Monday, March 31, 2008

A nice surprise.....

I woke up this morning and it was raining. It has been all day for the most part and that is a blessing! I am in the process of expanding my raised beds in my back yard - one more being added and I have tore out (with Kyles help) the landscape timbers and have replaced them with that new wood you can make decks from - no rot or staining or anything ever! Well I am going to test that theory! I have added another bed just so I can share my crop with the folks around me. There is nothing like sharing a good ol'ripe Mater - or having some of "myKids" over and showing them what is growing and when to pick this and when to EAT that!

I had a meeting today here at work and during the discussion all I kept thinking about was something I learned from a church conference a few weeks back - "Nothing good comes from a business meeting!" - man I just agree as I sit and listen to folks talk their agenda and ideas to further what THEY want to do and not what is best for the organization.
For lunch today I met some of our leadership folks and our Pastors from church and talked about the recent Unleash conference. I left pumped and excited and felt nothing like the meeting from this morning. I mean we talked about ideas and spoke about vision and volunteers and making things better, more creative and exciting and ways to plug people in so they too can be part of what God is doing! That is exciting and that is why we do what we do.

Tomorrow I am back in the schools investing in some of "MyKids" - I did not see many of them last week due to spring break and I look forward to seeing them as the week goes on. I am studying a few nights this week for our new Rock Group series - based from James McDonald - "Being Bold for Jesus" - it is going to be a 2 lesson study on how to share Jesus with others. It should be a rockin lesson and yes there will be an assignment!

My closing thoughts ~
Am I leading my family in the way I should be?~
Our sins do affect our children! As do our decisions .... no matter how small they be~
Our Kids are like sponges and they are watching and listening to everything we do~
I just love being in Sunday school on Sundays - Carol has put together a great team and it is getting better each week!~
Am I spending enough time with God and really listening to what He wants to tell me - I mean if He wants me to know something - He will TELL ME or SHOW ME and I might not like how that works out .... pain might be involved or something really tough~
How can I reach and connect with my family even though I feel like I am further from them than I have ever felt before?~
I love where God has me today and the things He has placed on my heart that are important - I feel like they are also VERY important to Him and not just for me~
I plugged in a few new folks yesterday at church into one of our ministries and I love to see that look on the eyes of folks who "GET IT" and are stepping forward in Faith and a love for God~
People - that is what its all about (the folks we are doing life with) even if it gets messy and hard at times - but they are worth it!~

Carol is cooking tonight and I might just make some cornbread to go with it! I just love my wife Carol - she has such Passion and care about life and ........Watching Kyle serving yesterday at church just really make me proud~
Life is good....


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