Thursday, July 10, 2008

What a difference it makes~

My family and I have been unplugged the last few days. 5 to be exact. I even called in this week to see if I could extend my few days off and it felt good to have that extra day. I can always tell when its time to get back to work - I usually cant sleep the night before knowing going back into the office there will be lots to catch up on and things flying all over the place. That was the case last night - little sleep - tossing and turning- up early. It was in perfect timing that I am back in the office now. Carol, Kyle and I got some much needed rest, some play time and together time. We almost didn't know what to do or how to act :) - we have been running since Walt fell back last August.
But we are back in the saddle now so to speak. I have been enjoying my book that I am reading - Activate - its a book about small groups in church. How we can be a church that has small groups or a church that IS small groups. It has opened my eyes and heart to a few issues already and I can see why God lead me to leading our Rock group to Reach Out this summer. I am looking forward to Rock Group this Sunday. It will be our first get together in some time now. I am really looking forward to digging in deeper in the book and learning more. I will blog about some of the main points later on.
Work is busy, have 2 lawns to get cut since it has actually been summer here in Charlotte NC with afternoon and evening thunderstorms - which means the grass grows during the summer!
I am really looking forward to seeing some folks over the next few weeks ... you know who you are!
Many thanks for the prayers and emails while we were away. It was good to unplug and refresh ourselves. It is incredible to have a place to unwind and get away from things - you can unplug totally if one chooses but that is a little too far and too long for me. God has us refocused once again and our eyes are on Him. The season has been long for the Batemans but its a season to learn as well. Thankful for even the hard times.

Love you all,

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

We are looking forward to seeing you too in the next few weeks!! Some fishing and some burgers on the grill, with lots of hugs and laughter on the side.

Love & prayers for God's blessings,
Aunt Sharon & Uncle Buster