Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day~

Its kind of weird this afternoon around the house. Church was good - lots of folks missing - I guess out to eat or gone to visit family. For Carol and I - mothers day is so much different than it was a few years ago. With both of our moms in heaven today - it seems almost like a lost day. A day with meaning and purpose but just no place to interject ... Our plans for Rock group tonight at the park have been washed out with the rain. So we will regroup next week and try again. We are having some of our rock group tonight at the house and I am thankful for that and for them. I got a call from my brother yesterday as we were traveling back from the cabin that dad was in the ER. He has his test results from the test from last week coming up on Wed morning. He is just feeling bad and there is something wrong even if the ER docs couldnt find anything. So I am asking for prayers- for the right test to be done and for something that can be fixed. I will keep everyone posted but please keep him in your prayers.
Our time this weekend at the cabin was short - I could have used today being there. Its such a peaceful place and one that when we first arrive and I am sitting in my chair --- man its such an awesome feeling. The evenings come to life with wildlife and I am really looking forward to this summer being there. I love looking up at night from the deck - all the stars and knowing how small we really are~ but also how important God thinks of us to create us. That morning coffee on the deck ~ that is a piece of heaven.
Time to make some mothers days calls ~ Happy mothers day to everyone. Ya'll are special in every way! I think I said those words a 1000 times today at church .. probably because I wont get to tell my mom that today. But at least I got to share those words with some special people.... and some special moms......

Hope you enjoy your mothers day gift Carol - you are an awesome mom in every way........

Happy Mothers day mom, I miss you~

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

This is a test.
Aunt Sharon