Thursday, July 24, 2008

Something shared...

I didn't have time yesterday to share this, so I will this morning. I think its worth sharing and because I do my best to look for God in all things - even the little things - He shows up in amazing places that we would otherwise miss Him.

The last few days I have been playing Racqetball with some of the folks here in the college. It has been fun but I am really hurting because I am out of shape. I don't think at any point in my life that I have been away from the gym for so long. I am really feeling it though and doing my best to hang with the young guns! I am feeling good though because I am sore and stepping in the right direction. The last 2 weeks now I have known about a blood drive here on campus. I do my best and go out of my way to give blood when the red cross calls me or send me a reminder in the mail. It does go to a great cause in helping someone who is in need and it really is not a problem to give blood. Back when my mom was sick - I was asked to give some special blood that went specifically for cancer patients. They hook you to a machine that seperates white blood cells and puts back what it doesn't filter and saline back into your body. It really is a weird feeling because the saline is cold and it makes me shiver and makes my lips blue - it really is wild and takes 2X the amount of time over giving normal blood.
So yesterday - I was again asked and remembering back the last time I did this - I really felt crappy for 2 days afterwards. BUT - I figured the cancer patients feel crappier than I will so I said "Yes". Upon meeting Angie who was taking my paperwork and answering the 100 questions, I noticed a wrist band on her arm. It is the same color as mine. So - I asked her what her wrist band was about. She then went into a 15 minute conversation about her youngest sister (14 years old) who died back in November and she donated lots of her organs. I shared my story of Denise and at 42 also donated her organs. She was telling me about the reunion that was being planned for their 1 year get together with the families of those folks who got her sisters organs. She has planned a blood drive on August 5th for her sister in her honor. It was such a great conversation. She noticed my necklace and even though she did not say a word about it - I noticed she kept looking at it. I do believe that God was leading this conversation. I do believe that God has a plan for the blood and white blood cells that I donated yesterday. I believe He is going to use it for good in His honor for someone I don't even know. That really makes me feel good but more importantly - I know it will bring honor and praise to God.
Something on my part with just a little effort will bring so much more on the other side. Isn't it so true about life itself. We suffer and live our lives here on this side but the other side, if we know Jesus, will be so much better! No matter what we are struggling with today that our future is bright and full of hope. I am thankful for the little things and finding God in them. If we can find God in the little things we surely can find God in the big things. As I walked out, I made it a point to stop and wish her luck with her blood drive and all the blessings from above on that special day.
Last night, Carol and I took Kyle, Katie, Morgan and Taylor to see the new Batman movie. We had such a great time together - the movie was, in my opinion, the best Batman movie ever and there were some scary parts - some big explosions - the Joker was acted just amazing! Morgan held onto to my hand to keep from getting scared on a few occasions - even I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the scene to unfold.
It truley is a blessing to be investing my heart into these young people. Opportunities ... we can make the most of them or flounder them.... its our choice. Just like being happy - being bored - its our choice no matter what is going on around us.
Have a blessed day today and may the Lord point your feet to do something wonderful for Him however big or small........

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