Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is it really over?

Wow - since 5:00PM Friday - it has been non stop. The memories made in the last 2 days have been amazing. I will post some pictures tomorrow when I get them off the camera. Carol is challenged on certain things and the memory stick is one of them. Friday, we left for the cabin for an overnight stay with Morgan and Taylor. That evening with lantern in hand and a flashlight - we headed down to the boat to swim. Nothing like swimming at the lake in the dark by lantern and looking up seeing the stars - seeing satellites over head and nothing but quiet stillness. We learned about spiders and the lantern did a really good job with providing some meals for "Joe". We will be checking on him this coming Friday when we once again head to the cabin overnight.
Saturday, we stayed on the boat all day. Tubing, rock climbing and jumping into the lake, swimming and lunch at butterfly beach. After a long day we all crashed for a good 2 hours with a big nap..... and then the ride home. Nobody wanted the time to end.
This morning Kyle went in early with me to do setup @church. It was a good day today with lots of smiling faces and happy parents @11:00. Our youth camp starts today and we had almost 70 kids headed to the beach. We will continue to pray for them, changed lives, safe travels, time for parents to rest and reflect, and an experience to last a life time.
We picked up Katie this afternoon from the airport. She is happy to be here and we are happy she is here. Looking forward to a fun filled week together. Tonight she got to meet some of our rock group. We were missing some folks but had fun nonetheless. I ended up in the pool with all the kids ~ Surprised?~ well it was fun and I couldnt help myself. I am really looking forward to our new families who have joined us ... and I am really looking forward to getting into a study because I have a few things planned and our group is FULL of awesome kids.
Well - its 9 and I am tired... but I know I am right where God wants me - My family is right where God wants us.
Pictures tomorrow...... and back to work for some rest :)

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