Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th of July. Carol, Kyle and I met up with Donna, Taylor and Morgan this morning on highway 49 at 7:15 AM to get our good spot for the Harrisburg parade. Its always a great day for the town of Harrisburg. Got to see lots of folks, familiar faces and even some of our school kids. It was hot but its well worth it and seeing all the red, white and blue should make us all enjoy or freedom. Thanks to all our troops in past years and those serving today. Its because of you we can do the things we enjoy doing today.

I also want to wish my brother Danny a happy birthday. Hope you get to go home today bro - today is a day my mom always loved - we would all meet at mom and pops and enjoy a cookout and a swim together and then see who could eat the most watermelon. Miss and love you mom..... our family will get together soon over at Aunt Sharon and Uncle Busters for that BBQ and some fishing.... hope everyone can make it!

We are at the cabin for the next few days. We are already enjoying the down time. Kyle and I let Carol take a nap this afternoon as we went down to the boat - Heaven Cent - and cleaned her up and enjoyed some swim time. Water is 82 and very refreshing..............

Happy 4th of July everyone!
May God continue to bless us all,

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hey Lonnie! Just wanted to let you know we are home from "checking on the pool" :) All is well - the kids had a blast and can't wait to go back tomorrow. (Actually they asked if we could go back after dinner, but we're pretty worn out from the parade). Thanks again for letting us "help you out". It's truly a blessing to us - as are you, Carol & Kyle. Enjoy your rest!!!