Saturday, August 16, 2008

Home tonight...

What a great day today. I tell ya - there is nothing like seeing a smiling bunch of kids on the back of a tube, hitting the waves, hanging on for dear life - even seeing a tubing momma smiling and just enjoying every second of the day on the lake. Our afternoon was cut short by t-storms but we made the most of it anyhow. We are home now - Kaylee got picked up by her family. It was sad seeing her go - she even has it planned out for our next trip to leave on Thursday evening and stay till Saturday evening - KNOWING - we are not missing church. Aint that awesome?!

Anyways - on the way home we stopped at McDonalds - I wanted one of those ice coffee's - Carol has me hooked on them now but from our local Harrisburg Coffee place. I have to tell ya - that was the WORST coffee ever! I mean that - it was so sweet and I don't put anything in my coffee except cream. I don't know what they use in those ice coffee's but I won't be getting another one any time soon.

Carol and I just chillen tonight - got some music on my Apple TV playing. Kyle is laying down already - I told him he was going to have to toughen up when hanging with his gals..... better get used to it!!! Ah - the things guys do to impress those girls :)

Church tomorrow - spending the afternoon with on of "myKids" - it will be her first time at the house and spending time with her other than at church and school lunch. Man I am pumped about it ... Rock Group tomorrow night. Our kick off meeting for the semester.
God has us in His hands..... awesome place to be.
I am still rockin from the boat today - those memories today will have a lasting affect I am sure.

MSNBC time now - Obama and McCain talking at Saddleback church.... imagine that! Cant wait to hear what Pastor Rick Warren is going to ask them......


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