Monday, March 24, 2008

It has been a BUSY FEW days. Easter Egg hunt preperations Friday night, Saturday was our Easter Egg hunt, and Sunday services yesterday. 469 folks I was told was at our services yesterday and lots of Easter Egg Hunt folks coming to check us out and find out what we are all about. Pastor Jimmy had a great message yesterday and many things he spoke of, really hit home. I remember saying to Carol when the young woman from UNC was killed by 2 thugs - even with all the community together all in the Dean Dome on UNC campus - so many had great and honoring things to say about her and how she lived life - but did she know Jesus? That is the big question! All this other stuff does not matter - and I know I was fighting back tears yesterday as Pastor Jimmy preached - I know there were some tears from some folks who sat around me.
Carol did an awesome job this past week planning the k-5 party yesterday. Brandon our worship pastor came in and sang a few songs for the kids - the kids just love him and he is so good with them..... we had a 20 minute movie for them about Easter and snacks - coloring and prayer. At 11:00 service we had over 50 kids and the place was packed! I love it......... thanks to all those who serve in the K-5 ministy .... we have some God loving and serving kids at our church! Many worked the games for 3 straight hours without a break at the Easter Egg Hunt! They may be k-5 kids but they serve and love Jesus just as much as the older kids - and it SHOWS!

I am still trying to get Kyles dirt bike running right. Seems I need to make some small adjustments and I am not an engine guy so please pray that I get it working so Kyle can ride it. I felt bad yesterday that we couldn't get it running and he sat with his helmet on for 2 hours just sitting there. I am determined today to accomplish that.
We are at the cabin for a few days of some much needed R&R. I slept like a baby last night 24 here this morning and sunny..... man this is going to be a few good days ahead. :)

Headed to Walmart now - Kyle doesn't have any underwear and we have been laughing all morning about that. Dang its good to laugh this morning..........

Go Davidson !!!!!

love you all,

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