Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just Amazing....

I blogged last week about a child in Kyles class who I walked past at lunch and was upset because she had very little to eat and was still hungry. I opened my wallet to find it empty and I asked Carol to sneak this child $5 for lunch. That has really been on my heart since last week and today at lunch could not come fast enough. I went to the ATM across campus this morning and left a little early for lunch. Got a good seat at the parent table where I could see Kyles class come into the lunchroom. The kids almost had to walk right past me to get to the lunch line! So I got Kyle and he and I followed his classmate to the lunch line. It has been YEARS since I was in a school lunch line ... not much has changed from what I can remember. I guess thats a good thing, I don't really know - I do know we had better looking food though. Anyways, I put my hands on her shoulders and told her that today - she was pick whatever she wanted from the menu because it was on me. She looked up and said but I only have .50 on my account. I told her it was ok and that I would fix that when we paid. She got chicken, rice, 2 milks, and a slice of cake and then a bag of chips. Man the smile was just priceless as we got to the front of the line. I handed the nice lady $20 and told her to put the rest on her account. I told Kyles classmate that from now until the rest of school that she could get whatever she wanted. She gave me a look and a smile that I will not soon forget because it had "Thank You" all over it.
I don't care what the situation is at home - or if a parent has lost of job or has left the home or if someone in the family is sick - all I know is last week - God presented me with a need and I did not have the margin to do something about it. I was tore up about that and I know God places things into our lives to teach us and to grow us and to fulfill a need for someone. I made it right today and I feel even prouder of the cross that is around my neck because I was the hands and feet of Jesus today and I touched the heart of child who just might need that little bit of love to get her through a tough time.
Don't we all have folks around us in our lives that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus? Isn't there a need that someone has that we can help with? I have never looked at myself as a leader but as someone who comes along side and walks with them, encourages them and builds them up..... its a gift I have only touched upon the last few years since my relationship with Jesus has begun. I am still just amazed .........

There is nothing like serving others ... serving them with no expectations for something in return, serving them with nothing else but love in ones heart for them and their family. God blesses that ~ they always say - giving is better than receiving...I always thought they were nuts but now I totally agree..... Carol and I are living that today and feeling those blessings.

Lord thank You for the opportunity to be Your hands and feet today. Thank You for placing this child on my heart this year, especially the last few months as I have got to know her and many other kids in Kyles class. Lord I pray that today brings You glory and honor in serving this child and helping in a need - it is all for you and I ask that You continue to use me, Carol and Kyle Lord in the way You need us.

Have a great Thursday! Idol vote off tonight......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made me cry! It is amazing how many children at school do not have the money to eat a wholesome lunch. You do not know their situation at home and only hope they have food to eat at night.

If you could find out where she lives maybe we could live some groceries on her doorstep as a surprise.

Thank God for people like you!!