Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am sitting in my office today getting a few minutes to breath inbetween appointments, follks walking for help, training and answering 100 questions and on my desk is the sweetest picture. Kyle has a friend from school who is part of a group of awesome kids that have stuck together because they like each other and the parents keep in touch, plan things, invite and accept doing life along side each other - their daughter was having a birthday party. Lots of kids from that 3rd grade class that got me started with "MyKids" and moving me to a place to really love and enjoy my time with them. This picture has me and about 5 other kids hanging on me in the pool. All of us have smiles and last night while in the pool - we were laughing, talking, swimming and just really enjoying each other. That picture will bring me smiles for some time to come. Kyles friends mom told me I was like a magnet... and I pray for this season in my life to continue to be used by God and for His purposes. Everyone needs a little encouragement and a smile to lift ones spirit. We never know who in life that we may come across who may need that smile, that word of encouragement or that friendly talk about things.
I think of many of "MyKids" who need that in life. I wish I could be there to breath that on them, to hurt with them when they are hurt and laugh when they need to laugh. I just want them to know that no matter what is going on life - they can aim higher. That they have value not because of me - but they have value in Gods eyes. I pray for mistakes that they can learn from and pay the penatly for their choices. I pray for better decisions - hey we all make mistakes and there are a few of my older kids who are not making wise decisions right now. I pray for that child who has nobody to eat lunch with at school or who has never had a visitor visit them - to feel special and the other kids who ask "Who is that?" I am honored when I am "Uncle" or their "Stepdad" - I am ok with whatever role in life that child needs.
I am passionate about "MyKids" - the kids I am in contact with in Sunday School - I want that 1 hour a week to be awesome for them! I want them to walk away knowing that they have a friend, a place in Sunday School where they can bring their friends, where they can forget about the problems at home or missing their dad who walked out on them, where they can cry or laugh and where they can find Jesus.
The Bible tells us to encourage one another. We just might not know how much it means to someone "You can do it" - "I believe in you" - We all have greatness inside and sometimes we need just a little extra to bring it out. That once shy kid in Sunday school that started coming with his/her family 3 weeks ago - look at em now.
Think about our Olympic atheletes - where would they be today if they did not have someone talking encouragement into their lives. We each deserve that chance..... a chance to turn the corner. We may just be that person to impact someones life. There is potential in each of us.

I know life is hard for so many - for all of us at times - I am thankful for the families that I am doing life with and for the families and those children I am trying to impact for Jesus - to speak encouragement into and cheer them on.
Many of you don't know that in my Sermon notes where I write notes in I have pictures of some of "MyKids, some Sunday school artwork and little drawings and notes from them... they are my prayer kids. I pray often for their families and for them. Some of those kids have a broken family, maybe a dad who left or a dad who was mean and abusive - maybe they have other struggles or a parent who has passed on. Maybe we have just connected in some special way that Jesus is keeping us bonded together.
I am here to encourage them - to share a smile - to sit at their level and know I care. It is where Jesus wants me now. I never thought I would be doing this, care about this, share this or even fight for this. They are worth fighting for... those families..... those children.

I heard recently something that I won't soon forget. "The Devil is in the Details". For these families - the devil is in their lifes details. Think about it - piece by piece he is taking and shredding all the things that keep families together and keep our eyes on God.

Who around you today needs a word of encouragement? Who could use a smile ... or someone to walk with them in lifes struggles? "You can do it - I believe in you".


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