Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wow what a wild day this has been! Its not even over yet .....so I am hanging on here. Got to spend a lunch visit with a few of my kids this afternoon. I had not been to that school in over a week and I find one of "my kids" upset and just about ready to cry. After calming her down it appears some of the kids were making fun of her and so I shared my M&M story with her and how God made M&M's and that they have a hard outer side but a great yummy and sweet inner side that is just full of awesome stuff - We need to sometimes get a little harder skin and stay sweet and awesome on the inside just the way the Lord has made us. Let those hard and meanful words go and keep that kind and sweet inner just the way it is. I just love M&M's can you tell? God knew what He was doing when he made those things.... :)

Carol called me this afternoon - she was stuck in the Lowes Foods parking lot blocking traffic when the van decided to drop dead and shut off. Glad she was close to home and not out on the highway - Anyways, I get the call, run and get my coat (its cold here in NC - its below 60) and run to Lowes. I get there and she is ready for tears and the first thing she says, "I guess God is testing me!" - I said yes He is so keep smiling!!! I raised the hood of the van and the terminal to the battery came off thus shutting off the engine. Put it back on - started right up. Ran back to work and while walking back in I got to meet a police officer who got a job here on campus about a year ago. His dad knows my dad and we talked for the next hour! It was pretty cool....... He did have actual business here with a report of some stolen property and he came to see me or my bossman .... but it was just funny how we finally met.
Tonight after work I am headed to a dear family to put some grass fertilize down on their lawn. They also have 2 trees in the back yard I am going to check because they did not look good last time I was there - so might have to make arrangements for someone to come and knock them down for me. I don't trust my tree falling skills :) - especially that close to anything important like the house!

My cousin Patty and my Aunt Sharon are keeping me updated with my grandma. She was taken in through the ER this morning and they are testing her. So please keep her in your prayers ....

Have to run but wanted to share my day today. American Idol tonight - When will we hear someone on that show take a stand and sing a Christian song? I mean the past winners and runner ups get their record deals and then land a HIT with a Christian Song - Jesus take the wheel ----- I would start watching the show then after the funny people in the first few weeks are doing their best to get on Letterman are gone....... Might be worth watching hearing someone sing to the Lord on National TV! I still think the best singers and songwriters are in our churches!

Amen to that~

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