Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Being Refreshed...

Yesterday was such an off day. Something down deep just not sitting with me well. Even with all the stuff going on, trying to find my groove back, letting little things bother me, looking at the big picture instead of the picture that is right in front of me..... today I do believe that has all turned a corner.
My brother Danny is doing fine -he is recovering in the hospital from surgery. He should be home on the 4th (his birthday) if all goes well. My dad is dating an awesome lady and the last few times I have been with him he has kicked his ~everything~ up a few notches. Work is busy - have some down time coming - My Aunt Sharon emailed me some pictures of some baby birds that have set up home in her gutter - the weather here in NC the last few days have been awesome!!! - Kyle's friends Danielle and David were over earlier in the week and I just love that family - Kyle is practicing his guitar and accomplished the chores I gave him. (I think all kids should have chores to do around the house so they learn responsibility and learn the value of money) - Carol is smiling again - My garden is starting to produce fruit!! I just love this time of year because its MATER season and there is nothing like walking out and picking something you have worked on and enjoy so much..... I have to say that life is good.... and with everything we have been through - God still needs to be our major focus and deserves our praise and honor even during those hard times.

I am a big fan of Dr. James McDonald. I got a few of his DVD's a while back and led a Rock Group lesson from his DVD message and have been following him for some 2 years steady now. Yesterday, I had heard he had a new cd that was coming out for folks who drive to work who would like some praise music, a small message of encouragement and have it long enough that you could finish it before getting to work. I I need to get that. I got home last night and there it was ... a note from WalkintheWord ministries all about it.
I wanted to share some of that amazing letter......

Hebrews 13:15 - Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name.

It is easy to praise the Lord when life is firing on all cylinders, but to express praise when circumstances turn upside down - well, thats what pleases God most. The difficult times in life are the best times to praise the Lord. Why do you think thats true? From my experience, I know that expressing praise to the Lord increases your faith. When the "LOGICAL" thing to do is worry, you can say, I can't see what You're doing Lord, But I know You're worthy of my confidence. You've never disappointed the one who trusts You.
Expressing praise also matures your faith. Praise invited you to see more of Gods character rather than looking for what He will do for you.

I tell you - it speaks volumes to me this morning. I read that last night as I started to unwind into the evening after supper, cutting the grass, dogs for a walk, a dip in the pool and talking with Carol and Kyle about their day .... dude - I needed this refocus....and there it was. A reminder to praise God through all things no matter how hard life is right now, no matter how tough things are, no matter what is taking place in life.

My entire quiet time this morning was thanking God for the blessings in my life. You are part of those blessings......
Be refreshed today ... Hope this helps someone who reads this and needed it today.

Gods blessings,


Sharon Davis said...

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in ME ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

The happiness of our life depends upon the quality of our thoughts. That is something I try to remember daily, it helps me "turn my corners".

love & prayers & God's Blessings,
Aunt Sharon

Anonymous said...

Nelson has left a new comment on your post "Being Truthful....":

Lonnie - Thanks for the shout out to Activate! I hope you are finding the book helpful. We just posted a ton of free stuff related to the book at:

God bless you and thanks for the post!

Nelson Searcy
Co-Author: Activate - An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups
Lead Pastor, The Journey, NYC

P.S. I'm now blogging at

Posted by Nelson to The Walk... at July 2, 2008 2:54 PM