Friday, March 14, 2008


Why? - is a 2 part'er today. Why do I take the time to do this? Because it is a way for me to keep up with family and friends, many of which do not live close by and we are separated by many miles. It also lets everyone know what I am up to and what my family is up to.
So for me - that is reason enough to keep putting my heart on here and sharing ... My Walk.

I am very encouraged today - after attending the Unleash 2008 Conference in Anderson SC - at an awesome church - NewSpring - spending time with the folks I am serving with on Sundays and doing life with by doing Gods work in making a place for folks to know Jesus. I had a doctors appointment this morning and right now I feel like the terminator! :) - but I am doing ok. I was pretty excited about getting to see some of "My Kids" for lunch today and as always - THIS class is just awesome in every way!! I was asked in front of the teacher today if Uncle Lonnie could spend every lunch with them - and the teacher said yes. I can't .... but wish I could. I brought in a couple of kids meals from Bojangles but I planned ahead and made the changes to the packaging so that I would not get into trouble. We all enjoyed the meal together ... I was asked to hold the hand of one of the kids there as she blessed her food. THAT REALLY MADE ME PROUD. Towards the end of lunch my "FearFactor" girls was asking me about my necklace. She said that she really wanted one and that she really liked it. I tell you - NOTHING compares to the look on a face when God leads you to do the NOT Normal thing - I took the necklace off my neck and gave it to her. Her eyes were so big and a smile that I am sure will last for days was across her face. I shared with "My Kid" about the events of the invite cards Carol and I have put together for Sunday School at church so that she could invite her entire class if she wanted. I had 5 kids right then say they want to come to church with us. THAT is making a connection.
I thought afterwards that maybe I shouldn't have given away my necklace because I don't know this childs parents or what they stand for as far as religion - but I have to leave that with the Lord and I answered His nudge that it was ok. Sometimes we have to take a little risk.... and I pray that these kids show up at church one Sunday. Imagine what our churches would look like if we just prayed for 3 people a year -to come and experience God and life change. If we could just get 3 people to come, in a society today that church attendance if falling and population is increasing, what our churches would look like after the first year! Its would 3x ........

Today I pray that I made a good and bold step for Jesus. It may be just 5th graders but their voice is just as important to God as anyone else. I feel in my heart that I am making great investments with these children and placing a lasting reflection on them..... God gets the glory because I would not be doing this if it was not for Him.

That is "Why?" - Part 1.....
Uncle Lonnie :)

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