Friday, August 8, 2008

Nothing better....

There is nothing better when a parent comes to pick up there child(ren) in Sunday School and the kids are having so much fun that they don't want to leave.

I see many parents standing and waiting for their child(ren) to come to them so that they can go - the smiles on their face are worth all the effort into leading these children each and every week.

I know for a fact that many times, kids have an amazing ability to get parents to church on Sundays. I was just the opposite growing up. My brother and I did not want to go so we stalled, crabbed, complained and fought until mom eventually gave up. Church was not fun, had to dress up and listen and do some very boring things. Carol and our dear friend Kim lead the Sunday School ministry at church. They invited leaders to come and teach, some are teachers across the county and some just LOVE being with the students and have a passion for sharing Jesus with them. Carol and Kim also sign on assistants to help this ministry - they plan the activities, crafts, games, snacks and are part of the planning on all the major events our church puts into the community.

Tomorrow is our VBS outreach and though it is a short version this year and not a week long event every evening, I am getting pretty excited about it. I love spending time with the 4th and 5th graders. They are just my sweet spot - old enough to understand and not old enough to know it all. I am also looking forward to school starting only because of "MyKids" - not because they are in school but I get to see them more and invest in them. All the other planning and get togethers will be a bonus!

Anyways - this fall I am really praying for our k-5 ministry.

- That new volunteers step forward that have a passion for children and a passion for showing them Jesus.

- I am praying for renewed energy and excitement in everyone involved because the leaders energy needs to pour out and into the energy of those kids.

- This ministry enables children even at their young age that they too can experience Gods grace and salvation

- To remind them all that they are important and each of them are wonderfly made and special to God

- That they are never alone and that they always have a friend in Jesus

- They remember what we are teaching them through the week

- That their parents begin to see a change in their attitudes and that they are growing different (in a good way)

- That they invite their friends to come - even if they have to have sleepovers, birthday parties - what ever it takes to get their friends to go to church with them

- That we invade the school we are in and we see 5-6 kids from each class and their parents attending Sunday worship services and attending Sunday school and their older brothers and sisters are with Pastor T - in Project 252

- I would love for parents to beg to be a part of what is going on

- I pray we can teach and reach every single child in their own way that is meaningful and they understand at their own levels

- We can fully assure that mom and dad with 4 children that their kids will be fine and taken care of while she gets to hear about Jesus on her level and get an hour of peace

- For the one hour they are with us, the problems at home are fogotten, the feelings of missing a parent are removed, the struggles of fitting in and friendships and everything else a young person struggles with - is gone .... and God has a chance to get a hold of a heart like never before

- That our kids will go into their schools, neighborhoods and families knowing Jesus and showing the practical love of Jesus to everyone they are around

Tomorrow is a big start ....are we ready? Are we prepared? Are we giving our best? Do we have the team around us to make it happen for them? Nothing should keep us from our goal ....

Think the stakes are high enough? Our kids are so worth the struggles...... I found out today that our student worker here at work is leaving - she will be doing her student teaching this fall and she will be teaching 5th grade..... and I held out my hand and said - There is nothing better.

Corinthians 5:20
We are Christ's ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to them

Just my Friday afternoon thoughts..... Have a great weekend everyone.
I am outahear.....

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