Friday, May 2, 2008

whew.....another hour....

What a shame it is to have to wait almost another hour before leaving work. I am done today ....spent after this week. I woke up this morning with Carol asking me if I was going to work and I am like - WHY? - I had slept through the alarm, through Carol getting up and letting the dogs out and coffee making and Kyle getting in the shower. I was out cold this morning. I guess after yesterday being at school most of the day, taking Kyle to guitar and having some of "MyKids" last night out to eat and then ice cream afterwards - I was just worn out. I have to say though it was pretty awesome! Teachers - have such a hard but rewarding job and I guess if they ever get to the point where they are beaten down, tired and not liking what they do anymore - well it would be easy to really hate their days. I mean - kids are 100% full or energy and they push the buttons, try the patience and they keep pressing on that gas petal. Yesterday Carol and I went into Kyles classroom to help with his class play and it was so awesome investing in those kids - the nice job afterwards and high fives and talking with many of them who were nervous - it is just priceless. I am proud of all of them and we took some good pictures which I made a DVD of and put it to music - so I am looking forward to showing that to Carol and Kyle tonight and then passing them along to some other parents and Kyles teacher next week to share - maybe play it for the class one morning.
I have been having some doubts about the plans for my rock group idea - I know its the devil working that in there but I am still going to talk with everyone Sunday and see what happens. I am torn between holding that meeting and going to watch one of "MyKids" in her play Sunday night. I wish I could be in two places at once..... it would mean the world to her but I have obligations to my families also. So we will see what happens. Tomorrow night is our Project 252 youth auction and dinner - I will be running around tomorrow morning picking up cakes and pies from the ladies here @work who baked for them and then off to the church to set things up and help my good friend Leigh with all the kids while the auction is taking place. Leigh is an amazing woman and she just has every once of her poured into the Lord and into her Sunday school kids. Her husband Brian is one of my right hand men and is a serving animal. I love their family and admire so much about them. Sundays serving with Brian is always fun and he is full of more than just entertainment :)

Anyways - hoping for a quiet evening tonight with Carol and Kyle - maybe a movie or a laptop plugged into NewSpring to watch a worship set and message. We spend lots of our Friday nights doing just that...... bet you didn't know that about us. Now you do...........

Keep on aiming high.....

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