how many times you trip them up, God-loyal people don't stay down long;Soon they're up on their feet, while the wicked end up flat on their faces.
In Christ,
The last few years I have poured many many hours into the "behind the scenes" at church. Maybe this was my role and Gods way of building me as a leader or opening my eyes to clear the fog of this world so that I can see with His eyes and see what is in His heart. I have put in these hours each week, have given up family time, personal time, sleep, just to name a few things because I have experienced the grace of God and deep in my heart I know how much that He loves me. I can only comprehend a small amount of that love but in my limited capacity - I understand. It was a big step to move from the chairs on Sunday mornings and step into being involved. It was a move at a time in life where I was searching and looking for purpose and meaning in life. I know some people who are at that stage right now - searching, wondering, seeking, exploring - is this it? What is my purpose? I know I am supposed to be leading my family but how? 1 more beer.... relationships crumbling, job crumbling ... identity crumbling - life is in the toilet and is circling like the buzzards. - Dude - I was there. Life just didn't seem to have meaning or any purpose. At times, I felt 23, acted 19 ... full knowing I needed to grow up - needed to quit using people. I needed to lead, I needed to raise my family, I needed to _____ - you fill in the blank.
Sunday mornings are my time to give back. I understand by Gods saving grace. I am serving to make a place for you. A place where, like me, experienced Jesus. His love for me, His direction for me, His purposes for me. There was so much to learn once I moved out of my seat and took that first step. If God would have given me the 2 year plan for my life - I would have fainted. I would have been scared silly. I wouldn't have taken the next step. Life had to change and I was ready, emotionally, spiritually and physically ready for what God had next. He gives those next steps one at a time. Take the next step and God reveals the next one.
If He told me in 2 years, I would be a ministry team leader, being the spiritual leader of my family, leading a Rock Group, leading in Sunday School for k-5 kids, serving our church k-5 kids by having lunch with them in the schools and being a so called "Life Coach" for them to keep them focused and encouraged, and really loving people like I have never loved before --- I wouldn't be where I am today. If you are looking at me like a holy roller and someone who has it all together and that this is as close as we can get as friends - think again. I too am learning, waiting on God for His next step for me .... just like you. I am not closer to God than you are right now. I am just in a different place ... but still no closer.
Sunday we will have a place for you to come and have a chance to experience Jesus. It will take some time away from your Sunday, it will take some courage to come through the doors, it may make you feel like a failure and that there is NO WAY I can get everything straight in my life with all that is messed up right now, you may be coming because your son or daughter keeps bugging you or your wife our husband has finally said it enough times to come to church that you are SICK of hearing about it .... deep down you know they are right. Take that step!!!!!
I have seen God getting hold of some people the last few weeks especially with people crying during the music and during the message - I can see the smiles and difference in your children because they feel it the most. They see you stepping out in faith, trusting and taking a small step forward. It is those Sunday's that are especially sweet for me.
Stay plugged in now. Your old self must pass away and you have to do a few additional things now. You are part of Gods family and with that comes a higher standard. People will look at you and compare you - judge you and surely they will be watching you. You are different now - society tells us and our children to be this and that - to act this way..... Surround yourself with people who will keep you motivated, encouraged and are willing to help, roll up their sleeves and dig into life with you. This is the small group concept... here to do life with you no matter what life throws at you. Read Gods word and stay connected in what He is telling you and instructing you. Come to church on Sundays - there is a LOT to soak in when you are on the Sunday to Sunday plan - God is there all week how come you are not? - Make it Sunday mornings - this might mean sacrifices.
PRAY - prayer does work. Heartfelt, honest, gut wretching, pour it all there and tell God your struggles, worries and the place you are at today. Our heavenly father wants to know. He wants to hear from you. He wants more than anything for you to take that next step. A solid next step.
Hope to see you Sunday~
Proverbs 24:
13-14 Eat honey, dear child—it's good for you— and delicacies that melt in your mouth.Likewise knowledge, and wisdom for your soul—Get that and your future's secured, your hope is on solid rock. 15-16 Don't interfere with good people's lives; don't try to get the best of them.No matter how many times you trip them up, God-loyal people don't stay down long;Soon they're up on their feet, while the wicked end up flat on their faces.
