Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3rd quarter ~

At 41 years old and if life could be looked at like a football game - I would say that my life just got out of half time and I am ready for the 3rd quarter. I am tired of dancing around with life and feeling this life out - It is time to make a change and to have a new strategy in this game of life. Most games are won in the third quarter with being the quarter most points are scored but just like the New England Patriots - it doesnt matter what you have done in your life (game) its finishing it that counts the most - its the ending that people remember. The Patriots will go down as the best team ever to be put on a field 18-0 but they fell short of winning it all.
Being in the early 40's now - I guess so many men have their mid-life crisis. Well what exactly is that anyways? Its more than getting sports car, a golf membership at the country club, getting the Harley or having an affair with a young woman who is probably uglier than your wife - why do men go through this? I think for many, they look back and see where they have been and notice that there is not that much time left - Life is at Half-Time - There are things I want to do over again.
My 20's and 30's were about making me, making money, my job and making something of myself.
My 40's and beyond - my 3rd quarter is about bringing glory to God and making this a team effort and not a ME effort. I can't do this alone or with just a few folks - I need teamwork and teamates to get the job done.

Folks in their 40's and beyond and looking a little further and seeing retirement and thinking 401k and investments portfolio's - when in turn they have let society raise their children - they have let the job control their time away from their families. Imagine what Bill Gates or Tiger Woods could do for the kingdom of God with all the power, spotlight and influence they have? I don't want to get to the point in my life where its time to spike the ball and run out the clock or take a knee and change sides. I don't want to stand on the sideline watching my son's generation looking up to Britney Spears and wanting a life like hers. No matter what stage you are in in your life, God can use you and God has a purpose for you. You can do something for God for the generation behind you and the one in front of you and the one you are currently in. So many are afraid and want to know the details and never take the leap of faith and extend a hand out for God. We have people in churches that come and go each Sunday unchanged and go back to their lives, only to come back the next Sunday - Still not engaging and getting involved in what is going on around them.

A few years ago my family and I put a good sum of money on a home - I designed it and contracted with a fella who could build it - His wife was a realitor and she was going to sell our current home. It was a great project building that home that we designed and put together. There were many extra's in that home that we wanted. We soon had a buyer for our old home and we began to move in some stuff even before it was complete. Our buyers failed to get a mortgage - the deal went south and I had to let go of this new home along with a good sum of money. I remember asking God "Why?" "God if this is the way it is, then ok - You know the plan for me better than I do, show me what to do next." It hurts to just flush a ton of cash down the drain with nothing to show for it. We sat a month and licked our wounds and let our hearts heal - Carol and I were really upset and we lived in boxes for months until I felt like God said it was time to get going again. We did and we found a new home, a better location, and our old home sold with no problems. This new home brought us to look for a new church and a great church at that! It was during these next few weeks, Easter Sunday that we took our fancy pants and dress shirts to the first service and felt out of place but felt like - this is cool and we knew our search for a new church home was over.

God had better plans for us but we did not see it at the time. That money I lost has long been made up in appreciation (and Taxes!) but we are much happier, have deep and meaning relationships and all because we trusted God.
God has taken me to this point in my life and it is time to give back to God. It is time that my family and I serve Him, Honor Him and glorify His name. He helped up this side of the mountain and why wouldn't I walk down the other side with Him?
Our Pastor told the congregation Sunday that we are moving forward in our church building process. It has been a long road, so many others even longer than my family and I - It is a road built on Faith and a road that we have come through in our own way. I look forward to the coming months as the plans move forward, excitment builds in the community and my roles in my church change to something else. Like above, God has better plans for our lives and with FAITH - we can move forward and not stay stuck in the past or defeated and have to take a knee to wind the clock out.
For more information about our church home - visit - http://www.aplacethatmatters.org/

With God we can do all things that seem impossible....... I am going to love the 3rd quarter.....


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