In Christ,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I got the chance last nite to take some of our Rock Group kids to see the movie Earth. We brought popcorn, m&m's and drinks into the movie and enjoyed sitting mid way in the almost empty theatre. The movie Earth was really good and the scenery was unreal. A tour through our most north pole to our most southern pole - we followed wales, lions, elephants, birds, seasons and all kinds of plants from the artic region to the rain forests. The movie was appropriate for the kids and that I am concerned with these days but it was also a great time to invest and spend some time with them. Afterwards we got to walk around the mall a little and if you know me - I am not much of a mall person.... but we had fun in the "Seen it on TV" store and had the lady in there just laughing at us as we experienced all the products in the store :) - we also had a mall vendor stop me and ask for my thumb. Seems he wanted to shine my thumb nail up and make it smooth and have it shine for some reason. Well, he got Kyles and Marissa's. It was the funniest thing ever as they stood there watching this guy rub this foam block on their thumb nails, remove Marissa's nail polish and shine those babies up! We will be talking about that for weeks to come, I am sure. I am already looking forward to the next movie time together!
Tonight Kyle and I are headed to his Bible study. The first Wed of the month I get to go. I am usually pretty stoked by then and I am today! Also get to invest in some of the other kids during this time and for "MyKids" I am going to swing them by for icecream afterwards. I just have some extra focus and energy for them this week. I am very thankful for that..... God is doing something through all this and I feel very blessed and honored to be doing so.
Hope today finds you investing your time and energy into lasting things. I know the sacrifice that is being made today will pay off in the future .... I am putting it in Gods hands as well as all of these awesome kids that I get to be part of.
Proverbs 23:
24 The father of godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure to have children who are wise.[e] 25 So give your father and mother joy! May she who gave you birth be happy.
Tonight Kyle and I are headed to his Bible study. The first Wed of the month I get to go. I am usually pretty stoked by then and I am today! Also get to invest in some of the other kids during this time and for "MyKids" I am going to swing them by for icecream afterwards. I just have some extra focus and energy for them this week. I am very thankful for that..... God is doing something through all this and I feel very blessed and honored to be doing so.
Hope today finds you investing your time and energy into lasting things. I know the sacrifice that is being made today will pay off in the future .... I am putting it in Gods hands as well as all of these awesome kids that I get to be part of.
Proverbs 23:
24 The father of godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure to have children who are wise.[e] 25 So give your father and mother joy! May she who gave you birth be happy.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday afternoon ...when did that happen?
Wow this day has flown by. I am especially excited today - I am taking some of our Rock Group kids to see the new movie -"Earth" tonight. The moms and gals will be heading out to "On the Border" for some good mexican food - kind of wish I had a doggie bag to take in the movie with me..... but thats ok - I can fill up on "MyKids". I know they are just as excited about it as I am.
A few weeks back during our Rock Group series on money - I give my peeps homework almost every week to read in the their Bibles to reinforce what we are learning together. I too do this homework and during this time of putting the handouts together and figuring out where the homework study leads - I had an Arbys moment. Not for a roast beef sandwhich but a moment that says - Proverbs - 31 of them - 31 days in May. Thus my challenge to read the book of Proverbs in the month of May. BUT - I am not that normal. Like many folks who set out to do something, fade out in the long run. Life is busy, 2 days missed and then we move onto something else right? - Well I prayed and asked God to give me a starting point. Not the beginning but a place I may not otherwise really get to read and understand fully if I am fading out. So thus my walk begins in Proverbs 20.
Some of the status things I am leaving on Facebook has come from Proverbs 20 and 21. So now you know where those are coming from.
Some of the things that stick out for me:
Proverbs 20:
1 Wine makes you mean, beer makes you quarrelsome— a staggering drunk is not much fun.
3 It's a mark of good character to avert quarrels, but fools love to pick fights.
5 Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within.
7 God-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children.
11 Young people eventually reveal by their actions if their motives are on the up and up.
12 Ears that hear and eyes that see— we get our basic equipment from God! 13 Don't be too fond of sleep; you'll end up in the poorhouse. Wake up and get up; then there'll be food on the table.
18 Form your purpose by asking for counsel, then carry it out using all the help you can get.
19 Gossips can't keep secrets, so never confide in blabbermouths.
27 God is in charge of human life, watching and examining us inside and out.
28 Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity.
Just some food for thought this Tuesday .... more to follow.
Peace in Christ Jesus,
A few weeks back during our Rock Group series on money - I give my peeps homework almost every week to read in the their Bibles to reinforce what we are learning together. I too do this homework and during this time of putting the handouts together and figuring out where the homework study leads - I had an Arbys moment. Not for a roast beef sandwhich but a moment that says - Proverbs - 31 of them - 31 days in May. Thus my challenge to read the book of Proverbs in the month of May. BUT - I am not that normal. Like many folks who set out to do something, fade out in the long run. Life is busy, 2 days missed and then we move onto something else right? - Well I prayed and asked God to give me a starting point. Not the beginning but a place I may not otherwise really get to read and understand fully if I am fading out. So thus my walk begins in Proverbs 20.
Some of the status things I am leaving on Facebook has come from Proverbs 20 and 21. So now you know where those are coming from.
Some of the things that stick out for me:
Proverbs 20:
1 Wine makes you mean, beer makes you quarrelsome— a staggering drunk is not much fun.
3 It's a mark of good character to avert quarrels, but fools love to pick fights.
5 Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within.
7 God-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children.
11 Young people eventually reveal by their actions if their motives are on the up and up.
12 Ears that hear and eyes that see— we get our basic equipment from God! 13 Don't be too fond of sleep; you'll end up in the poorhouse. Wake up and get up; then there'll be food on the table.
18 Form your purpose by asking for counsel, then carry it out using all the help you can get.
19 Gossips can't keep secrets, so never confide in blabbermouths.
27 God is in charge of human life, watching and examining us inside and out.
28 Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity.
Just some food for thought this Tuesday .... more to follow.
Peace in Christ Jesus,
Monday, May 4, 2009
I just got in my from walk at lunch. It is breezy out and I am really hoping to get our garden planted this evening. I have Kyle all pumped about it and I am looking forward to spending some time working and talking with him. I have a couple visits this week to the schools to visit some of "MyKids" who I have not visited in awhile. I am still not up to eating really right - just not feeling 100% just yet so I am taking a break and eating light and taking a few slower steps the past few days.
Church Sunday was a long day yesterday. Setup/Breakdown, Kidsrock @11, couple errands after church and then Rock Group last night. It was good to get to sleep last nite and I knew it did me some good when I was up early and feeling refreshed this morning! Pastor Jimmy spoke extensively on leadership in his LifeTalk message. I know he was challenging a lot of folks yesterday~ Me included. It was an honor to be asked to come down front and lay hands on Pastor Jimmy as we were lead in prayer for our church and for our leadership. It was not long ago, I was sitting in the chairs during a service like that, watching and looking on. I do occasionally have to just smile and say, "Lord, I just can't believe how you are using me. I never thought you would be using me like this." I do have to say that over the last few years that my love for people has increased trifold. My love for children has increased trifold. My love for Jesus and the things of Him have increased trifold. Love is such an overused word these days and the meaning has been washed down. Jesus uses the word love in all the context it was meant for and not just a feeling or an emotion. He meant it be in action, alive and living.
During my walk @lunch I heard something that just really rocked me. "If you have a secret, you are giving it power." No matter how big or small that secret may be - it is alive and it will cause harm if it is no confessed and dealt with. Forgiveness is what God has given us, it is not what we deserve but by His grace, He has extended it to us. Others should do that same thing. As I think about my leadership in the church and the folks I am entrusted with and the children I am entrusted with - I don't want any secrets. I want everything to be above table and honest. Intentions pure and with Gods purpose in mind, His heart and with His passion. I treat my wife and my family this way and I know in my heart, this is the way it should be.
Many folks have secrets today that have power and are holding them hostage. Their secrets are defining them. Their secrets keep them from engaging others and really trusting people. Even people who are trying to reach them, love them, care for them and want to walk with them. This is a hard place to be not only for the bearer of the secret but also for the one who is reaching out to them. A wife who is waiting up late for her husband to come home while out with another woman. A wife who is home with supper on the table and 2 children wanting their bedtime stories while dad is at the bar. A husband and father who struggles with who he is because his business is failing and his identity and manhood is wrapped into that business. The past that continues to haunt. A teenager who keeps you up at night and the family core is being tested.
You are not meant to do this alone. The church is supposed to be a safe haven for folks to come and unload - to find forgiveness, to heal the broken hearted, to be accepted and to find peace and purpose in life. I am grateful and humbled to be a small part of this leadership team at Rocky River Church. I was where many were at not long ago - part of the crowd and on the sidelines. I continue to learn, be challenged, tested in my faith and understanding but the love I have for people, "MyKids", my family, my church family, my Rock Group families and our Lord Jesus continues to grow. I'll make mistakes along the way.. no doubt.
Nothing stays the same in this life. A rut in life is like a coffin with the ends kicked out. So many are living this way today.
I am reminded in Proverbs 19: 9 The person who tells lies gets caught; the person who spreads rumors is ruined.
That person in the mirror each morning is watching. Is he/she on the same page with you and the direction you are wanting to go or is he/she taking you far from it? It just may be time to honesty, to come clean, admit the faults, accept the forgiveness and turn life around. There are people who are waiting on you, wanting you to, praying you to, wishing you to.... because their lives hang in your balance as well.
Peace today in your decision,
Church Sunday was a long day yesterday. Setup/Breakdown, Kidsrock @11, couple errands after church and then Rock Group last night. It was good to get to sleep last nite and I knew it did me some good when I was up early and feeling refreshed this morning! Pastor Jimmy spoke extensively on leadership in his LifeTalk message. I know he was challenging a lot of folks yesterday~ Me included. It was an honor to be asked to come down front and lay hands on Pastor Jimmy as we were lead in prayer for our church and for our leadership. It was not long ago, I was sitting in the chairs during a service like that, watching and looking on. I do occasionally have to just smile and say, "Lord, I just can't believe how you are using me. I never thought you would be using me like this." I do have to say that over the last few years that my love for people has increased trifold. My love for children has increased trifold. My love for Jesus and the things of Him have increased trifold. Love is such an overused word these days and the meaning has been washed down. Jesus uses the word love in all the context it was meant for and not just a feeling or an emotion. He meant it be in action, alive and living.
During my walk @lunch I heard something that just really rocked me. "If you have a secret, you are giving it power." No matter how big or small that secret may be - it is alive and it will cause harm if it is no confessed and dealt with. Forgiveness is what God has given us, it is not what we deserve but by His grace, He has extended it to us. Others should do that same thing. As I think about my leadership in the church and the folks I am entrusted with and the children I am entrusted with - I don't want any secrets. I want everything to be above table and honest. Intentions pure and with Gods purpose in mind, His heart and with His passion. I treat my wife and my family this way and I know in my heart, this is the way it should be.
Many folks have secrets today that have power and are holding them hostage. Their secrets are defining them. Their secrets keep them from engaging others and really trusting people. Even people who are trying to reach them, love them, care for them and want to walk with them. This is a hard place to be not only for the bearer of the secret but also for the one who is reaching out to them. A wife who is waiting up late for her husband to come home while out with another woman. A wife who is home with supper on the table and 2 children wanting their bedtime stories while dad is at the bar. A husband and father who struggles with who he is because his business is failing and his identity and manhood is wrapped into that business. The past that continues to haunt. A teenager who keeps you up at night and the family core is being tested.
You are not meant to do this alone. The church is supposed to be a safe haven for folks to come and unload - to find forgiveness, to heal the broken hearted, to be accepted and to find peace and purpose in life. I am grateful and humbled to be a small part of this leadership team at Rocky River Church. I was where many were at not long ago - part of the crowd and on the sidelines. I continue to learn, be challenged, tested in my faith and understanding but the love I have for people, "MyKids", my family, my church family, my Rock Group families and our Lord Jesus continues to grow. I'll make mistakes along the way.. no doubt.
Nothing stays the same in this life. A rut in life is like a coffin with the ends kicked out. So many are living this way today.
I am reminded in Proverbs 19: 9 The person who tells lies gets caught; the person who spreads rumors is ruined.
That person in the mirror each morning is watching. Is he/she on the same page with you and the direction you are wanting to go or is he/she taking you far from it? It just may be time to honesty, to come clean, admit the faults, accept the forgiveness and turn life around. There are people who are waiting on you, wanting you to, praying you to, wishing you to.... because their lives hang in your balance as well.
Peace today in your decision,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
In the Mountains...
What a great 24 hours. Carol, Kyle, Madison and I got up to the cabin last night. Mid 50's, walk to the covered bridge under the moon shining down, talking to the geese that are nesting down there and a good nite sleep last night. Got up early this morning, 7:30 before anyone else... got some coffee and headed to the porch. Got a good half hour of reading done in my quiet time... just listening to the birds singing and animals waking up. So peaceful ... like no place on earth. Kids up and got some breakfast in - Bacon and eggs ... then got some work done. After lunch we headed to the lake. Kyle and Madison all smiles on the boat - water 71 degrees but we were in it. Rock jumping, tubing and some time at the "beach" will do a heart good. As this afternoon is passing by I am so thankful for this time and wishing it was not coming to a close. I am looking forward to church tomorrow, seeing all our peeps, Rock Group and all "MyKids" - but too bad I just couldn't push it off a day or 2. Maybe till Tuesday .... not too much to ask for right?
Drive home will be long but thankful and feeling refreshed and very blessed this afternoon. I will be praying tomorrow for those who are not at peace with things today.
Love you all,
Drive home will be long but thankful and feeling refreshed and very blessed this afternoon. I will be praying tomorrow for those who are not at peace with things today.
Love you all,
Friday, May 1, 2009
The last few days..
Before I get into the last few days ... I just want to take a moment and let you all know how much I appreciate my wife Carol. Carol, there is not much anyone can do for someone who has the stomach flu other than to check on that person from time to time. I mean there really isn't anything to do other than to wait till its finally over and through the persons system. You got me gatorade and crackers, you kept things quiet in the house and you even sent in Adger for the day to lay besides the bed with me. It is a comfort knowing that someone is there when you are really feeling that down and low. I don't think I felt as bad as that in a LONG time. Thanks babe! Love ya!
Tuesday night, I got a chance to hang out with my dad and my younger brother Craig. I got news yesterday that Craig got laid off from his job, so if you would keep him and his family in your prayers - I would really appreciate that. Craig has been worried sick the last few months if he was going to keep his job or not ... the company has been hanging on by a thread. He was one of the first hired and one of the last let go. Hate it for him and especially hate it for him that God is not part of his life or part of the solution. God will not be there for comfort him or guide him. He is on his own .... I think I would rather have my 90% and God 10% then 100% all me.
I had a great visit with my grandma up at the greenhouse. My aunts were there and a few of my cousins. It is a hard day of labor but a day I enjoy working. I am thankful I don't have to do that everday though - its some hard work! I love it when my Aunt Judy first sees me walking into the greenhouse and she yells "Randy - is today our day?" - I love that.
Anyways, I am a bit slow today - still regaining my strength and catching up on work, emails and this facebook thing. :)
I have began a new book - its by Robert Lewis - "Raising a Modern Day Knight" - Kyle and all your boy peeps out there... watch out! This book is for ya'll this time. I have really enjoyed my last 2 books on learning about Daughters and Leadership - so its time to throw in some SON stuff in there..... looking forward to it.
I will be thinking the next few days along with Carol about cutting out some things we can identify as not needed. They are a "Want" and not a "Need". We can use this extra money to help with our find raising at church Maybe we can even cut enough out to sponser a child in a third world country. I have had that on my heart now for a few weeks. It keeps coming back and so I am going to start looking into this. It would be awesome to sponser a child who has nothing, no water, food, education or the life saving word of God to know. With all our struggles - we have it made and as I look around me and see the hurt on many faces - I think about how tough my grandparents are... living through the great depression, not having much in life but being content with what they do have. Material things have never really mattered much for them. They are good long lived country folks and that I admire most about them. The simple things... the important things.
Tuesday night, I got a chance to hang out with my dad and my younger brother Craig. I got news yesterday that Craig got laid off from his job, so if you would keep him and his family in your prayers - I would really appreciate that. Craig has been worried sick the last few months if he was going to keep his job or not ... the company has been hanging on by a thread. He was one of the first hired and one of the last let go. Hate it for him and especially hate it for him that God is not part of his life or part of the solution. God will not be there for comfort him or guide him. He is on his own .... I think I would rather have my 90% and God 10% then 100% all me.
I had a great visit with my grandma up at the greenhouse. My aunts were there and a few of my cousins. It is a hard day of labor but a day I enjoy working. I am thankful I don't have to do that everday though - its some hard work! I love it when my Aunt Judy first sees me walking into the greenhouse and she yells "Randy - is today our day?" - I love that.
Anyways, I am a bit slow today - still regaining my strength and catching up on work, emails and this facebook thing. :)
I have began a new book - its by Robert Lewis - "Raising a Modern Day Knight" - Kyle and all your boy peeps out there... watch out! This book is for ya'll this time. I have really enjoyed my last 2 books on learning about Daughters and Leadership - so its time to throw in some SON stuff in there..... looking forward to it.
I will be thinking the next few days along with Carol about cutting out some things we can identify as not needed. They are a "Want" and not a "Need". We can use this extra money to help with our find raising at church Maybe we can even cut enough out to sponser a child in a third world country. I have had that on my heart now for a few weeks. It keeps coming back and so I am going to start looking into this. It would be awesome to sponser a child who has nothing, no water, food, education or the life saving word of God to know. With all our struggles - we have it made and as I look around me and see the hurt on many faces - I think about how tough my grandparents are... living through the great depression, not having much in life but being content with what they do have. Material things have never really mattered much for them. They are good long lived country folks and that I admire most about them. The simple things... the important things.
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